InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Dissipated ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hello, again! I'm updating again, yay! I've been making a lot of commitments lately; I have restarted my manga/doujinshi I created! I won't tell what its called as I'm slightly jealous that someone who's better at drawing than me will steal the name and get theirs published first! NEVER! NEVERRRRR!!! Okay. Sorry, I'm over it. Okay so I'm gonna work on chapter detail yet again and try to get that desirable length everybody wants.

A couple shout-outs to stall time…


Inugirl540: Hey, thanks for reviewing! Thanks for the great compliments, it really brightened my day! Keep reading!


Fearless13: Whoo, thanks so much! I don't plan on giving up my story, and I'm gonna work really hard to keep my week balanced with school, writing, drawing manga for demanding fan-friends, practicing piano for my upcoming exam, and cleaning the house as my mom works and our house is getting a little atrocious. Thanks so much, though!


Bizm: Wow, thanks so much! I never knew I could be a best seller author! WOW, really? Your review really made me smile and I want to thank you so much for that, and I'll look into that book you recommended! You have just been added to my mental list of those who ABSOLUTELY ROCK. ^^


Thanks to all who reviewed, you are awesome and I love writing for you!


A few quick notes before I start:


-Kagome's Point of View

- Miroku's narration


-InuYasha's narration with a bit of POV thrown in

-Narrated by author (me)


Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Thirty-Six : Dissipated


When I was born, my mother was the only one who had really wanted a baby. My father was never really a socialiteperson. He was very controlling towards my mother and when I had been reluctantly born, he set about building walls around my free spirit to encage me within like my passive mother had allowed him to build around herover time.I suppose I had better tell you how they met and why my loving mother would marry someone as aloof as my father. My mother, Yasuha, was a soft, and very gentle girl at her young age. I will tell you the story as it played out:

Yasuha was running. Her long wavy hair was pulled back into a conservative French braid her best friend had read about and experimented on her during class break. Yasuha's braid whipped through the air, sometimes thudding against her own shoulder blades. Clutching her school briefcase, Yasuha was running back home from school. She was late, as her one and only best friend, Hanayo, had convinced her to see the latest musical performance her school was sponsoring. Yasuha had to get home quickly, her mother was sick and needed her medicine. After stopping at a crosswalkto the bridgeto catch her breath, she leaned against the nearby pole to rest for a little while. Wisps of dark hair, shining a deep brown by the light of the nearly setsun, escaped from the tight braid Hanayo had socarefully conducted at the baseof Yasuha's neck. After a deep sigh, Yasuha walked across the lone bridge that was darkening quickly. It was a long walk across to the small town in which her house was situated. It was at least a half-hour walk across the bridge, and Yasuha was so tired she couldn't even force herself to run. She supposed mother would have to wait. As she walked slowly, a fog began to settle as she neared the first quarter of the bridge. She sighed yet again, she hated it when the fog suddenly decided to settle, it scared her terribly. Well, ever sinceHanayo had told her a scary story about how a woman who had been used as a sacrifice for an ancient satanic ritual and had had her eyes pulled right from her face came to haunt when the fog settled. She would wander blindly in the dense fog, whining loudly, "My eyes… my eyes," and attack any passer bys to gouge out their eyes as hers had been so savagely removed. Yasuha quickened her pace as she glanced over her shoulder periodically. At one point, she was sure she heard quickly padding footsteps behind her, but when she glanced back, they had stopped. Yasuha sped up, running faster and when she finally reached the other end of the bridge she stopped to catch her breath again. It was then that a hand came from the fog and was placed gently on her shoulder.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Yasuha spun around, swinging her briefcase like a weapon.

"Gwah!" came a stifled groan. It sounded human.

"Hello?" Yasuha asked feebly after she recovered and had her back safely against a lamp post.

"Ow…geez girl, you really have good reflexes on you." A young man cam stumbling from the nearby fog, rubbing his head, his hair in a messand school uniform askew.

"Higurashi Shigekazu-sempai!" Yasuha exclaimed. She knew this boy. He was two grades older than her, and Hanayo's brother's best friend.

"You don't need to call me by my full name," he chuckled, rubbing his head. His hair was parted at the front centre, causing shaggy bangs to fall over his eyes. His eyes were a shockingly dark earthy brown, which she had, from afar, of course, come to admire. Hanayo had once described Higurashi as a `geek turned hottie.' Yasuha hadn't been paying attention, until now that she saw that it was really true. He wasn't at all acting like a typical player, but as an honest boy who really didn't know how good he looked. Hopefully, Yasuha thought, he'll never realize it.


