InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ On The Edge of a Knife ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Goodness it's been so hard to keep up with all the votes. I guess I shouldn't complain; I only have 62 reviews. 100 is the next goal! Then 150, 200, on until 1000 hehe. Yes, so the plot has thickened! Muaha! Okay so thanks for all the reviews, and here are the vote accumulation:

InuYasha: 4

Eiji: 8

Hojou: 1

Naraku: 3

Alright, now thanks for everything, guys! You're really good reviewers! So...let's get this done!

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Eleven : On the Edge of a Knife

I froze. it be...him?

The electronically altered voice chuckled statically.

"Did you miss me...Kagome, my love?"

"Who are you! Leave Sango alone!" I was starting to panic; this definitely was not good.

He sounded slightly hurt, "Kagome...You forgot about us already? I thought we had something..."

"No we don't! Give Sango back!" I was crying now, tears flowing freely down my cheeks, my voice cracking when I demanded my best friend back.

"Oh. About that...I don't think I can let her go...or Miroku, either..." he rasped.

"Miroku?! He's not involved! Sango's not involved!! I shouldn't be involved!!" I sobbed into the phone, and I slumped against the wall, falling into a kneeling position, my unoccupied hand clenched. I cried quietly for a while, and I heard Sango's rapid breath as she was put onto the phone.

"Sango! Are you okay?! Did he hurt you!!" I was near hysteria.

Her voice was muffled at first, but she sounded kind of drowsy.

"Ka...gome...Miroku...h-he...he's gone..." She whimpered, as if pained.

"Sango! What happened to Miroku!! SANGO!!" I kept yelling to her because of the sudden silence. Finally he picked back up.

"Hm. About that, Kagome; love, Miroku came by just before I was able to call you...And you know how he is. Always trying to be a hero...Well, I had just gotten Sango under control; but man, can she pack a punch, and he comes strolling in, trying to confess his "undying love" for Sango here, and; well, you know how these things go. Isn't it your saying, babe, to `Keep the uninvolved uninvolved'? Quite smart, really."

It was my saying. I had never told anybody else that except family members or did he know? Wait, he has Sango! I can't be worrying about it! He already knew way too much!

"Please," I sobbed, "Follow the saying? Please...leave her alone! Leave Miroku alone! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I screamed.

Mom came down and asked me what was going on. I carefully lied that I was practicing, on the phone with Sango, for a stalker story in drama. I was the victim. Mom nodded numbly and walked back off. I wiped my nose on my sleeve, in an attempt to stop the tears, but I was too afraid.

The line was silent for a while, only the static-like noise of the inhale and exhale of his breath.

"That was a pretty smart lie, Kagome. I'm proud of you."

My hand was unconsciously clutching the other side of my head, and I bawled, my voice high-pitched and shaky.

"Shut up!! You...You let go of Sango!!"

"Sorry about that, hun, but in the time that you were talking to you're mother, Sango passed away..."

"WHAT? What...Sango..." I whimpered, still crying.

"She was getting hard to handle. Poor girl, with her parents always wonder she had that `Miroku' boy. Too bad it's too late for them...But now, nobody will stand in the way of our love."

"I DON'T LOVE YOU! GO AWAY! BRING THEM BAACK!! BRING THEM BACK AND GO AWAAYY!!" I screamed at the top of my voice. I wanted him to I wanted InuYasha to hold me. I wanted to see Sango smile and laugh one more time...See Miroku scratch the back of his head nervously or wink at a passing girl. I wanted them back.

The line went dead. I thought that he had cut Sango's line, but I noticed Mom standing over me, the unplugged phone cord dangling out of her hand. Her face looked concerned, but very serious.

"Kagome! You're screaming. You should go over to Sango's if you want to practice, not sit there, crying and screeching like that."

I leapt into her arms, and I felt the sudden urge to tell her. Everything. But I knew I couldn't. My family might be next. I pulled away from Mom, and ran to get a jacket and shoes. I was wearing a black and red matching jump suit, with my all black AIRWALK sneakers. I pulled on my gray fleece zipper sweater on top and knew that if worst came to worst, I'd have to run from him. Mom frowned at me, and assuming I was taking her advice and going to Sango's, so she shook her head and walked back upstairs. I stopped by the kitchen, and grabbed a couple knives. One meat cleaver, five small ones I could use for throwing, and one stabbing knife. I had taken my miko training...I knew how to defend myself, somewhat. My fleece sweater was large with deep zip pockets on the inside and out, so I slipped the throwing knives in there. I pulled my legwarmers on over my black flared jumpsuit legs and put the stabbing knife in my right legwarmer. I slid the meat cleaver on my back, under my bra, which held it tightly; the cold steel felt like it was burning me. After a hesitant moment, I snatched another stabbing knife and put it in my left legwarmer as well. I was pretty sure I was ready now. I grabbed some gloves that had the fingertips cut off, and pushed them on, shaking all the while. Finally, I tied my hair up in a ponytail.

He killed my I'd kill him.

I tapped the toe of my foot against my porch while leaving, as was my habit, and yelled a shivering goodbye. Souta waved me off, and Mom smiled weakly at me as I left.

I love you guys... I thought. I couldn't tell them now; they'd suspect something. So I said a silent goodbye to them and walked stiffly off in the direction of Sango's house. It was almost sunset, the sun hovering slightly above the horizon, and I knew I wouldn't have much time until I was expected back for dinner. If I lived that long, even.

I was nearing her house, and I looked around carefully for any car so that I could write the license down and give it to the neighbors to use when they called the police if I didn't come back in 15 minutes or something. Alas, there was none. So I walked shakily up the drive way of the big house. Sango was almost always alone in the house, so I was sure that nobody could have stopped him if he barged in. Only Miroku, maybe. But...Miroku I didn't even want to think about it! I walked up the stairs to the front door and was about to try and pick the lock when I noticed the doorknob was gone.

He must have pulled it off when he broke in...I thought. I pulled my sleeve over my hand, as not to leave fingerprints; I remembered this from all the thick mystery paperbacks and movies that I was so influenced by, and pushed open the door...

A/N: Okie Dokie! Another cliffy! Sorry, fans, but that's the way its gotta be! Don't think I'm going to spill everything just because I update everyday! How very wrong you are! Well, at least I update before you lose interest or thanks for the reviews and as a reply to all : You guys rock, I love reading your reviews, so please keep sending them along with your encouragement, and maybe a little vote as to who should/is the stalker on the side. Okay, I love all you guys so much!!! (okay, so maybe not love. Maybe just like a lot. Wait...just like.)

Okay go go and review!!! Thanks!

Ja ne.
