InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Good Charlotte ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay its good to be back, seeing as my braces are all covered in wax and my mouth is all cut ahem...I'd better not burden you with my pain stories so I'd better start writing, huh. Thanks for all the great reviews by the way, especially all those people who say I'm a genius and stuff...I have never felt smarter, really. Okay so I'll start up now that I've just boosted my self esteem lol.

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Twenty-Two : Good Charlotte

I turned over on my side and sighed. Life was just too good these days. And on nights like this, I couldn't help but wonder, because all these good things were happening, was it just a drive up to a sudden depressing drop? Hopefully not, because I didn't know if I would survive. I closed my eyes, and drifted away into a blissful sleep about me living in some mushroom with InuYasha and Sango and Miroku who lived next door in a log. Then we had a tea party on a moss-covered ground eating Kleenex in various shapes.

As I slept on, I had this terrible foreboding feeling, and unbeknownst to me, InuYasha leapt off towards Kouga's small home.

InuYasha arrived quickly near the side door of Kouga's dormitory-like apartment he shared with Eiji. Eiji was still at the dance party, InuYasha had been sure to check. Which meant Kouga was home...all alone.

InuYasha smiled coldly as he heard, with his acute hearing, the shower turn on. He jumped carefully up the to the outside window sill, thanking whatever luck he had that Kouga's sensitive nose was now being covered in water, so Kouga wouldn't even sense him coming. He pried the window open with his claws, until it finally opened silently. He let another smirk appear on his lips as he crept up through the Eiji's room.

I woke up suddenly about half an hour later, and I realized it had started raining. I was in a cold sweat, my heart pounding and my mind racing. I was sure it was because of my previous drunkenness. I rested back down on my pillow, trying to settle myself down, and as I closed my eyes, an invisible threat ate at my eyelids. I opened my eyes quickly and immediately knew. I had to play some music. I reached for my CD case on my side table and entered the CD in the stereo.

I closed my eyes comfortably, and settled back down, the sudden feeling from before totally banished by the tunes of Good Charlotte.

InuYasha opened his eyes slowly as he carefully slid open the bathroom door, Kouga was humming away in the shower, the water spraying betraying his senses. His eyes were suddenly streaked scarlet as the past memories of earlier that night leaked in.

Kouga. Everything he had said flashed through InuYasha's mind.

"You're filth, Kagome. A filthy bitch."

"Watch what you say, cunt."

"A cheating, spying, worthless..."

"My assyou're a virgin."

Anger took over InuYasha's already frustrated mind, his eyes widening, enhanced by the red seeping into his retinas like poison infiltrating blood. He growled slightly, still standing outside the bathroom.

Kouga heard a slight noise, and was enjoying his shower too much to turn around. Probably Eiji coming back from the dance.

"Hey, Eiji!" He yelled over the loud flow of the hot water, "You like Kagome, right?"

InuYasha didn't say anything. Just stood there.

Kouga decided the silence was a yes, and Eiji was just too shy to say anything. He laughed.

"Well, did you know..." His eyes were closed in the spray, and ran his hand through his soapy hair, "Kagome is sleeping with InuYasha. I heard she didn't even have to take the 'morning after' pill, cuz Inukkoro's juice wasn't potent enough!" He guffawed, and expecting Eiji to laugh, he opened one eye while rinsing his hair; his other closed eye had suds running down his face. Kouga couldn't see clearly thanks to the water and the opaque shower glass. Kouga just chuckled, and silently wondered why Eiji hadn't said anything. He squinted through the distorted image seen through the glass, and his eyes widened. It was...

InuYasha dashed forward and ripped open the shower door within a millisecond, to where Kouga stood, still frozen to the spot as his mind was still registering what he had seen. InuYasha didn't even hesitate for a fraction of a millisecond, and with blazing eyes, kicked Kouga's closest leg with full force.

Kouga was frozen for a second as he recognized the youkai. He cried out in excruciating pain as the bone in his leg shattered. He crumpled on the shower floor, still naked, and his leg bleeding from where the bone had pierced right out of his skin. It stuck out about 3 inches, cleanly cut as if sawed, and Kouga tried to defend himself as InuYasha grabbed the protruding bloody bone lodged through slanted in his leg and dragged him out of the shower room in a quick and powerful jerk.

Kouga cried out agonizingly, and InuYasha only smiled. Happily. As if he had just seen the best thing on earth.

Kouga choked on his cry, looking, shocked at his leg.

"You..." InuYasha rumbled, "will never walk again..." InuYasha paused, and unhooked the skateboard from his back. He dropped it onto the soft carpet outside the bathroom, and while Kouga writhed in pain on the bloody and wet floor, InuYasha found a large pair of steel scissors in the bathroom drawer, "And..." He smiled ecstatically; "I'll make it so you never have children..." he held up the scissors and advanced. Kouga backed away, his face horrified, as InuYasha loomed closer over him.

