InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight through the Broken Ice ❯ Kuro no Tama ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MS: Oooooh…Sess-chan is scaaarrrryyyy…. I liiiiikkkkkeeee…. Ohohohoho…
Inu-chan: Sesshoumaru is a bastard… you're the one that's scary, bitch.
MS: SIT! (Inuyasha cringed visibly) (sigh) I knew it wouldn't work. I better get one of those subduing beads… I still don't own them… please read and review!!!
But before she could even blink, Sesshomaru's clawed hand was wrapped around her throat and her back was pressed against the wall, his golden eyes piercing and slightly shadowed with crimson shades.
"Then hear this, human. I could kill you slowly and revive you again and again. And I swear to you that each death will be much more painful than the last one. You better count on my words, because this Sesshomaru never lies." He said before letting her go and stepping out of her room leaving her alone.
She touched her throat as she sat there all alone staring at the now closed door.
She stood there silently, anxiously waiting for whatever may happen next, holding her breath, her clawed fingers slightly shredding some pieces of the sleeves of her kimono. Her sakura-colored eyes staring at the floor then to the miko's closed door. She felt it, sensed it, but didn't have the chance to stop the spreading darkness in the miko's aura. She could smell the stink of blood, lots of it. And then a quick wave of power was used inside the room. Her lord was in there. She saw him rushing with a speed she'd never seen before, against her inner voice saying it would cost her, her life, if she followed.
She sensed the changes in him and now she could guess why. It's been so long since the whole of the western shiro saw any reactions from their lord. And being one of the oldest and trusted servants of the royal family thats saying something. She could hear their conversation behind the closed door with her sensitive hearing. She let a smile touch her lips as she heard the miko's voice.
'Such courage from such a small lady, and a human nonetheless,' She thought as she listened, trying not to speak a word, afraid that her lord will hear her.
A few minutes more and the door opened, out came Sesshomaru, his sleeves slightly tainted with blood, the miko's blood.
He sensed her presence there immediately and called with his passive voice. "Aya"
Aya rushed beside him and bowed low. "My lord." She answered.
"Take the miko to her new room, the shielded chamber within the inner dwelling."
Aya's eyes grew wide and were almost tempted to look at her lord and ask…almost. She knew better, so she kept her silence.
"This incident should never happen again, do you understand? Clean this chamber; it might attract some unwanted attention." His rage barely controlled.
"As you wish, my lord."
Then he walked towards his study. He needed to clarify some matters about the sword from his father's old scrolls.
A smile touches Aya's lips as a thought crosses her mind, and then stared at the still closed door of the miko.
Aya entered the now copper-scented room and tried to focus her senses on Kagome to lessen the irritating effect of blood on her.
"Kagome." She corrected her, still not looking at the kitsune.
"Kagome-sama, please come with me, you must be cleaned at once. You do not wish to create havoc inside the shiro, would you?"
"Huh? Why would I…" but Kagome trailed off as soon as the youkai pointed at the blood. "Oh...”
"Can you stand up on your own or do you want me to get someone to carry you, Kagome-sama?" Aya asked, uncertain of Kagome's condition.
"Oh no, thanks, I can manage." Kagome answered as she pushed herself up to stand. She felt a little weak and tried hard not to wobble on her feet, but found her strength in her mind. 'I'll live. I will survive this…Thank you for believing in me, Inuyasha…This is for you…for us. I'll never give up again.' She thought with her eyes full of fiery determination.
Aya noticed this and can't help but smile and admire the miko's strength and courage. 'My lord finally found his match.' "I'll take you to your new chamber first, Kagome-sama. Please follow me."
Kagome picked up the Tetsusaiga and held it close to her chest before she followed the kitsune as she led her towards the door; walking towards a wide landing and down the intricate staircase, she almost fell down when she was hit by a dizzy spell. They walked on in a much slower pace into another corridor beyond the stairs and into a closed double door guarded by two warrior Inu-youkai in their humanoid forms. They bowed low as they opened the heavy doors that lead to a covered pathway.
She anxiously followed Aya's lead as she looked at her surroundings. The whole area is enclosed by the main dwellings high wall although it was still open up to the sky, as she could still see the moon and the stars twinkling above. Around the covered pathway are plum and sakura trees planted in order, one after the other. She could smell the sweet scent of the flowers in the air, relaxing her taut nerves.
