InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Night ❯ Surprises ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4: Surprises
“Where are we going first?” asked Kagome as she leapt out of the well after Inuyasha.
“To Kaede's house to borrow Kirara” he smirked.
“You're killing me, baka!” she pouted.
“Crafty woman, I told you it was a surprise!” he said with a laugh, “If you ask me anything else I'm gonna say no!”
“Can I have a kiss?”
“NO!” he said before wrapping her in his arms and giving her a passionate kiss, “Didn't wanna do that at your mother's.”
“Yeah, thanks, that kiss on the cheek will keep them talking for a while, though.”
“Keh! Who cares?”
He led her off to Kaede's with a big smile plastered across his face. Kaede and the others were standing outside the hut waiting. Shippo came sprinting up the path towards them.
“KAGOME!” he shouted as he leapt into her arms for a hug, “They wouldn't tell me what the surprise is either!”
“You'd spoil it, runt!” snapped Inuyasha, but Shippo was preoccupied with a lollipop Kagome had given him.
Kirara transformed and Kagome hopped on behind Inuyasha.
“Have fun, you two!” called Sango with a wink.
“Everyone knows but me, huh?” said Kagome as she held tight to Inuyasha, arms wrapped around his waist and her chin on his shoulder.
“And Shippo…the runt would've blabbed to you!” he laughed, “I'll give you a hint, but you'll still never guess…we're heading West to my father's kingdom.”
“What's in your father's kingdom?”
“I don't think so!” he called over his shoulder.
Kagome pouted and leaned her head against his back. They flew over a small village and touched down in a small clearing in the woods. A small hut was on their right.
“Oi! Sutecchi!” called Inuyasha.
“Who is it?” called a short, round youkai, probably a badger, as he came outside to see who was calling.
“It's me…is it ready?” said Inuyasha.
“Oh, yes, Lord Inuyasha…forgive me…it's inside…is this your mate?” said Sutecchi.
“Yes…c'mon Kagome”
Kagome, who was now blushing at being called Inuyasha's mate, followed them into the hut. Inside, hides, furs and different fabrics were hung everywhere. There were racks of clothing and a table that was covered with scraps, needles, thread, and measuring instruments.
“Kagome, this is Sutecchi, he is the creator of my fire rat robes” said Inuyasha, who beamed as Sutecchi pulled a set of beautiful light blue robes off of a rack.
“It turned out nicely, milord…I tested it” Sutecchi said, handing the robes to him.
Inuyasha turned to Kagome and handed her the robes, “Go try it on!”
“This is for me?!” she gasped.
“Duh, baka!” scoffed Inuyasha.
Inuyasha's jaw dropped as Kagome stepped out of the small dressing room. Her haori was identical to Inuyasha's but in light blue. Her pants were wide and sweeping at the bottoms, though, like a miko's.
“Do you like it?” Kagome said as she turned in a circle and flipped her tail.
“Y…you look beautiful!” Inuyasha finally managed to get out.
“Wonderful…wonderful! Imagine that…only two fire rat robes in the world and they're standing next to each other!” said a delighted Sutecchi.
“You mean these are fire rat robes, just like Inuyasha's?” said Kagome looking stunned.
“Oh yes, it's identical…resistant to fire, which I've tested, and self-repairing. Though I've died it light blue as Lord Inuyasha requested.”
“It looks great, well, we have to be off…two more stops to go” said Inuyasha.
“Ok, well, if you do have any problems, milord, come back and see me. I hope you like it, Lady Kagome.”
“Yes, thank you” said Kagome on her way out. She mounted Kirara behind Inuyasha once more.
“So, do you like your first surprise?” asked Inuyasha hopefully.
“I love it, and I was very surprised” Kagome replied, kissing his cheek.
“Good, he was touch to find…I had to track down Myoga to ask him” said Inuyasha, “My father gave the fire rat robes to my mother to give to me…so only he would know who made it.”
“Ohhh…speaking of Myoga…he's the only one I've ever heard call you `Lord'…and how am I `Lady Kagome' all of the sudden?” she said blushing.
“We're in my father's realm now, they do it in respect for him…and you're my mate” he said as Kagome blushed redder, “We're almost there…what's your problem?”
“I'm just not used to being called your mate or `Lady', is all…I like it though…I feel important having a title” she said with her nose in the air.
Inuyasha laughed at her as they descended and landed in front of Totosai's cave.
“What are we doing at Totosai's?”
“Come in and find out” said Inuyasha, hopping off Kirara, “Oi! Totosai!”
“Huh? What? Oh, Inuyasha! What a pleasant surprise! What have you done to Tetsusaiga this time?” said Totosai, scratching his head.
“Stop horsin' around, old man…I was just here three days ago…is it ready?” said Inuyasha through clenched teeth. He slapped his neck as something pricked it, “Ow…Myoga!”
“Nice to taste you again, Master Inuyasha, Kagome's fire rat robes look splendid!” said Myoga.
“Ah, here it is…Shichiyoumi…the sword of the moon” interrupted Totosai as he held it so that Inuyasha could pull it out of its sheath.
“Perfect…it's very girly” said Inuyasha as he inspected the sword. The sword was very shiny and had its name engraved just above the hilt. The blade was slightly curved.
“What do you mean, girly?” scoffed Kagome.
“I thought you'd like it and it would be easier to wield then mine because it doesn't transform.”
“I do like it, it's beautiful” she said, smiling again, “Is it just like yours?”
“It's made out of my fang and it's supposed to be, but with the old geezer, it's hard to tell!”
“It was made to protect you and your pups and it will work even on moonless nights” interjected Myoga.
Pups?” Kagome said, very confused.
“Alright, we've had enough of you geezer's, we're outta here!” said Inuyasha, flicking Myoga off his shoulder.
