InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More to Life ❯ Fated ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~More to Life~
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha…got it?
~Chapter 3- Fated~
Kagome woke up and felt warm, strong arms wrapped around her. `Oh, God…where am I?' She though in a daze as she turned to see the half demon sleeping peacefully next to her. She turned over and propped herself up on one elbow to look at him. `He really is so much better than all those other guys I've been with.' Kagome smiled. `So much better looking, so much more refined…' She thought tucking a loose strand of black hair behind her ear.
Inuyasha felt her eyes on him and woke up. “Hey.” He said groggily.
“Hey, yourself.” Kagome said as Inuyasha retracted his arms from her waist. “You slept long.”
“I did?” Inuyasha asked looking at the clock. “Oh shit!” He jumped out of the bed. “I have to be at work in an hour.”
“You have work on Saturdays?” Kagome asked from the bed.
“It's Saturday?” Inuyasha asked slowing down his pace a bit. Kagome nodded.
“Oh, I knew that…heh…” Inuyasha said walking over to her side of the bed.
“Sure.” Kagome started to get out of the bed.
“You want some breakfast?” Inuyasha asked once Kagome reached the ground.
“You bet!” She said smiling.
“So, where are Sango and Miroku anyway?” Kagome asked digging into the eggs Inuyasha just made for her.
He grabbed himself a plate full of them and sat down at the table across from her. “Probably going on their second round.” He said shoving a large mass of eggs in his mouth.
Kagome looked over at their door and shivered. “Forget I asked.”
“Yeah, it's even worse when you can hear it.” Inuyasha chuckled.
“Didn't want to know…” Kagome said trying to rid the thoughts of her best friend in that room making love a second time that night. “So, hey…” Kagome started to change the subject. “Tell me about your ex.”
“What do you want to know?” Inuyasha gave her a curious look.
“Like why'd she break up with you?” Kagome asked.
“I don't want to tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Because…you'll get mad at me.” Inuyasha turned away.
“I won't get mad, I promise.” Kagome gave him a dashing smile.
He turned back around, “Well…”
“A TWO TIMER?!” Kagome growled as she stormed out the door. Sango and Miroku had run out of their room to see what was going on.
“No, Kagome…”
“I can't believe you!” She growled at him again. “And you…oh thank God I didn't sleep with you.” She said turning away. “Sango, get in the car!” Sango nodded and kissed Miroku on the lips which became something more and…
“Sango, come ON!” Kagome grabbed her by the back of her shirt and marched he over to the car.
“What is your problem, Kagome?! So I cheated on my ex a long time ago? Why are you so pissed?!” Inuyasha asked from the door.
She turned back to him. Tears of anger in her eyes.
“Oh, shit…I made her cry…” Inuyasha whispered as he ran behind Miroku to hide.
Kagome walked up to Inuyasha, pushing Miroku aside. “Because…” Kagome couldn't get the words out. `Because I thought he was absolutely adorable and honestly wouldn't have minded sleeping with him?' “Because I am!” She snapped and turned back around and on her way to the car.
“Well fine then, bitch!” Inuyasha yelled out the doorway to Kagome. Kagome heard it and porously backed into their mailbox.
“You're paying for that, I hope you know.” Miroku glared at Inuyasha.
“I know.” Inuyasha whimpered from his hiding spot behind Miroku. `Man, she's scary when she's angry…' He thought.
Miroku sighed and started to walk away. “Ahh…well, at least I got to sleep with the woman I love…”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Inuyasha asked following him.
“Alright…” Miroku smiled. “You can't tell anyone, got it?”
Inuyasha nodded. “Yeah…”
Miroku dug into his pocket and pulled out a black velvet ring box. He opened it slowly in front of Inuyasha.
“Oh, Miroku…yes, of course!” Inuyasha mocked looking at the huge diamond incrusted ring.
“Shut up! It's for Sango…”
“You're going to propose to her?!” Inuyasha asked as Miroku put the ring back in his pocket.
Miroku just nodded. “But you can't tell anyone…cuz I want it to be a surprise.”
“When are you going to do it?”
“Tonight…I'm helping her move into her new apartment.” Miroku smiled and turned towards the staircase.
Inuyasha perked up. “Can I come with?!”
“Why would you want to?” Miroku asked as he made his way up stairs.
