InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Up in the World ❯ Damn it! ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Okay, not the longest of Chapters, but I think it went very interestingly kudos to a very real feeling dream I had a few nights ago. I just adore when I dream about my fics. It's pretty cool. I dream every single night. My doctor said it was because I have increased brain activity or something. I highly doubt that means I'm smart, but I like thinking it does. On a scientific point of view, I'm pretty sure it just means I sleep like crap so I never get any deeper sleep than the dream cycle…but being smart sounds cooler.
Chapter 24: Damn it
Rin had been excused into the hallway. She didn't like the idea that there were being things said without her presence, frankly, it made her quite nervous, but she could hardly do anything about it. Inutaisho and Sesshoumaru were in the meeting room talking about Kami knows what. Rin just fingered the edge of her spiral notebook. Surely Inutaisho was not mad…last time it had been him who suggested him hiring her…
“So what do you want now?” Sesshoumaru asked his father while massaging his temples.
“I just wanted to ask you about her.” Inutaisho said while grinning.
“Her?” Sesshoumaru asked with an arched eyebrow.
“Rin?” Inutaisho asked unwaveringly.
“Oh, well she had some good credentials…” Sesshoumaru said staggeredly.
“My son,” Inutaisho said with a flair of drama. “hundreds of brilliant people with credentials out the ass have attempted to become your assistant. Why did you hire this one? I'm just curious.” Inutaisho prodded.
“I hired her because I can if I want to, damn it.” Sesshoumaru said snappishly as he stood up and twisted the doorknob.
“I'm just glad you get along with someone.” Inutaisho reported submissively as his son left him. “Invite her over for dinner, Izayoi wants to meet her, in fact, so do I.”
Rin was twiddling her thumbs when she heard the doorknob twist and finally push forward. Sesshoumaru exited. He looked magnificent as always in his dark pinstripe suit. Rin also saw that he appeared quite flustered for once. She stood up and smiled at him gently. It seemed to pull him out of a frizzled trance and he led her back into their office.
He sat down and ran his long fingers through his hair. He looked very preoccupied. Rin could only assume it was about Project Shikon.
Sesshoumaru rifled through some paperwork. It was true; hundreds of much better certified people had attempted to take the job of his P.A. Why had he hired her? He hadn't even asked for a résumé or even proof of education. What was the matter with him? Why had he just… accepted her?
He looked over at her. She seemed so fluid and comfortable. He hardly even thought to question her place in this company…and even his life. She was bright cheery and happy. Everything that he was not. Why didn't she fear, hate, or despise him for his icy ways? Something in him felt ready to burst.
“Rin, would you like to come to my house for dinner?” he asked suddenly with an air of desperation and finally relief.
“What? Oh, no, I mean yes of course.” Rin said in a flurry.
“Good.” Sesshoumaru said robotically as he leant back on his big chair.
A soft silence fell over them like a light snow. A clanking noise suddenly rang out. A clunk and a bunk followed it soon after. Rin and Sesshoumaru followed its source to a small metal vent near the ceiling. Sesshoumaru took a deep sigh and touched his temple.
“Jakken, get your little amphibian ass out right now.” Sesshoumaru said icily without even opening his eyes. Rin looked panicked.
Before she knew it, ten slimy fingers poked through the grate. Sesshoumaru looked beyond angry. Though it was understandable, it was quite creepy to be spied on by the little freak. What was he doing in the vent?
“I said out.” Sesshoumaru growled.
Rin heard a faint whimpering and then a metallic scraping noise. The grate popped off and was held in place by the toad's finger's. In one fluid movement the little beast fell out of the vent, throwing the grate up into the air. He landed with a thump onto the hard wood floor. In a fit of hilarity, the grate fell directly on the subdued toad's head. He was covered in dust and cobwebs.
“Damn it!” he exclaimed while feeling the bump on his head.
“Jakken, what, exactly, were you doing?” Sesshoumaru asked in a horrendously deadly tone.
“Umm.” Jakken replied in a shaky voice. “I…I was cleaning the ventilation system… I figured you could work more efficiently with more air…” Jakken said. It would have almost been convincing, that was, if he hadn't been visibly shuttering.
“Jakken, if I ever, and I mean ever, catch you `cleaning the ventilation system' again, I will eviscerate and disembowel you at so exactly the same time you won't know which one was which.” Sesshoumaru said through gritted teeth.
“I see, I will just do it after hours then!” The toad said, happy to leave with his life. He scampered out with due speed.
