InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More to Life ❯ Love at First Site ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~More to Life~
Disclaimer: Same as before -.-
~Chapter 2-Love at First Sight~
Sango walked up to the porch of Miroku's house and rang the doorbell.
“Sango!” Miroku shouted opening the door. “How are you? Oh man…don't you look hot?” He smiled at her.
“Thanks.” Sango smiled inviting herself in. Kagome followed behind them entering perhaps the largest house she's ever been to.
“Whoa…” She said looking around. “You live here ?!” She asked Miroku in disbelief.
“Yup, well and my room mate.” Miroku said putting an arm on Sango's butt. Sango growled and slapped him. Kagome sighed.
“It's a wonder you're not a virgin, Sango.”
Sango smirked.
Kagome shuffled back and forth with her feet. “Sooo…where is this friend of yours?”
Miroku stepped up behind her. “He should be here soon.” He turned his attention to the staircase.
“INUYASHA! THEY'RE HERE!!” He shouted up to him.
“Yeah, yeah…I coming…” Inuyasha said as he walked down the steps annoyed.
Once he had reached the ground, Miroku gestured towards Kagome. “Inuyasha, this is Kagome…Kagome this is Inuyasha.”
Kagome smiled at him. `One of the hottest guys that's ever hired me.' “Hi.”
“Hey…” Inuyasha said awkwardly.
Miroku walked back over to Sango and picked er up bridal style, kissing her neck. Sango started to mess with his belt buckle when Miroku ran off into his room, still holding her in his arms.
Kagome sighed. “Stupid horn dogs.”
“I know.” Inuyasha added walking into the kitchen. “You want a soda or something?”
Kagome gave him a confused look. “Uhh…sure, thanks.”
Inuyasha dug through the refrigerator and tossed her a Coke before opening his own.
“Not to be rude or anything…but didn'tyou hire me?”
Inuyasha nodded. “In a way…”
“Sooo…shouldn't we…be…doing something…”
Inuyasha perked up. “Oh that? Yeah…if you want. I'm not exactly in that kind of mood right now.” He said plopping down on his couch.
“Thank God!” Kagome said joining him.
“What? Little prostitute isn't horny tonight?” Inuyasha teased.
Kagome gave him a cold glare. “I never am.”
Inuyasha scoffed. “Then why the hell are you one?”
She shrugged. “I just…am, I guess…I just don't exactly have anything better to do with my life, ya know? I mean when your father owns the brothel you work at, it's hard to pass down an offer like that.”
“Your dad's making you do this?!” Inuyasha asked in disbelief.
“We weren't exactly a close knit family…” Kagome said turning away from him.
“Wow…tough, huh?”
“So, what about Sango? Why's she doing it?” Inuyasha asked curiously.
“She's been my best friend since eighth grade. She said, if I'm doing it, she'll do it too.”
“That's sweet of her.” Inuyasha said taking a gulp of his coke.
“Yeah, problem is, I think she enjoys it…well when Miroku hires her anyway.”
“Same here. I've met her a few times but they weren't like that when they first met.”
Kagome looked up at him confused.
“Sango wouldn't quit blushing every time Miroku tried to get close to her. And if his face was red, it was only because of an imprint her hand made.” Inuyasha laughed and so did Kagome.
“Sango's always been like that. Which is what makes it hard to believe that she'd take this job.”
“She's a loyal friend, then.” Inuyasha smiled at her.
Kagome looked down at the ground. “Yeah, she is.” She looked up and smiled at him. “I owe her a lot more than just this though.”
Inuyasha just nodded.
“So…uhh…if you don't mind my asking, are you the one who got out of the messy relationship?” Kagome asked slumping her shoulders a bit.
“Yeah.” Inuyasha gave her a half smiled.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I…I didn't mean to offend you or anything…or make you remember any bad events or…”
Inuyasha turned back at her. “Geez, shut up.” Kagome sighed and slumped again.
