InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ Fear ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Three
Recap: He was afraid.
He was afraid, though what of I wasn't sure, could be that he was afraid that should he treat me as a brother and I died it would hurt him as the loss of our father had. Having lived with death all my life, hell, while giving birth to me my mother had been killed, I knew that the death of a family member was the hardest to take. Sure when I had found out the Kikyou had died I had hurt and mourned, but not as much as I had for my mother and the father I had never gotten to know.
I knew that despite all the bad things between Sesshoumaru and I, I would mourn his death even if I was the one to take his life, for he was family and had always been there even if he had never helped me. Even though he had hurt me more often than not.
Or it could be that should he except me, his half-breed brother, he would be as condemned as I was in the eyes of those around him, maybe pride wouldn't let him be near one who had brought death to all those he loved. Or it could be some other reason, one that I would never fathom.
Either way, he was afraid and as he sipped the water with Kohakus' gentle help I watched the silent expectance between them and sighed. This could be my only chance to have him as a brother, my only chance to prove myself worthy of his time and grudging affection.
“You should sleep my lord, InuYasha is here and no one will harm you,” Kohaku said as he lay Sesshoumaru back onto the bed roll. The sleeping bag as Kagome called it. Rin had moved to Kagomes vacated position and gently brushed my brothers hair from his face. “…Watch Rin,” Sesshoumaru ordered and I frowned then watching the smirks on the children's faces chuckled.
Sesshoumaru POV
I don't like being human and I detest being sick, it had been two days since InuYasha and his group of misfits and my group of equally misplace people had found me and because I was still running a fever though I felt better they refused to move. Especially InuYasha who was acting strange, always making sure I eat enough, was warm enough. Acting as if I were made of some precious, fragile compound that would shatter at the lightest touch.
“Enough!” I growled at him after our afternoon meal, “I am human not an invalid, little brother and I say I am well enough to be on the move!”
“Sesshoumaru you still have a fever, if we left here and you got ill again we wouldn't have near on as much shelter!” InuYasha snapped back as everyone in our mixed groups watched with blank expressions.
“Then we go to your human village with that old priestess! I am most sick of this cave!” I ground out before walking off shaking my head, stupid InuYasha! Stupid emotions! Someone one in the heavens must detest me, I grumbled in my head as I leaned against the tree behind me.
Not all that sure where I was or how long I had walked for frowned as a wave of wariness swept over me and took in my surroundings and cursed my long standing habit of wondering when my emotions ran ramped. Oh sure, my emotions had been easily repressed and not nearly as easily changed as a demon but they had been there and every so often, though more so since InuYasha's birth. Now as a human they swung from pillar to pillar, from happy to sad, from content to distressed.
My way of working through them and relieving tension was to walk, just walk and let my feet guide me though before it had never been a problem before. Before had I gotten lost I would just follow my own scent back, now as a human that form of saving face was gone and I was lost in a forest that could be full of demons just waiting to snack on a juice little mortal as I am now.
“I hate being human,” I said to my self as I rubbed a hand over my forehead, removing sweat and feeling the intense heat that made me ill and dizzy. Oh and look, there that stupid dragon who needs his head removed.
Yep, someone hates me hardcore up stairs.
“Oh look it's the Mortal Lord!” Kirai chortled as I cast a distasteful glance at him though my hand hovered over my mortal sword that hung on my hip with Tokijin and Tenseiga. It looked very plain and unimpressive next to them, a toy beside a real weapon and it was the only thing I had to protect myself with for sure InuYasha was willing to tend me while ill but he had said bluntly that I was not welcome to his protection.
That while he would care for my wards, he would not for me; not after our past and I respected his choice. Had someone treated me like I had him they would never be able to gain my protection, though had it happened while I was in my true state, my true species, they would not have been able to do so long.
“Hmm, still so silent,” the dragon cooed as he tilted his head, orange eyes full of mocking amusement, his greyish purple hair as long as my own held up in a half up half down style, thin braids gracing his temples.