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life

I had tried to sleep for the last 15 minutes, but nothing seemed to be working. I counted sheep, recited all my multiplication tables, and even tried of every kanji I knew. Finally my eyes fluttered closed, to which opened a vision of a bloody man, his pants and legs soaked in blood, dripping in the thick coppery liquid, reaching out to me; a guttural groan was his plea for help. I awoke from that terrible vision, panting. What was wrong with me? I had never had these kinds of dreams before.

InuYasha dragged the bloody and still naked Kouga outside on the quiet street. Kouga's tongue had been ripped out, his fingers broken, and castrated. He panted painfully, his mouth filled with large clots of blood, and his fingers twisted in abnormal positions. Kouga's eyes were bulging, he could barely even grunt in pain anymore. InuYasha slowly walked up to him again.

"So..." He said coolly, "Do you take back everything you ever said to Kagome?" InuYasha said her name gently, unlike the rest of his question that sounded bloodthirsty.

Kouga nodded quickly, as quickly as one covered in blood and cut all over could. InuYasha looked at him fondly, "Remember the first day of school? For me that is." He smiled at the memory, "You acted like such an ass to I stole Kagome from you. She never loved you. And...when you die by my hand...she will not cry for you."

I ripped out
His throat

InuYasha reached for his throat. "...Die." There was a terrible ripping of flesh, and blood spurted all over the road. Kouga fell to the side, lifeless. InuYasha released the bloody vocal cords held in his fist.

InuYasha hosed down the whole house, setting up sprinklers inside, wherever blood or fingerprints were. He was determined not to get caught for this messy job.

And called you on the telephone
To take off
My disguise

InuYasha reached the gas station a few blocks from the place, his hair clean and washed, wearing new clothes he had pilfered from Eiji's closet. Not a drop of blood was on him. He had washed himself thoroughly and made an early escape just as the police had been notified.

He dialed in Kagome's number.

10 minutes earlier I had awoken again after one of those scary visions I'd been having all night. I didn't want to wake Mom; I wasn't a child anymore, and wandered downstairs for a drink. I drank some water quickly, and sat down in the dark living room. After a second of thinking, I grabbed the clicker and switched the TV on. I surfed the channels, most of them unavailable at such an hour, but the 24-hour news was on. I kept it on mute, and flicked the subtitles for the hearing impaired on.

The crew was developing a story on a terrible murder not far from here.

I frowned, wondering who would want to kill someone so late. Insomnia: most probably. Maybe boredom. I grimaced as they zoomed in on the house. I squinted at the screen. Was that...Kouga's apartment? I knew he shared it with Eiji, but...No, it couldn't be. But when they started interviewing Eiji who had just got home from his school's Valentine's Dance, I began to worry. I un-muted it.

"Yes, I just got back from the dance with a friend," Eiji said solemnly.

"And can you identify the victim in this brutal assault?" Fujiwara Alice asked.

"Actually..." Eiji choked, "I barely can. It' room mate, Kouga."

I gasped, and a shaking hand flew to my mouth. What? Who?

"It also appears, Mr. Nishimura Eiji," continued Alice, "that the murderer rinsed out the entire house as to avoid any suspicion. AND the neighbors heard nothing the whole time."

"Yes, I know, it is incredibly remarkable. In a horrendous way..." agreed Eiji.

They continued on into the details of the murder, the castrating, the tongue ripping, the broken fingers, the lodged leg bone, and the ripped throat. My eyes were wide the whole time, my mouth hanging open in terrible amazement.

"Yes," Alice concluded, "Young homicides are truly terrible. And Mr. Kouga has been identified as dead as soon as the medics appeared on scene, and this is truly another shaking reminder of the gruesome world we live in. I'm Fujiwara Alice with Kyu-Kyu news, signing off."

The head announcer went on to cluck his tongue and begin to remark on the falling stock market. I could only stare. Before I knew it, tears began to drip down my chin. This turned to a full fledged wail that I just managed to keep quiet with a couch pillow.

That's when the phone rang, shaking me out of my requiem of sadness. I grabbed the phone before it could wake anyone else, and answered slowly, my nose stuffed, tears still dripping, and I was sobbing.

Just in time to hear you cry...

"...-sob-...Moshi..moshi, Higurashi residence..." I sniffled. Whoever was on the other line would definitely be able to tell that I was sobbing my heart out.

The voice paused.


"If you want a donation, go phone somewhere else! I just had someone I know die!" I cried into the receiver.

There was
Police and
Flashing lights
The rain came down so hard that night and the
Headlines read
A lover died
No tell-tale heart was left to find when you...

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time

"...Kagome..." He sighed.

Good lord, who WAS this?

"Who are you! After you had Miroku and you've come for me, eh? I'll...I'll kill you!" I half heartedly threatened, " boyfriend is really strong and he'll whoop your sorry ass!"

"Kagome...It's me...InuYasha."


"InuYasha? What are you doing up so late? Aren't you sleeping? What's wrong? Oh," It suddenly dawned on me, "Did you have bad visions too, and watched TV and found out about ...Kouga..."

"I did."

