InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ dark secret ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“I feel like I'm cheating on you, Sesshomaru has been telling me that it's been a very long time since I dated someone but I don't feel okay doing this to you.” Inuyasha took a deep breath. “No one can replace you Kikyo; I want you to understand that… you are in my mind and in my heart at every second of the day. I love you.”
“It's not like I'm gonna marry her, I'm just trying something different.” He continued, he looked up at the bright blue sky. “I wish you could meet her, I'm pretty sure you would like her… she's very nice and she seems to be very honest with me, something that I enjoy. I know I should tell her everything about my life; it's not easy to understand what has happened to me but… I don't want her to know about you, not just yet.”
Inuyasha was sitting in front of her grave, for the last 6 years every Saturday he would get up early and spend his morning in the cemetery. He was aware that she couldn't listen to him but he liked the thought of talking to her even though she was not physically there. Inuyasha lightly touched the inscription of her name in her tombstone, he sighed heavily as he felt his heart soaring. It hurt him to come to the graveyard but it was the only way he could still feel near her, he remembered the fateful day in which he lost her. Inuyasha had managed to keep that day far away from his thoughts; it was all very harmful to remember. Inuyasha knew she would have liked to be buried in her natal town and he was kind enough to grant her wish, now every Saturday he drove for nearly 5 hours just to see her rest in peace.
“I knew I would find you here.” A woman said, Inuyasha immediately got up and faced her.
The woman stared at him calmly, her gray her flowing with the wind as she looked at his amber eyes. Inuyasha stretched his pants before sticking his hands inside his pockets; Kaede placed the flowers she was holding in her arms in front of her gravestone. Kaede sat in the spot Inuyasha had been sitting; he sat right next to her.
“I called you but your assistant told me you were busy.” Kaede reminded him, Inuyasha nodded.
“I was going to return your call, I had some things to do but now that I'm here… what's in your mind, Kaede?” Inuyasha asked, Kaede made an effort to smile.
“Yesterday I was thinking about my daughter, I remembered the first day she went to your agency and had her first real job.” Inuyasha didn't even move, he kept on looking at the grass beneath them. “It's going to be 7 years since she died and I got called from a magazine to talk about her death, it was painful.”
“I will take care of it Kaede, I'm sorry I…” Kaede shook her head, making him stop. The woman cleaned her tears.
“People are very curious Inuyasha; they will do everything to know about how she died. Even if you pay every magazine to change the subject, your money won't be enough one day… they are greedy and suspicious.” She reminded him, Inuyasha nodded sadly.
“This is my fault, everything that is happening to you. If only I hadn't…” Kaede let a sob escape her throat and grabbed his hand before squeezing it tightly.
“Inuyasha, Kikyo wouldn't have wanted you to suffer… she loved you and…” Kaede slightly moved her hand towards his neck and pulled out his necklace.
Inuyasha kept that necklace ever since she died; it held a pair of rings. Kaede stared at it for a moment before she tried to take it off from him. Inuyasha immediately stopped her and introduced the necklace inside his shirt, to have the rings next to his heart.
“And… she wouldn't have wanted to you spend every day living in the past, I'm very grateful for everything you have done to try to push away the attention from her but I think it's time people should know the truth.” Inuyasha shook his head stubbornly.
“Kikyo was the love of my life and I'll be damned if I let someone write a story about her for the sole purpose of selling a magazine.” Inuyasha confessed. “I hate those stupid people, the ones that suck off your life and write about it as if they know what you are. They call themselves journalists, what a joke. Stalkers, that's what they are.”
“Don't be like that, they are just doing their job… many might consider you a lecher for using women to help magazines sell covers, try not to hold a grudge.” Inuyasha nodded comprehensively, Kaede sighed and stood up.
“You're leaving? May I give you a ride to your home?” Inuyasha suggested, Kaede smiled a little as she shook her head.
“You're too kind Inuyasha, you should try making yourself happy instead of trying to please everyone… anyone special in your life Inuyasha?” he thought for a second and Kagome crossed his mind but he shook his head.
“I can't keep on looking when my answer has already slipped through my fingers.” Kaede patted his back softly.
“Don't think everything is lost, you may still find someone else. I won't be mad, I swear as long as she makes you happy… I'll be happy and I can assure you my daughter would feel the same, wherever she is.”
