InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Kaede ❯ The forsaken one ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha It is owned by Rumiko Takahashi! nor do I own the storyline. Mother Hole is from the Brothers Grimm.

Author's note: I am keeping the Grimm story close as possible without sounding too silly. This is a darker version of the tale and there will be adult themes through out. Enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 4: Poor Kagome

Kagome opened her eyes and saw that she was laying in a bed that didn't belong to her. Never in her wildest dreams would she have had such a warm and comfortable bed. 'Ah I could stay in this all day.' she sighed snuggling into the pillow. She looked around and noticed that the bed was placed next to a baker's oven.

"Huh? An oven? Where am I?" She got up, eyes clearing up and focused. She inhaled deeply and smiled at the smell of fresh bread being made.

"Help us please help us!" She heard something cry inside the oven. She rushed to the oven and opened it.

"Please help us we do not want to burn, no one would eat us if we did!" They cried to her. Being the girl that she was she grabbed a mitt and took the bread out and set it on top of the stove.

"Thank you mistress, thank you for saving us. You will be rewarded with true love. He is coming for you soon....." The bread echoed to her and things became hazy to Kagome.

----------------------------------------------------- ------------

"What an odd dream." Kagome muttered getting up from the bed. "I have a sudden craving for bread." She said and smiled. "True love huh? Well I hope so." She wished silently as she began her day.

Over the next three weeks got better again and Kagura was in a more helpful mood. It was those days that Kagome felt grateful. Kagura would do all the cooking (which she was excellent at) and most of the household duties.

That would leave Kagome to assist her mother with other things. Once a week Kagome would go into town and sell or barter items at the market. Traveling was tiring and she always was harassed by the village boys, so this wasn't a duty she cared for, but she was the only one able to handle it.

While Kikyou attending to other duties, Kagome was the one the villagers would go to for medical care. Though they were not related, she had the natural ability to use her resourcefulness to heal certain ailments. That was a duty she liked to do. She always got nice gifts from the family of the sufferer.

The main chore she had which gave her joy was the gardening. They have a vast herbal garden that needed constant upkeep. Both duties Kagome loved and she enjoyed.

“I wonder if my dream was something that will happen in the future.” She thought to herself picturing her in a nice cottage of her own.

Later that night they were enjoying another dinner prepared by Kagura when Kikyou, gave the two girls gifts.

“For Kagome, I have some fabric for you to do what you’d like, and I also have a book for you.” She said smiling to her youngest.

Kagome beamed and gave her a hug and took the gift.

“For my precious first born, I have a new dress for you.”

Kagura smiled, for she loved to get new clothes. And thanked her mother.

The dress was floor length like all of theirs, but it was floral print. It was the fanciest dress all three ever had in procession and here it was made especially for Kagura.

“Thank you mother.” She hugged her and put her dress away.

Kagome looked to the floor in slight sadness. It was the third dress Kagura got this month, and though she was happy with her presents, she wished she could get a new dress.

‘Well no worries, I’ll make my own dress.’ She thought as she looked down at her real-life pheasant dress.

Yes the days were most pleasant for the three women, but like the wind, it suddenly changed for the worse.

Kagura was on her way from the well when it happened. While walking and maintaining balance, some one struck her with a melon. Then another hit her.

"Yeah, I got the giant. I got her twice!" A boy said laughing with his two friends.

"Hey, you boys get home before I tell your mothers what you did to Miss Kagura." A man said shaking his head.

"Why are you acting mad old man, we heard you and some of the men laughing at her." One of the kids said back pouting.

"I have heard enough of the insolence Souta. You and the others better apologize to her before I make you." Another man said fearing the healer's wrath.

"I am not sorry old man, no way. Let's go guys." the leader of the boys said and they all ran off.

Kagura hearing this dropped the buckets and ran into the home. It took Kagome two hours to calm her sister from her wails down to her sobbing. Once their mother got home, it to the two of them to calm the girl down totally.

'Man, now I am going to be drained for the rest of this week.' Kagome sadly thought.