She was so bewildered by the beauty of her surroundings that she almost bumped into the kitsune in front of her when Aya suddenly stopped. Kagome stared at the wooden structure in front of her. It was the same as those traditional wooden mansions with long corridors, the kind that were built for a hime in this era. It was neat and even seems to be cozy. Of course, it is not as big as the main dwelling but the aura that the place gives calms her.
"May I show you around, Kagome-sama?"
"Hai, Arigatou, Aya-chan," She said a bit startled.
They walked around as the kitsune opened each shoji door they passed by to let her have a peak of what's inside. She showed her the dojo, which was detached from the rest of the chambers, the study, obviously well-kept with a decent amount of scrolls on the shelves occupying the walls. Next is a chamber where most of the older scrolls were kept, obviously important because of the barrier spell that she could feel radiating from the shelves, a closed chamber next to it that Aya seems to pass by intentionally and then opens the chamber next to it. She could see another chamber at the far side. The whole building was designed to enclose a certain area.
"Kagome-sama, this will be your new chamber."
It was a very traditional Japanese room with fine tatami floors and shoji doors. A colorful mural of a serene landscape decorated one wall. A dainty vanity drawer with a small gilded mirror on top, a huge mirror stood beside it on the floor a couple of feet taller than Kagome, a closet with carved figures on its doors, a long drawer with a katana holder on top, an empty vase in the alcove, and a tiny short-legged table near the corner with two big cushions on each side to sit on are the only things inside the room.
She was already warming up to the coziness and simple beauty of her new sleeping chamber when Aya opened another shoji door at the other side of her room.
"If you want to take a bath Kagome-sama, I am sure my lord would not mind it if you use the onsen in the sakura garden."
'Bath? Onsen? Sakura garden? Hmmm… sounds really nice at the moment.' She thought as she placed the Tetsusaiga on the katana rack placed on top of the drawer. Then she followed Aya.
The beauty that presents itself in front of her astounded her into another level.
It was simply breathtaking… the sakura blossoms were everywhere on the grass-covered ground while some were still falling leisurely and floating in the soft breeze from the giant sakura tree on the right side of the enclosed garden, its only entrance is the one from her room and the closed chamber beside hers. It was magical, mysteriously inviting, yet calming to her eyes.
"How old is that tree, Aya-chan?" she asked never taking her eyes off the protruding huge roots from the ground and the wide body of the eerily hypnotizing, yet intimidating tree.
She seems to think about the exact age before she answered thoughtfully "about the same age as… um, more than eight centuries, Kagome-sama."
"WHAT? No way. That's just impossible. I've never heard of sakura trees to be more than a hundred years old." She blurted out in disbelief. Kagome noticed the slight pause but let it go. She decided to ask about it if she got another chance but for now the beauty of the tree in front of her kept her attention; she could feel something eerily familiar with it, like reminding her of someone. 'I've never seen a Sakura tree this huge before. It's beautiful and somewhat intimidating.' But before she could put her finger into the thought Aya interrupted her musing.
"That is the onsen, Kagome-sama; you may use it whenever you please."
She pointed towards the left side of the garden where huge smooth boulders were placed in a circle around a very misty area.
"If there is anything you need, Kagome-sama - anything at all - just call me. I will come." She gave her a warm smile.
"I'm fine now. I just need a bath then I'll rest. Thank you, Aya-chan." The kitsune bowed low before leaving her behind.
She walks onto a small white marbled pathway between the two boulders and she awed at the decently sized onsen well hidden by the boulders. She walks around the water, stepping on the smooth white marbles that was placed around it, encircling the onsen, enhancing its beauty. The water was crystal clear and very inviting.
She took her yukata off and folded it neatly, placing it on the smooth boulder, away from the water. As she stepped into the warm water, she couldn't help but to give a very satisfied sigh.
Now that she is alone once more the situation she's now in, finally dawns on her. How could she find her friends? Or are they even looking for her? Knowing them, they're probably worried sick about her or maybe they also think she is dead? She's not even sure if she could escape this place, since it seems that the taiyoukai will not allow his "property" to roam off. 'How are you now, Shippou? I really hope you're doing well…he must feel so alone now…thinking that he had lost…Oh Kami.'