“No reason.” Inuyasha said shyly.
“Kagome?” Miroku asked.
“Huh? NO I hate her!” Inuyasha barked.
“Right, whatever. Well, she won't be there to my knowledge but…I don't see any harm in you tagging along.” Miroku said walking up the steps into the upstairs study room.
“K, thanks!” Inuyasha shouted up to him. `Why do I want to go so badly?' Inuyasha thought then shrugged it off. “I'm takin a shower!” He yelled not to anyone in particular.
“Hey, Kagome…” Sango started as they sat in her new apartment.
“Yeah?” Kagome asked, snapped out of her reverie.
Sango sat on the couch and sighed. “You're not mad are you? Because you could totally move in with me Kagome. I'd actually prefer it if you did.” Sango said.
Kagome shook her head. “If anything, I'm happy for you. You found the person you love and, to be honest, you didn't belong in a brothel.” Kagome looked down at the ground.
“Neither do you.” Sango said softly. “Please, I really want you to live here with me. I'm worried for you.”
“Why?” Kagome looked up at Sango.
“Because, what if you get sick or something? Kagome you weren't born to be like this.”
Kagome sighed. “No, my father wants me to continue the business. And I don't want to disobey him.”
“You're eighteen years old, Kagome! What could Naraku do to you?” Sango asked sharply.
Kagome just turned around and gave her a strange look.
Sango sighed and put her arm around Kagome's back. `She hasn't given me that look since ninth grade…Naraku isn't abusing her again, is he?' She thought to herself.
“Oh, well, thanks anyway, Sango.” Kagome said standing up. “We should probably go out to the car and get the rest of your things.
Sango nodded and walked out of the apartment with Kagome.
“Well, Inuyasha…this is Sango's new place. I promised her I'd help her move in. So, if you're tagging along, you have to help too!” Miroku said as the pulled into the complex.
“Right, alright.” Inuyasha said. He then caught a familiar scent. It was…Kagome. Why was she here?
Miroku pulled into a spot and got out of the car. Sango was in a moving truck next to them, trying to get her giant boomerang, Hiraikotsu, out of the truck.
“Need some help there, miss?” Miroku asked walking up behind her.
“Oh, no thanks, I've got it-“ Sango gasped. “Miroku!” She threw Hiraikotsu out of her hands and kissed Miroku. The giant boomerang swung around and nearly chopped Inuyasha's head off.
“Hey! Watch what you're doing!” Inuyasha snapped.
“I saw you there.” Sango giggled with her arms around Miroku's neck. She released one hand to catch the boomerang as it returned to her.
“What's going on out here?” Kagome asked walking down the steps to Sango's apartment. She and Inuyasha's eyes met and Kagome quickly turned to avoid them.
“Miroku and Inuyasha just came by to help me move in.”
“Oh..” Kagome sighed and picked up a television set that was the size of her. It threw her off balance and Inuyasha darted to keep her from being squashed by the huge thing.
“Here, let me get it.”
“I can do it just fine…thanks.” Kagome barked nearly running into a car with it.
“God Damn! Let me help you!” Inuyasha said growing infuriated with her.
“I said I can do it myself!” Kagome snapped back in just as rude of a tone.
“Fine! We can do it together, K?” Inuyasha said trying to be reasonable.
“Fine!” Kagome said bitterly.
Sango and Miroku sighed. “Well, let's get going then.” Miroku grabbed a chair for her dining room table and Sango grabbed another.
Miroku, Inuyasha, Sango, and Kagome all sat around in the living room that evening.
Inuyasha nudged Miroku, signaling that if he was going to propose to Sango, he needed to do it now.
Miroku turned to her and opened his mouth.
“I'll be right back.” Sango said standing up and walking to the bathroom.
Miroku sighed.
The toilet flushed and the sound of running water could be heard. Shortly after, Sango came walking out.
“Sango…” Miroku started as the phone rang.
He sighed again.
Sango got up to go answer it. No one was there. She slammed the phone down and growled angrily. “Yes, Miroku?” She asked sitting next to him.
“Nothing…” He said forgetting all about the idea.
Inuyasha pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
Kagome sat there silently watching the sky. `Why did he show up?' She wondered. `Why would we meet again?' She sighed and Inuyasha turned to face her.
`Were we like…destined to be together?'