After he walked her home that evening, Shigekaze must've realized that Yasuha was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He asked to court her a week later. She bashfully agreed, to the happiness of Hanayo, who had been wanting her to get together with someone for ages. Little did they know that their one little meeting caused me and Souta years later. They married right after high school, and stayed together for about 8 years, and an additional 2 years later, Shigekaze would come now and then, but he never lived with us. He finally never came back until 1-2 years later after, at which point he was a totally changed man from the totally honest and innocent boy Yasuha met at the bridge. He was twisted, cold, and had had far too many mistresses to deal with. He also was especially vain now. Yasuha had hoped he would never realize his own looks, but it seemed that that time had come. He beat Souta for no apparent reason, and I was only 14 and growing, and he molested me. I had finally gotten Mom to believe me and a restraining order was placed. I haven't seen him since…



I watched InuYasha stumble into the small dug-out office, and my heart swelled with a filling surge I never felt before and I just wanted to reach out and touch him. He looked around for a second, but immediately caught my eye and ran over, clutching the bottle to him.

"Kagome!" He said, his eyes looking slightly moist for some reason. "Kagome, you're okay!" he sounded so grateful, my heart felt like flipping.

"InuYasha…" I said breathlessly. He was here. Here he was, after all!

"Sorry to ruin your reunion, but I need some help, InuYasha." Miroku stood from his crouching position in which he was looking through scrolls and such.

InuYasha just stood there looking into my shrinked eyes, and it felt like I hadn't seen him for years. He looked so tired, so weary, but his face lit up when he looked at me, and a small smile was gracing his usual line of a mouth.


InuYasha had entered the room, tired and worn out from emotional stress. A bottle sitting innocently on the study table caught his eye. His face suddenly felt hot as hehadlooked over and caught Kagome's eye.

She looked so youthful and absolutely divine in the dress she was wearing of the most intricate lace. The off the shoulder look lookedlike a dream on her now even smaller form. InuYasha felt himself being rejuvenated as he looked upon her, as if the very sight of her gentle and sincere beauty was a healing source.He moved to open the lid of the Sprite bottle; he just wanted to hold her warm body against his again.

`Kagome…I just have to touch you, I can't bear the pain of only being able to see you and not being able to release you…I need to hold you, even for just a moment, it would sufficefor my life.' He began to unscrew the lid. To his surprise, she began shrieking.


He picked up my bottle, and I just wanted to be nearer to him. Then he began to unscrew the lid! Did he want to send me to the afterlife or something?!


He froze. "What?" he said weakly.


"Don't let her out!!" Miroku shouted when he whirled around. "Stop!" He took my bottle from InuYasha, and held it away from InuYasha like he was an insolent childneeding discipline.

"If you let her out, she'll pass on to the afterlife and even I won't even have a CHANCE of fixing herto her normal form!" Miroku said harshly.

InuYasha just looked so emptyand crestfallenafter Miroku had snatched me away. I know he had beentrying to protect me, but InuYasha looked so very weary he couldn't argue to take me back.

"Oh…" he said softly, as if ashamedof his horrible actions.


`I had just thought I could let her out and she'd be there, but Miroku said not to. I just want to hold her…why can't I? Why won't she come out? I'm so tired…I can hardly stay awake to hear what Miroku's lecturing about. Something about the answer in the scrolls…Ican't… ;'


I saw InuYasha look downfallen and then shuffle over to slump into a chair, where he leaned on his hand and his eyes began to gradually close. He had gotten so worked up just for me? I put my hands against the bottle wall, and a sad smile took my face.He fell asleep just as we heard a muffled kick and groan from the closet in the office.


"What was that?" Miroku looked carefully towards the closet and cautiously approached it, and yanked it openwith his staff ready in his opposite hand.

Shippo, tied and gagged, fell out with a loud noise Iguessedwas supposed to be a yelpof some sort.Miroku quickly moved to assist the poor little child. Miroku then set about untying him and consoling him a little.

"Shippo?" I called out to him after Miroku had removed the sock from his mouth and had finished untyinghis restraints.

"Kagome-mama!" he shrieked as soon as he was released. He ran over to where I sat in my bottle. He looked at me with such pitying eyes that I felt like bawling. "I'm so sorry…" he whimperedsadly with a hurt glance at me.

