InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think ❯ You Make Me Happier Than You Think ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3
You Make Me Happier Than You Think
Kagome woke up at the sound of the phone. She groaned and rolled on her bed until she was able to reach the noisy thing.
“What?” she said sleepily.
“Hello to you too,” a masculine voice greeted her.
“Who is this?” she sighed.
He huffed, “Your lover,” Inuyasha said, and started laughing.
“Which one?” she asked with a smirk, sitting up. Now that shut him up.
“What?” he asked coldly, “there better be no one else!”
She laughed. “No babe, you're my one and only,” she joked.
But he wasn't laughing. He hated it when she did that; when she joked about these things. It hurt him when she pretended to be with him when she didn't want to. He wanted to be with her, even when she rejected him.
“So…” he said uneasily, “What are you doing tonight?”
“I…” she blanched, “How did you get my number?”
“Phone book…please don't change the subject, will you go out with me tonight?”
“Uh...” she sighed, “Inuyasha, why do you keep asking?”
“Why won't you say yes?”
“You answer me first.”
“Because I really like you - god I sound like a 13-year-old - because I'm attracted to you. I want you. I want to be with you. Why won't you give me a chance? Please?”
“Okay,” she said almost inaudibly.
“Great - will you stop acting like it sucks?! Trust me, you'll be in love with me by the end of the night.” He was grinning insanely now…
“Yeah…We'll see…” she laughed.
“I'll pick you up at seven,” he said.
“Ok, see you then…”
“Bye, babe.”
“Bye,” she said as she hung up, `Babe'? she thought, laying back on her bed, `Oh, what the Hell am I thinking?'
“I don't know Sango…What should I do?” Kagome whined. It was five o'clock. Kagome had spent the whole day trying to figure out what she would do on her date. She had spent half of her time on the phone with Sango, and the other half eating. She ate when she was stressed out.
At about three, she had felt like she had gained weight and had gone jogging. When she came back, she took a long, hot bath and called Sango to figure out what to wear.
“Look, hun',” Sango said, “I'm coming over, I'll help you get ready.”
“So…How about this, hun'?” Sango asked, throwing a few clothes on Kagome's bed.
“Shows too much skin…”
She sighed, “This?” She had thrown a black tank top with the word `angel' written on it with gold glitter on the bed. There was also a black pair of jeans, a black zipper jacket.
“I guess that's fine…” Kagome sighed in defeat.
“So…Your first date, huh?” Sango grinned, as she sat on the bed.
“It is not!” she blushed, crossing her arms on her chest.
“Don't lie to me, Kag. You can't,” Sango laughed.
“Oh, shut up!” Kagome snapped at her.
“LET ME GET THE PHONE!” Kagome yelled, trying to free herself from Sango's grasp.
And then the doorbell rang…
“OH SHIT!” Kagome yelled as Sango finally let go of her.
“It's okay, Kag. It'll be alright…” she said soothingly.
“Don't treat me like I'm a kid!” She snapped, although she was a little relieved.
“Purse,” Sango said as she handed her the said object.
“Thanks…” Kagome mumbled and walked down the stairs. Suddenly, she stopped and turned to Sango, “I can't do this…” she whimpered.
“Then why did you say yes in the first place?”
“I don't know,” she sighed.
“Okay, just…try?”
“Fine…I'll go…” she said as she walked to the door, and opened it. She was greeted by a grinning Inuyasha.
“Hey,” he whispered as he pulled her for a hug.
“Hey,” she whispered back breathlessly.
Inuyasha pulled away and smirked at his effect on her. Taking her hand, he led her to his car and opened the door for her.
“So…” she asked, “Where are we going?”
“You'll see…” he grinned.
About twenty minutes later, he had stopped in front of an amusement park.
“You're kidding,” she scoffed.
“Oh, but I'm not,” He laughed.
“An amusement park?” she asked, “This is not my type of thing Inuyasha.”
“It doesn't bother you that much, you didn't call me by my last name,” he grinned.
She sighed, “Fine, let's get this over-with,” she opened the door and got out, Inuyash following.
Walking next to her, he grabbed her hand and interwined their fingers. She blushed and looked away, but didn't pull her hand away, even squeezed his to show him she was okay with the idea.
They bought the tickets (Inuyasha paid, naturally) and chose their first ride, it was a red roller-coaster.
“Scared?” Inuyasha smirked as they got in the roller-coaster.
“No,” she huffed.
“Okay,” he answered, “But if ever you're scared, you can always cling to me…” he grinned.
“Oh, sure,” she glared at him.
“Give me some of that,” Inuyasha said as he looked hungrily at her ice-cream.
She laughed and handed it to him. He gave it a lick.
“Mmm, yours is so much better! Taste mine,” he said as he gave her his.
“Yup, mine is definitely better,” she laughed after tasting it. She handed it back to him and took her own back. When Inuyasha was done, he asked her for a last taste.
“No way!” she answered, “It's almost done, anyway.” And to prove her point, she licked the last of her ice-cream.
“It's okay,” he smirked, moving close to her on the bench they were sitting on, “I can think of another way to have a taste of it.”
It took her a while to understand what he meant but when she did, she blushed hotly and suddenly got up.
“So, I guess we went through all the rides,” she smiled.
“There's still one,” he smirked.
“I don't like it when you do that,” she said, suspicious.
He got up and pulled her to him, his hands on her waist. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply. “You smell so good,” he breathed. She hugged him back.
“you smell…masculine,” she chuckled.
He grinned, “yup, I'm masculine.” He pushed her hair away and gently kissed her neck.
He pulled away but kept his hands on her waist, “We still didn't go in the Love Tunnel…” he whispered.
“Yeah, let's keep it that way,” she said as she blushed.
“Aww, come on?” he asked. She shook her head. “Please, Kag?” another shake, “For me?”
“No, Inuyasha,” she said, looking down, “It's only our first date…”
“Does that mean there'll be more?” he asked hopefully.
“We'll see,” she smiled, glad he changed the subject and turned away, twirled girlishly, her hair flying around her face graciously.
Kagome felt a little saddened when Inuyasha parked his car in front of her house, but at the same time, worried about what would come.
“I'll walk you,” he said, and his voice reflected the pain he felt leaving her.
They walked silently to her door and she searched her purse for her keys. She finally found them but just kept them in her hand, and turned to him.
“We are doing this again, aren't we?” he asked as he once again pulled her by the waist, but this time, he didn't pull her all the way, just until their faces were only inches apart.
“Y-yeah…” she stuttered.
Slowly, he slid one of the hands on her waist to the back of her neck to push her face forward. She was like entranced by his amber eyes and only closed her own whe their lips touched. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
He growled his approval and tilted her head to deepen the kiss. His tongue tapped on her bottom lip as he asked permission for more. She opened her mouth to him and he slipped his tongue in it.
Their tongues battled for a few moments, before Kagome broke the kiss, her face flushed, in desperate need for air.
“Kagome,” he whined, “ You don't taste like that ice-cream anymore…”
She laughed. “I'll see you later,” she said.
“Bye, babe,”