InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Night ❯ Mysteries of the New Moon ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: Mysteries of the New Moon
Kagome walked outside into the slowly fading light of dusk. It had been three days since they had fought Kaguya and Naraku had returned. They had heard no news of him and had decided to head back to Kaede's village. They were currently staying in a small village at the headman's house where Miroku had performed another one of his “exorcisms”.
Kagome and Inuyasha had not talked much over the past couple of days, but would hang behind the others as they walked and held hands whenever no one was looking. They seemed to have a mutual understanding between each other that was more than any words could convey. Even so, Kagome was still having difficulty deciding what Inuyasha's true feelings were. Did he love her? Did he still love Kikyo? Could it be that he loved them both? She longed to ask him such things, but she knew she couldn't. Probably because she was afraid of what his answers might be.
For now, she would settle with finding him, as he had walked out shortly after dinner. Tonight was the night of the new moon, and she didn't want him to have to be alone. She started walking without truly knowing where she was going and soon found him sitting on the bank of the river that flowed alongside the village.
“Hey” he said, without looking over as she sat down beside him on the cool grass and folded her legs up to her chest.
“Hey” she replied.
They sat in silence for a moment before she said, “Inuyasha…”. She didn't know what she was going to say after that, but it didn't matter because he looked over and she was immediately taken by his amber eyes. His expression was calm…soothing. As they gazed into each other's eyes, the sun set behind the mountain and he transformed into a human. His amber eyes turning to grey. He sighed and clasped his hand overtop hers, turning his head back up to the moonless night sky.
“This is nice…” she smiled.
“What's nice?” he asked, turning back to her.
“Sitting here with you.”
“Keh! It would be nicer if I didn't have to turn human!” he said, but then paused for a moment and started to blush, “Kagome?”
“Back at the castle, when we…you know…how did you know it would turn me back?”
Her blush now matched his, but she replied simply, “I just knew…I knew it in my heart…and I was scared…I didn't want you to go.”
“I didn't want to turn either…not like that…I used to think it wouldn't be like that…” he paused, “Kagome…I've decided to stay as a hanyou, is that ok?”
Her jaw dropped and it took her a minute to collect herself before she could respond. He had never asked her opinion of anything before. “Of course it's ok…I've always liked you as a hanyou.”
He blushed redder, “Do you really like me as a hanyou?”
“Inuyasha, I really like you for who you are…no matter what.”
“You're not too bad either” he muttered, but she heard him.
It was all she needed to hear. Kagome wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his. He was stunned for a moment, but muttered her name against her lips and pulled her into his lap. He cupped her face in his hands as they kissed. A low rumble of pleasure sounded from deep inside his throat and Kagome moaned. She liked and nipped at his lips. Inuyasha let out a whine and easily gave in to her searching tongue. He taster her and caressed her cheek. She moaned and dug fistfuls of his haori into her hands. He broke the kiss only to kiss her down her neck. She muttered his name and shivered. She had never felt this way about anyone in her life.
“It's dark, you must be getting cold” he said in response to her shivers.
Before she could respond, he threw his haori over her shoulders and picked her up, holding her sideways in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he carried her back to the headman's house. He laid her softly down on her bed and pulled up her covers. He kissed her gently on her forehead as she fell swiftly to sleep.
“Goodnight, love” he said as he quietly closed the door to her room. She peeked open one eye when she heard the door safely shut and smiled before falling into a wonderful sleep.
Inuyasha didn't sleep at all that night, as was normal on his human nights. Instead, he only thought of Kagome and their kiss. He was thoroughly confused. How could anyone like him as a hanyou, when he had been ridiculed most of his life for being what he was? How could Kagome like him at all when they had fought so often and he had been so mean to her?
`Does it matter?' said a voice in his head, `She likes you baka! Tell her how you feel, make her your mate!'
`Not now…' he told the voice, `maybe someday…'
As the sun broke over the horizon, Inuyasha felt his powers return to him. He took a deep breath and jumped to his feet. `What is that smell? Youki…but it isn't bad youki…it smells…sweet!' he thought to himself, `Where is it coming from?' he sniffed the air again, `Kagome's room!!'
He dashed out of his room, hand on the hilt of Tetsusaiga. He slammed open Kagome's door and woke up Kagome who looked very startled and very sleepy.
“Inuyasha, what is your problem?” she snarled
He stood there staring at her with wide eyes, like a deer in the headlights.
“What, Inuyasha! What? Why are you staring at me like that?” she yelled, standing up to face him.
“Y…y…you're a hanyou!!!” he stammered loudly.
“I'M A WHAT?!!” Kagome screamed.
