InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ Bed and Breakfast ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: What do you think?!? * Beings to cry *
Chapter 2: Bed and Breakfast
Heat coiled in her center as a mischievous tongue of flame licked at her core. She squirmed to get away from it, but a strong arm of iron said otherwise, pressing her down into the mattress. The fire between her legs teased her inner folds so lightly, it almost made her want to buck up into it and be incinerated, but the arm dictated once more the opposite. Groaning in need, Rin rolled her head back against the pillow under it, arching as much of her back as he would let her. His tongue worked magic as it circled her nub with expert precision, knowing exactly where to touch and when, until she was howling with need of release. He granted it to her. Screaming with unabashed joy in her ecstasy, Rin shouted the name of her mate, keening for the world to hear.
Chest heaving, heart pounding, Rin shuddered in bliss as the last of her climax ebbed to tiny spasms. After cleaning her up a little, Sesshoumaru moved from his place between her thighs to lie beside her, head propped up on one arm, waiting patiently for her to open her eyes. Passion and sleep-laden brown clashed with smoldering gold, and Rin gasped. He was gorgeous! Everything about him screamed “Come hither and I'll do terrible and wonderful things to you.” Long silver bangs hung down to accentuate the beautiful amber orbs that were rimmed with dark eyelashes and crimson powder. A purple crescent moon was centered over a classical nose and smirking, pouty lips. Lips that were ever making her knees weak and her heart race. Long lines of crimson outlined his high cheekbones and pointy ears swiveled slightly, listening for any danger. As if noticing her gaze on him, Sesshoumaru's smirk widened and his eyes lit up with mirth. (Yes everyone, the catalyst has come)
“Good morning, Rin.” His gruff voice made her smile as he brushed a few stray strands of silk from her face. “I trust you slept well.”
“You know I did.” She stretched, cracking a few lazy bones as she did so, and sighed in contentment. Sess wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him as he began to kiss and lick the crescent mark on her shoulder. Rin moaned her approval and wiggled further into his embrace, pressing against his chest and rubbing like a love starved kitten.
“Mmm, Sesshy.” He stopped his ministrations, much to her dismay.
“Hmm, yah.” She turned in his arms to rest her head on his chest.
“I should probably get up now.”
“Hmmmm.” Was his answer and he started another assault on her neck, running that accursed tongue of his over every spot he intended to nibble on first before doing so. Rin pressed closer to her demon as she gasped, trying to speak, but finding her voice gone. Sess made his way up her neck, rubbing here, nipping there, until he was level with her ear. Nibbling on the lobe, he said in a seductive tone, “Are you sure you want to get up, it's only 6:00.”
Whatever spell he had been weaving was broken instantly with this revelation. Rin's eyes shot open and she simultaneously shot out of Sesshoumaru's grasp, dashing for the bathroom and barricading herself inside. She furiously brushed her teeth and combed her hair. Throwing on whatever cloths she could find, which happened to be only a large t-shirt, she ran out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
Skidding to a stop in the kitchen, she hurriedly set about making breakfast. “How do you like your eggs?” Rin yelled to the room behind her. Without waiting for a response, she cracked two on the cold skillet and began to raid the fridge for anything edible. A pair of warm arms wrapped around her middle and she stopped momentarily in her search.
“Rin.” His voice was laced with mirth. Turning around with a package of bacon in her mouth, eyes wide, she cocked her head at him questioningly. Smiling at her antics, Sesshomaru took the bacon from her and put in on the table behind him. “It's Saturday.” Reality set in and Rin blushed with embracement. “Oh.”
Chuckling softly, he bopped a clawed finger lightly on he nose. She giggled. “Now, are you going to say good morning, or will I have to wait until afternoon?” Smiling shyly at him, she stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips lightly against his.
“Good morning Fluffy.” Came the butterfly winged caress of her breath on him. Growling with satisfaction, Sesshoumaru crashed his lips upon hers eliciting a groan from her honeyed depths as he lifted her from the floor. Throwing her arms around his middle, she responded to his kiss with a passion of her own. The silky smooth tongue of flame probed her sweet mouth thoroughly before retreating. He placed soft kisses on the edges of her lips before setting her down to the solid ground. Rin was surprised that she could still stand after that and was thankful he hadn't let her go yet.
Sesshoumaru wanted to join with his mate once more, but it could wait. Rin was no doubt sore after last night; the way she had hobbled from their bed this morning had said all. And she was hungry; as the rumble from her stomach broke the heated gaze they had been sharing, making her giggle. A small smile played on his lips at her childishness.
“Rin,” Her deep brown eyes looked up at him with a love that nearly knocked him flat. Collecting himself mentally he started again. “Why don't you go take shower and I'll make breakfast. It would seem your eggs aren't cooking very fast.” She turned her head to see the cold stove and her cheeks turned a deeper shade of scarlet. “Oh.”
Letting his arms fall away from their perch on her shoulders, Sess pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. She glanced back at him, unsure. “Don't worry, I'll take care of it.” To accentuate upon his meaning, he pinch her lightly on the ass, making her squeal and glare at him coyly over her shoulder. Rubbing her butt like it hurt she walked from the room.
`Sex and breakfast, I could get use to this.'
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AN: Hello Minna! Satari here and thanks to Mr. James Lucient, you are able to read this chapter. But I wont be so nice next time. Now the next chapter in going to cost you, 6 reviews or I stop this story all together. I know I'm being mean, but you guys are slacking off over there! In other news, it's raining up here in Wisconsin today, so I'm in a foul mood. Oh and inuyasha's on tonight! * Does happy dance * Yes I suffer from terrifying mood swings. My friends think I'm sane however, so I just let them dream. Yes I'm a geek, I know. Well, I have nothing more to say except IF YOU DON'T REVIEW, NO STORY FOR YOU!!!!!!!! JaNe =^-^=