InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ Damn all Phones to a Life of Pain and Torture! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3: Damn all Phones to a Life of Pain and Torture!
A shower was just what the doctor ordered. The steaming water danced in rivulets down her stiff body, soothing away all sign of tension to leave Rin in a state equivalent to that of a languid puddle. Clear headed and refreshed, she made her way, slowly, down the narrow hall, led by the smell of food and her stomach, to the kitchen. Her jaw dropped upon entry.
There he sat, proud as a cat after a meal of mouse. She even swore she say his tail waving back and forth. The whole room was cleaned of any mess that could've been made while cooking. Dishes were washed and drying or had been put away and an array of food was set out on the table. `All of that was in my fridge? Wow!' Rin guessed that he had already eaten, as he didn't have a plate in front of him. `How did he make all that and eat within 15 minutes plus clean. I can't even make eggs in under that time without burning them.' Then it hit her. `Duh, Demon!' She fought the urge to slap her forehead by countering with, “Maybe I should let you cook more often.”
Sesshoumaru smiled at her, proud as a cat after a meal of mouse. His golden eyes glowed as she walked into the small room looking fresh and relaxed, then narrowing in appreciation of what she wore, a combination of his shirt and a pair of short shorts probably left over from some 80's revival party. She clashed horribly but smelled wonderful. He loved the scent of himself on her, cloaking her from other males, showing she was his. He savored it on his tongue like a rare wine, mellow and sweet like her. Sharp and defined like him. Perfect.
Rin wanted to stand there and watch him all day. How on earth had she become so lucky? She certainly didn't consider herself by any means a find when it can to guys. Messy and unorganized, her day usually started with wearing something other then what she had chosen the night before and ended with cursing herself for not wearing what she chose in the first place. It wasn't making a decision that was the problem; it was all the little things that came along for the ride that irked her. Sesshoumaru, however, was an easy choice. He wanted her, faults and all. She had known him for over two years now, by silhouette of course, and now here she stood wondering what god she had pleased so much. Whichever one it was certainly had cracked the mold after creating this work of art. `I should try to model him sometime.'
A gurgle from her stomach broke the gaze the lovers had been sharing, making Rin laugh and Sess raise an eyebrow. Rin smiled sweetly at him and said in a secretive whisper, laced with giggles, “I think it's hungry and looking for food.”
Sesshoumaru stood up and walked over, hooking her left arm in his right. The perfect British waiter, he led Rin to her sturdy wooden seat and, with a flourish, pulled it out for her saying, “Well, madam, has come to the right place.” Rin looked at him as if he had grown another head, but sat down just the same. He sweat dropped at her look and sat down in the chair next to her, watching intently to see what she would do.
Rin stared down at the pile of pancakes before her. She could feel his eyes boring into her and, self-consciously, grabbed the bottle of syrup off of its pad. An idea flashed through her head and she giggled aloud, receiving a startled and slightly amused, “Hmm?” from the space near her elbow. Looking up at him coyly, Rin proceeded to draw a big heart in syrup on her top pancake. She could almost see his eyebrows shoot up and his eyes grow wide in confusion and mirth, though he said nothing. After finish her first delicious treat, Rin then ate the other two with a picture of a smiley face and a bad attempt at what ended up being a runny SESS * heart * RIN. She liked her lips and sat back, content with a full belly and a full heart to match.
He smiled at her, a small one, but it still counted. Sess once again dropped back into the British waitering voice he had used earlier. “Is Madam pleased?”
“Madam is.” She sounded far away, her eyes half closed as she reclined elegantly back in her chair.
Clearing her plate away with bravado worthy of a king, he quickly washed and set to dry the porcelain and was back, sitting on the table next to her in record time. His speed left her spinning and he used her dazed state to switch positions with her. Rin was disoriented, now on the table instead of the chair with him gazing up at her with a devilish gleam in his eye. He always had a devilish gleam in his eye, but this was more devilishly devilish than most. She stared back, questioningly. A ghost of a smile played on his firm lips and he lifted her up into his lap, resting her squarely over the part of him that ached for her most. Realizing now what he intended, Rin moaned and rubbed up against his chest, arousal forming in a pool of heat in her full but empty stomach. He growled at the contact between them and grabbed her hips with his big hands, holding her firmly to the bulge straining against his pants. Rin leaded back to look at him again.
Bair chested and in only in sweat pants, Sesshoumaru looked like a god, a very hard god. A God who wanted her, NOW!!! A load growl left his throat as he longed at her, knocking her back onto the table, attacking her lips with a force enough to make her moan. His tongue plunged and retreated in blatant mimicry of the joining they both craved, as one clawed hand restrained hers from moving and the other roamed gleefully over her body, touching, teasing, claiming. His lips ignited a fire that shot from her mouth all the way down to her toes, making them curl with pleasure. It was wonderful. His weight on her, the feel of him, all of it felt right. He stopped kissing her mouth, much to her disappointment, which quickly abated when he began to make a path of open mouth kisses over her check, stopping to nibble at her ear lobe, and down to her neck, where he began to lick at the pounding pulse nestled there. Rin wiggle under him, wanting more skin, more touch, more freedom to run her fingers through that long silky hair of his. But he granted her none of these. She whimpered and writhed, but still he held her down, taking his time to taste every inch of skin available to him. Savoring her sweet but salty favor.
The phone rang.
Rin's breath was ragged, but she managed a weak, “Sess…phone.” He made known his disapproval with a growl, but slowly he released her with a thorough kiss before he disappeared down the hallway, headed for the bathroom. Shocked and discombobulated, Rin lay back on the table before the phone rang again. Getting up, she walked the short distance to the receiver, determined to make it quick before Sess had to go. She was seriously going to kill whoever had the nerve to call and ruin the moment.
“Hello.” Her voice came out husky and made her cheeks tint pink.
“Hey Rin, guess who!”
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AN: Guess who indeed. Hello, hello. Satari here. For those of you who don't know me, let's keep it that way. For those of you that do; you poor, poor souls. This is the third installment of my Morning Lover story. I would like to take this time to honor two devout followers of mine, who have read both this and Shadow Lover from the first day I posted them, James Lucient and Arron12341. I love you both, though James…you don't need to yell, I can read just fine. LOL.
Anyhoo, it rained again today. Sorry Dream_Toxin, I tried but I'm not a miracle worker. =^-^=
My life is a mess. I've been a volunteer editor for a newsletter my mom's been trying to put together and I only have one thing to say…HELP!!! My computer skills do not border on master here, they border on novice, thus my lateness to you all. Also, if you need an excuse to wheedle your way out of any situation, call me!
Please review, if you do, I'll love you forever. If you don't…BURN IN HELL!!!
Thank you! ^-^