InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Kaede ❯ Ugly daughter ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha It is owned by Rumiko Takahashi! nor do I own the storyline. Mother Hole is from the Brothers Grimm.


"She is so lovely." One person said

"I agree, she has a voice of an angel." she heard another said. She smiled happily to herself.

“I hope she sings another song.” Yes she was at this point blushing, for she was once again praised for her efforts.

She lived in a dream world. In a world that everyone thought she was beautiful and everyone loved to hear her sing.

It would always be the same. A fabulous party with nothing but the best things in life. Beautiful people, who were full of laughter and smiles. And the best food would be there. And she always had the guy, and they would live happily ever after.

“May I have this dance my beauty?” a man would whisper in her ear. She would shyly nod and he would take her in his strong arms.

In this world the sun shined on her in praise, the animals would come to pay respects to her. Yes, her world was beautiful.
Then she would wake up. Reality, in its cruelest way would show her the truth. Her eyes would look around, and no one paid attention to her. Today like many days the weather was cold, and harsh as if punishing her.

As if mirroring the weather, the people too treated her cruelly. To her face they would smile and bow to her because of her mother. No one would disrespect a powerful healer or her family.

Behind closed doors and behind her back they would say cruel things.

“She is a beast. Look at her eyes how did someone so beautiful create such a monster.” She heard once while passing by.

"I heard that the good priestess was attacked and the girl was the end result." Another said

“I don’t know about that, if that were so, why would you keep the child. What troubles me so, is if she were part demon, she should be more useful. She is a total waist." Another said adding to the conversation.

"You're right about that, the laziest thing I have ever seen.”

She heard that said two years ago, and sensed that the villager’s opinion stayed the same from that point. Like always she would run and hide.

But every morning, after waking up from a good dream, those voices would replay in her mind. She would squeeze her eyes shut and pray to go back to sleep. She couldn’t take the pain of hearing this awful truth.

She stood a six foot 6 inches tall, painfully taller then most men in the village. She inherited her mother’s flawless skin, facial features and smile. She thought that is all she needed. She even had a very feminine figure, if you thought tall was feminine.

Even the height wasn’t as bad as her other flaw. The odd color of her eyes. She never seen anyone in her 18 years with eyes her color.

"You inherited your father's eyes little one, do not be ashamed of them." Her mother would say with a kind smile. Her mother was the only person that seemed to love her glowing red eyes.

"They are a reminder to me of the greatest gift that was given Me." her mother said once to her when she was a small child.

"What gift mamma?" She asked

"You, I am blessed to have such a beautiful little girl." Kikyou said to her child.

Once again, her mother was the only one who thought she was beautiful. Because of her size, and her eyes she was an outcast, not worthy of anything.

"I wish I could just fly away from here." She muttered laying back down on her futon.

She felt alone, and like today she wished her life would end. She wondered if anyone would miss her. Yes, her family would, her mamma and her little sister. She knew she had at least the two of them would mourn her death.

But today she really felt like she had one person to help her pain. The only ally she had was her mother. But today, she knew that her mother was away.

“Why, mother why did you leave me.” She said as tears pooled down her large face. Soon she met sleep and her dreams took her back to the land of fantasy.

Moments later, her mother walked in and saw her daughter sleeping on the futon. She walked over to her and ran her fingers through her soft dark hair.

“Little one what am I to do with you.” Kikyou whispered more to herself then to her daughter. She pulled a blanket over her and pulled the shade for her to sleep soundly.

“Why is this so hard? What have you done to your child Naraku?” Kikyou muttered sitting beside the futon, and staring into space.

Flash back-------------------------------------

Years before she met her beloved husband she met another special man. His name was Naraku. He was very tall, and very handsome. He was perfect in Kikyou's eyes. The problem was he was also very conning and obsessive.

He was a half-demon. Not that all half-demons were unstable emotionally; he was a special case. She actually caught him stealing some of the villager’s fish. She almost purified him, when she stopped.

Something about him called to her. Soon her attraction toward him grew to the point that she committed an act that a Miko should never do. She laid down with the hanyou.

It was after the act, she knew the true nature of Naraku. He thought that after he took her purity, he would then be able to absorb her powers and destroy the village.

That betrayal caused his death and he was purified to ashes. Kikyou hurt emotionally, but healed with time. She found something to look forward too. Her baby girl. Yes Kikyou's heart healed and had something to live for.

------------------------------------------end of flash back

In Kikyou’s eyes her little one was perfect. Even looking at her now, she’s beautiful. She has flawless skin, beautiful face, and an honest smile. She also is also one of the most graceful beings alive today. Despite her height she can glide from on place after another. This is why she gave her a name that had the meaning of dance.

Despite all the positive things about her daughter, was she was the only one to see her shine. Well her and Kagome. It broke Kikyou’s heart is that no one else felt that the oldest girl was even worth the time of day. She didn’t understand just because someone is different doesn’t mean that they are ugly.

So instead of insisting that she would work or do her chores, Kikyou would do her best to shield the oldest child from the cruel world, and let her idle at her leisure.

Kagome walked into the hut and saw her mother sitting in the dark looking into space.

"Sweetie, have you finished your chores already?" Kikyou asked her voice very tired.

"No mother, don't you remember, I am to prepare lunch today for us now. I saw that you left at dawn so I wanted to prepare something extra special so we can eat as a family." Kagome responded

"Oh ok, good girl, when we are done eating I would like for you to do your sister's chores, for she....." Kikyou stopped and looked at the futon unsure on how to say anything.

"Sister's unwell, Ok. I will." Kagome said to her

"Thank you, and when you are done, you can go to the well and sew if you'd like alright." Kikyou said giving Kagome a true smile.

"Kagome's face lit up and bowed to her mother then began preparations for their late meal

Author’s note: Yes more Kikyou, but it is very important for everyone to understand everyone’s relationship. I know you guys can guess who the ugly sister is