I tried my best not to start crying. Naturally, I was a little scared too. What if I never got to see InuYasha againif Miroku screwed up and I was sent to unwanted heavenly peace?! InuYasha and I had gone through so much to finally be together, and I certainly didn't want it to end like this. I swear, I will get out of this just to kiss InuYasha one last time…

I looked over at the dozing InuYasha, his face finally cleared from his frown, and his expression relaxed and calm. I sighed, and turned my sight back to Shippo, "Shippo-chan, it's not your fault. It's nobody's. Heck, I don't even totally believe that this is totally Hachi's fault;I pray he hasn't been killed. He was just so lonely, the poor boy. I wish I could have helped him…but certainly not like this. Sodon't worry Shippo, I don't blame anybody. Not even myself. All these things happen for the greater good, right? At least that what's Gandalf keeps telling me…" I smiledat my joke, although I knew it was atrociously corny.

He grinned at me, full of hope, and Iwinked at him. "Now, Shippo. back to this business at hand. First things first, okay? You have to try to remember everything before Hachi put me in here. Any detail could be really important. Do you remember what he used to work his mumbo-jumbo? A spell, an incantation? Perhaps a specific scroll? Please, Shippo, you have to help Mirokuhelp me get out of here and into my body." I wrung my hands in a pleading position, and to which Shippo nodded valiantly.

"I'll fix this, Kagome-mama. I got you into it, and I can damn well get you out of it." He nodded again and immediately started shoveling through some nearby papersthat had once been in a neat pile but were now in a hopeless heap.

I was a little taken aback at his language; probably the two days with InuYasha and he'll do that to you. I made a mental note to reprimand InuYasha for using such coarse language around someone as influential as Shippo ever again. And I couldn't help but hope and believe that Shippo would be the one to save me tonight. He said he would, and if anybody knew what happened while I was out, it was Shippo.



Sango sat at the base of the well backdrop, panting and recovering her breath. After she had told InuYasha to agree to her deal, she had taken Hachi to a hidden corneron the ground floor of the well house;well actually, thrown him up there. She had yet to pull herself up next. She just needed a quick rest. Although all this exercise was nice for a healthy change, she couldn't believe how out of shape she was. She hadn't fought or worked out ever since Miroku and she had had to fake their own deaths. And all for what? So that Kagome could have a boyfriend? But…Sango knew it went deeper than that. They had been in a `love' as children, but had had to be separated by fate. And fate brought them back together. Which was actually prettytouching, when you thoughtabout ita little deeper. Sango couldn't help but smirk. What with being surrounded with these people in love, she was softening up. What would Kohaku say? And for the first time it hit her full force. Whatever did happen to Kohaku?



I had been dreaming about Kagome. She was there in that dress. Where had she gottenthat thing anyway? It looked so perfect for her, even better than the best tailor. She was smiling at me, and her eyes looked so nice and warm, and her hand was soft as it grazed my own hand.

I couldn't help but break into a smile and chuckle a little when she pulled me up from the chair and looked at me. I looked down at her, and I felt like I could stay here forever. My chest felt warm inside somehow, and my skin tingling. It felt like the first time Ihadkissed her. Like our love was likebrandnew again. She finally broke her gaze at me, and blushingly looked at our intertwined fingers. I leaned forward more to see her face. She looked so adorable with that blush that you just wanted to embarrass herjustto make her do it again. She shyly looked back up. I immediatelyeagerlyleaned in to press my lips against hers. She smiled into the kiss, and I could feel her laughing softly as we kissed. We broke the kiss together, and our fingers were still tangledwhen she launched her arms around my neck, and I hugged her as hard as I could. Finally, it was all together. All my broken pieces, unitedto one whole. We kissed one more time, and I had to pull her uphigher. I had forgotten how short she was. She only cameupto my chest. I had to pull her up to get a good kissing range, which she was trying to do too, on her tippy-toes. We both pulled away, and I noticed I was suddenly wearing a reddish haori of old. As I glanced at her dress, it seemed to change into an off the shoulder yukata kimono. Still incredibly beautiful and easily fitting, we looked like feudal lovers or something. She just laughed when I raised my eyebrows at our new costumes and she leaned in and kissed my cheek. I couldn't have been happier. And as I hugged her one last time, the image I was seeing seemed to blur, until it was all a white and graycollage of waking up.

Then it was black, and I was looking at the ceiling of the Hachi's study with the dullflickeringcandle light. There was a yelp of happiness, and I lookedsleepilyover.I couldn't see anything but a blue-ish purple smudge.It seemed to beMiroku, who seemed to have found whatever the heck he had beenlooking for.


