InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mother Kaede ❯ Marriage proposal ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the Characters of the TV series. Those rights belong to rumiko Takahashi.
Chapter 8: Old Mother Holle, and Marriage agreement
The same day Kagome went missing, a Monk appeared in the village. He was staying in the Headman's home, and while no one knew how long he was going to be residing there; everyone knew he was there for a purpose.
Kikyou had been avoiding the man, when rumors came to her that he was sent to inquire of Kagome. `Not again.' She thought.
From the time she was thirteen of age, Kagome was the center of men's attention. Kikyou gave a good fight in avoiding and discouraging men, and this time was no different. `No one is taking her away from us.' She thought firmly.
She then walked to the well and put her hands on the rim. “Where are you sweetie? Mother's worried.” She called out. She closed her eyes and said a prayer. `Kagome, I hope you are safe. Please come home soon.' She muttered with her prayer. An hour later she walked away and went about her duties. Her heart heavy of worry, and her mind full of doubts.
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Kagome's eyes slowly opened up. She groaned at the brightness of the room. She snuggled against the pillow in irritation to the light. “Mother, please close the window, my head hurts.” She muttered out loud.
“Wake up girl, I need to tend to you properly.” An old voice said.
Not recognizing the voice, Kagome instantly sat up. `That wasn't mother. And that was most definitely not Inuyasha.' She thought looking around for the man who saved her. Instead she found herself in a warm welcoming room. Sitting on a fluffy feathery type bed, looking at a scary looking old woman smiling at her. The woman was short in stature and round in width. She had long silver hair that was tied in a single braid. She had an eye patch in one eye.
The eye patch wasn't what frightened Kagome. No it was the woman's teeth. She had two rows of sharp pointed teeth. `I wonder if she is related to the Manticore.' She thought to herself getting nervous. `I hope she doesn't want to eat me.'
“You know it's rude to stare at people young lady.” The woman said to her.
“I am sorry, are you Kaede?” She asked timidly.
“Show respect to ones that are older than you, I am called Mother Kaede to you.” Kaede said shaking her head.
“Kids these days don't show any respect, they are too busy acting like they know everything.” The woman muttered.
“Once again, I am sorry Mother Kaede” Kagome bowed and tried to get out of bed.
“You are forgiven child. Now what brings you to my home, other then the Kappa attack.” The old woman asked expectantly.
“Mother Kaede, you have taken care of me, and aided me. Before I ask you to do my one more favor, may I repay you in anyway?” Kagome asked
She saw that her wounds were tended, and her green and white clothing were intact. They looked like they did when she first arrived here. `She must have done this.' She thought looking back at her new ally.
“Yes as a matter of fact, you can work for me, and pay off your debt. I have many chores, and I am sure you will pay it off in no time.” Kaede said to the girl.
Kagome nodded eagerly wanting to show her gratitude, and inwardly sighed, `I guess it's my destiny to do chores no matter what world I am in. I wish I was with Inuyasha.'
“Good, Now that it's all settled let me look you over, and we'll begin with your duties.” Kaede said.
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“I see, so your Master is inquiring of my daughter Kagome.” Kikyou quietly asked.
“Yes, he has heard of her beauty and industriousness, and wants her hand in marriage.” Came the reply.
The first week of staying busy with the needs of the villagers made it easy for Kikyou to dodge the man before her. But like all things, she had to eventually talk to him sooner or later.
Later came at dawn when she went to go out to the garden. He was sitting on a tree stump in meditation poise.
“Good morning Lady Kikyou, can I have a few moments of your time?” He started She sighed and invited him in.
Kikyou eyes narrowed at the man before her now getting a good look at him. He was dressed like a monk. She also sensed spiritual powers in him. The problem was she was confused in his appearance. He looked young my like herself, but unlike his contemporaries he had his hair long. Tied in a low ponytail. He also had a habit of staring at her bosom.
“I would like to see this Master of yours, and since when does a monk follow the orders of a lord?” She questioned unsure of what to make of the situation.
He smiled at her and replied. “That is a very good question, and I would love to share the answer with you in detail, however time is short. Here is the formal letter, stating his wishes. I must say, rumors are true about you my lady, you are both beautiful and intelligent.”
“Watch it Monk, This is my daughter that you are talking about. I find it odd that he would want to marry someone he has never met. Also, since I am a healer, and she is training to be one as well, we are not financially able to part from one another.” She replied
Kikyou didn't want her daughter to go for more than one reason. She was truly the only reminder of her beloved. She truly loved Kagome's cheerfulness, and she brightened the village just by her presence. Not only that, there was Kagura to worry about. Kagome did the majority of the work, and it would be impossible for Kikyou to do it all alone.
More important, there is the situation of Kagome being missing. She had gone missing for two weeks already and she didn't know how to explain that. Kagura claimed that she fell in the well and disappeared, but Kikyou wasn't 100% convinced. Sure she sensed some type of magic in the well, but for Kagome to disappear is insane.
“Lady Kikyou, My Master said that he is offering two servants in compensation for your daughter. He is also going to give you a nice compensation every year. You and your other daughter will be well taken care of.” The Monk reassured her. He opened up the scroll and encouraged her to read the contents.
“I suppose I don't have a choice do I?” She finally said in length.
“I guarantee that you have made the best choice for your family, my lady.” The man nodded giving her another smile, as she signed the scroll in reply to the lord's wishes.
“We will be back for her and her things in three weeks.” The Monk said standing before her and giving her a bow.
“Thank you, Houshi-sama, I will have her prepared then.” She replied standing and returning the bow.
When the Monk left her home, Kikyou sat back down, and put her head in her hands. `Forgive me Kagome.' She thought to herself bitterly.
“Mother, did you just marry Kagome off?” Kagura asked her mother sitting on the opposite side of the table.
“What did you expect me to do? I have turned down suitors left and right; sooner or later Kagome will have to go. It's not fair for her to stay with us. Little one, she is over worked, and will be if she stays. This is the best offer we have. They are going to give us help, and from what the scroll said she will be taken care of.” Kikyou said with tears suddenly clouding her eyes.
“ I just think you should have told her first mother, she might not like this whole idea. She wants to fall in love. You know her, she loves to have a happy ending.” Kagura said
“I know, but she will do what she is told.” Kikyou said stiffening her shoulders.
“I just wish it were me mother. I always wanted to be a bride.” Kagura said sadly after a while.
“You will one day little one.” Kikyou said reaching for her knee and squeezing it.
Author's note: I will be done with this story shortly, please review and let me know what you think. Thank you Demonic angel for reviewing