InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-



At the young age of 15, something miraculous happened to a girl. Something magical. She went on a journey and on that journey she discovered herself in many ways. Along the way she met some really good friends that she wouldn't trade for the world.

Sango, a young lone warrior that was the only sourvivor of the Taijiya clan, demon exterminators. She faced hard things in her life, but learned to accept them and meet them. Her brother was possessed by a man and killed their father and a few of their clansmen, and then was killed. Her clan was killed by one man, one half demon the wielder the power to corrupt people and destroy lives. After she was tricked into believing it was InuYasha who led the onslaught to her people, she went after him, but quickly she saw who was the true wielder in this web of lies and joined our group.

There was also a young man, his name was Miroku and he was a monk. He was more the comic relief for those tense moments with his lechery, but he knew how to fight and he was very knowledgable. He was a great help in our cause, and of course, he had his own reasons to fight the said man as well. The monk was cursed. He had a wind tunnel in his hand, that grows bigger by the use of it, it did come in handy during the battles, but it was indeed a curse. The wind tunnel was a void, and if he didn't kill the man that cursed him, he would be consumed by the wind tunnel and die. This was what stopped him to confess his true feelings to Sango.

Along with these companions there was also a little kitsune named Shippo. He was such a sweet little boy and tried to be brave for me, but he was, after all, just a kid. His parents were slaughtered for the shikon jewel shards they had and I couldn't help but take him along on the journey, he was like a son to me. How could I say no?

Lastly, there was there first person I met in the feudal era. That day I fell down the well, I thought it was fate. InuYasha was a hanyou, a half demon, half dog demon to be exact. He was pinned to the God Tree (that is still in my yard in the future) by a scared arrow. The person that sealed him was his love, she was a miko sworn to protect the jewel, and because of that her and InuYasha's lives were tangled in a web of lies and deceit. She pinned him to the tree in blind fury and anger for being betrayed by him, but in fact she wasn't. It was the master of deceit who betrayed them both and because of that their love suffered. After she sealed him to the tree, she died with the jewel. InuYasha...

That's were I came in. I was the reincarnation of his love, Kikyo, who died that day. The day I fell through the well, it wasn't by accident, a demon attacked me and dragged me through, she was seeking the Shikon no Tama. I came to the other side, the feudal era, 50 years after InuYasha was sealed to the sacred God Tree. I released InuYasha and shattered the jewel that was inside of me, proving that I was in fact the reincarnation of Kikyo, but I wasn't anyway like Kikyo. I was me, Kagome. Even though I had miko powers like Kikyo's, mine, in the end, proved to be stronger. Kikyo was reincarnated, but she wasn't the same because I had already been born. She kept the darker traits. The ones of her need to kill InuYasha.

The adventures and battles we had together to gather all the jewel shards lasted a bit more than 2 years, and after the jewel was purified and vanished from existence, as did my existence in the feudal era. The well stopped working...

More than anything, this shattered my heart, for I fell in love with InuYasha. Even though he would never commit himself to me, because of Kikyo, he would always be my one and only. I went into a bit of a depression, luckily I knew I wasn't crazy because my mother, brother and Gramdpa all remember him and of my stories when I came and left the shrine. I missed my friends so much, they were closer to me then any of the ones I had here in the present time. Sango understood me, Miroku reassured me, and Shippo loved me. I remember thinking at one point, how will I ever survive without my loved ones.

But I did...

It's been 5 years now since the well shut me out of the feudal era, from my friends and love. Every so often I gather my courage and jump in, just to see if it will work, just one more time. I can't stand that it all feels like a dream, and the faces of my loved ones have started to blurr and fade. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get away, get away from this place, from my past, from the pain...

I finished my schooling and talked it over with my mom, I am 22 now, I think I can go into the world on my own.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this Kagome?"

I looked up at my mother. She aged just a bit, a few wrinkles, but nothing compared to grandpa, who was still alive by the way. I smiled at her concerned eyes, "Hai, I'm sure. I have to do this mama," I took her hands into mine, "I need to do this, for me."

She smiled warmly back and nodded in understanding, "Okay, I believe you can do it."

I smiled and looked towards the God Tree. I glanced back towards her and she simply nodded again.

I walked outside into the crisp cool air of fall. The God Tree stood proudly. The branches swaying slightly in the cool breeze, making the tattered brown leaves float gracefully to the ground. There was something about this tree that grabbed your attention, whether it be the size, or the sheer beauty of its age.

I slowly walked towards it and over the little white fence that went around it. I looked up at its full potential and laid my hand softly and the worn part. InuYasha. I stray tear flowed down my cheek.

"InuYasha..." I whispered softly to the tree, another tear escaped. "I miss you and everyone so much, it still hurts." I started talking to the tree. I did this once in a while. The God Tree somehow comforted me, knowing that it was with them, and that they were once at this very spot.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," I gulped, "I just can't take this pain anymore. I need to get away, I need to let go. I wish I told you, I know you knew, but I never could say those words, just like you couldn't." The tears were flowing freely now as I continued my farewell. My blue eyes shimmered with tears as my hair blew in the wind and gently caressed my face.

"I love you InuYasha, so much, it still hurts my heart knowing that I'll never see you again. I know you knew I cared deeply for you, and I admitted these feelings of love to myself long ago, but I just had to say it out loud." I took a deep shuddering breathe, "I'm leaving tomorrow and I won't be coming back." I tried to gather myself, I could do this, I need to do this, "I'm moving to America..."

And with those last words and quickly turned away from the tree and walked back towards the house, wiping my tears along the way.

I kept telling myself, I had to do this. It was the only way to move on in my life. I finished University and had to start my life. I had to do it without InuYasha.


As Kagome walked away, she did not see it, but it did happen. The tree shone a bright pink, but as quickly as it glowed, it faded away.


Well, I have started another one, yet again. -smiles- I hope you liked it, I know it's kind of short, but it's just an Introduction to the story, it helps to get the flow going, hehe.

Review please, I really really like those.
