InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think ❯ She Wants Him More Than You Think ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11
She Wants Him More Than You Think
Icy eyes glared at the people around her as Kikyo walked in the hall, ignoring the whispers around her. Her heals clicked on the floor as she found her way to her old “friends”.
“Kikyo!?” Kagura gasped when she spotted her.
“No way!!” Kanna wailed as she spun to look at her old best friend.
“Stop yelling, bitches,” Kikyo said with a smirk.
The sisters squealed, rushing to hug their friend. “Oh, my god! It's you; you're back!” Kagura laughed happily.
“No time for all that,” Kikyo snapped. The sisters immediately went quiet. “What's been happening to him? Does he have a girlfriend?”
“Kagome Higurashi,” Kanna informed, her distaste clear in her voice. “A goth, too.”
“What?” Kikyo laughed, “A goth? Let me guess, emo too?”
“He seems serious about her…” Kagura said slowly, scared of the way Kikyo's eyes flamed up. “He's been chasing after her all year, and they've been going out for about a month now.”
“A month? That's nothing,” Kikyo spat.
“I'm sure you can get him back easily, though,” Kanna said hurriedly.
Back?” Kikyo snapped, “He's always been mine!”
“Of course...” Kagura said quietly.
“Yash, I have to talk to you!” Miroku yelled as he ran to his friend.
“What? What's the matter?” Inuyasha answered him, worried.
“Kikyo's back,” he said dramatically.
“What?” Inuyasha snapped.
“She's here, I saw her with Kagura and Kanna! And she's planning on talking to you…now!”
“How…why - Shit!” He cursed when he saw Kagome walking towards him, waving… Usually, he would have been happy to see her, except that this time, Kikyo was heading towards him too. He couldn't help but notice the changes…
She was taller, her hair was longer, her heels were probably longer, they clicked louder (:rolls eyes:), her skirt was shorter than he remembered they were…and some other changes he didn't want to linger on.
Kagome walked over to him, a smile on her face. She didn't smile often…and that smile was violently wiped off her face when Kikyo flung her arms around Inuyasha's neck.
“Inu-baby!” she cooed, “I missed you so much!”
Inuyasha was taken aback, not pushing her off or hugging her back.
Kagome just stood there, staring. This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening. She wasn't hugging him. She wasn't hugging him. She hadn't just called him baby.
Holy shit, she had not just kissed him!
Inuyasha pushed her off a second after their lips met. “Kikyo…” he started uneasily, “this is Kagome, my girlfriend…” He nodded toward the angry girl, and Kikyo turned to her, smirking evilly.
“Your girlfriend, huh?” she repeated, glaring at Kagome.
“Yeah,” Kagome answered, fire in her eyes, “His girlfriend.”
“You might wanna rethink the shirt,” Kikyo laughed as she stared at the black corsage Kagome wore. She then turned and walked away, leaving Kagome fighting for an answer. The said girl then turned to Inuyasha, glaring.
“Baby, it's not what you think,” he started slowly, walking to her slowly.
“How dare you?!” Kagome yelled, “You disgusting piece of - ” she was cut off by his lips on hers. He apparently thought it would help. Idiot… She pushed him away, a hint of tears in her eyes. “Baka!” she yelled, “You taste like lip gloss!”
She glared at him again before walking angrily to gym class.
Fuck girls who wore too much makeup, Inuyasha thought as he ran after her. “Wait, Kagome…” he whined.
“Fuck you,” she snapped before walking in the girl's changing room. She then ran in the bathroom and locked herself inside to cry her heart out.
“Nice going, Kiki,” Kanna smirked when Kikyo walked back to them.
“Don't call me that, Kanna,” she snapped. “And yes, I know. I'll just have to seduce him until he realizes how much better I am than that little bitch,” she said with a smirk.
“What about Naraku…?” Kagura asked slowly.
“Shut up!” Kikyo hissed, “Never say his name when Inuyasha might be around!”
`Naraku…' Kikyo thought with a smirk.
“Ok, ok, whatever you say,” Kagura grumbled as she walked away.
“What's with her?” Kanna asked, confused.
“Who cares?” Kikyo laughed.
“Where's Kagome?” Sango asked Miroku as they sat for lunch, “I haven't seen her all day.”
“Kikyo's back…” Miroku sighed.
“Kikyo? Who's that?”
“Oh, that's right…You only came last year…Kikyo was Inuyasha's girlfriend since he was 13. They broke up when he was 15 because she moved. Well, she was also cheating on him, but he just wouldn't accept it… Anyway, she completely ignored him since then, and now, she's back…”
“You make her sound like someone wanting revenge,” Sango laughed.
