InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dark, Star Bright ❯ Gentling ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning: Fingering, Minor, Voyeurism
=#= Gentling =#=
Kohaku brushes against Rin accidentally. Like a skittish mare she shies violently, snatching a glance at the cold figure of Sesshoumaru. A moment later the boy grips her small shoulders and steadys her.
“Are you all right?” he asks with concern.
“Rin is fine,” she mumbles shyly, slipping out from under his hands like something elusive and wild.
Head down, he cannot see her face, but he remembers the strangeness of her behavior all the same.
Weeks go by with Kohaku taking great care to touch and talk to her softly. Yet she never does anything more than endure until she can covertly escape. Finally he seizes her with his greater strength and shakes her with the force of his frustration.
“Why?” he shouts angrily. “Why don't you like me touching you?!”
“Kohaku!” Sesshoumaru snaps, bringing the boy up short.
The arrested, broken look on Rin's face is a more painful rebuke than he can endure. Without another word, Kohaku lets her go and walks away.
“Ah,” a soft, small feminine voice croons over the whisper of the waterfall.
A rumble suspiciously like a growl trickles beneath the watery notes of the stream. Caught by his curiosity, Kohaku inches his way under the bushes to peer through the leafy cover.
Wicked claws skim down pale, baby soft skin, leaving angry red grooves that fade gradually. Wicked fangs glint off of the curve of one rosy, bare shoulder where he holds her pinned with his teeth. Wicked, knowing amber eyes lock with his brown ones as Sesshoumaru strokes Rin's silky, flawless young skin with possessive hands. With a low whisper in her ear and a nudge, he spreads her legs shamelessly wide, displaying Rin's flushed and swollen folds.
Watching him watching them, Sesshoumaru encircles Rin's lovely face within the span of his long cruel fingers, turning her into his kiss. Deep and dominantly he tangles his tongue with her small, pink one, one eye still trained on Kohaku. Rin shivers as his fingertips skim down her taunt, arched body with a ghostly touch. Sesshoumaru sharply pinches Rin's dusky, hardened nipple, breaking the kiss with a dark, satisfied smile as Rin's throaty moan of satisfaction makes Kohaku's face flush with anger and embarrassment.
Languidly he nibbles along her shoulder and nape as he palms the nude mound of Rin's sex and spears his first two fingers into her sex with a wet shulp. Airy half cries of pleasure spill from Rin's bright, bruised lips as Sesshoumaru grinds his palm against her clit and works his fingers in and out of her. Faster and harder he massages her until Rin's breathless mews have turned into harsh hiccups, her body straining, straining into his hand with a look of tormented agony on her face.
“Sess…Sesshoumaru-sama!” she demands imperiously, her little fingers digging into Sesshoumaru's muscular thighs with unabashed urgency.
“As you wish,” he whispers tenderly, seductively, brushing his lips against her ear. His mocking smile is for the boy alone.
Three of Sesshoumaru's long, callused fingers disappear into the wetness of Rin's little sex and still she whimpers for more. More, more, more until her head is pressed back onto the broad support of his shoulder and her slim thighs squeeze the thick, corded muscles of Sesshoumarus'.
Kohaku watches, fixated, one hand snaking down to rub the hardness at his crotch as Rin comes with a glorious, high, triumphant squeal of delight. Ignoring Kohaku completely, Sesshoumaru looks down at Rin with a gaze that is at once indulgent and adoring.
Despair and understanding spiral through the boy as he turns over and blindly fumbles with the front of his pants. His own cold hard palm is barely wrapped around his erection when he comes with a brief burst into the grass. Sobs thicken his throat and tears cloud his eyes as he lay where he is, weeping for a heart broken.
He had thought to gentle Rin slowly, only to find Sesshoumaru had already taken her as his.