“Sorry, I guess I am a little nervous.”
Inuyasha cocked an eyebrow. “Why?”
She shrugged. “You know, the kind of people who usually hire me are forty year old pigs who don't shave and don't brush their teeth. I guess I'm not used to someone so well taken care of hiring me.”
“It wasn't my idea to hire you, you know?” Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
Kagome nodded.
“But, you could do a lot better…ya know, with getting guys. I mean, with those looks, ya know?”
“Uhh…” Kagome gave him a weird look. “What are you saying?”
Inuyasha shrugged and took another gulp of his drink. “Nothing, just forget it.”
“Hey you guys.” Miroku stood in the hall between his room and the living room in a pair of crooked boxers. His hair was messy and he was perspiring as if he's been running all day. “Shouldn't you two have gotten busy by now?” Miroku asked walking into the kitchen for some water.
“No, why?” Inuyasha asked.
“Because…she isn't exactly cheap.” Miroku towards Kagome. “And if you don't want her, I'm sure Sango and I could make room.” He said shooting Kagome a perverted grin.
“Shut up, Miroku!” Inuyasha barked. “We'll find something to do, so just go back to your room, ya lech!”
Once Miroku had left, Inuyasha apologized for his behavior.
“You know…just to make him happy, maybe we should do something.” Kagome suggested.
Inuyasha smiled. “Come on!” He said grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the couch.
“Hey, what's the big…” Kagome shouted as they rushed upstairs.
They reached his room and Inuyasha threw her down on the bed.
`What's going on? I thought he said he wasn't like this?' Kagome thought to herself as Inuyasha locked the door.
“Alright…” He spoke in a whisper. “My room is right above Miroku's I figured, what we could do is just…give his something to go on.”
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked quietly.
“Just follow my lead, this way he won't think he wasted all his money and I get something to laugh about when he talks about it.”
“You're friend does that kind of crap?”
Inuyasha just nodded then climbed up onto the bed. Standing Kagome up, he asked her to just bounce with him. Which she did. As they bounced they'd make stupid moaning noises to cover up their giggling.
Halfway through it, Inuyasha completely forgot they were even doing it for Miroku's sake. He was actually having a good time with Kagome.
Kagome giggled quietly as she still bounced up and down. She laughed when Inuyasha missed his footing and fell to the ground making a loud thump throughout the entire house. Kagome was about to get down to see what was wrong, but bounced too high and hit her head on the ceiling.
“Oww…” She said giggling as she climbed down to see if Inuyasha was okay.
They both just lay there giggling about jumping on the bed.
“That…has got to be the most fun thing I've ever done with any of my clients.” Kagome said giggling.
“Think so?” Inuyasha asked standing up to see what time it was. “Hey, how much longer do I have you?”
Kagome shrugged, I don't know…what time is it?”
“Two.” Inuyasha said setting down his alarm clock and laying down on the bed panting.
“I don't have another client until…six tonight so, you still have a while.” She said climbing up next to him.
Inuyasha turned to look at her and smiled.
“Can I ask you something?” Kagome asked.
“Are you a half demon?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “How could you tell?”
“The dog ears…I just noticed them.” Kagome said reaching up to touch one. Inuyasha sighed content as she stroked his ears.
“Yeah?” She asked letting go.
“You're really a fun person to be around.” He smiled.
“Really?” Kagome asked flattered by his comment.
“Yup.” Inuyasha said inching closer to her.
“Hey, mind if I uh…sleep over tonight? I really do not want to go home right now.” Kagome asked.
“I don't care, just no snoring.” Inuyasha yawned.
“Kay…thanks.” Kagome said smiling. `He really is pretty handsome for a half demon.' She thought before snuggling closer to him and falling asleep.
Inuyasha was startled by this, but let it pass and wrapped an arm around her before falling asleep himself.
A/N: There's chapter two, hope you like it. I don't think I'll be updating soon, but w/e. Please review!