InuYasha rubbed his eyes and yawned, when he heard and felt a soft breeze flit through the room.Strange, for underground…and it smelled like jasmine…and…Kagome.

His eyes shot open as his glance shot around the room to land on a slim back, covered with light ebony locks.She was wearing the white yukata, sliding slightly off her shoulders, just enough to remain chaste and innocent. She turned slowlywhen he spoke, her head first,andthen the rest of her body.

"Kagome…" InuYasha had said in a hushed whisper.

Her face was radiating with life, and a rosy pink began to return to her skin color instead of the ivory color she had been before that had nearly matched her yukata.

"Inu,,,Yasha." She nodded gently, and InuYasha stood up and walked slowly to her. He barelyevennoticed Shippo strangling Miroku in happiness. All he saw was her. All he wanted to see was her.


I had finally gotten out of that stinky, stuffy, and damp bottle! FREEDOM! LIBERTY! I took a breath, when I heard a whisper of my name.

I turned around slowly, my body still seemed a little new to me. There he was. My tired, but now wide awake, dirty, and shabby looking prince. He looked shocked and relieved.

I was only able to say his name slowlyand nod, when he stood andreached out to touch me. His fingers brushed against my yukata on my shoulder, causing it immediately to dissipate. I don't know how, but within a second, I was standing there with gradually disappearing clothes. Thankfully InuYasha wasable to yank off his long overcoat fast enough to throw around me before Miroku was able to see anything too private. All the same, Miroku applauded and mentioned something about how InuYasha should teach him that trick, it would help him with Sango. And then Shippo just kicked him in the shin.I pulled the overcoat closed over my chest just as the last of my beautiful yukata disappeared. So much for spirit gown anymore. Well, if I was living, I shouldn't be wearing it, I suppose. My sights turned back to InuYasha, who re-reached his hand out to placed it slowly over my own that was clenching the coat closed overmy chest. He took another step towards mecautiously and slowly, as if I was priceless and couldn't be touched too forcefully. He looked down into my eyes, and as I gazed up at him, my heart began speeding up. I was blushing like the schoolgirl that I had been not too long ago. I blushed so much so that I had to look down shyly, to which InuYasha promptly burst out in laughter. I looked at him confused.

"It's just like in my dream." He said slightly stiffly. He obviously wasn't used to sharing his personal fantasies and whatnot.

"You dreamtabout me?" I felt my knees blush. "What about?" I immediately asked suspiciously.

"Just seeing you like this…except for your disappearing clothes." He leaned in closer to whisper hoarsely in my ear, "Which would come in handy in the bedroom, I'm sure…"

I felt the tips of my hair blush as I resisted the urge to hit him. When he leaned back and just gave me a little confident smirk, his head tilted to the side, and one corner of his mouth risen, I gave in to the urge. I slapped him. Don't make a mistake, not just any little girl prissy fight slap. Igave him onehard open-handed slap in the mouth, causing himto stumbleback with that little smile wiped right off his face. Before he could fall right over back into the chair, I grabbed his collar, and kissed his cheekslowly before pulling away. That was all he was gonna get with those kindsof comments. Miroku cat-called at me, and Shippointelligently kicked him again. I gathered the overcoat around me like a dowagerwould her rich gown, and immediately demanded where Sango was and that I simply must speak with her. InuYasha, slumped back in his chair, only pointed feebly towards the exit. With a curt nod at Shippo, who grabbed my hand, I was off. I paused only to button the coat up fully, and pick Shippo up and kiss his head and console himin whispers;the poor thing.

From the corner of my eye I saw InuYasha's eyebrow twitch, and Miroku only chuckled knowingly. I even allowed Shippo to stick a tongue out at the both of them behind my back as I left the study completely.


Miroku sighed. He had done it. He was actually quite proud that just he and a small fox child had been able to stop someone from going on to the afterlife. He smiled proudly to himself and turned to the still slightly annoyed InuYasha.

"Everything back to normal, InuYasha?" he said wisely.

"Sure…" InuYasha said huffily. "I can't believe she did that after I saved her. She should be kissing me, not slapping me and then I only get a peck for all I did."

Miroku couldn't help but sigh contentedly. Now they could all maybe live a normal life. And he also had to speak with Sango about some important matters as well.

