InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ Diary ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Six
I appologise of any and all mistakes in grammar, spelling and overly long sentences that may occur, this is a seconddraft for chapter six after it was brought to my attention that I had many errors.
If any of you are willing to BETA my stories please contact me as a BETA is sorely needed.
This is an across the board thank you for all of those who have reviewed and for all your kind words and your willingness to be patient with me and my stories.
A/N: hia, my readers. I'd also like to recommend my sisters, Tehrror, who also writes Yaoi and Tohrture who right hetro stories. And say hi to sonata hirano who betas Tehrror and myYu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fictions. We love you sonata.
Also, in the chapter four I said that Sesshoumaru was seven hundred (though this has been changed) he is actually around three thousand, Jaken says so some where in the series (not mine the manga or TV)
And a quick apology to those who read the previous chapter with the number stuff up, originally it was meant to be chapter 6, had another brain frat but, I liked it and it fit in with the story line. It was also a way to get the boys the privacy needed to read their daddies diary. And the placing of my author note, stupid editing thingy moved it!
And to answer your questions about Miroku, milkchoclatehot64 and Ladykaa 28, Miroku lusts after both InuYasha and Sesshoumaru, though he has wanted InuYasha longed as Sesshoumaru kept trying to kill them and that's a big turn off. And Miroku is bi, he like both boys and girls though he likes guys more.
Moving on now!
Here is the next chapter of Mortal Bound, enjoy and review please!
Recap: Two many questions and the hardness of my cock was getting painful, the thought of the two of the inu brothers far too arousing for my own good.
Hmmm, a bath, on my own, yes
InuYasha POV
Sitting across from Sesshoumaru in the hay filled hut, the floor beneath us covered in the futons the old hag had given us was odd, okay but odd. But what was weirding me out the most was that Sesshoumaru was staring at me his golden green eyes wide.
“You're human,” he murmured and I scowled, “And?” I groused more than annoyed, I knew I was human, I had felt the entire process, the shortening of my nails and teeth, the change in my ears. That was one sensation I would gladly go without. It was strange and painful when my ears moved, changed and went from the furry tops that everyone seemed to want to touch to the human ones that picked up so little.
“…You look much like your mother like this,” he said quietly and I looked away shrugging, “Meh, do us a favour and drop it, okay.”
“As you wish little brother,” he murmured leaning back and as he did so I wondered how he could be so at ease. I mean only a week or two ago he'd been flipping out about being human.
Okay, I know I'm exaggerating but now that we're both humans. Both weak and relatively defenceless, though Sesshoumaru more than myself, he'd lost much of his balance with the change.
Then his words floated through my mind…I am well over a thousand, “Hay, Sesshoumaru,” I called and he looked over, though he didn't move, just looked at me with those odd eyes. The desire to move over and cuddle with him burned me and I blinked surprised before asking my question, “How old are you…seriously? And why the fuck do you always say this Sesshoumaru?” I added the last part, it more an after thought than anything.
He sighed and shook his head that long, black hair spreading out behind his head having been let down after we'd gone with Miroku for a bath, though the monk had been less than welcoming.
“This Sesshoumaru is roughly three thousand, give or take a decade, and the reason I speak like this is…well there are two Sesshoumarus', we are both he, only he is that Sesshoumaru and I am this Sesshoumaru,” he said and I blinked.
“I don't understand,” I said very slowly, like one would a crazy person…or a very slow one.
He huffed, sitting up, “Obviously little InuYasha has not yet heard his other half yet…hmmm, mayhap he won't,” he said softly to himself and I glared at him, calling me little I'd show him!
“Hmm, okay…demons have a…second personality. One that is their raw true self, untouched by outside influences, this Sesshoumaru, the…how did you describe it earlier? Ice-Prince and Bastard, though the last is not true. Mother and father were very much mated,” he explained as I stared at him.
“This Sesshoumaru is…inhibited, controlled by what has happened to him and the rules he had decided, may years before your birth to follow. The other Sesshoumaru…That Sesshoumaru is… unrefined, very raw,” he said and I shook my head, so not getting it.