Slightly taller than I, his shoulders broad and his legs long, he dressed in silk and adorned his body with armour, twin swords on his hip. His face a beautiful construction, true but the evil and cruelty in his eyes overshadowed his physical appeal and only a fool would trust him.
“You are not worth this Sesshoumaru's time,” I murmured in fake arrogance and turned to leave, knowing he would attack my back, too cowardly to fight me face on, even though I was only human now. His attack never landed, and I never had to draw my blade as InuYasha rushed in blocking the dragons approach. Tetsusaiga draw and clashing with Kirai's blade; the resounding ring sending the small creatures of the forest fleeing.
“Attacking someone's back, gods you make me sick,” InuYasha goaled as I turned and smirked at the Kirai's shocked face, “Meet InuYasha, Kirai, my little brother,” I said softly, in my most deadly voice and the dragon swallowed.
He knew, as most did, who had taken my arm, who had met me head to head in battle and always survived, and was often the victor.
“True you, Kirai are not worthy of his time, but I'm sure he will be more than willing to take your life, as he did your fathers,” I said once again leaning against the tree and InuYasha sent me a curious look.
“Kirai is the son of Ryukotsusei little brother,” I said and Kirai let out an outraged roar, more feline than dragon and rushed my brother with a wide sweeping swing.
InuYasha POV
Thank god he was okay, I thought as the dragon brat raced up at me, attacking me in the way a novice dose and I wondered briefly if he truly fought this way or if he was faking how bad he fought. Deciding on the latter I blocked and then swung, and then the dance began, a dance of near hits and blocks, the music the sweet song of sword on sword, bone on steal and the grunts of the dragon.
And I had to say I was a little disappointed, I mean, his father had been one of the hardest things to kill I had ever faced, and I'd had to be very creative to take him down so I figure like father like son.
Sesshoumaru had to be like our dad, coz the fucker was hard as hell to kill and I guess our old man must have been too, taking blood loss, a huge dragon and an army of well trained samurai to kill him.
So Kirai should be, logically as hard to take down as his old man, if not harder seeing as to how Ryukotsusei had just been awoken from a mystical sleep for two hundred years.
But after a few more minutes of our little dance I grew bored and jumped back as I swung the Tetsusaiga down shouting “Wind Scar!” and as I landed I watched the dragon be ripped to shreds his pain scream soon lost as he and the wind scar disappeared.
“Aww, that sucked,” I pouted, man, can't a guy get a decent fight? Sighing I turned to the only one, of late who even posed a challenge other than that stupid prick Naraku.
“Are you crazy?” I demanded, instantly going into a rant over how stupid Sesshoumaru was, “You're human Sesshoumaru! You can't just go wondering off like that, especially when you have a fever! Do you have a death wish?”
He just stared at me with that annoyingly blank face as the wind whipped up, and his long hair moved around his face, his scent hitting me and I watched stunned at how beautiful he was. Oh in demon form he was the deadliest thing that I had ever come across and as sexy as sin, I could admit that, only to myself.
But in his human form he was softer, weaker and more beautiful than ever, his skin slightly flushed with fever, his dark hair framing his off white and pink face, those strange eyes, staring down at me. His lips moist and parted as he breathed slightly heaver than he should.
And I saw the slight, almost non existent shake of his head a small movement that should have, and normally would go unnoticed. And I frowned, tilting my head as my ears swivelled and as if noticing that I'd notice he did that little shake of his head again.
“Than why the fuck did you wonder off?” I demanded glaring at him and he sighed rolling those odd eyes, before saying, “I wonder when I am over come by emotions, long habit that will probably never be broken.”
Hmm, so he had answered, and then it struck me again, that was what the children were always responding too, the small, almost unnoticeable, movements that he and the others hadn't picked up on. Hell, even that annoying toad guy didn't notice them and was often reprimanded by either Sesshoumaru simply saying his name or a rock in the head.