He walked over to InuYasha, patted his back comfortingly, and left the room, stealthily sneaking several of Hachi's kama sutra scrolls along with him.


InuYasha sighed. He hadn't gotten repaid in lovin' like he'd hoped. But, he supposed there was plenty of time for that, and he still hadn't had a chance to hold her. He would have gone straight for it if her clothes hadn't started dissolving. And he just couldn't help that pun from slipping from his mouth. She had looked so perfectly pink, too. Then it had hit him. Literally.


I talked to Shippo as he helped me up the well to the well house where Sango supposedly was. As I yanked myself over the edge, I heard another catcall. Oh no.

"Nice…panties?" called Miroku, from below me at the backdrop of the well underground.

I threw myself carelessly and quickly over the last edge to his laughter. I peered back over with a heated glare and shook my fist at him. "Up yours, Miroku!"

"Ooh, feisty, feisty," he laughed heartily as he rubbed his chin and decided to begin his ascend. I also heard him mutter something about convincing Sango to go `commando' without underwear too.

"When you get up here, I SWEAR-" I screamed.

"Kagome?!" It was Sango.

"SANGO!" My threats forgotten, I ran over to her, and we embraced. She sniffled ontomy shoulder.

"I didn't think you were gonna make it! I was so scared, Kagome-chan! You should have seen InuYasha!" She patted my back happily.

"I have." I said bluntly.

"Oh?" She looked a little surprised. "What happened?"

"Let's just say that Miroku might be a little too influential to those without a backbone." I hmphed.

"Ah." She nodded, and hugged me again. "We can deal with those perverts later with a good disciplinary beating. What matters is we're all together again."


Ismiled and nodded while takingShippo's and Sango's hand and walkingout into the sunlight.

"Morning already?" asked Shippo, squinting, and using his other hand to shield his sensitive eyes.

"Yep…it's been so long already." Sango gripped my hand;and we started on awalk towardsthe bus stop.



Miroku dragged himself up, still chuckling at his latest scene. It had definitely been something educational for sure. He dusted himself off, still in all smiles. He was so preoccupied in his excitement that he didn't notice one angry Hanyou wafting in battle aura behind him.


InuYasha jumped up after Miroku with eyes gleaming a dangerous gold,andlowered a swift and strong blow to his head. Miroku fell over with a loud `gah'. InuYasha only laughed and dragged Miroku outsidethe well house.He then kicked him out of the well house and walked back inbyhimself.

After cheking that Miroku hadn't come back for a second round, he sniffed around, knowing Hachi was still alive somewhere. Using his keen nose, he located a small closetopposite from the entrance door. He yanked it open and found a struggling Hachiwho was bound by ropes securely. Tetsusaiga leaned against the wall nearby, a small note attached to the hilt:



I don't want to dirty my hands for when I hug Kagome. She won't like the blood on her back. You take care of it.




InuYasha smiled evilly at Hachi, causing his victim'seyes to widenwith fear. InuYasha grasped Tetsusaiga in his hand with a warning glint in his eye.

"You don't know how much I've wanted to do this since I heard the news…" InuYasha's eyes were now hidden by his shaggy bangs. He then unsheathed Tetsusaiga slowly.

He lifted the blade just below Hachi's neck, repeating Sango's words to himself:

"Painless…unless he's awake…"


We had just about reached the bus stop, when I remembered. Hachi's study. It should be destroyed so no one else could do this to anyoneever again.And no one would suffer like we had.I turned and jogged back on bare feet, waving off Sango's yell not to go back there, and Miroku's asking me if I needed any help getting down the well suggestively; in more ways than one.I jogged back to the opening of the door and pulled the door open. What I saw shocked me. There was this quick, sickening sound of flesh being sliced, and next I saw theblood spurt. Behind the closet door ahead of me was InuYasha, his face stained with the spurted blood and with one hand he looked at the blood covered Tetsusaiga fondly and examined his other hand soaked in blood with a gentle smile on his face. Practically…a pleasurablegrin. It made me feel nauseousas I gasped out the words…




He whirled around with a shocked look in his eyes and…




A/N: Okay, thank you so much for reading! Sorry about the cliffy, but if I continue I'll be going on for twenty pages and my hands hurt from the cram writing to make up for all my procrastination. I was glad to finally update, and I have a feeling of it off my chest. Ahhh, I feel so good. Okay, so thanks so much for reading, did I repeat my self? Oh well. Thanks, and please review!


Please REVIEW! (crap I AM repeating myself…)

Ja ne.