"Really?" I was truly surprised. Maybe InuYasha had been closer to Kouga than I thought, "I know, I hate it too...I really feel bad...the last words I said to him were hateful...I don't know if I can forgive myself..." I burst out sobbing again.

You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night he died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time

"No, Kagome, what I mean is..." He sighed tiredly, "I did it."

"Did you, like, win the lottery or something? I don't get it."

"No, Kagome. I killed him. I killed Kouga."

"...what..." I said breathlessly, "InuYasha..." I remembered. I remembered when he hadn't promised. I remember the threat he had said to Kouga himself. I remembered the signals that this would happen, but I hadn't realized it.

"And now, the media are gonna be everywhere...Kagome," he started nervously, "I...I want you to run away with me."

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight

For some reason, I didn't even hesitate or jump at the sudden question. After a second of a racing mind I said firmly, "...Okay."

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight


I dropped you off, I followed him home
Then I, I stood outside his bedroom window
Standing over him, he begged me not to do
What I knew I had to do cause I'm so in love with you

He sounded relieved on the other end.

"Pack everything. Quickly. Take only what you need. I...I know a place we can hide until this blows over. Then we can move somewhere."

"InuYasha...I have no money."

I could hear his smile in his voice, "Kagome, my father left a gigantic trust fund to me to take care of me when I failed grade one twice."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey," he protested, "The teacher was a whore! She was also racist. Every other humanchild got an A. But the Hanyou? Fail."

I sympathized with him, and couldn't help but ask, "...How much money?"

I could practically see the smirk on his face already. "Eleven million."

I gasped, "In YEN?"

"No," He continued happily, "It's all in U.S money! He worked in the U.S and Japanese consulate. Which means it's twice as much in yen!"

"What! That means...we're set for life."

"I know. And I've been saving up everything I have, so we will never go hungry, Kagome! Please! You said you'll come." He sounded kind of pleading.

"Of course I'll come. I'd go anywhere with you. Even if it was in a cardboard box in Shinjuku station. It would still be more fun as long as you were there."

He laughed. "I'll pick you up in 20 minutes, take all the clothes you can in the biggest bag you can find. I'm going to take my brother's car."

"Will he let you?" I asked worriedly. What if Sesshomaru reported us?

"He never liked Kouga anyways. He didn't even like the minivan. He bought it for Mom. He has another three in the garage. He even gave me his 'Free gas for Life' card."

Somehow, no matter how wonderful this sounded, everything seemed

"Oh. Okay. I'd better go pack."

Oh, my love
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight

I hung up the phone soon later. I switched off the TV and sat on the couch for a second. And burst out in tears. Kouga was dead. Kouga was dead. He was dead. I cried for five more minutes, knowing I couldn't when I was around InuYasha. It would break it heart, as I knew he did this for me. He didn't say so, but I knew it.

Fifteen minutes, I saw InuYasha drive slowly up in a Japanese minivan. I grabbed my giant duffel bag and huge yellow backpack, purse, and suitcase. I dropped everything in the back, and sat up front with him.

I took one last look at the house, and before InuYasha drove off, I pulled out my eraser-sized black Digital camera and took a picture of the outside of the shrine. I had taken a photo of everyone sleeping in their beds and took 20 different family photos, as well as ones of my friends and myself. I planned to remember everything. I had taken 27 rolls of 100-picture film, for souvenirs I would send to them. I had everything well arranged. I kissed InuYasha and thought of the note I had left on the kitchen table.

Hi, Mama.

Yes, you've probably noticed I'm gone. I'm so sorry I'm leaving without you knowing.

But, you know it must be genetic from Dad, huh.

Tell Souta and everyone I know I love them to death. I'm leaving with InuYasha because...heck, I don't even know why. I guess you're surprised especially since you did this to your family. Another hereditary defect. Please don't be mad and don't blame anybody but me for my decisions. I love you Mama, but my friend is here now. I will send you every email I can, every letter and every postcard. We'll take pictures. I took a lot of pictures of us to remind me of how you look like. Don't forget how I instructed you to put the photos on emails! Then you can send them to me too! I'm really sorry about this. I will come home someday. Please don't tell anyone of this, except those who know me well. And I'm sorry I broke the promise of staying away from InuYasha. Now, I really must go, InuYasha is all pouty now! Haha. Okay, I love you so much Mom. More than life. Tell Souta that I will come back some nights just to play ball with him. IF he can stay awake. Okay, I will sneak home when I can.

I love you.

Your daughter.

Higurashi Kagome.

A/N: Okay, weird ending to this chapter! And its not the end yet! I don't know how much longer this story can go on, but I HAVE to finish it by the time school starts. Or hopefully I will.

Now if you want a picture of InuYasha's van, check out this link. Copy and paste it,

h t t p : a n d r e w . h a r t m a n . t r i p o d . c o m / i n f o / m i n i v a n . j p g

The link might not work, (ADD IN THE 2 BACKSLASHES AFTER HTTP) so copy and paste. The song is Bloody Valentine by Good Charlotte. It's the song I based this fanfic on. Download it and you can experience it first hand!


Ja ne.
