InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonless Night ❯ The Dance (LEMON WARNING) ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5: The Dance (LEMON WARNING!!)
Kagome woke up early the next morning, still holding her new son, Shippo, who was fast asleep. She was snuggled tightly in Inuyasha's arms. She turned to find him awake and staring down at her.
“Did you sleep ok?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes, I slept wonderfully…why?”
“Nothing…I tried to take Shippo from you for a little while in the middle of the night and you growled at me in your sleep” he laughed.
“I did…well, I guess that's what being a mother is all about” She said smiling and gave Inuyasha a kiss, “You can take him now and I'll go to the hut and start breakfast.”
She handed Shippo gently to Inuyasha and hopped down from the tree. She ran to Kaede's hut, the cool morning breeze felt good on her face. `Today…' she decided, `I will go back home and tell Mama the good news and show them my presents.' When she reached Kaede's hut, she found that Sango and Miroku were already up and had started a fire. Kaede had gone off to the village to tend to a sick little girl.
“So where's your `mate' and your son?” asked Miroku, grinning.
“My mate is still up in the tree holding my sleeping son,” replied Kagome.
“I am so excited for you!” beamed Sango, “You're getting married and you adopted Shippo…”
“I know…it all happened so fast, but it just seems right…you know?” Kagome said.
The water had just started to boil when Shippo bounded into the hut, followed closely by Inuyasha.
“Mama!” said Shippo, jumping into Kagome's lap.
“Good morning, sweetie! Did you sleep ok?” asked Kagome, giving him a hug.
“Yeah, I like sleeping up in Goshinboku!” Shippo said excitedly, “Papa said he would take me out hunting today!”
“That sounds great, dear,” she said smiling, “Inuyasha, would you mind if I go home for a little while to tell Mama the good news?”
“Sure…when's that dance thing?” he asked.
“Oh, Kami…that's tonight!” Kagome gasped, “Sango…would you and Miroku mind watching Shippo tonight?”
“Of course we will,” replied Sango.
“Ok, well just come over when you're done hunting, sweetie” Kagome told Inuyasha.
“So now I'm sweetie…ya, sure, I'll be over,” replied Inuyasha.
Kagome just rolled her eyes at him. After breakfast, Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo left for the forest. She hugged Shippo and kissed Inuyasha before leaping into the well. She went straight to the kitchen and found her mother there, washing dishes.
“Hello, Kagome…my, don't you look nice!” cried Mrs. Higurashi.
Kagome told her all about her day up through dinner.
“The he gave me this…” Kagome said and stuck out her left hand, where a beautiful silver ring around her ring finger held a single lavender Shikon shard, “Inuyasha asked me to marry him and be his mate.”
“His mate?” asked Mrs. Higurashi, looking perplexed.
“Well, youkai don't really get married, they just `claim' their mates, but I guess since I grew up human he asked me to marry him. I'm sure it was all Sango and Miroku's idea.”
“Well, that was very thoughtful of him regardless, I'm very happy for you…somehow I knew that's what the surprise was.”
“Figures…everyone else knew except me and Shippo. Speaking of him, I have another bit of exciting news!”
“You adopted him as your own?” asked Mrs. Higurashi.
“How did you know?” Kagome gasped.
“Well, dear, you've always talked about him as if he were yours…it just seemed logical.”
“Yeah, I guess that's why everything seems so right” Kagome smiled, “I think I'll tell my friends, at the dance, that we're getting married and moving away…I've always told them he lives far away.”
“That works out nicely, then” smiled Mrs. Higurashi, “Where is he now?”
“He took our son out hunting, but Sango is going to watch Shippo tonight and he'll be over when they're done.”
Kagome took a nice hot bath and was taking a nap when Inuyasha showed up later that evening.
“Geez, you sure do sleep a lot, woman!” he said loud enough to wake her up.
“Hey!” she yawned, “If we're mates now, then you cant call me `woman'!”
“'Course I can…besides, we're not even mates yet.”
“Yeah, you never did give me a straight answer as to when that happens” Kagome said, raising an eyebrow.
“Keh! I'll let you know when we get to that!” Inuyasha blushed.
“Yeah, yeah…well, we don't hardly have to get ready for the dance…come over here and let me comb your hair and we can go.”
Inuyasha abided and soon they were walking out the front door, waving back at Mrs. Higurashi, Grandpa and Souta. They left the shrine hand in hand and walked toward Kagome's school. They were greeted there by Kagome's three friends: Yuka, Eri and Ayumi, who came rushing over.
“Kagome! I'm so glad you made it!” yelled Eri, who was dressed as Tinkerbell.
“Is this your boyfriend we've heard so much about?” exclaimed Ayumi, who was a ballerina.
“You guys match…that's so adorable!” cried Yuka, who was dressed as a nurse.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes as the girls kept spitting out questions at Kagome.
“What is this?” Eri screamed, grabbing Kagome's left hand.
“It's an engagement ring!” Inuyasha said loudly as Houjou, dressed as a pirate, came over to see what the commotion was about.