“Fine, come on, Kagome wants to go back as well, so she can go home and get you some more medicine,” I said and again he gave a small nod before walking away.
Wow, I could read Sesshoumaru…fucking weird.
Kohaku POV
Sesshoumaru didn't like the girl, Kagome one bit. I could tell by that little bit of tightness around his lips and the way he was almost always glaring at her. And he defiantly did not like being human, “Kohaku,” Rin said and I looked down at her, as she looked at her lord, her father and spoke without looking at me, “I'm glade Lord Sesshoumaru and Master InuYasha are friends now, maybe soon they can be family again.”
“Rin, if Lord Sesshoumaru wishes to be enemies with his younger brother it is his choice,” I told her and she looked up at me with those too trusting eyes, and I bit back a sigh, she was 10 and thought no one would ever hurt her. She trusted Sesshoumaru too much, that I knew but she loved him the way I had loved my father and mother. That was, before they had both been killed, one by my own hand.
Tears burned behind my eyes seconds before I felt Sesshoumarus' hand rest on my shoulder lightly and I looked up as he looked down at me, his eyes gentle though still cold, still guarded and I smiled at him. He always seemed to know.
Always picked up when Rin or I were hurting, when we were hungry or tired and catered to our every need all the while still keeping us disciplined and strangely unspoiled.
He was happy.
I could tell that too, ever since he and Master InuYasha had returned he had been happy, though the others couldn't tell, only Rin and I could tell just how happy he was, though Master InuYasha could tell his feelings where lighter.
“Yes, my lord?” I answered and he gave a small smirk and held out his hand and I had to bit back a laugh as I handed him a rock as Jaken complained about how stupid the fox kit was and that he would never be anything but a coddled pet.
He took it in a light grip at I touched the small pouch he had given me two moons ago, telling me to find the best throwing stones I could every time we stoped, it had to be full at all times. I had asked why and he said that time would tell me the answer.
At the time I hadn't been able to read him as well and his cryptic answers often left me stumped as what he meant. Now, the simplest movement of and or facial muscle could tell me worlds, when to be still when to hide, weather he was happy or sad, confused or mad, curious or understanding.
It had taken him days to understand my often-silent language, it had taken me almost two moons to grasp his and now we were both so fluent in each others secret languages we could have whole conversations without a word.
InuYasha would catch on soon, I knew this.
He wanted to know Sesshoumaru he wanted to be his brother, and he was taking steps to be what he wanted.
And I also knew that soon Master InuYasha would come to me, just to ask small, questions about his brother his curiosity would get the better of him and he would then get embarrassed and walk off fuming. So I would wait for him to come, tell him all I know, or I could go to him and ask him questions and then speak of my own interactions with the lord. That might be easier for the hanyou to swallow.
Catching the glance the half-demon cast my way after Jaken had been rocked by Sesshoumaru who was laughing in that quiet, way of his, his amusement washing over me and Rin who started skipping and singing to Sesshoumaru. She always did when Sesshoumaru was in a light mood.
Catching his look I decided I'd go to him. I'd go to him and make it easier for him and Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru POV
My feet hurt and my head ached. Not allowing myself to complain or act affected by the aliments of my stupid mortal body left me walking slowly with the children as Sango and my brothers stupid bitch chattered at the front of our large group.
Oh, I knew Kohaku knew I was in pain, I also knew that the boy knew I was strangely happy, I had been ever since InuYasha and I had talked after Kirai's quick death. He had finally noticed that I didn't need to talk to answer him as he seemed to believe everything needed to be verbal.
He had read me and had continued his little lecture that had touched my heart and begun pealing off another layer of the shell I had placed on it years ago. Rin had taken off the first few with her open trust and childish love. Kohaku with his observations and easy character and protective nature. He was an easy boy to like and it had been surprisingly easy to ingrate him into my little group.
