InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ Jealousy ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Two
Recap: “I hate being human,” I said again and InuYasha fell back, laughter braking forth once more.
“Sesshoumaru, it can't be all that bad,” the monk said and I glared at him, and held up my wounded hand, which still bleed, waving it at my state and let the look on my face tell that I would decide how bad it was.
It was more than bad.
It was worse than horrible.
There was no word I knew of that I could use to describe how bad it was for to me it was indescribably bad.
“You can't even use your sword,” InuYasha laughed and I stiffened rage and humiliation flooding me, rage was an emotion I knew well, it had been my most constant companion since InuYasha's birth and fathers' death.
Humiliation was new I didn't like it.
“Hold your tongue, you worthless half-breed,” Jaken snapped going to hit my brother but I spoke, low, “Jaken.” And he froze as I turned Kohaku handing me a stone that he had in a small pouch I had had made for just this reason as I held out my hand.
A simple flick of my wrist and the stone flew at him, hitting the intended target of his forehead, causing him to stumble back. Normally he would have been nocked unconscious so I was slightly displeased at the lack of affect.
“Do not strike him,” I said looking down at the sitting half breed, my eyes narrowed, “I…this Sesshoumaru is in need of your assistance,” I stated with a grimace and he looked up shocked.
“Wha?” he asked blinking large golden eyes, like mine had been, like they should have been. The light breeze moving his grey white hair, hair the colour of dirty snow, his mortal blood once again showing through as his furry ears twitched and I had the most sudden and disturbing desire to touch them.
Just a little.
“I in this state am helpless, I do not like saying it, but it is the truth. I am unable to protect myself nor Rin and Kohaku, though the boy needs little protection most of the time. Once word gets out little brother that I am mortal, the enemies that I have made over the years and those seeking to bring our families rain over the West to an end will hunt this Sesshoumaru down. I need your assistance,” I said the amount of words startling to one who rarely speaks and is often in places and situations that need little speech.
“You want my protection?” he asked tilting his head and I gave a small nod and he shook his head, saying, “No, no way no how, not after what you've put me threw.”
“The children then,” I said as Rin moved up looking at me worried, and he seemed to think it over before nodding, “Fine, the children can stay with us until you come back and get them,” though the look on his face said he doubted it.
“Very well, Rin you are to stay with InuYasha and do as he says, you understand?” I asked as I touched her head and she nodded though her eyes filled with tears, “Rin will miss you Lord Sesshoumaru,” she whispered.
I nodded and turned to Kohaku who watched me with a worried frown, only three months in my company and he seemed to be able to read my like a book, and he read my fear though I had a feeling InuYasha hadn't picked it up. Maybe my face wasn't as open as I thought, my eyes not showing as much as I had guessed they did and my control on my emotions just enough to hide my fear or any other emotion.
“Kohaku,” was all I said resting my hand gently on the boys' shoulder and he smiled sadly, “I'll keep her safe my lord. Stay safe,” he said as we shared a look of doubt at my survival. He knew, he knew that with my condition those who wished me death would come for me, they would come for me and I would die.
“Jaken, stay with the children,” I ordered walking away my eyes burning and my throat strangely tight. “Bye Lord Sesshoumaru!” Rin called as I disappeared from their view, the foliage covering me and hiding me.
Two days went by before the first attack that came from a long time enemy, Kirai, a dragon demon and son of Ryukotsusei. I had manage to get away and wound him with the human katana I had picked up, useful in this situation as it was light enough for me to wield and sharp enough to nick his throat. He had fled but more came and three more days past before InuYasha and his friends and my children found me.
It was raining, the water coming down in torrents as the sky danced with lightening and thunder boomed in the way that had scared me as a child. The cave I was hiding in smaller than most but dry and I had managed to find enough sticks to make a small fire for warmth. I hadn't eaten since morning and I was so hungry I felt ill for the meal had been small and so had every other meal I had had since leaving Rin and Kohaku's side.
My wounds were infected, this I knew from the way I burned with fever and the disgusting puss that oozed from them when the scabs were removed and the redness that surrounded them.
When Rin was injured I had a healer take care of it or now Kohaku, and I had little knowledge of what helped humans and was hesitant to use what demon medicine I knew for the stuff was strong and would kill most. Even most demons for I was…had been a daiyokai, and had been immune to all diseases, poisions and gases and had not been ill since my hundredth year.