“Strange…now that I think about it he has not spoken in a while…bothersome,” he murmured and I blinked tilting my head in that dog like manor I'd picked up somewhere along the line.
“When did he stop?” I asked cringing slightly, gods, my brother was a crazy person, a crazy person with a shit load of fucking power!
“Hmmm, about the time I was changed…I morphed into…this,” Sesshoumaru said with a sigh looking down at his hands. His eyes almost sad as he looked at his bared wrist, a bare wrist bare of its markings.
“Okay…would…” I started wanting off the topic of second voices and being human, I only had to be for a night…he, well he could be stuck like this for a very long time…maybe until he died.
Not liking that last thought, pain shooting through my human body, the idea of his death causing my entire being to rebel, I bit my lip and hissed at the pain, gods I hate the moonless night, makes me all human, all weak, all mushie and emotional.
“Would what little brother?” Sesshoumaru asked looking up and I whispered, only loud enough for him to hear, “Would you mind reading…reading fathers diary to me? I…I'm illiterate for the most part.”
Sesshoumaru POV
I had been right…he can't read.
“Well, when all of this is over I'll, we'll change that, come here,” I said leaning back when it suddenly occurred to me that I did not recall him bringing fathers diary and asked, “Did you bring it?”
“Yeah…I arr, I've been meaning to ask you,” he said his body language radiating embarrassment and discomfort. Wanting both gone I nodded as I patted the space beside me then waited until two things happened. One; he was comfortable, or as comfortable as he could be near me. Two; the diary was in my hands or rather hand.
“Umm, Sesshoumaru?” he asked looking at me with those painfully expressive and I waited, one brow slightly tilted in inquiry. “Would you…can you read from where he first met my mother?” he asked and I gave a slight nod flipping deftly though the book until about a half way through.
I've found her. The one who will bare my next, my final child. Izayoi a rather stunning mortal Princess. She is betrothed but that matters little, I shale take her, I'll have her and she will be my mate no matter what those pesky mortals have to say.
I rather like the way she says my name and the shyness in her amazing eyes. Yes she will be the one…Our first meeting went well, she'd wondered into the large groove west of her home, though it wouldn't be for long. I had almost laughed when she had tripped slightly at the sight of me…silly mortal, though my return home was pleasant the reception of my sons was less than what I had hoped.
Something is bothering Sesshoumaru, he has been very difficult though that would imply a certain…something that the pup lacks. And when that brat is bothered, Satsukamaru is bothered and when that boy gets bothered he hides away.
Here, I have wondrous news to share with the two of them and what do they do, pout. Though again that implies actual feeling and Sesshoumaru is as cold as stone these days. The perfect Lord-to-be, really but makes for difficulties in the days to come.” I read and InuYasha pipped up when I turned the page.
“Whose Satsukamaru?”
“Our brother,” I told him and he scowled, “Why haven't I met him?” hurt in his voice “Why didn't he come for me?” that pain asked though InuYasha would never ask that, no he wouldn't ask because as a pup I had rebuffed him.
“He rarely leaves the palace,” I said meeting his overly large; painfully expressive and lost eyes, so large…beautiful.
“He…as an illegitimate child he though born of our father, a most respected lord he has had a very hard life and is afraid of just about everything,” I replied going back to the diary.
“Stupid elders, by the gods I swear they do just about anything to drag out meetings and question everything put forward. Some days I just wish they'd hurry up and die, it is most annoying expressly when I had Izayoi waiting for me, though our meeting went splendidly.
So coy, so shy so perfect, though we were almost caught by that idiot Takemaru, mortal brat, thinks he has a right to my Izayoi. Though another problem has arisen, I am beginning to enjoy my time with the mortal woman more and more, when away from her I worry rather needlessly.
Bothersome and now there is trouble brewing in the north of my lands Ryukotsusei has been causing problems for the villages up there and keeps attacking wonderers. Idiot dragon. I will have to deal with him soon, but first my sons.” I said scanning the next part, a rather explicit description of his first time with Izayoi.
“I'll skip that,” I murmured aloud, scanning the next page and frowned. I had forgotten that much of Fathers thoughts where centred on the sexual aspect of his relationship with the Lady Izayoi.