Inuyasha didn't move, he didn't agree nor disagree. Kaede simply stroked his cheek gently before walking away, she hated to say goodbye just as much as he did. He gazed at her while she went her way; he knew she was right just like Sesshomaru. Everyone was telling him to move on and he was trying but there was a part of him, a very strong part that refused to let Kikyo go. It was that part that decided that it would be better for him to stay there until he felt ready to leave her again.
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… Another dream date and yet he hasn't dared to make a move, a complete gentleman as if he was pulled out from a fairy tale he simply shakes my hand and walks away. The more I want him to try something, the more he acts like a stranger. I can't dyne he's sweet, caring and very handsome. But he is also a very important public figure, he is very involved with the world of fashion and although he is surrounded by the most gorgeous women in business yet, he doesn't even look back at them. How can he be so perfect? He gives out flowers without an excuse, he is very attentive to my every move around him and I can't dyne that his eyes are to die for. But Mr. Perfect, my alias for him my faithful readers, as every other man does, holds a dark secret; years ago he was charged with a very serious crime but he got away with it, many of you might be thinking why am I still dating someone who is potentially dangerous… well, I think everyone has been intrigued or excited by danger at least once in their lives. There's nothing wrong with it, I can assure you that, it's quite the opposite… you just can't get enough. Its strange how he can manage to be so careful but still keep deep and dark secret bottomless inside him; I got one thing to say. Watch out Mr. Perfect, because I'm going to uncover your secrets, may this magazine be my witness.
By Kagome Higurashi.
“Mr. Perfect…” Kagome whispered softly as she let a smile curve her lips.
She spent her whole morning writing the draft that Kagura would be interested in reading, the whole three, long and exhausting pages. Kagome wanted her best friends to read it first, just in case they had some suggestions about what her boss would think and she would change it to make it more interesting or likeable. She had read it over and over again, Kagome was not satisfied with the many changes she had made so she decided she needed different opinions. She called the only two people in which she could trust, Ayame had to decline the very tempting offer since she had some wedding arrangements to take care of but Sango had eagerly agreed to help her with her article. A few minutes after she called, Sango was in her best friend's apartment with some food on her hand. She told her it might take some time and that she didn't want to miss a second of it. As they had lunch, Sango kept her eyes on the papers Kagome had printed for her. She concentrated hardly as she read every word her friend had wrote, Kagome couldn't keep her eyes away from Sango as she waited for her to finish and tell her what she thought. After a long silence of eating, Sango placed the papers down and finished her food, Kagome couldn't wait anymore.
“So?” Kagome asked desperate, Sango rolled her eyes.
“Can I please swallow my food first?” her friend asked her with her mouth full, Kagome rolled her eyes. “Okay, I think…”
“What?” Sango smiled before teasing her again.
“Well, I think…” Kagome was about to kill her so Sango decided to end her game and tell her the truth. “I think it's just like him, perfect.”
“Really? Do you think Kagura will like it? I mean, I wrote three pages and it was very difficult for him to try to portray him as not that…”
“Kagome, believe me. Kagura will love it, it has everything she could ask for and even more… you just were missing one important thing.” Sango pointed at the end of the paragraph where she had signed with her full name. “You have to be more careful, Kagura doesn't bother in checking the names… she just analyzes your writing.”
“Right.” Kagome said before walking towards her black laptop and changing her name to leave only her initials. “How's work?”
“A pain in the ass.” Sango confessed. “I get to take pictures of trees for this naturalist project, if there is a single trace of trash or something like non environmental… I have to redo it and you have no idea how hard it is to even try to make a building disappear.”
“I can imagine, so… everything okay as in money stuff.” Sango nodded.
“Yeah, I mean rent is okay… kind of hard but whatever, I can make it through life. Don't worry about me.” Sango smiled, Kagome picked up the plates and placed them in the kitchen sink. “Has he called you?”
“Who?” She asked confused as she rinsed the dishes, Sango went next to her as she laughed and playfully slapped her arm.
Mr. Perfect, remember? I'm speaking about Inuyasha of course!” Kagome blushed a bit embarrassed, she handed the plates to Sango so she could dry them. “Did he?”
