InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Proposals ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I know it's been a while…here we go…it won't be much longer I think I'll do a sequel…maybe...
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.
The next afternoon Kagome Sango and Rin all sat in Rin's loft, going through old photographs. Kagome held up a picture of her and Rin as teenagers sitting at the beach one summer. “I can't believe you had that bang up in a pony tail like that,” she chuckled looking at Rin.
She blushed, “Well I was fourteen, I was discovering myself.”
Sango tapped the one on the table, “Well look at how freaking short your skirt was Kags,” she smirked.
“Speaking of short, what did you do with Sess last night, munchkin?” Kagome said changing the subject.
Rin sat in the chair across from her, “Nothing x-rated, he said that he wants nothing from me that I am not willing to give.”
Sango fixed her with a look, “Sounds just like some shit he would say.”
Kagome folded her hands on the table, “Well what are you willing to give?”
Rin looked to answer and her eyes landed on the courtship mark on her wrist, “I know what that is…” she grabbed her cousin's wrist.
Sango knew what it was too, “What—how did this happen?”
Kagome opened her mouth to respond when the buzzer sounded. Rin slid on her socks rushing to it, “Yes,” she said, composing herself.
“Sweetness, can I see you for a moment?” Sesshomaru's smooth voice answered, “Tell Kagome I have her baka with me.”
“Yes you can. I'll buzz you up.”
Kagome and Sango looked at Rin, “Sweetness?” Sango questioned.
She smiled, “Sweetness.”
She opened the door and both Tashio brothers came strolling in, Inuyasha dressed in baggy jeans and a white shirt Sesshomaru in a baby blue polo and khakis. Inuyasha looked at the pictures scattered across the kitchen table, “What were you doing?”
Sesshomaru tipped Rin's chin up to give her a light kiss, “Yes. What were you doing?”
“Reliving our golden years,” Kagome said kissing Inuyasha's cheek.
Sesshomaru took the picture out of Kagome's hands, “Oh I see, you mean the days when you used to wear scarcely there skirts and still managed to be the class good girl?”
Inuyasha looked over his shoulders, “I loved those skirts,” he said dreamily.
Sango punched his arm, “You sounded like Miroku.”
They all laughed.
“Speaking of Miroku, I have a message for you: he wants you to meet him at the pier tonight at eight. Don't know why,” he shrugged.
Rin looked at Sesshomaru, “What are you doing tonight?”
“Spending time with you,” he said simply.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes pulling Kagome into his lap, “How many times has that lame ass line actually worked for you?”
“You can shut up, Inuyasha,” was the response he got.
“So I'm guessing that this Sesshomaru has found himself a new girl,” Kagome noted with a slight smile.
Rin looked at him nonchalantly waiting for his response. His eyes flashed, “I see you have finally decided to take the baka,” he responded.
Kagome rolled her eyes, “Why do you always have to do that?”
He feigned confusion, “What're you talking about?”
She shook her head, “Never mind.”
A shrill ringtone came from Sango's pocket and she pulled it out to press talk, “Hey what's up?”
Miroku's smile was felt through the line, “Did Inuyasha deliver my message?”
“Yes, he did.” Sango replied, “What're you up to, Houshi?”
“Nothing my love I just have a surprise for you,” he said slyly.
“Okay I'll leave Rin's to go change and I'll see you there. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
She shut the phone and slid it back into her pocket before giving Inuyasha a suspicious look, “What is he up to? You know I hate surprises.”
Inuyasha put both hands up, “I promised not to tell sorry.”
Sesshomaru stopped her as she turned to face him, “I don't know anything Sango, sorry.”
Sango sighed, “Okay then, I'll see you all later, I have to go home and get out of these work clothes.”
She gave Kagome a significant look before walking out the door.
Inuyasha looked at Rin, “So munchkin what do you see in the cold abyss that is my brother?”
Sesshomaru glared, “Rin, sweetness, don't respond to stupidity.”
Rin and Kagome looked at each other amused, and sat back on the table to watch the brothers bash each other.
“Oh please stupid, how far is your head up your ass,” Inuyasha sneered.
His older brother wasn't fazed, “Aw, little brother is that all you've got?”
Inuyasha moved to strike him before Rin stepped in front of him, “Chill, I may need him later.”
Kagome laughed at the growl he made, “You'll be fine, puppy. I know you both fight in private.”
He took her by the waist, “See you later Rin, fluffy,” he kissed Rin's cheek earning a glare from his brother.