Neither of them spoke for a while as they flew east again. Finally, Kagome gave in and broke the silence.
“What did he mean by pups?” asked Kagome cautiously.
“Never mind that now, what's important now is that you have a backup to protect you in case you run out of arrows or something. There have been too many close calls” said Inuyasha very seriously, “I'm still going to protect you, but I wanted you to have it just in case.”
“Ok, thank you, Inuyasha” said Kagome, still slightly confused, “Where are we going now?”
“Back to Kaede's for your last present, but you can't have it `til after dinner!” he smirked.
“Your no fun…but I am starving” she said and then kissed his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.
They arrived back at Kaede's just before dusk. Sango was waiting outside the hut with Shippo. As soon as Kirara landed they ran up to her. Inuyasha snuck inside the hut to talk to Kaede while they stalled Kagome.
“Kagome, those robes look great on you!” beamed Sango.
“You got a sword, too!? Let us see!” squealed Shippo as he jumped on Kagome's shoulder.
Kagome whipped out her word, startling Shippo, who gasped.
“Wow, this sword is amazing and it's so beautiful!” said Sango.
“Thanks! The robes are made from the fire rat just like Inuyasha's and the sword was made from his fang” said Kagome.
“That pretty sword was made from Inuyasha's fang?” said Shippo.
“Oi, runt! What do you mean by that?” said Inuyasha stepping out of the hut.
Shippo squealed and hid behind Kagome. Just then, Miroku emerged from the woods.
“Dinner is ready” he said smiling.
“Lead the way, monk” replied Inuyasha.
Kagome followed Inuyasha and Miroku back into the woods wearing her confused expression of the day. Miroku led them to a clearing where there was a low table and two blue cushions set up. Five candles lit the table, which was full of prepared food.
“Wow, you guys did all of this?” Kagome asked Miroku.
“Upon Inuyasha's request…enjoy!” he said, turning and walking back the way they had come.
“Inuyasha, you…why did you do all this for me?” asked Kagome, still in shock.
“Well, your first two surprises, I should have given you a long time ago. I will always protect you, but, in the midst of battle, there have been one too many times that I just haven't gotten there quick enough. Now, you will always have my haori wrapped around your shoulders and my fang to defend you when my father's cannot.”
“You've been practicing that” she chuckled.
“Keh, maybe…” he said, “this is because you're special to me and I'm bad with words, so I did this to show you how I feel.”
“Oh, Inuyasha…it's wonderful!”
“Keh…yeah, yeah…let's eat…I'm starving!”
They had big wild boar steaks along with an assortment of other dishes. They talked and laughed as they ate. When they had finished, Kagome attempted to gather the dishes, but Inuyasha grabbed her hand to stop her.
“Don't you want your other surprise?” he said.
“I thought this was my surprise” she said.
“Keh, you never listen, do you? I said after dinner!”
“You're right, you did say that.”
Inuyasha reached into his haori and pulled out a small wooden box. He handed the box to Kagome, who opened it and gasped.
“Kagome, I love you, will you marry me and become my mate?” Inuyasha fumbled, blushing ferociously.
“Of course!” she smiled, “Inuyasha, this is a shard of the Shikon jewel.”
“Yeah, I promised you I would remain a hanyou, so now this shard is yours and I can't take it from you to complete the jewel and become a full youkai.”
“Oh, Inuya…” was all she could get out before she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. They were interrupted but a crash in the bushes. They turned to see Miroku, Sango and Shippo running at them with wide smiles.
“I thought this was a private dinner!” snarled Inuyasha.
“Like we would miss seeing this!” said Miroku, patting Inuyasha on the shoulder.
“Congratulations Kagome!” beamed Sango.
“You guys knew about everything!?” shouted Kagome.
“Well, yeah, Inuyasha had to borrow Kirara and then he asked us to make you a romantic dinner and then he had Kaede hold onto your ring until tonight” said Sango.
Kagome turned to growl at Inuyasha, but both he and Shippo were now missing. Instead, Kagome helped Sango and Miroku clean up dinner and turned to walk back to the hut. About halfway back, Shippo came running up behind her.
“Mama!” he shouted.
“What?” she said and she turned to see a huge smile on Shippo's face and Inuyasha chuckling behind him.
“Papa said you could be my new family!” chirped Shippo.
“Come on, Kagome, you've raised the kit as your own practically, ever since we found him. All he's ever wanted was a family, so I figured we'd take him” said Inuyasha proudly.
Once again, Kagome looked shocked, but she smiled. She handed the plates she was carrying to Inuyasha and picked up Shippo, giving him a big hug.
“I would love to be your mama” she said and tears of joy fell down her cheeks. Inuyasha stopped when he smelled her tears and turned around.
“What's the matter, Kagome?” he asked worriedly.
“Nothing at all, I'm just so h…happy!” she hiccupped, “I n…never would have d…dreamed…Inuyasha, this is the best day of my life!”
She caught up and walked beside him, carrying Shippo, and wrapped her tail around his waist.
“Hey, Inuyasha?”
“They're having this dance at school this weekend, would you go with me?”
“How can we go to your school like this?”
“It's a costume party, everyone will be dressed up in weird outfits.”
“Ok, sure.”
“Let's all sleep in Goshinboku tonight.”
And so, after washing the dishes from dinner, the new family walked into the woods to Goshinboku. Kagome curled up in Inuyasha's arms, holding Shippo, who was already asleep. Kagome soon followed, but Inuyasha stayed awake for a while. He stared up at the almost full moon and thought `Could it be more perfect?' Then he smiled and looked down at his beautiful sleeping mate and new son before falling asleep himself.
Sutecchi - “stitches”
shichiyou - moon…mi - sword