She cried once more at the painful loneliness she's feeling, but no matter how lost she felt, without her friends and also without her family from the future, she won't give up so easily. She will survive like she promised. All is not lost; she still has her friends and family waiting for her and a kit to take care of.
With determination etched on her face she finally walks out of the hot spring and into her cozy room. A new sleeping yukata is placed on top of her futon. She smiled as she put it on. The differences in this chamber from the main dwelling was so obvious to her, but she doesn't care, this place feels very relaxing for her, even the futon makes her feel warm as she lay down and let the oblivion of sleep take her away, the toll of losing so much blood finally catching up to her weary body.
Sesshomaru sits at his cushion inside the study. In front of him were scrolls, some sprawled and others neatly laid open.
He found most of the details he needed; the hidden information and even the possible reasons for the transformation. Apparently the swords react on its wielders deepest emotions, and will carry the past wielders wishes even after death specially if there was a link left behind.
He knew about Goshinki destroying the Tetsusaiga before, after all that's the reason why he took the demon's fangs to create Tokijin. The only possible reason that he could consider for the transformation of Tetsusaiga is Inuyasha's fang within the sword. It must have reacted to the hanyou's last will. Seeing how the Tetsusaiga protected the miko from the tsukai of the underworld, he could guess that it will serve as the miko's protection. 'The same way the Tetsusaiga protected that half-brother of mine from his own youkai blood after father passed away. A sword created for protection indeed.'
He saw the breaking of dawn through his window. He hasn't slept the whole night, but it doesn't matter. He could easily deprive himself of sleep for a week and still fight like hell without a problem at all. He was preparing for his usual routine of patrolling his territory to ensure its safety and check for any intruders when he felt something burn through his side.
Sesshomaru took the searing piece of object wrapped in slightly burned cloth out of his haori; his barrier that surrounds it obviously had weakened by the strain of suppressing the dark aura that was coming out of the foreboding shards. It was the three deep black shards he took from the tiger youkai. They were fairly larger than the normal shards of the shikon.
He has forgotten about it with all the commotion. Then his eyes narrowed as he carefully studied the shards. 'I have never heard of the shards to burn through clothes or for it to be this hot. Maybe the miko could tell me more.'
As he dispels the barrier surrounding the shards, black tendrils of aura came out of the jewel and slowly crawled all over his hand. He felt a sudden pull from the shard.
Unlike the Shikon no tama, which can be corrupted by youkai, the dark shards are doing it the other way. It's trying to corrupt and invade the youkai of anyone who possessed it. He saw the dark aura as it crawled through his arm and entangled itself with his youkai.
'How strange.' He thought as he focused his energy on his hand to subdue the power of the shard. The piece of jewel is apparently too small and possess too little amount of energy to overcome his power and was easily defeated as its tendril like aura crawled back inside the deep black jewel. 'I must speak with her soon. If this is not part of the jewel she was after, then this could be a new threat.' He looked serious as he wrapped it once more with the burned clothe and a much more powerful barrier.
Kagome opened her eyes and found herself once again floating naked inside her mind's sanctuary. The four souls appear again from her body and encircle her.
She heard the familiar voice of the woman echoing everywhere. "Osanago (little one), you are in for a greater danger. A new enemy will arise much more powerful than you could ever imagine."
"Please, don't tell me Naraku's still alive?" Kagome exasperated as she felt a headache coming. 'Weird, I'm inside my head, yet I could still have a headache.'
"Oh no, my child. He is not. However, his evil spirit didn't give up so easily in your last battle against him and gave everything to summon such great evil to possess him once more," Answered the pink sphere.
"Only this time it consumed him and he lost control. Not even his soul remains intact as the great evil was empowered by Naraku's remaining life force," Said the yellow sphere.
Kagome felt her headache get worse and felt her heart falter a bit as her stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies. "It's been hard enough trying to kill Naraku and now the bastard manages to call someone worse than him. Why won't he just die? Leave it to Naraku to make my life miserable." She felt her anger boils anew, her eyes swimming with tears as she thought of how Inuyasha sacrificed his life on that battle with Naraku. Now it seems like he died for nothing...
"Who did he summon anyway? From where? From hell?" she asked after a few moments of silence as she remembered her promise never to give up.
"No" answered the blue sphere of light. "It was from the shikon no tama."
