InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Promise ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Alrighty, hello everyone, and today I mean to get some serious plot-posting done. I noticed there's been too much beating around the bush up till now, so I'm going to try to make this chapter totally serious. I need to establish some more characters better, since people are getting confused and slightly annoyed?


InuYasha : 4

Eiji (What do people have against him, anyway? And he's not that shy, I just put him here for some more...better qualified suitor for Kagome. I mean, Hojou is only so good...) : 7

Hojou: 1

Shippo : 1

Naraku(He's only going to be Kikyou's new boyfriend, so why's he being nominated??) 1

Well anyhow, in response to some of the reviews:

WolfPack4 : yes, I chose drama/angst genre, because I was pretty sure that I was going to kill off a couple characters and let some commit suicide, but I decided that wasn't quite what this should be about. From the first sentence; heck, even the Story Title, I tried to make it a darker fic. Which has been hard for someone as outgoing as myself. So, unfortunately, it seems more of me has been put into this fic and I like it better this way. I wanted to click humor/romance, but I didn't know if I could live up to those expectations of the readers who expect to laugh. Because many people have different senses of humor, and mine is more of the sarcastic, I believe. That is why I based this story more on Drama. But, when I got to the Secondary Genre, I started to think if I really wanted this to be humor, and I decided against it. But, when you're writing that chapter, you feel just compelled to add some of yourself in it, if you catch my drift. Sorry for the long explanation, but I hope that clears up any misunderstandings. Thanks for the review.

Sakura-Maylo-G : My, my you review for every chapter! You're the kind of reviewer us writers dream about! Thanks for you're votes, encouragement, and the hyper-ness of your reviews! And thanks for adding my quote to your favorites! No...YOU ROCK! LOL.

Szmadad: T T sorry I made InuYasha sound like a male bimbo, but what I was trying to create was to show off InuYasha as insanely dense, but not stupid. He doesn't get `moods' and women, but he knows when he's being insulted and knows how to get back and fight back, which is more than any bimbo knows, right? Sorry that he appeared that way, I didn't mean to make it that intense. I wanted to just give the readers an idea that he isn't the shiniest penny in the fountain. Yet I too am an InuYasha adorer, so I feel terribly guilty for ruining his image that way. But I was trying to show off how he already is, but slightly magnified. Sorry! But thanks for your reviews!

And to ALL (cuz there's so many of you!) Thanks so much for every little word that you've reviewed to me! I just hope all this praise doesn't get to my ego and pumping it up. So a big thank you and please keep reading, and I want to finish this, and I'm sure you do too! XD So lets get down to work!

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Ten : Promise

The bell rang. InuYasha and myself headed off to find Hojou after school about you know what. We were walking and talking and reached the P.O.C.K.Y room. We knocked, and waited for someone to open up. To our surprise, Kikyou slid open the door, and we all just stared at each other.

"Kikyou?" InuYasha was also a little perturbed that Kikyou was with the Party Organizers.

"Kikyou! I didn't know you were with POCKY!" I wanted to sound surprised, but I think there was an edge of eagerness as well. If the Party Committee played the tape, they'd all get in trouble. Including Kikyou.

"Oh. Um...Yes, I happened to join last week." Kikyou hoarsed. Her voice always made me laugh hysterically, but I willed myself to suck it in. I mean, wouldn't you laugh if some long-haired beautiful girl came up to you, batted her eyelashes, and asked you out in a monotone-manly voice that sounded like she went through puberty to make her voice lower, but it just kept going! It is slightly sad, though. But not sad enough.

"Oh." InuYasha seemed to remember what we were there for, and asked, "So, if Hojou there or not?"

Kikyou looked a little annoyed. First we came in there and totally blew her secret that she was in one of the GGAA groups. Geeks Gather Anonymously Association. Well, she was in one of the groups, anyway.

"Um...You want to see Hojou? He's busy with classified P.O.C stuff..."

"Like the Valentine's Day Dance music mix?" I probed. Hojou shared his whole life with me, and for once, I was kind of glad I had listened.

Now she was shocked. InuYasha smirked beside me, and crossed his arms, his toe tapping the linoleum impatiently. I guess this was finally his way of getting back at her.

"Yeah...that's supposed to be classified...he could get demoted for telling you..." She seemed at a loss, no matter how threatening her words were meant to be.

"So are you going to open the door and let us see Hojou or do I have to knock it down along with you?" InuYasha cracked his knuckles.

"I'll get him. One sec." Kikyou disappeared and the door locked with a loud click. We waited for about 5 minutes, and just as we decided that she had not told him and used an excuse to lock us away, Hojou appeared.

"Hi, Kagome! What are you doing here?" Hojou chirped at me, but then looked at InuYasha with distaste.

"Yeah, get your lazy ass outta that door, pothead!" InuYasha spat at him, and began to reach for Hojou's collar to haul him out of the P.O.C.K.Y room.

I grabbed InuYasha's hand away, and immediately plastered on a fake apologetic smile.

"Uh, Hojou-kun? Could we speak with you for a private?"

Hojou was about to step out of the P.O.C.K.Y portable classroom, but stopped. He looked slightly suspicious. Which set me back, since I had always believed that Hojou had not one suspicious bone in his good-willed body.

"What about?" He ventured.

"About how I should kick some sense into your-"InuYasha was about to grab him again, but I interfered.

"Oh, just about the Valentines Day music. And the music videos. We wanted to suggest some." I quickly kept thinking, hoping for a good excuse of why it had to be in private. "Um, and also because we don't want anybody stealing your ideas and our ideas, which, unfortunately happened, remember, Hojou-kun?" I recalled the other year when Hojou had had an idea for a science project, which another group promptly stole from him, to my amusement. But, of course I had acted outraged. It was the least I could have done for his sake.

His face lightened considerably. He remembered. He snuck a glance to the rest of the Committee, to make sure none of them followed and slipped outside.

"Okay," he said excitedly, "What do you suppose?"

"Well," I started off fake-happily, (hey, when you see Hojou as much as I do, you gotta be good at acting happy when you feel like kicking him away), "I have this tape..."

One hour later, we seemed to have been able to convince Hojou not to view the tape, as it would ruin the surprise for him as well as the whole Party Committee. We also made him swear every thing possible about not telling anyone who had given him the tape; so he could get all the credit, and if he did, I would never speak to him again. Which made it a very sturdy oath.

Now, everything was ready. Only for the dance, which was 2 days away. Hopefully everything would work out well. I was at home, at last. I had played video games with Souta for the remainder of the day, since InuYasha said he had stuff to do, so I was at home, spending some nice quality time with my family.

Yeah right.


"Kagome, could you get the phone?" Mom called.


"Souta! Get the phone!"


"No! You get it!"


"SOUTA! Get the phone!"


"I always get it!"

"Cause you're the youngest!"


"No I'm not! Buyo, get the phone!"


Mom finally intervened. "I'll get it." She picked up the phone. "Hello? Oh, hello, Sango. Yes, I'll get her...Kagome! Sango's on the phone!"

"OKAY!" I ran down, eager to tell my good friend about today's success. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear. There was heavy breathing on the other side.


There was a whimper, and I finally heard her, "K-Kagome...don't do it! You'll-"She was muffled by what sounded like a hand or a cloth.

"Sango! Sango, what's going on!"

A deep voice answered. It sounded altered by some kind of electronic device?

"Hello... Kagome... Remember... Me?"

A/N: Muahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaa! A cliffhanger! Well, not much of one since I'll be updating tomorrow. Okay so go review, review! And tell all your friends! Thanks! And don't forget to send in a review and vote!

Ja ne.
