InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Bounds ❯ In The Wild ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions
Mortal Bound
A Sesshoumaru tale.
Random Brain fart enjoy!
Chapter Seven
…In the Wild…
A/N: hia, okay the first order of buissness is that I will not be updating again until I have 50reviews, so that's 18 reviews if you guys want more! And a big thank you to TheExclamatoryPanda for his or her review and taking note and telling me of mistakes made in the last chapter and to answer your question about a beta no I don't have one. So if any of you readers would be willing to beta for me I'd be most grateful as my English can leave a lot to be desired.
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far, and those who review almost every chapter, I love know you like my story. I'd also like to recommend my sisters, Tehrror, who also writes Yaoi and Tohrture who right hetro stories. And say hi to sonata hirano who betas Tehrror and myYu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fictions. We love you sonata.
This is an across the board thank you for all of those who have reviewed and for all your kind words and your willingness to be patient with me and my stories.
And Satsukamaru is pronounced Set-suk-r-mar-roo
Moving on now!
Here is the next chapter of Mortal Bound, enjoy and review please!
Recap: “Sitting real close, the way Kagome and InuYasha used to until a couple of months ago and I think Sesshoumaru was reading to InuYasha,” I told her sitting back down by the small fire we had going as a yawn stretched my jaw.
Sesshoumaru POV
Sleep hovered over the horizon and I put the book down as I stretched out across the hay-padded futons, “Sesshoumaru?” InuYasha asked and I glanced at him sleepily.
“Yes, little brother?”
“Did dad really kick you out at 15?” he asked and I flinched looking away as I remembered the pain I had experienced before father had removed me from the family home.
“Yes,” I told him and he frowned, his whole being screaming why? And I decided this way I could also explain my own behaviour towards him.
“Father had been telling me for years that should I wish to be his heir apparent and take his place when he died or chose to step down I had to prove myself worthy. I trained and cocky as I was, I took on a challenge that I was not ready for. I fought the lesser demon many centuries my senior and I lost,” I told him stoically.
“Father was less then pleased and told me that if I was so weak I deserved to be out with the rest of the lesser and promptly removed me from the house as the courts sorcerers warded the palace so I could not enter. I did not fair very well, I had never been on my own before and I had to say life was very hard,” I explained.
“How long were you out? Away from father?” InuYasha asked and I said, “over two centuries, it took me a while but in time I adapted, the worst part was the war. It ravaged the lands and having no where to go and no where to call home as staying in one spot was…dangerous.”
“It was just after the war, mayhap a decade when I came upon Satsukamaru. He was older than me and yet so much more fragile,” I told him, “Apparently before mating my mother. Father had a lady friend he visited often to get rid of his…lusts during mating season and one year she fell pregnant.”
“It was the same season that father and mother mated and a decade later I was created. Satsukamaru began to travel with me. By the time father found us after roughly a century later we were close, brothers and it was then, seeing I was still alive that he began to test me,” I told him my eyes closing.
“He started to send his army at me, weakest first of cause, if they could kill me do so, if not they died. They would come alone or in-groups and I would fight as Satsukamaru hid, he… as I said Satsukamaru is a very fragile being and could not fight as it often made him physically ill to harm or kill another. He would hunt and collect the herbs and such when we need it, as though I could I at times picked the wrong thing and if I had not been as strong as I was, immune to most illnesses and poisons I would have died,” I explained.
“After more than seventy years of fending off fathers attacks he met me head on, and we fought until I was defeated, though father was also worse for wear and it was then that he proclaimed me heir,” I told him with a small smile.
“I requested that Satsukamaru, though illegitimate of birth, return with us, father allowed it though he was…disagreeable at first, and made a point of putting Satsukamaru in his place,” I said opening my eyes to look at him.
“Father could not understand our relationship at all, at first he thought us lovers, as I had never shown any inclination toward friendship before and in truth I never wanted friends. They were victims waiting to happen but I am an inu, and inu treasure family and Satsukamaru was family, at times more so than father was,” I told him as hurt flashed across his face.
I spoke before he could, before he could begin to accuse or anything like it, “Yes, at one point I did begrudge you every breath you took but, by the time your mother had passed I had released my rage and hatred. Knowing that it was not your fault that you had not asked to be born. I began to watch you, I know I have never seemed like family to you. And I know to you I have never been there and have treated you little better than dirt,” I said softly, “But as my heir you must be strong. You must be able to stand on you're own two feet and say Ihave power of my own, I am a force to be reckoned with. I tease you, I belittle you for when I do request your return, and you are finally announced as my heir others will say the same,” I explained.
“So, to try to teach you to ignore the remarks and hold your tongue for I know that though their remarks will hurt you and bring about your rage, mine will ever be the worst,” I told him yawning as I closed my eyes.
Gods it was like delivering a speech to the elders, so much mouth noise needed. But then InuYasha had earned the right to this knowledge and what little reassurance I could offer. Emotions and the ill where Satsukamarus area, mine was more kill and be done with it.
Thinking of Satsukamaru made me want to smile and I reached back touching our mark. Not a mating one, no, it was a tracer, so that we both knew where the other was at all times and at times speak over great distances.
“S…Ru, do you mean that?” InuYasha asked and I reopened my eyes to look at him and nodded, holding out my arms in a timid gesture and he all but fell into me snuggling close his head on my shoulder.
