InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Confidential ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hello again, everyone!

I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that my reviews have jumped up to 33. It's quite nice to see, really. Ah, thanks Szmadad! You rock. Hm, has

anyone else added me to their favorites? Hm hm... let me check. YES! yes, two more people have added me to that! Let's see- THANK YOU Shinobi-chan and Koori1989! You have also been added to my list of absolute rock-ness. Along with the InuYasha series gang and Szmadad! Yay! Okay. So let's see where we left off...I believe it was when Kagome went to bed? Oh yeah, okay. Doo da doo. Sorry, I feel chatty today. And thanks for all your reviews and votes! Okay so all the numbers standing are...

InuYasha : 3

Eiji (he's more popular than I thought...) : 3

Hojou : 1

Shippo : (Is he even in my story? ...he 1

Okay that's all so far. I'm typing this in Notepad since Word is having a few technical

difficulties (no thanks to my big stupid brother.) Well, I'm sure you all want to read the chapter now, so go ahead, you rabid fans! (of me, hopefully )





Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Seven : [CONFIDENTIAL]

I fell asleep with an immovable sense of evilness in my bones. Which was a nice change, if I don't say so myself. Who knew evil people had it so good? Well, i was liking it so far, and I slept; dreaming of giant Super Teddies that wanted to take over the world in my name.

I awoke, opening my eyes and for a second; as is everyone's reflex in such a situation, immediately groaned about how I didn't want to go to school. But then I remembered.

About my Master Plan. A smile lit up on my face and I literally jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom. I discovered it was only 6:30 AM so I decided I could stay around for breakfast, too. After giving my lovely pearly whites a thorough brush; actually, my teeth could almost be classified as Amber Yellow's. I have to use the special polishing toothpaste to keep my smile fresh and white.

I ran over to Souta's room, knowing how he would just hate it if I woke him up. So I went.

I ran in screaming, "Wakie, wakie!" I hopped on his bed and immediately started jumping extremely close to his sleeping form. (Hey, just cause I'm evil and doing this to my brother doesn't mean I want to kill him. Cause of death: Intense weight pressure dropped onto his small body. Repeatedly.) When he covered his ears and tried to kick me off the bed, I dropped into a cross-legged position and rolled up my sleeves. Initiate Poking sequence.

I poked. And poked. I poked him silly, until he finally pulled off his white pillow sheet and waved it in an act of surrender. I 'muahaha-ed' and yanked him out of bed. Then I ran back over to my room to get dressed.


I arrived at school at 8:10 and found InuYasha by his locker, talking with Miroku.

"Hey, Miroku. InuYasha."

"Morning, Kagome."

"Hey." InuYasha was one of those not-so-formal types.

"So, Kagome," As Miroku started, he shuffled his feet slightly, "I heard have a little plan against Kouga and his little 'friend' at the Valentine's Dance?"

I immediately glared at InuYasha; why had I had that feeling that he would tell somebody?

"Oh, um...yeah. Why, you want to be in on it?" I was kind of wishing he'd say no, but, hey, you know Miroku. Always wanting in on the scam, no matter how insignificant it may be.

(Like a 'secret mission' of stealing cookies from the jar while my Mom was on the phone.

Weird, because it was so unsuccessful...I mean, we got caught after he grabbed too many of them and his hand got stuck, and he stubbornly would not release any of the cookies in the clogging hand. He had been known as 'porcelain fist' for a while after that.)

"Well...I thought I was already in it." Miroku fiddled with his index fingers.

I sneaked another warning glare at InuYasha before I replied.

"Well, sure, I guess." I turned back to the offending 'rat'. "So, who else did you just

happen to tell, InuYasha?"

"Uh..."He seemed uncomfortable. I have a thing for making people uneasy. Queer.

"Who!" I was tired of his stuttering. Couldn't he give me a straight answer?

"Okay, okay. I told...Sango and Miroku. And...Katana."

"KATANA? What does she have to do with this?"

"Well, I thought you liked her."

"How do you know who I do and do not like?"


"Oh, never mind. Where have you seen her last?"

Miroku answered finally, "Oh, cafeteria. She was attacking the vending machines, last I saw."

I immediately walked off, not bothering to tell them bye or anything. Sheesh. Couldn't men keep their flapping mouths closed? Well, I guess Katana could help somewhat. She's good at convincing people.

