InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ Remembering ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Pale, golden rays of sunshine lit the room of a most comforting scene. A newly mated couple slept peacefully in each other's arms, legs entwined along with hearts, Oblivious to the world of pain around them. Shrouded in a comfort only lovers know. But who am I, you ask? I am the omniscient one, the author of this stirring tale. I am Satari. My presence here with you today is two fold. I do not have any power over our two heroes, nor do I clam to have not but a hand in their dubious affairs. My part is but to simply watch as their lives unfold, to see their hair turn to gray and the light dim from their eyes, their love to burn bright in the cold of eternity. But enough of my babble, it is not me you have come to see, but our lovers.
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Rin was warm. Affectionate heat radiated around her in a pulsing cloud of comfort. She felt the arms, like iron bands encompassing her waist, tighten sharply as she came from her repose of sleep. He was still here. The joyous notion that he hadn't left her alone as he had the times before, swamped her still sleep laden mind and filled her with a longing to see her shadow finally reviled.
Cracking her eyes ever so slowly open, she was at first blinded by the sun seeping through their window. Rin had called it theirs since the first time he had come to her.
~* Flash Back *~
No, Mother, Father…Don't leave me!
A young child cried in the darkness of a dream. The tattered walls, filthy floors, and unkempt appearance of the shattered home, did nothing to lighten the atrocity that had taken place there. Two bodies, or what resembled bodies, lay pell-mell on the floor, their broken souls hanging lifelessly in the air as they watched their daughter sob helplessly over their corpses. She was alone. Hopelessly and utterly…alone. She had no one left, and she was only 5.
The smoldering ruble was stacked around the small, frightened girl like a cage of destruction. Her home, her family; gone. But she didn't understand, could understand. Why were mommy and daddy bloody and maimed on the floor? Why was the house torn asunder? Where were Old Nana and Charlotte? Why was everything burning?
A noise out of hell rang behind her, permeating all her senses, which made her instinct scream at her to run as fast as she could. Rin turned, as she always did in this nightmare, to be greeted with the terrifying fangs, bloody claws and glowing red eyes of the monster that had killed her family… 12 years ago.
The room suddenly fell away, leaving her to face of the demon without cover. It lunged at her, claws unsheathed, and she ran. Long corridors of darkness spread out in front of her and she ran blindly down them, fear driving her tired, child size legs onward. The passageways became narrower and narrower until she could barely pass through them. The monster was gaining on her, a few more feet and she would be a claw swipe away from deaths door. Shrieking out in dismay Rin ran into a dead end. The front door of the home was bared. She couldn't get through. Banging the hard wood with her tiny fist ineffectually and rattling the door handle, she looked behind her to see…nothing. The demon was gone. The space behind her was empty. Rin turned around fully, forgetting her plight at the door and scanned the area around her. Where was it? It couldn't have given up on her, could it?”
Red eyes swung down in front of her face and she screamed. The creature was hanging from the rafters, its body extended to be within striking distance of her shaking one. Rin tried to back away, but she ran into the closed door. She couldn't get out. She couldn't get away. Her body stiffened. Rin couldn't move, her body wouldn't let her move. A clawed finger lifted her chin, and her frightened brown eyes met those of the wolf demon. The thing grinned at her, fangs dripping with poison, pupils dilated with bloodlust. The lolling tongue licked the muzzle like snout of a bloody face as the claw slid over her neck and cut a long strip of blood down the side of her shoulder, down her collarbone and down the middle of her chest, ripping the already tattered sundress in two. Burning pain pulsed through her adolescent body like white fire and Rin screamed in pain.
If I weren't hungry for flesh, the demon's voice rang through her terrorized brain like a mantra in a cathedral. I would bring you back with me for puping.
The slander was despicable. In the dream world, the older Rin now understood what this meant, but as a child she had not. A shiver of cold fear racked her tender form and the demon laughed, sending new tremors through her. The green slited eyes widened to incredible size and the demon barred its fangs once more.
Now you die!
A hand shot out and grabbed her around the neck, choking off her airways and Rin struggled with all her might to free herself, clutching at the demons wrist, trying to get it off her. The demon banged her head against the door and Rin felt her lungs let loose all the air she had left in her. Rin's body began to feel numb as icicle fingers scurried up and down her spine and played patty-cake with her brain. Her vision began to fade around the edges and all she could see was that face. The wolf demon's face; laughing at her weakness, mocking her failed attempt at escape, glaring at her with a hate so deeply seeded into his nature that it could never be removed. Then darkness closed around her and…
Rin sat straight up in her rumpled bed, gasping for breath, dazed and groggy with sleep. The room spun and she fell backwards once more, a hand resting on her forehead.
It wasn't hers.
She screamed, more in surprise then fright, and bolted from the bedclothes to the safety of the floor. In other words, she had fallen out of the bed. A shadow watched her rub her sore behind in vacant interest.