'Why does this always happen? Why am I so hated?" Kagura whimpered not for the first time.

"You are not, Kagura don't ever say that again. You are both beautiful and kind. In fact you are one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen. I will talk to them and make sure the children will be punished ok?"

"Mother, no. I can't take this anymore. Please can you let me be for a while?" Kagura said.

"Very well, have it your way. The next time something like this happens, let me handle it." Kikyou sighed and got up and left her daughter to her thoughts.

"One day someone will love me. If they don't I'll just die." she bitterly thought as tears streamed down her face.

------------------------------------------------------------ -----

The next week followed by more and more work. Kagome's free time was non-existent and finally by the end of the week she was able to sit by the well near her village.

She had Kagura to thank. Last night during dinner Kagome fell asleep in her food. Noticing that her sister was also affected by what was happening made Kagura feel guilty. 'Maybe I am lazy.' She thought to herself as she gently shook Kagome's arm to wake her.

"Come on shorty." Kagura muttered to Kagome getting the smaller girl up and helped her to bed. The next morning Kagome woke up to the smell of food cooking. Once again it was Kagura cooking.

"Good morning little sister, did you sleep well?" Kagura asked smoothly.

"Yes sister, where is mother?" Kagome asked looking around nervously.

"She left a while ago to perform a delivery. Don't worry, she wont find out that you overslept." Kagura said handing her sister a bowl of food.

"Thank you. Wow this is good!" Kagome said as she dug in eating the food with gusto, and manners (if that is possible)

"It was the least I could do; I haven't been well for a while, Thank you for doing my chores all this time. So today, I will be doing both yours and mine so take a day off." Kagura said smiling.

"I have a better Idea, why don't we both do them together; it will be done a lot faster that way. Then we could spend some time together." Kagome replied

"Sure, we could do that. It has been a long time." Kagura said

By late afternoon, Kagome was working on her sewing project by the well happily, while her sister was sitting with her reading. They didn't have to be home anytime soon, because their mother was gone, and would be until late at night.

"What are you trying to make Kagome?" Kagura asked after awhile.

"I'm making an apron for my dress." Came the reply.

"It's green." Kagura stated

"Yeah I know, I was thinking of making a new dress after I got the apron done." Kagome said.

Kagura studied her little sister. Her clothes were worn, and tattered. The long brown skirt was covered with stains that could not be cleaned. 'She is in need of a new dress or three.' Kagura thought looking at her nice flower print gown that was neatly pressed.

'My God she dresses like a cinder girl.' She realized sadly. Kagome looked up at her duty and frowned.


"Next time we go to the market, I am getting you a new dress." Kagura stated firmly.

Kagome was shocked at the statement. For Kagura to willingly want to go into the village was really something. And even for something as little as a dress was amazing.

"Ok, it's a deal, now let me concentrate so I get this with out pricking myself." Kagome said with new determination.

Moments later.......

"Ow!" She shouted looking at her hands.

"What happened Sister?" Kagura asked concerned.

"I pricked my finger, ow I did it again." She complained dropping her items and getting up.

"I'm getting some water from the well, want some?" she asked sucking on her two injured digits.

"No, I'm good." she said while she continued to read.

"Ok" Kagome said as she leaned down and looked down the well.

"Boy it sure is far down there." Kagome said to her sister. Kagome then got up and sat on the rim of the well.

"Hello down there, is any one down there?" Kagome cried cupping both hands to her mouth

"Kagome, it's un-ladylike to play around like that. Get the water and get down." Kagura said getting nervous that she was climbing up on it.

"Come on Kagura, it's not like anything will......." Kagome said as she suddenly lost balance and tumbled down into the well.

"Kagome? Kagome I am serious. Kagome!?!?!" Kagura screamed as she got up and approached the well. When she looked down, she saw nothing but water at the bottom.

"Oh my....Where did you go? Mother!!!!!!" Kagura called running into the village to look for her mother.

Author's note: Ok the storyline is set, now time for our favorite hero to appear. Well next time he will appear. I am taking some time off so you will get an up date on Friday.
Please let me know what you think.