Inuyasha grabbed her hand and led her into the hallway where there was a mirror. She looked at it and screamed at what she saw. Staring back at her was her face and long black hair, but atop her head were two ears, identical to Inuyasha's except that they were black. Her eyes glowed with golden majesty. She opened her mouth to reveal fangs, then looked down at her clawed fingers. Then, Inuyasha lifted black fur from behind her, so that she could see it reflected in the mirror.
“I…I…I have a tail?!” she stammered.
Inuyasha nodded calmly, still very white from shock. Then the others, awoke by slamming doors and screaming, arrived. Sango was fully dressed in her armor and Miroku in his robes. They stopped dead in their tracks, causing Shippo, who was rubbing his sleepy eyes, to run into the back of Sango's leg.
“What's going on, you guys?” the young kitsune said with a yawn.
“You're a youkai!!” cried Sango and Miroku in unison with bewildered looks.
“Actually, she's a hanyou” Inuyasha corrected.
“How did this happen?” asked Sango.
“How should I know? I just woke up like this!” snapped Kagome.
“I think she's been holding Inuyasha's hand too much” said Shippo snidely, pointing to Kagome and Inuyasha's hands which were still clasped together.
Kagome let go of Inuyasha's hand and they both blushed fiercely.
“Holding hands doesn't turn people into hanyous, runt!” yelled Inuyasha.
“So you admit you've been holding hands then!” said Miroku triumphantly.
“Only, like, every day!” said Shippo, who then took off as he was pursued by a very angry Inuyasha.
“C'mere runt, so I can thump you…you've been spying on people, you little…” yelled Inuyasha.
Kagome blushed harder, but Sango smiled and said, “Well, lovebirds, I guess we better get to Kaede's and see if she has any idea why Kagome's a hanyou.”
“Yeah, guess so…” Kagome said quietly.
Inuyasha walked alone at the front of the group for most of the morning. Kagome was delayed behind by the others, who were prodding her new attachments and testing her senses. She finally shooed them away and jogged to catch up with Inuyasha.
“What's the matter?” she asked
In truth he was trying to distance himself because he was beginning to get accustomed to Kagome's new scent and was finding it quite irresistible, but decided to toy with her instead.
“Keh…now you want to be seen with me?” he scoffed.
“What does that mean?”
“Well earlier, you didn't wanna be caught dead holding my hand in front of everyone.”
“I was just caught off guard…and you chased after Shippo for mentioning it!”
“I just didn't want to embarrass you further…you know if we're going to be together, you can at least show affection in front of them!”
Kagome's eyes widened. Inuyasha blushed, he had said this without really thinking about it. He tried to catch himself by muttering, “th…that is if you want to be…you know…together.”
“You mean what you call, mates?” asked Kagome.
“Well, no, maybe not mates yet…well I guess…just to truly be my mate I would claim you”
“Claim me?” Kagome repeated, now thoroughly confused.
“Keh, never mind!” said Inuyasha, blushing ferociously. He had said entirely more than he had intended, “later…”
Confused, but overjoyed, Kagome grabbed his hand out of his haori sleeve. He dropped her hand though and swooped her into his arms for a kiss. Kagome thought she had never been happier.
“I love you, Inuyasha” she whispered.
He muttered her name and kissed her again. That was all Kagome needed. She wagged her tail back and forth happily without realizing it and Inuyasha smirked.
That night they camped beside the river, where Kagome managed to catch ten fish with her new claws. After dinner, the others settled in for bed. Kagome gave Sango her sleeping bad, convincing her that she wouldn't be able to sleep in her new body because her senses were running amok. Instead, Kagome followed Inuyasha's scent to a tree nearby and gleefully leaped right onto the branch he was sitting on.
“You can't hide from me anymore, you know” Kagome smirked.
“I wasn't hiding…I knew you'd come find me” Inuyasha said coolly.
“You did, did you?” she said as she climbed into his lap and laid her head against his warm chest. She looked down at the ground below, “You don't think I'll fall out? I'm new at this.”
“Keh, I wouldn't let my new mate fall out of a tree, now would I?” he chided.
Kagome smiled and kissed his neck. She pretended to sleep because she was too preoccupied with her thoughts. She knew she couldn't go back to school. Her family would be shocked, but she was also now going to spend the rest of her life here, where she liked it best, and with Inuyasha whom she truly loved. It seemed things were going well for her. If only she knew how she had changed into a hanyou. If Inuyasha could only turn into a full youkai by using the Shikon no Tama, then wouldn't it also take a lot of power to turn her into a hanyou? She hoped it wasn't all a dream or some sort of weird illusion.
Youki - demonic energy
Shikon no Tama - the jewel of four souls