“You should have told me…” he whispered and I smiled, “But then you would have known the words were just lip serves and it would override the point,” I whispered back turning my head to press it into his hair.
“True…why did you try to take the Tetsusaiga?” InuYasha asked after a moment of silence, “I felt it time for you to receive it. I had to find it and then I…antagonised you into using it, to see if you were ready to wield fathers sword. You could, after you found out the secret of the sword, the way in which it works,” I explained, “You made me very proud to call you brother,” I said.
“I…” he started but I shushed him, one, blunt nailed finger pressed to his lips, “Hush, sleep little one, sleep and know you are safe, you are loved.”
InuYasha POV
I woke to the feeling of my ears popping out of my head, a head that was pressed into Sesshoumaru's throat, the heat of his body so close to mine. A groan slipped past as I sat up wondering how I'd gotten so close to him seconds before my mind cleared and I remembered every word he had spoken last night.
“Sleep little one, sleep and know you are safe, you are loved,”
“You made me very proud to call you brother,”
With those words ringing in my ears I gazed down at the sleeping mortal as my hand moved without permission and made its way to his cheek, my claw tipped fingers tracing the delicate lines of his face. It was odd knowing he loved me, knowing that all this time I had been prepared to take on the demon courts, to stand at his side, strong in my own right.
He woke as my fingers tangled into his hair, petting him and made a small sleepy, contented sound and moved his head closer to my hand obviously enjoying the feeling. “Morning Ru,” I whispered as he yawned then licked his lips, nodding as he murmured, “hmm, yeah,” though by then I was too distracted by the shine of his lips. Lips, that were full and really soft which I found out when I pressed my lips to his gently, watching his eyes for a reaction.
They widened in shocked though no anger entered before his lids slid down and he pressed up into me, so I was no longer kissing him, and he wasn't kissing me, no we were sharing a soft, affectionate kiss. I pulled back first and he frowned slightly before opening his eyes and looking at me though neither of us got a chance to say a word as the door slid open and Miroku filled the door way.
“Good morning, its nice to see you back to your demony self my friend,” Miroku said as he knew, even more than Kagome did how much I hated the new moon. “Keh, shut up…lets head back I'm hungry and food should be up soon,” I said standing with Sesshoumaru who held fathers diary in his grasp.
“Sure, Sango headed back a little while ago,” the monk said as we headed off Sesshoumaru walking quietly at my side and as I glanced at him I noticed the small flush to his features. A blush.
“Are you okay Nii-san?” I asked and he looked at me with shock in his eyes, I think that was the first time I'd called him that in close to 150 years. Mayhap more.
He nodded slightly as he took in my face and when he looked at my lips he blushed slightly again and it with my turn to be shocked, and I asked loudly without thought, “Was that your first kiss?”
Miroku stoped and turned his face covered in surprise as Sesshoumaru blushed and glared at me before turning away and walking swiftly to Kaedes' hut, his head held high. “I guess that answers my question,” I whispered slightly hurt at his reaction and Miroku continued to stare at me.
“What?” I demanded and he smiled slightly before speaking.
Miroku POV
“InuYasha, you took Sesshoumarus first kiss?” I asked and he blushed and huffed, “Well how the hell was I to know? Its not like he has a sign saying untouched, or some such shit!”
“…Very true though I must say its very surprising to meet a demon his age that is…pure,” I told him and he nodded, “Yeah, especially with heats. One, other demons are after you and two, you want, need, to be touched…sexually,” he said blushing as red as his fire rat robes as he spoke.
“Really? And how do you know this my friend?” I asked a little jealous of what ever lucky being got to be with the InuHanyou.
“I went through my first one about a year after I was freed from the tree, remember when all those demons kept attacking for seemingly no reason and Kirara stuck real close to me?” he said and I nodded.
“That does explain it, I have a question though, and I mean no offence but what did you do to…you know relieve yourself?” I asked wanting…needing to know.
“…Monk, I ain't answering that,” he said and I nodded understandingly as we walked into the village, others greeting us happily as we were rather common place here and they had accepted InuYasha not too long ago.
Sesshoumaru POV
I could kill him! Asking me such a thing in front of the Monk and doing so loudly as if everyone in the whole of Japan needed to hear that I, Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord Assassin of The West an as lily white as Rin. Rin, who is a 300th of my age, well okay not that clean…I hadn't always been as strong as I normally was.
Though that had been my first kiss. So what big deal and the thought of kissing had never appealed to me before, so I was still rather shocked at how I had reacted to InuYashas' lips pressed to mine.
I was so lost in thought I didn't realise where I was going until I walked right into a villager, a much larger male who sent me to the ground. So startled I just sat there for a moment my eyes wide with shock as the man stared down at me.
And was thankful InuYasha and Kaede had had the foresight to keep my true identity hidden, and I was going under Ru, here so this man didn't realise he was dealing with a demon overlord and helped me up with a smile.
“Watch were your walking, son, next you might walk into a wall,” the man joked and I nodded and headed off as I wondered how he would feel is he realised that I was his elder by about 2955 years.
“Stupid InuYasha,” I muttered touching my lips before ducking into Kaedes' hut as Satsukamarus' voice filled my head, `Little brother are you well?'