And that had been what to most be a deadly flu yet only effecting me as a cold would a healthy prim of his life mortal. It had been nothing and now I was weak on more than one account and nearly unconscious when they had rushed into the shelter.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” Rin cried rushing to me as I panted, “Rin,” I breathed to soft for her to hear though I looked at her, her hazy image doing much to make me feel better. Emotionally at least.
“You look like shit Sesshoumaru, what did you do swim in a bog?” InuYasha asked as a squatted at my side and I swallowed, “This one told you they would come,” my voice weak as it came forth.
“Kagome! Lord Sesshoumaru is all hot!” Rin called and suddenly that stupid mortal bitch was touching me. “Don't touch me,” I growled weakly and jerked away, instantly regretting it for the cave spun, my stomach lurched and I fell and would have hit the hard, stone and dirt floor had InuYasha not caught me his hands very cold as they touched my burning flesh.
“Don't be an idiot Sesshoumaru, she's trying to help you!” InuYasha shouted and I flinched away, “Too loud,” I whimpered closing my eyes before jerking away and scrambling out of the cave, into the rain on my hands and knees to the tree line where I threw up.
The disgusting liquid burning as it came up and smelling fowl and tasting even worse as it left my body and I shivered in the rain. “So cold,” I whispered as hands caught me as the world went black and I fell into that blissful darkness.
InuYasha POV
Gods, he was burning up, his face flushed as he rested against me though his breath was something I could have done without, poor guy had up chucked nothing but bile and stomach lining so I doubted he'd eaten much. His long black hair wet and stands clung to his checks as I held him.
His normally white and untouched clothing ripped and tattered, his outer shirt torn into bandages that he'd used to cover his wounds. Shaking my head I sighed and lifted the larger man up though I frowned at how light he was. A man this size should be heavier. He felt about what Kagome did and there was a good 8-9 inches between them not to mention amount of muscle.
“Kagome, Rin's right he's burning up,” I said re-entering the cave and Kagome looked up from her bed roll pointing at it as she said “Put him here,” her voice leaving room for no argument. And I bit back a sigh as I put my brother down. She'd pitched a fit when I'd told Sesshoumaru rather bluntly that he was not welcome and even though he was in a precarious position not going to get my protection.
I'd defended my self saying I'd been about her brothers age when my mother had died and he had found me not long after and had done jack shit to protect or help me so why should I him? But I had them said in a smaller voice, unsure if I should admit it but did when she'd given me the sit look if I didn't spill that in a weeks time we'd hunt him down and I'd protect him. I just wanted him to learn.
I hadn't wanted this.
This was worse than what I had ever had and I had been a half-demon so I had been much harder to hurt than he was in his human state. I also hadn't had this many people try to kill me cause he looked like he'd been in a war.
Time moved and Sesshoumaru lay, still out of it panting under the cover Kagome had put over him after clearing and recovering his wounds. “InuYasha, I do not think Lord Sesshoumaru will survive the next attack on him,” Kohaku said from his place by my brothers' head, Rin pressed against him.
“Neither do I,” I said and blinked rapidly as Sesshoumaru's hand came up when Kagome went to remove the towel from his forehead and swatted her hand away. “Don't…don't touch this Sesshoumaru,” he whispered grabbing the wet cloth weakly and dropping it by his head.
“I'm trying to help you Sesshoumaru, you have a very high fever,” Kagome said and he snorted, breathing “I know,” as he swallowed convulsively and grimaced. “Eugh, yuck,” he whispered and I snickered, “Food never tastes good the second time it enters your mouth,” I said and he wrinkled his nose as Kagome made a small sound of dislike.
“You can say that again,” Miroku said and Kohaku moved sliding his arm behind Sesshoumaru's neck after opening his water bladder, another gift from Sesshoumaru. “Here my lord, this will help,” he said, putting the rim to Sesshoumaru's lips and I watched fascinated at how easily the children could touch and the ease in which they did it.
“Slowly my lord,” Hohaku said softly and Sesshoumaru seemed to roll his eyes and the boy slayer smiled and jealousy flared deep within me.
Why did he take in these too human children with no connection to him, no blood shared when he had left me, his little brother behind all those years ago? Why hadn't he taken me in and cared for me in that grudging fashion he did these children? Then I realised why in that one second as Sesshoumaru swallowed and weakly put his hand on the bladder as if pride wouldn't let the boy do it all for him.
He was afraid.