Which brought me back to my original thought of how large the group had gotten, simply by joining up with InuYasha, an easy melding that had surprised me.
The Slayers familiar, the cat demon Kirara, my familiar Ah-Un.
Jaken and the fox kit Shippo, who was spolit and needed to taught not coddled and treated as a pet as the human priestess was fond of doing.
The Slayer, Sango and the monk Miroku, both who I was not uninclined to, they seemed to be good people and it helped that the slayer was my Kohakus older sibling.
The human miko, Kagome who I would rather like to strange as I watched the light of life leave her brown gaze.
My Rin and Kohaku and lastly InuYasha and myself.
The eleven of us forming one group that seemed to work well.
“Hay Rin, I know a really good spot to play in back at the village,” the fox kit said having jumped from the priestess…what had she called it? Bye cycle? Sounded right, down to us, and was currently walking at her side.
I watched out of the corner of my eye as she looked at Kohaku, as if asking if it were all right and the boy looked to me, I blink and he smiled and looked back at Rin with a nod.
He was good.
“Yay! Does it have pretty flowers?” she asked the fox kit and I grimaced wondering if I would, once again be subjected to a crown of flowers. Or gods forbid the braids decorated with the scented plants.
Holding my breath I glanced at InuYasha, just as he looked back at me and the children, a question in his eyes, I blinked, he frowned and dropped back with me, both of us dropping back behind the children. Mine speeding up to fill the space between then and the others as the monk glanced back at us.
“You feeling alright?” InuYasha asked and I frowned minutely then nodded slightly, this would have told Kohaku or Rin that no I wasn't but I would live, or that yes I was fine and not to worry.
Both children read me differently and at the same time correctly, I wondered how InuYasha would interpret it and wondered if I should ask then decided against it when he frowned, his eyes showing his incomprehension.
“This Sesshoumaru will live,” I answer then wondered the truth of that statement, I did not know the limits of the human body, I knew that their lives were comparably short to ours, demons. The longs lived would be around 100 and they were decrepit and often had to be treated as if they were children, being feed and bathed, changed and weighted on my their family.
Demons lived often more than 100 times that and they seemed to brake so easily. Rin had tripped once, and broken her arm in two places and it had taken a very long time to heal fully, about 6 months if I remembered correctly.
For all I knew the pain in my head and the aches in my legs and the heat of my still lingering fever might kill me somehow. Suddenly feeling very unsure of myself I glanced at the children, Rin casting me a worried glace even as she chattered with Shippo, and Kohaku dropped back to my side looking up at me.
Glancing at InuYasha I bit the inside of my lip and then asked in an almost inaudible voice, “Will I?” and he blinked in shock as Kohaku took my hand, filling my need to be touched, just a little in reassurance.
I was a dog after all, demon or not, touch carried a thousand words and conveyed much more than words ever could.
“What's wrong?” InuYasha asked and I looked down, away, not liking having to admit that I was hurting, that I was weak.
“My head, it hurts and my feet and legs are aching,” I told him in that too quiet voice taking comfort in Kohaku's grip as it tightened around my fingers. The strength of his hand and the knowledge that they had been used to take lives, to protect my Rin making me feel safe.
InuYasha gave a little laugh before saying, “You have a head ache and you've been walking around on wounded legs for about,” he paused looking up at the sun, “4 hours. The headache is probably from the heat of your fever and the heat of the day. Have drink and I'll talk to the others about a rest in a minute or so, when were off the road, if you want ride on Ah-Un, get off your legs and let them rest.”
Grunting I took the water bladder from Kohaku who had been quietly listening to us, “Also, Sesshoumaru,” InuYasha said softly and I glanced at him as I swallowed the top of the bladder still near my wet lips.
“Though humans are much more fragile than demons, you won't die of a headache or sore legs,” he assured me, though his amusement with plain in his voice and the little grin on his face.