“Owee!” Rin winced as the pain in her rear end ebbed to nothing more than a dull throb. It was then that she realized she was rubbing a bare behind and shrieking again, this time with embracement, she snatched up her severely disheveled sheets in an attempt to preserve what little dignity was left to her. Again, the shadow sitting on her bed regarded her with muffled amusement.
Rin looked up at where she had previously been situated and realize she wasn't alone. There was no moon and barely a star in the sky whose light could reach the now open window to her apartment. The shadows seemed to rise up and envelop this stranger who sat on her bed, watching her now. Rin's heart sped up and memories long buried rose up like they did when she dreamed, making fear the prominent emotion stand out in her ora.
The figure on the bed seemed to stiffen and he, or what looked like a he, move forward ever so slightly, but it was enough. Terrified, Rin scrambled backwards, banging her hand against the nightstand. The lamp on it fell to the ground, shattering into sliver edged pieces of glass and filament. She didn't care. Backing up as far as the wall allowed, Rin closed her eyes and pulled her shaking legs to her chest, tears running down her face as she cradled her wounded appendage to her.
The man now sat on the side of the small single bed, facing her, his legs too long; stretching out in front of him as he watched her.
“You humans are so unreasonable.” The deep baritone of his voice slid gracefully through the silence of the room. Rin's eyes shot open at the insult and she tried to pick out the being from the shadows fruitlessly. “If I had wanted to kill you human, I would have done so. I would not have woken you from your slumber to do so, that would be unnecessary.”
“Who…who are you?” The response came out as a cross between a squeak and a sob and made even Rin wince at the pierced ness of it.
“That is none of your concern.” Came the sharp reprimand from the bedside. “You should be thanking me human, not cowering like the filth you are.”
Rin's outraged reply was cut short by the stabbing pain in her wrist. More tears trailed down her cheeks and stained the bedclothes in salt. The figure shifted again and Rin was suddenly face to face with it. How come I can't see his face? Well, though she couldn't see his face for the shadows there, she sure as hell could feel the claws of the hand reaching to hold her abused hand. A scream well up on her throat but was lodged there due to the overwhelming fear gripping her heart.
The creature of darkness gently lifted her wrist up to inspect it. If his tenderness towards her didn't scare the shit out of her, his next action sure did.
He licked her wrist. The warm, wet tongue encircled her hurt and massaged it softly.
“What are you…” The crooking sentence stopped as Rin realized that the pain in her wrist no longer existed. What's going on? The man dropped her arm but stayed crouched in front of her, starring her straight in the eyes. Rin starred back, unrelenting to his hard gaze.
“So unreasonable…” The man moved so fast Rin's startled mind had barely enough time to register that he had kissed her forehead before he was gone, leaving behind an open window, a broken lamp, and a very disturbed Rin.
~* End Flash Back *~
Rin smiled at the memory. She had crawled over to the window and shut it before hopping quickly back into bed, still shaken. She had lay there for hours, not thinking, but certainly not sleeping as her nerves tingled in a tense, fear laden dance of numbness. You know, the kind of nerves you get when walking onto the stage for the first time or speaking in front of a group of people who could care less about what you're talking about. After a while she clonked out and in the morning the glass was gone, the lamp replaced, and the window open. She smiled even wider.
Rin had tried everything to keep him from coming back, from bearing her window to having it welded shut, but nothing worked. Every week he would come back, her shadow. And every time he would scare the day lights out of her and then say some offending comment about humans and leave. Pretty soon, she had gotten used to her nightly visitor to the point of even leaving him food as a joke when she went on a trip or when she would fall into a deep sleep because she had stayed up the night before to talk to him. And when he had always listened to her problems and fears and dreams, he would wait so patently and urge her to continue when she stopped. He had been interested in her from day 1 and she knew it, even if he never would admit it. Now, Rin wanted to know everything about him, the way he knew her. She wanted to know the fears of this man who would slay her dragons one by one and still be up to the challenge of dealing with her. She wanted to know what was running through that brain of his and most of all, she wanted to see every emotion clear as day play upon his shadowed face. And not she could…not.
The arms holding her were too tightly wound and whenever Rin tried to squirm into a position from which she could lift her head to see his face, they would become even tighter. Sighing in defeat, Rin realized the futility of her plight and resigned herself to wait tell he woke up to see her protector's smile.
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AN: Hello minna! This sequel I have decided, will be a story and not a one-shot. * Everyone Claps * But wait! * Collective silence * since it will be longer and chapter filled…I need a plot. * Grins Sheepishly * Also I hop you noticed my great creative skills in coming up with names for my stories has diminished into a minuet pea sized quantity of knowledge. Also, if you haven't guessed by now, I am stretching my vocal. For the upcoming school year. Any and all suggestions are welcome and please review for my sanity. Thank you, you've been a wonderful audience, Oyasumi!