The red sphere comes closer. "Naraku's soul reached within the darkness of the corrupted shikon and freed the spirit of the combined youkai of the hundreds of youkai trapped within the jewel."
"So, where is it now?" Kagome asked, dread seeping in.
"Shattered and scattered everywhere."
"What? How?" she asked totally confused, trying to imagine a huge ugly youkai spirit being shattered like glass and scattered by the wind.
"He was a spirit then and has no body to possess. So he created a new jewel that he could use to attract other youkai thinking it was the corrupted shikon no tama."
"Then how did it end up shattered?"
"It was Midoriko. Before Akurei could fully part itself from the Shikon no Tama she cast a spell so that it would be shattered once it completed the creation of the kuro no tama. But the spell was not that strong, she only managed to break it into few shards. Now you must prepare for it."
"Me? Why me? Can't we just free Midoriko?" her hand waving in great trepidation.
The four spheres of souls encircled her and entered her body once more when she heard the feminine voice again. "I'm sorry but that just can't be done. I'm already reincarnated. I'm inside you, just a part of you. The battle within the shard is mine, but now that it's free, the responsibility lies in your hands. It is now your fight…your battle."
"But I was not alone then, now…"
"Do not worry, little miko. An unforeseen ally will come to your aide. You must open up your mind to accept him for it will not be easy if you will not trust him."
Kagome thinks about it. 'An unexpected ally, huh? Who could it be? Sesshomaru? No way, that's just plain impossible. I swear if I see him do anything humane, hell must have been frozen. It must be Kouga-kun.' she sighed. "I don't want to be helpless again. How I wish I knew how to use this power." She said as she stares at her hands, trying to remember how they tickled and felt warm when she used her reiki.
"I will be training you from now on with your power. I can teach you how to use the powers that came from me, and then somehow improve your own in the process. But that is all. You must discover your own power yourself and improve your physical strength as well. You have greater powers than I did. I can feel it since I am within you."
"Really? And here I thought everything I've got came from you and Kikyou. What should I do now?"
"Little miko, you must find the shards before it can find a powerful youkai to possess. Spirit it maybe and trapped within the jewel, but it is still very powerful. It could easily take control of any youkai's mind. You must gather the shards and destroy it once it is whole again."
"If I have to destroy it while it's whole, then why do you have to shatter it? Wouldn't it make things easier to find just one piece rather than go run around again to gather them?" The memories of their hardships while gathering the shards of the Shikon makes her a bit frustrated with the possibility of hunting for the shards again.
"Because there was no other way to stop the process of creation, it's the least I could do to buy you time to prepare you for the upcoming battle."
"Naraku's soul empowered him greatly. I was thrown back by the force. The balance was destroyed within the shikon. When I finally gathered enough strength it was too late, most of this Akurei was already free creating the kuro no tama as its new vassal. My spell is the last resort…and may I add, little miko, you are asking a lot lately."
Kagome flushed red "Gomen, I just want to know every detail. It could help me analyze the situation more easily, right?"
"It is alright, little miko. We understand. You are in a very difficult situation right now. You are in the process of knowing yourself and now you must also know your enemy. It is after all the art of war, knowing both will give you great advantage. Do not worry, child. You will know where the kuro shards are. The shikon within you will react from its power. But you must bear with it. For unlike the shikon, it could hurt you as you come close. Your life force is pure; you can use it to cleanse the corrupted soul of the jewel. But be careful little miko, the process is dangerous and could drain you of your life. We will see you again soon…"
'Souta?...why are you in my room…I'm still sleepy…and stop it with the sama…' she mumbled sleepily.
"Kagome-sama… Kagome-sama…" the voice insisted.
Kagome slowly opened her eyes as the chirping voice took her from the bliss of the sleeping world. She stared at the big brown eyes accompanied by a toothy smile of a little girl kneeling on her futon.
"Ohayou, Kagome-sama!"
She stared at the young girl with black hair in a single ponytail on the upper side of her head. She was wearing an orange kimono with a checker board design.
Hail to the great CASEDEPUTY for sparing some of her precious time in beta-ing this chapter (along with all the other chapters) *grins* Thanks Sam-chan! ^_^
Moonlight Scion: I don't like this chapter much…because nothing much happened with Sesshoumaru…but I really needed to explain things to Kagome, so there. Sorry if you all got bored. (bows ruefully) I'll try to make things heating up again…