“Sesshoumaru, you wouldn't really kill him would you?” Rin asked quietly. Sesshoumaru looked thoughtful.
“I would if I wanted to.” He said with a sharp voice. But at the sight of Rin's face he softened it. “But I suppose I will not. It may be more trouble than it is worth, besides, he usually learns his lessons well enough…”
“That's good. He is annoying though.” Rin said companionably.
Inuyasha watched her from his couch. She was beautiful, that much could not be denied. She had warm brown eyes and a lovely smile, not to mention a gorgeous body. She was organizing things with Sango. The girls seemed to be getting along wonderfully. They were chatting as they cleared the mess.
Just then she looked up and his eyes met hers. He looked away quickly but he knew she saw him. A blush filled his cheeks. What business had she here anyways? He looked over at Miroku beside him. As usual he was enraptured by Sango. Inuyasha sighed, what was with all this love stuff anyway?
“Inuyasha, you know you could be helping.” The girl said reprimandingly.
“Make me, wench.” He replied.
“I don't make monkeys, I train them. Besides, the name is KA-GO-ME.” She snapped back.
“You said that before.” Inuyasha said heavily.
“What? I have not…” Kagome said quizzically.
“Duh, you said that long time ago.” Inuyasha replied lazily.
“Inuyasha, I have only been here two days.” Kagome interjected. “Though it does sound familiar…” she said to herself.
An eerie feeling settled in the room. That was, until Inuyasha decided to storm off to lunch.
He drummed his fingers lazily over the desk. His minions were busily running up and down the hallways. They knew better than to be stationary. He heard the shoji screen peel back and someone enter.
“Good evening, Onigumo.” Kikyo said with a sneer.
“Onigumo? I had thought you had taken to calling me master.” Narraku replied.
“True, but things have changed, I suppose.” She toyed.
“This is your fault isn't it?” Narraku seethed.
He leapt forward and wrapped his hand around her frail throat. His eyes burnt with anger. He tightened his grip. Even after all this her expression remained defiant. He let his façade fall.
“I know you would not, no could not, hurt me. You are obsessed by me, you love and adore the very ground I walk on.” Narraku didn't speak up. “And besides, I am the only one who knows how to manipulate Shikon anyway.” She purred as she ran her fingers along his arm. His eyes dampened and he threw her to the ground.
“Fix this, or get out. Damn it.” He said threateningly.
“Don't worry my master, there are ways to go about this.” She soothed.
Rin had been excused to lunch. Sesshoumaru had not come with her, this made her very disappointed in things. They appeared to be happening in an only somewhat parallel manner. She reached the great food court and found it to be exactly the same as always. She wasn't exactly hungry, so she decided she might as well carouse the people instead.
She hadn't moved very far when she found Inuyasha, making quite a show of himself. He had servers form every restaurant lined up at his table, offering him various dishes complimentary from their facilities. Inuyasha was dramatically refusing the healthier dishes and accepting the greasier ones.
She walked over to the back of the line. All the uniformed boys were blocking any entrance she might make. It's not as if she really needed to talk to Inuyasha, but this was a silly reason not to. She tried to push though to no avail and went to extreme measures.
“Get back to your stalls! He has plenty food! Stop making fools of yourselves!” She yelled viciously as she shoved them out of the way.
Most ran away quickly without much fight, but the pizza vendor, who was having a particular bout of success, refused to move. She glared at him and flipped the humungous meaty pizza from out of his grip and onto the floor face down. After that display he got the point and hustled out of their. After helping a janitor clean up the fallen pizza she finally turned to Inuyasha. He was eating, but watching her.
“You know, I was gonna eat that.” He said.
“It was to disgusting to eat.” She replied as she took a seat across from him.
“You're Rin, Sesshoumaru's P.A. right?” Inuyasha commented as he dug into some ramen.
“Yes, I'm glad you remember me.” She said brightly.
“It's very very unusual for Sesshoumaru to take a liking to anyone who isn't just a sex bimbo, so of course I remember you.” He said blandly. “Unless, of course, you are a sex bimbo.” He added.
“What?” She yelled as she smacked him hard in the head.
“Kami, what the hell. That still hurts from when you attacked me after I saw you naked! Sheesh!” he exclaimed. Rin fell back into her chair.
