InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Security ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter 2 : Security

During the time I was unconscious, and never wanting to wake up, my mother reached the police station, dragged my limp deadweight inside, stormed up to the officer on duty, thrust a fistful of the pink notes into his face, and started crying. She told me what happened exactly like that.

This was about where I woke up. The first thing my blurred eyes focused on, or at least tried to, was the bright florescent light bulb of the interviewing room. Then I remembered. Not in methodical order either. Bits of memory flew at me like the violent bludgers that beat poor Harry Potter senseless. First thing I remembered was a large pink fish. Don't ask why, because, in all honesty, that was exactly what my room looked like about now. Then, I remembered the dark figure "flying" beside my side window in the cab. Then my mother, shrieking out the window. Then I remembered it all together. The first clear thought that appeared to me was that I had been captured by that obsessive, perverted, peeping tom of a stalker and would be kept here, in this dingy room until I agreed to be his sex slave. As I told you before, maybe a little too much CSI, Law and Order and all of my other late night detective shows shook up my better judgment. The original Pink Panther included.

Then I saw my mother, sniffling while dabbing a Kleenex at her eyes.


"Ma?" I said, well, whimpered, squinting from lack of energy.

"Oh! Kagome! It's okay, honey, we're at the police station. It's safe now. You're alright."

The officer smiled sympathetically at me, having to peer over the edge of his desk to where I was, on the concrete floor where my own mother had forgotten me.

"It's alright now, Miss Higurashi. You're mother told me this was very sudden, and very...astonishing." He stated, as if reading me my rights while cuffing me after I killed a fly or something.

`Damn STRAIGHT it was astonishing! Freaky is more like it!' I internally screeched. I felt like taking that black little mechanical pencil sharpener, turn it on full power, and shove it up between his gosh forsaken blobs of lard he called an ass.

But I didn't, thank goodness, other wise I'd be in lockup until kingdom come.

Instead I just nodded, shivered, and stood up, wobbling over to the waiting arms of my mother. Now although I'm 17, I sat in her lap and held her tight. Later, much, much later, she complained that she had had problems feeling her legs right then.

"Ahem. Mrs. and Miss Higurashi, this is the do I say? The strangest and the rarest case that I have ever heard of. We aren't sure how to deal with something of this...magnitude. First, do you know anyone who could be doing this? Have you noticed any strange people at your school?"

`If I had, I'd have told you already, dumb ass.' But I really said, "No sir. I go to a private school. Everybody knows everybody."

"Any new kids at all?"

"Not that I've heard of."


About a couple hours, and a lot of pointless questions later, Mom and I were escorted home by a couple of officers, who came in and started taking away all the little notes from my room for evidence. Which was, really, about a million hot pink different pieces about a million different things. I slept in Mom's room that night. I pulled the covers right over my head, and my Mom kept a baseball bat by her side table. Much use that would have done, if any at all!



The next day, Mom pulled me out of my dream that the stalker was a hot skater guy who had run out of the blue notes and had to use the pink ones instead. I pulled myself up, and since it was colder today, I heaved on our school outside jersey on top of my sailor suit and miniscule skirt. I gulped down my breakfast, constantly checking over my shoulder for someone hiding behind the potted palm tree plant. Finally, I grabbed my briefcase and a note from my Mom explaining why I hadn't done my homework, and shot out the door. My plan was to get to school as fast as humanly possible and call my Mom to pick me up after school, and I'd demand Sango to stay and wait with me. So I raaaan, I ran so far, not really. More like `she raaaan, then joooogged, then waaaalked, paaaanting and pufffffing far awaaaayyy'. Very nice. When I finally stilled my beating heart; and no, I did not die, I headed towards my locker. No pink notes anywhere. So far, so good. Then I opened my locker. Think of it as a tiny piece of my room that the police forgot to gather evidence from. Yes, the pink fish strikes again. Man, I'll never eat fish again. Or wear pink. I slammed the locker door closed and leaned against it. Well, whoever he was, he knew exactly where I was every single minute of every single day. SO, when in such a state of distress, I did the only thing I could do. I went to find Kouga, Miroku, and Sango.

People always thought the four of us were double dates. You know, like Miroku and Sango, and Kagome and Kouga. But that's not really how it is. Kouga's one of my very best friends, and also a pretty good boyfriend. He's really sweet and thoughtful, but arrogant and he loves to show other guys he's got a girl. Miroku. Now there's a toughie. Not as in rough and "I'll beat you up" tough. More like...difficult to put up with. Including all his perverse antics. I believe the one and only girl who can beat him up and still love him is Sango. I swear; she must be a saint. She complains about him like heck, but she loves him. And Miroku must know that he'd never be able to stay long with any other girl, so he fell in love with Sango too. Now, don't get me wrong, Sango didn't get stuck with Miroku cuz he was the last choice. No, Sango's got quite a few of them lined up at her beck and call. Well, there's Kuranosuke, Maro, and Rinji. Don't worry about me because `guys in line' is a thing I do not lack. For me, there was Kouga, then Hojou, and Eiji. But after I told Eiji that we could be best friends, he stopped asking me out. I suspect he still likes me, but I hope not; I don't wanna hurt his feelings. Eiji has been like a Sango to me. He, Sango, and Miroku are my best friends. Ahem so anyhow...