“Higurashi…you're getting married?” said Houjou, eyeing Inuyasha.
“What about school?” asked Ayumi.
“Well, I'm actually going to be moving with him to his country” Kagome said, squeezing Inuyasha's hand because he was letting out a low growl at Houjou.
“You're leaving us!?” shouted Yuka and Eri together.
“Yes, his country's much warmer, which is better for my health” lied Kagome.
“That's good, warm weather is great for rheumatism!” said Houjou.
“Alright, let's go have some fun!” said Kagome, changing the subject.
The dance seemed to fly by. Kagome was having lots of fun. Surprisingly, Inuyasha could dance rather well, but would only do so when Houjou was looking his way. He was contented to watch Kagome dance and giggle with the girls. He continually had to tap her shoulder or clear his throat to get her to stop moving her tail. Unfortunately, the loud music from the DJ eventually got to them and gave them both headaches. They decided to stay for one last slow song. Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's neck; he wrapped his around her waist. They stared into each other's golden eyes until Inuyasha closed his and leaned in to kiss her. They had kissed plenty of times, but this time was special. Her lips burned when he touched her. She felt her knees become unsteady as he intensified the kiss and he pulled her closer to steady her. Her heart race and electricity pulsed through every one of her veins. Inuyasha took one hand and placed it on her neck, tangling his fingers in her silky hair. Kagome knew she had to have him…all of him…tonight. She wanted him so badly and she would give anything to not let this night end. She broke away from his embrace.
“Inuyasha, let's go” she mumbled, distracted by the golden swirls in his eyes.
He obviously had been thinking the same thing because he grabbed her and silently strode quickly to the door before the song ended and someone could stop them. When they were safely outside and out of view he pulled her onto his back and took off toward the shrine.
“The well” she said quietly and kissed his neck.
“I know” he responded, with a shiver.
Inuyasha didn't stop when they reached the shrine. He leapt straight into the well. He looked around cautiously when they leapt out on the other side. Fortunately, none of the others were expecting them back tonight. Kagome had told her mother, though, that she would probably go straight back after the dance because she missed Shippo. Sango, Miroku and Shippo, however, did not expect them back until tomorrow. This meant she and Inuyasha would have the whole night to themselves.
Inuyasha carried Kagome to Goshinboku and sat her carefully down on the opposite side of its trunk from the village. The grass was soft here. Inuyasha immediately resumed kissing her. It was even more passionate than it had been back at the dance, in public. Kagome's stomach lurched with butterflies. She wasn't sure how much more he could handle. He growled as she raked her fangs across his lips. She began trailing kisses down his neck and he whined as she slipped her hand underneath his haori and undershirt and it touched his bare skin. She then quickly pulled off both shirts and threw them aside. She pushed him and laid him on the grass on his back. She straddled across him and a low rumble resounded from his throat. Obviously, he was enjoying her domination. She kissed down his chest, stopping at his nipple, which she kissed and flicked with her tongue. He moaned out loud before growling and rolling her onto her back. He whipped off her haori and undershirt, throwing them onto the pile. He then shredded her bra with his claws and threw it, smiling. He cupped one hand over her breast and she moaned as he trailed kisses along her neck and collarbone. He eventually covered her other breast with his mouth. He sucked on it and played with her nipple with his tongue. She moaned louder and mumbled his name as he switched to the other breast.
“Please Inuyasha…” she moaned.
“Are you sure it's ok?” he said, looking up at her and she nodded.
He untied her pants and slid both them and her panties off. Kagome untied his hakama a little more nimbly, sliding them off and throwing them in the pile. He knelt over her and searched her eyes for some sign for him to continue. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. He entered her slowly. He didn't want to cause her any discomfort. It was his first time as well. She exhaled as he thrust in farther. Feeling that it was safe to continue, he started pulling out and thrusting back in. He steadily pushed harder and faster. The faster he went, the louder she moaned. The harder he pushed, the more she screamed with pleasure. She writhed beneath him, accepting his domination of her and willing him to take everything, even her very soul. She arched her back and thrust her hips against his. He could feel the end coming closer, he looked at her and she nodded. He mumbled her name and moaned loudly as he released inside her. He then pulled out and rolled over onto his back. Kagome rolled over and laid her head on his chest. They both lay there panting for several minutes.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha said quietly.
“Yes, love?” she replied and looked up at him.
“Now we are mates,” he said smiling.
“That was `claiming' me?”
“Yeah, now every youkai will know that you're mine and back off.”
Kagome smiled, but then shivered. Inuyasha got up, tugged on his hakama and then wrapped Kagome up in his haori. Kagome quickly fell asleep to the drumming of Inuyasha's heart as she lay on his bare chest. Inuyasha kissed the top of her head, took a deep breath and stared up at the full moon. `Should I tell her in the morning…or just wait a little while?' he thought to himself before falling asleep.
Kami - god/gods
hakama - Inuyasha's pants