Kagome moved from Inuyasha to give Sesshomaru a hug, “I know you'll do her right,” it was a statement not a question.
He nodded, “Of course.”
She opened the door and Inuyasha followed her out.
The second Rin locked it behind them she felt a hand on her waist, “What do you want Rin, anything?”
She pulled him to her against the door, “How about a kiss first,” she breathed.
His lips pressed to hers and she pulled him as close as she could get him, “Sess,” she breathed when his lips left hers to go to her ear.
Sesshomaru pulled back to look into her eyes. He took her hand to set her on his lap as he sat on the couch. He pulled her to his chest to bury his claws in her raven hair. Rin sighed contentedly wrapping her arms around his neck. She loved being around him, he was like the yin to her yang, if that wasn't too cliché. Sesshomaru let her have control but she knew in her mind that she could never run over him. He kissed her again thoroughly his fingers still buried in her hair, taking her breath and her control away from her.
Rin pulled back to catch her breath, “Can I stay with you tonight?” she whispered.
Sesshomaru leaned back, “Yes you can, sweetness, I said whatever you want, and I meant it.”
A playful look crossed her face, “Does whatever I want include with you,” she asked innocently.
“Maybe,” he said before raising an eyebrow, “Why do you ask?”
Rin shrugged, “Just checking.”
Sesshomaru was never a person to thrive on sex or beg for it; to him it was a pleasure, not a necessity. But his girl, this woman was reducing to him to jelly every time she touched him. He loved that about her. She had no clue what she did to him. Maybe tonight he could show her what she did to him.
Sango got into her car and set off to the pier. It was sort of odd that Miroku chose to meet her there because that was where they had their first kiss. She smiled remembering her own shock afterward, and how she punched him in the eye. They had been off and on for the past decade and she had dated other people but nobody made her feel the way he did. He finally managed to stop cheating on her and she finally agreed to be with him. She pulled up to the lot and saw the sun setting in the distance. She sighed and shut off the engine. Sango checked her reflection in the mirror for the tenth time and hopped out of her car.
Miroku's black car was already parked a few yards away. She set off to the pier to look for him.
“Inuyasha, what's your problem?” Kagome asked, turning away from the mirror and setting down her brush.
Inuyasha thought of how he should ask her to move in with him. His mouth opened but no sound came out. Kagome's eyes looked at him expectantly. He walked into his bedroom and sat on the bed looking at her again, “Kagome?”
Kagome sighed patiently, “Yes Inuyasha?”
“I love you,” he settled on saying.
Her grey eyes rolled, “I love you.”
Miroku was waiting for her when she reached the middle of the pier sitting on a bench. He stood up and gave her a kiss, “Hello my love,” he said giving her a slight smile.
She smiled back, “Hey baby, why did you ask me to come here?”
Miroku tugged her hands to sit on the bench with him; his eyes were unreadable as he looked at her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box.
Sango gasped, “Miro, what—I mean…” she sputtered.
He took her hands in his, “Sango I love you so much and I want you by my side forever. Will you be my wife?”
She stared as he opened the box to reveal a white gold ring with a nice sized diamond. Her mouth was a perfect circle. Eventually she managed to form words, “Yes,” she said, “I will.”
Miroku slipped the ring on her finger staring into her eyes the whole time. As soon as it was on her finger she threw herself into his arms putting her emotions into a kiss that made his head spin. He cupped her face and kissed her back before pulling away, “I love you, Sango.”
Sango's brown eyes sparkled, “I love you too.”
He took her hand as they stood up to walk back to their cars.
Rin set her bag down in the master bedroom as Sesshomaru's house. She never got used to how big everything was at his place. The bed was so big that he had to pick her up and put her in the bed. He kissed her on the cheek and hugged her from behind, “So what is it that you wanted to do?”
A sly smile crossed her face, “Okay, sit on the bed, and I'll be right back.”
She picked up her small clutch purse and disappeared down the hall.
When she remerged she wore nothing but a short silver silk robe and a matching lacy bra and panties. Her hair was loose and looked like she tousled it. She walked slowly over to him and stopped at the foot of the bed. She looked at him shyly, waiting for his response.
Sesshomaru's golden eyes roamed all over her body before he looked into her eyes. He sat up fully and reached to grasp her by the waist. Her lips crashed to his….
A/N: Sorry it took long again…life and family and shit got in the way….hope you liked it…I'm almost done…