I ran into Eiji first.

"Whoa, hey, Kagome." That's what he says every time he sees me. Don't know why; so don't ask me.

"Mornin' Eiji." I was still looking around, behind my shoulder, everywhere.

" okay, Kagome?" he kind of frowned but covered it with a smile.

"Well, of course..." I started, but then remembered my locker, my room, the police station, "Actually...I'm not okay. Here, I'll show you." I grabbed his hand, and ignoring his blush, I pulled him to my locker. I opened it and told him everything.



Three hours later, I was sitting at our usual lunch table with all my friends; who now knew everything, sitting protectively around me. Miroku was trying to perversely distract Sango so Eiji could steal the leftover of her cookie, when I noticed Kouga come on in. And he wasn't by himself. He was sulkily leading a long-white-haired boy with him. Somehow, the way the golden-orbed dude looked at me, it made me feel like he knew me. Not, like, just know my name, or where I live, but the deepest, darkest secrets I never told anybody. He knew everything there was to know about me, from the way he stared. Kouga shuffled over to me, putting his arm around me, which made the dog-eared stranger's eyes flint with anger.

"Hey, Kagome." Kouga purred, tightening his grip around my shoulders possessively.

Sango piped up first, and not wanting to be rude: "Hey, Kouga, you didn't introduce the new guy," she raised an eyebrow when Kouga sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Kagome, Kaede-sensei wanted you to show our new student around. InuYasha."

At this, InuYasha smiled broadly, and instead of a normal handshake, pulled me into a tight hug. My eyes widened, as did my mouth, and my cheeks kind of...well, blushed. Kouga hugs me sometimes, but it just didn't feel the same.

Miroku whistled, "Is that how people from where you came from greet pretty girls, InuYasha?"

InuYasha, instead of blushing back and denying it, totally owned up to it. "Yeah, totally, dude. She's just so fine, huh?" he laughed. I pulled back, and Kouga gripped me, pulling me towards him more.

"Too bad, dog. She's my girlfriend."

Oh, boy, did I see rivalry in their exchange of glares. Yet I also saw a total friendship blossoming between InuYasha and Miroku. Great. Yet another pervert to add to the long list of ... Miroku.

"Not for long, wolf-shit." Inu-Yasha smirked confidently and grinned and `heh'ed, "I'm gonna make her mine."

I must've gulped or made some kind of noise, cause Sango turned to me and asked me.

"Um, you know InuYasha already? Whoa, are you okay?"

I believe this was the part I started choking on the leftover Monterey Jack cheese from my lasagna. Nobody did anything. Just stood there, and watched me for a second. Then InuYasha jumped up, pulled me to him, flung me around, and performed the Heimlich Maneuver. Quite expertly too. I hacked the bit of food into poor Eiji's face. He woke up from his current daydream. Or nightmare taking place right before his eyes. He had been silent during the whole `Kouga VS InuYasha' thing, staring at the ground and drumming his fingers against the table. `Poor guy, he's always kinda followed me around.' I adjusted myself to see Hojou who was sitting in the corner, pale as the white boxes on a chess board. The bell rang and InuYasha looked at me happily. What a freak. Ah well. He grabbed my hand and said to me, "C'mon, Kagome. You have to show me around, remember?"

"Huh? Oh...ya."

He apparently didn't need much help. He was moving quite quickly, dragging ME along, like some dummy that a Baywatch lifeguard hangs onto for practice. He pulled me to his locker, grabbed a couple books and pencils, and headed over to my locker. He stopped for a moment; as if remembering something, about 2 steps away from my locker.

"Oh. Uh, where's your locker?"

A/N : Hey guys! Thanks for the reviews, ktn, mandapanda, eMeLyNoOoPeE, and BluePuppy! Okay...I gotta go get started on the third chapter. The reviews really keep me going, so thanks guys! Um, and for replies:

BluePuppy : Well, I haven't plotted out the whole story yet. I'm open for interesting suggestions. I'm glad u like it! XD

Ktn: I will try my best!

Mandapanda: thanks for ur compliments! Im gonna try my darndest to keep this fanfic alive!

EMeLyNoOoPeE : u write like the stalker! AAAAAHHHGGGHHH!!!! Lol u were writing in. One. Word. Phrases. LoL

Ja ne!