I found Katana at the vending machines, throwing her weight against the plastic screen, her face a vision of determination to get her Miss Vickie's: Sweet Chili and Sour Cream

chips. It finally fell through, and she looked relieved. I walked up to her, greeting her a good morning.

"Oh, hi, Kagome." She pulled open the top of the cellophane chip bag. She offered me some, which I politely refused. I'd had breakfast already, and there were more pressing matters at hand.

"No thanks. Um, I hear InuYasha told you about my--" I glanced around to check for eavesdroppers, "my plan."

She nodded, her mouth full.

I decided that was a good sign for me to continue.

"Yeah, so what did he tell you exactly?"

She swallowed and answered me, "Oh, just that you want to get Kouga back because he cheated on you with Kagura."

I was actually surprised. I had thought he had told her everything.

"Is that all?"

"Well, he came up to me first, kind of shy and immediately started talking. No hello or nothing. He told me that you were with Kouga but the other day he hugged you and he was sure you liked him, because the next day you kissed him to get Kouga jealous. Good job, by the way. And then you two made out on the staircase, and he said you were a great kisser; congratulations, for your first time, too, and that Miroku had taped Kouga going at it with Kagura. Like grabbing her boobs and feeling her up and having sex with her against a brick wall, on school grounds, no less! And that you had bought the tape from Miroku for the cheap price of $10, because he must've been surprised when you came up behind him, and then you were walking down the hall and saw what the P.O.C.K.Y had put up for the Valentine's Dance. Then you suggested to him that you play it there on the big projector screen; and something about technology and our tax dollars which he went on and on about, and also that you called him last night and told him you had a copy of the tape and that you were really excited to maim Kouga and his Brick-wall partner. Which I think is great, cause Kouga is a real loser to do it with Kagura that bitch."

She took a deep breath after finishing her lengthy tale, and sighed happily.

I was probably getting the shade of maroon with a hint of burgundy by now around my cheeks. Why had he told her so much? Did she bribe him or something?

"He told you all this...willingly? And you didn't have to, you know, push him or anything, right?"

She crunched on another pinch of chips before she continued.

"You see, Kagome, all men have a little boy inside. Deep, deep down. InuYasha is no exception. All that men really, really want is to share with a friend. Other male friends are out of the question; usually they don't try to understand. But a female friend could really do some good. That's why InuYasha talked to me so willingly. I believe the load of so much information, plus the added baggage of his childhood, and the anticipation of the Valentine's Dance; it was too much for him to carry. I merely suggested that I had a degree in psychiatry and counseling, using some basic methods to...'draw out' the patient. He shared everything he knew. Some things...that even you do not know. And will most likely not want to know. I think he will feel much lighter now; knowing he has a friend in me, and he has no reason to fear the female species, after all, he would not be here today if it were not for that gender. Also, I did a small analysis on his attitude, and it should have improved slightly, even with the small amount he told me, and I've also noticed his body actions also represent--"

I cut her off, after all, I was getting a little dizzy.

"Whoa, you mean he told you...everything?"


I gulped. I might want to stay on Katana's good side. Who knew how much she knew!

"Exactly what did he tell you?"

She smiled wryly and adjusted her glasses, making her look even more professional.

"Kagome, you know that is confidential information between sharing friends. I am afraid I cannot tell you because then the trust between my patient and myself will be severed which could lead to mistrust and never sharing with anyone at all in the future, since he is as closed as a clam in frozen water, not to be judgmental--"

"Okay...I get it. Um, thanks for your...insightful info, but I have to go..."

"Sure." She waved me off with chip dust-covered fingers and continued to her locker.


Okay, so we now know InuYasha has attitude problems and my acquaintance, who will

now, because of all she knows, will have to be my best friend. But, I didn't think

se would tell anyone. It was 'confidential'. She could keep a good secret. I hoped

so anyway. One thing I was sure of now, was that since InuYasha now had fewer problems, he wouldn't mind dying by my hand. And I intended to bring down all my wrath on his white eared head.






A/N: Yay, that's seven pages! Yup, Katana knows ALL about InuYasha. And she ain't gonna tell nobody! It's confidential... -smiles smugly-

No flames please! T.T mercy meeee...okay review and keep voting, and PLEASE TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT MY STORY, if you are a faithful reader. Thanks so much, and I love your reviews, and thanks for all the encouragement!

Ja ne.
