InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Kaede ❯ The other daughter ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha It is owned by Rumiko Takahashi! nor do I own the storyline. Mother Hole is from the Brothers Grimm.

Authors note: It is a Shinto dance meaning dance of the god’s. The answer will be in this chapter anyway, I can't keep calling the older sister: Ugly, sister, or little one forever.

Chapter three: The life of The Beautiful industrious daughter

“Wow I got everything done in record time!” Kagome tiredly announced out loud. she blew at some hair that flew rebelliously over her eyes and plopped down in her favorite seat, and sighed. It was common for her family to find her at the old well by the village.

This was her favorite place. Ever since she was a little girl, this was her sanctuary. It was her time to relax and reminise of her life growing up. She only had about an hour to do so today, but it enough time for her. She picked up her case and pulled some objects out. Her most precious treasure was pulled out and placed gently on her lap. She said a silent prayer and picked up the book and placed a kiss on the cover. Her treasure also known as her fathers journal never left her person. She would carry it everywhere. But today, instead of keeping close to her she would read all that she could, for on this day, she would spend some time commemorating her father's death alone.

"Hello daddy, I have to tell you about today." she began talking clutching the journal filled with memmories.

Retelling her day made her pretty smile disappear. Once again her older sister was suffering, and she had no idea on how to fix it. Sure mother was there to console her, but as long as they stay here, her family will suffer.

"I know mother doesn't mean it daddy, but it's getting really hard to do all the work." She continued to complain to her father.

"I just wish we could leave this village and go elsewhere." she finally said thinking of what her mother said the last time she voiced the request to her.

Flash back--------

“Mother why do we stay here, why can’t we leave? The people are mean to sister here!” Kagome said to Kikyou once when she was a small child.

Kikyou bent down to her youngest and looked at her square in the eye. “Kagome, these villagers are your father’s people. Try to give them respect alright. I made a promise to him that we would stay here, and staying is what we will do. Ok, no more complaints ok?” Kikyou asked her daughter.

The little girl nodded and looked up at her mother sadly.

“Remember this lesson Sweetie; people fear what they do not understand. They also fear differences, if you learn from their mistakes; you will be a better person.” Kikyou said to her picking the little girl up.

“Ok I will learn from them mother.”

“That is a good girl.” Kikyou said as she gave the small girl a peck on the cheek.

End of flash back-------
"And I think by having Sister do something may help her forget about the stupid villagers. I heard them call her ugly! Father can you beleive that? She so beautiful, why would they say that?" She angerly announced.

Sighing to herself she picked up her threads and needle and started to work. The sun was still up, and while it was cool outside, she didn't mind the weather much. The weather didn't do hurtful things to you. Nor did the weather ask you to do more chores. The weather didn’t cry and make you feel bad because of treatment of others. The weather didn't make you lonely.

"Daddy I wish you were here." She finally said not for the first time.

She thought of her family and it make her eyes start to water. First was her mother Kikyou. She was a woman that Kagome looked up to. She was strong, kind and very smart. People looked up to Kikyou, and that was the type of woman Kagome wanted to be. Well there were times when Kikyou was a little too cold and emotionless. Kagome knew it was her way of dealing with things.

Though Kikyou wasn't her natural mother, the term step mother didn't really apply to her. She cared and treated her as her own. Kagome never met her real mother so that wasn't hard to view Kikyou as such.

She stopped sowing and picked up her father's journal. In it she found one of his letters he written to her as a child while on one of his many travels. She smiled at the memory of the words that it held.

"Remember Kagome, I want you to be a good girl, listen to Miss Kikyou. If you do, she might want the job of being your mother. And then we all can be a real family"

She remembered the wedding of her father and of Kikyou. It was one of the happiest days of her life. She not only was getting a pretty mommy, but a big sister too! Yes it was a happy union and she was glad for her mother and sister. She learned so much from them and was glad they were her family. In a lot of ways she wanted to be just like Kikyou and Kagura.

The main quality of Kikyou that Kagome wanted to imitate was that of her love. Everyone knew that Kikyou loved Akio Higuarshi with a passion. And his untimely death still plagued the woman. Because of that love, Kikyou refused to remarry. Because of that love, she was always down. Looking to help others instead of helping herself.

"You look so much like your father." Kikyou said to a 13 year old Kagome. It was then that Kagome knew that her mother found it hard to look at her. There were many times that she would catch her stare at her with a lost look on her face. When reality set, Kikyou would ask her to run an errand or do some other type of chores, and like always Kagome would do it.

Then there was her older sister Kagura to think about. She at times resented her sister, and the villagers caused that. Kagome didn't understand any of it. Kagura was very tall, but she was thin with all the curves that should be envied. She also had the perfect skin too, and face that should make any man fall for her. Her voice was very pleasing to listen to and she also could dance with the grace from the gods. She was also very gentle and kind to her.

So unlike Kagome. She felt worthless when compared to her sister. She couldn't sing, or dance. Cordination was never her strong suite. Her dancing looked more like someone almost falling. Sure she was smart, and hard working, but what else could she do.

When it came to her own appearance, she felt even worse. She was not anywhere near even in proportions and that depressed her. She even told Kagura on several occasions she would love to switch bodies. Kikyou would tell both girls that it's disrespectful to the god's to complain on there appearance and to accept and appreciate what they have.

She peered at the old letter and could still read the last line.

"You will be blessed in the end with happiness and love with all your hard work."

Though he meant by her being good they could all be a family the four of them, she took it to heart and worked hard at all she did. The truth of the matter, work sometimes made her forget, and that is what made her sane many days.

She put the letters down and closed his journal. She sat back leaning against the well and she drifted off to sleep.

"I think I will close my eyes for a few minutes." She thought realizing that she was exhausted from work.

"Until tomarrow Daddy, I love you." she whispered to the wind.

Author's note: I know that this was short but I wanted to get her story on so I could continue with the whole story. Please review. I have changed some things in the story to get a different viewpoint of the characters. Kagura is still the ugly one, and Kagome is the heroine. Kikyou is the wicked step mother but she doesn't get what she is doing to the both the girls.