“Well, I'm sorry you walked in on me…” she said but quickly it occurred to her, that hadn't been this go around…
Silence fell over them as they sat staring at each other with widening eyes. That had been before the banquet, how could he remember? He seemed to be locked up like a computer as he sat there with one long Ramen noodle hanging out of his mouth.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” He suddenly exclaimed. He stood up, knocking over the chair and looked at her. “What the fuck? You have some serious explaining to do!” He nearly screamed as he literally dragged her towards the elevator.
She watched as all the other lunchers watched mildly, as if stuff like this was commonplace with Inuyasha. She watched a cleaning crew descend on his half-eaten bowl of Ramen. He must really have remembered, to leave his most coveted food item. They reached the elevator and Inuyasha dropped her and landed with a thud on the couch.
“75th floor?” Shippo asked curiously.
“No, get off the elevator.” Inuyasha told him.
“Um, but sir, my shift isn't over for another three hours.” Shippo replied.
“I'm excusing you. Now get off damn it.” Inuyasha said angrily enough that Shippo just backed out of the elevator.
Rin watched silently as he got up and went over to the console. First he pressed up. After they had been going a bit then he looked at her. He punched the red button with his forefinger. It was the emergency button, you know, the one that stops the elevator in mid trip. The main lights went off and an auxiliary one went on. It kept them in a faint yellow light.
“Sorry, this is the only way you can have a conversation and not be on tape. The security camera shuts down with the lights.” He explained as he sat back down on the red velvet couch. “ You should get comfortable.” He warned. She noticed she was still sprawled out. She gathered herself up and looked at him expectantly. “First tell me I'm not crazy.” He demanded.
“You're not crazy.” She said to his bent figure.
“Shit…well, how did this happen?” he asked.
“I'm not exactly sure. But do you wanna know who I suspect?” She offered.
“Tell me.”
“You're not going to like it.” She warned.
“Tell me now.”
“I believe Narraku is responsible for it, and Kikyo.” She said softly.
“Kikyo?” he said in a bit of a rage.
“I'm telling you Inuyasha, Kikyo is bad bad news.” She pleaded as she moved toward him on her knees.
“Kikyo…betrayed me?” he said ever so softly.
“She's trying to get her claws in this company, and everything we care about.” She whispered to him as she touched his face.
“I…I just can't believe you…not yet, not until I see it for myself…” He muttered.
“No Inuyasha! Please believe me! You have got to believe me! We need to get everything back!” She pleaded as tears swum down her face.
“That's right, That night at the banquet. He gave you a red rose… Does my brother remember?” he asked.
“No.” she said solemnly.
“Damn it.” He bellowed as a voice came over the emergency intercom.
“Inuyasha? This is your father. What are you doing?” Inutaisho's voice asked politely. It was followed by what sounded like a struggle then there was a bang.
“Inuyasha, what are you doing up there with Rin? You had best get down here before I murder you.” Sesshoumaru's voice flared over the mechanism.
“Fine, fine. We were just having some `fun'. We'll be down as soon as we find Rin's panties.” Inuyasha said calmly back over a walkie-talkie device. All that they heard in return was a horrible smash.
“Inuyasha! What the hell did you do that for?” Rin screamed.
“I'm sorry, I'm just in a bad mood. It makes me happy to know Sess's got a weak spot. I imagine I'm going to have a lot of fun. Good bye, I ought to get out on this floor so I have some distance between me and him.” Inuyasha said simply as he clicked the red button and the main lights came back on again and he elevator clicked up to the next floor. “Don't worry, we'll fix it.” Inuyasha comforted as the doors slid closed behind him.
Rin sighed and punched the down button. Sesshoumaru had said `up there' so down was a good indication. Besides, he had probably punched the call button on his floor five thousand times by now, if she knew him at all. She felt the elevator whiz down many floors before it finally slowed.
She turned around to perfect her demeanor. Just then she saw Inuyasha's tie all wrinkled up on the couch. When had he done that? Damn him. As if her situation wasn't precarious enough. Just as she bent down to grab it the doors slid open. Sure enough, Sesshoumaru was prepared to pounce on the other side. She turned and she saw his sight fall to her hand. She suddenly realized she held Inu's tie and dropped it.
“Rin.” He said, completely devoid of emotion. “Please join me for a walk in the park.” Damn it, Inuyasha, she thought.
I hope you liked it. I think it's an interesting idea. You just knew Sess wouldn't be the first to come around, which's just the way things go. Also I'm sorry project Shikon is still so mysterious, but I like leaving my options open.
For a partially completed Thanks section, go to my profile. Hopefully I shall complete it soon.