“Well, I guess she wants our dog back…” Miroku sighed again, obviously not finding anything funny in the situation.
“You think Inuyasha still wants her?!” Sango almost yelled.
“No, but she can still ruin their relationship…” he said sadly.
“We'll help them, then,” Sango said with a smile.
Miroku kissed her deeply. “You know,” he said when they parted, “This is why I love you…”
She just smiled.
Kagome spent the whole day ignoring Inuyasha. She also had to try and stay away from Kikyo, who was provoking her every chance she got.
When they crossed each other in the hall, they would glare at each other. Sadly, they shared two classes that day, one of them with Inuyasha, too…
That last one had given up on talking to Kagome for the day, wanting her to calm down a little. Kagome and Kikyo wouldn't lose a second of glaring at each other.
When the class was dismissed, Kikyo smirked at Kagome, going to sit on Inuyasha's desk as he got up. “What are you doing tonight baby?” she asked sweetly.
“Um…I don't know,” he mumbled, trying to make eye contact with Kagome who was picking up her stuff a little too slowly.
Kikyo got on her feet and ran her hand through Inuyasha's hair, noticing he was a little tense. She would just have to see him when Kagome wasn't around. “I'll see you around, sexy,” she said, winking at him as she walked away, swaying her hips and flipping her hair back. Inuyasha sighed.
Kagome rolled her eyes and walked out behind her, looking back at the hanyou to glare at him.
“Kagome…” he whispered.
The bus. She hadn't taken the bus in weeks…about a month, she thought miserably. It would have been a month tomorrow. She fought back tears as she walked in, determined to stop thinking about him…
Easy to say.
She got home, walked straight to her room, locked the door, sat on her bed, grabbing her pillow, and cried. Why was her life this miserable? She spotted her scissors on the desk and slowly got up to get them.
The old scars were now gone, but she sadly noted that they were being replaced… The blade cut through her wrist, the blood trickling down her arm. She watched, cursing herself for finding such interest in watching her own blood. She didn't know what went through her, but she found herself licking the wound, watching as more blood sprung out, cutting herself again.
Sadistic, she thought, bringing the scissors to her arm again.
Kikyo laughed, rolling on her bed, holding her cell phone as she listened to Naraku talking about his current girlfriend. “So how about tomorrow night?” he asked seductively.
“I can't,” she replied, “I have to do something.”
“Okay, then…tonight.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“What I always have in mind,” he laughed.
“You pervert!” she scolded playfully, “I'll be there in half an hour.”
Kagome stared at the phone as it rang. Every ring broke her shattered heart even more. She reached out to it and picked up, remembering her conversation with Miroku.
“What do you want, Miroku?” Kagome sighed as he stared in her eyes.
“He's not cheating on you,” Miroku said simply.
“Then who the hell is Kikyo?!”
“His ex. Look, she wants him back, that's all we know, but I can assure you that he is not cheating on you, nor will he ever.”
“Then why the hell was he kissing her?!” She yelled, frustration getting the best of her.
“Correction: She was kissing him.”
“But he didn't stop her, did he?!”
“It took him a while to get over the surprise, but he did, Kagome…”
“But…” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears.
“Kagome, Inuyasha's serious about you,” he sighed, knowing he couldn't tell her that the hanyou was in love with her; she wouldn't believe him… “Let him explain…”
“Yes?” she sighed into the mouthpiece.
“Kagome, it's me, please don't hang up!”
She smiled and laughed softly. “I won't hang up, Inu…”
`Inu…?' he thought with a smile.
“Baby, Kikyo means nothing to me anymore…” he said slowly.
“Then why did you let her flirt with you like that?” she asked miserably.
“I don't know…” he sighed, “But I won't let it happen again…”
“I can't be with you if you go on flirting with her, Inuyasha…” she sighed again.
“I won't, baby,” he said, biting his lip to stop himself from saying the three words she wouldn't believe… “So, we good now?” he asked.
“Yeah…” she smiled, “But I have to go, Inu, Souta just came back home, I should make lunch for him.”
“Ok then, I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, bye,” she said as she hung up.
Why did they both feel so wrong if they had just worked it out...?
Inuyasha felt slightly better after speaking to Kagome, but the memory of Kikyo's lips against his was disturbing him…it had brought back memories… Things he didn't want to remember…
Damn it, why couldn't he just hate her?!
AN: Wow…I can't seem to write anything else than this story…This is bad..I have three other ones and I'm blocking on two of them!!
Well I guess you're all mad at me for that last paragraph… :sigh: well I guess I cant do anything about it huh?
Love, IK Obsession