“Why? Is it about you?” InuYasha asked and I shook my head, “No, it's about fathers thoughts on how good your mother was in bed.”
He blushed, a rather delicious flush and licked his lips, his eyes wide with uncertainty, “Yeah, you can skip that,” he said with a shudder.
“Good,” I said as a light flush touched my cheeks as well.
Bad Sesshoumaru, he's InuYasha…you don't lust after InuYasha's, I scolded myself.
“Okay, skip to where I come into it,” he said and I glanced at him, he was still so young by our standards, barely a child to be truthful.
“Very well,”
“I could not be more happy than I am at this moment. My love for my lady so overpowering I want to skip through the halls and tell all. She is with child! My child! Our precious baby!
I do not think I was this pleased when my late mate and sister InuHera had told me she was expecting Sesshoumaru. No, this child is special, mayhap because I actually love its mother, mayhap because I know this child will be treated right.
I need to think of a name, one for a boy, one for a girl and I need to tell my other sons, though if Sesshoumaru refuses to except then so will that bastard Satsukamaru. I really don't know why they or rather Satsukamaru clings to Sesshoumaru or why Sesshoumaru allows it.
It matters not, really, I would like for their acceptance of this pup and my mate but…should I not get it well I and Izayoi will be here for it and those two can leave until they grow up and accept it.
Well that went as well as I could have hoped, though I think Sesshoumaru took offence to my secrecy and my protective instincts may have hurt the pups' feelings. Satsukamaru seems okay with it, though he after the introduction fled to his rooms. Sesshoumaru stormed out and I doubt I will see him again for some time.
On a better note, Izayoi is content at my side and in my home, I've even shown her the room I have set up for the child, and she cried, odd that human tendency to cry when they are pleased. InuHera never shed a single tear in our time together. Not even when I sent Sesshoumaru out as a child, barely 15 in human years had she become upset and had never really been attached to the pup.
Hmm, still Sesshoumaru is a strong demon, stronger than most his age to be truthful, if he decided to remove Izayoi and the child he could though he would have to get through me. I doubt he could do that, I am much more powerful than he is so…Sesshoumaru will return eventually I'm most sure and he will accept.
I need a name!” I read and glanced at InuYasha as I yawned, my vision blurry, it had to be well past midnight and frankly I was exhausted.
“Read,” he demanded and I shook my head, “I cannot, InuYasha I can barely keep my eyes open,” I informed him, blocking another yawn moments before the hut door opened Miroku looking down at us.
“You guys alright in here? Hungry? Thirsty?” he asked though I think it was just an excuse to see us both as humans together.
“Where fine monk,” I said glaring at him, annoying human.
Miroku POV
Budda and Kami those two look nothing alike in human form, more like cousins than brothers, Sesshoumaru all lean and okay not going there and InuYasha is all stocky and his face is rounder.
“What are you staring at you hentai monk?” InuYasha demanded his irritation clear, as if I had interrupted something, “You two look very little alike in these forms,” I told him taking in how close he sat to Sesshoumaru.
The book in Sesshoumaru's lap, his long tapered fingers holding the book open. “Really?” InuYasha asked looking at his brother then me, though Sesshoumaru never broke from his glare and I wondered if he knew.
Had he realised that I…not going there.
“Yeah, you guys look more like cousins or friends than you do brothers,” I told him and he nodded yawning as he stretched his arms.
Oooh, do that again, I thought taking his how limber the human InuHanyou was before shaking my head, “So do guys need anything?” I repeated and Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes in annoyance.
“No we're good,” InuYasha pipped and I nodded closing the door and resealing it with a ward.
“How are they?” Sango called and I turned with a smirk, acting as if I hadn't had visions of them both nude and trembling beneath me, flushed with passion.
“Good, looking a bit snugly, though,” I told her gently and she frowned.
“How so?”
“Sitting real close, the way Kagome and InuYasha used to until a couple of months ago and I think Sesshoumaru was reading to InuYasha,” I told her sitting back down by the small fire we had going as a yawn stretched my jaw.
A/N: Again I apologise to all for any mistakes and hope you enjoyed this chapter and a volunteer BETA is wanted.