“No, but I think it's too early to panic… he must need his rest too and I don't want to call him because I don't want to be a clingy woman who is obsessed about him after only two or three dates.” Kagome explained as she finished washing her last plate, Sango arched her brow and threw away the dirty kitchen towel before going to sit on the couch.
“And how will you solve the mystery of his murder? Weren't you becoming his girlfriend?” Kagome nodded and sat next to her.
“I do want to become his girlfriend in order to find out more about him, he's a very interesting guy and now that this whole murder thing has come up I'm even more intrigued. If I just go towards Inuyasha and ask him if he killed someone I doubt I will keep him and my story will just die… just like my job.” Sango giggled.
“I see your point… but aren't you worried though?” Kagome stared at her confused. “I mean, yeah you date him and everything blah, blah, blah… what if your plan just comes out backwards?”
“You mean what if he finds out what I'm planning even before I ask him?” Sango nodded, Kagome thought about it for a moment before sighing.
“I honestly don't know but I'll try my best to keep the truth from arising. It can't be that hard, right?” Sango gave an awkward smile and Kagome took it as a yes.
“You should call him though, try to keep him interested. If you wait for him to do everything, how will he know that you `want' to be with him?” Sango inquired, Kagome got up and grabbed her phone.
“And what am I supposed to tell him?” her friend shrugged her shoulders before standing up.
“How should I know? Good luck with that.” Sango told her before exiting Kagome's apartment.
She held her phone in her hand, staring at the screen in which his name and his phone number were displayed. If Kagome dared to call him, what would she possibly tell him? She didn't want to ask him out just because she was afraid Inuyasha would think she was a desperate girl, which would simply push him farther away if that was possible. Kagome closed her phone and tossed it away from her; she walked to her bedroom and had the water from her shower running. As she waited for it to heat, she looked at herself at the mirror before tilting her eyes towards her living room with the hope that maybe he would call. The steam covered her mirror and she got rid of the idea, she stripped off her clothes and got in the hot shower. As she rinsed her hair, Inuyasha's amber eyes flooded her mind along with his sweet voice and his perfectly suited designer clothes. Kagome opened her eyes and after washing the shampoo off her hair, she stepped out of her shower as she enveloped a towel around her soaked body. She walked to her living room and grabbed the phone to dial his number immediately, Kagome was about to hung up when he didn't answer but just when she pulled the phone away from her ear she heard him speak.
“Hello?” She listened from distance; Kagome immediately pressed her cell phone against her ear again.
“Inuyasha, I'm glad I can hear your voice.” She said with a smile.
“Is something wrong?” He asked worried, Kagome shook her head and giggled dryly.
“No, not at all… I just wanted to talk to you, I'm ashamed to tell you this but I like the sound of your voice.” Although she was lying, Kagome couldn't help to feel her cheeks heating up along with the usual pink ink.
“That's very sweet from you, is there anything in special you would like to talk about?” He asked politely, like he always did. Kagome played with her wet hair as she stood up and walked to her bathroom.
“How was your day?” She decided to ask before brushing her raven hair, Inuyasha sighed.
“Good, I made a small trip to…um, this place. It was nice, I love to go there… it brings me nice memories.” Inuyasha confessed, Kagome smiled a bit before walking to her room and searching for something to wear. “It's something relaxing to do after a long week of working, I enjoy this time for myself. I'm sorry; I've been talking only about me… how was your day?”
“Mine?” Kagome asked with disbelief, she giggled sourly. “I just had lunch with my best friend and took a shower, that's about it.”
“Maybe tomorrow we can go out, take a short trip around the park and have a picnic… what do you think?” Inuyasha asked, Kagome smiled and bit her bottom lip pleased.
“I'd love to, thanks for sharing your wonderful day with me… I'll see you tomorrow then, right?” Inuyasha let out a single chuckle.
“Of course, may I have your address? I would like to personally pick you up.” Kagome immediately gave him her address and he wrote it down in his phone. “Till tomorrow then.”
“Bye.” Kagome said and hung up; she got dressed up and heard her phone again.
She got a message from Ayame who demanded her to come to her house, Kagome smiled at the desperate words she had chosen to send. She shook her head and got on jeans and a sweatshirt before grabbing her purse and taking a cab to her friend's house. Ayame didn't live far away from her but Kagome felt too lazy like to walk. About 10 minutes later, she arrived and just before she could knock on her friend's door Ayame was already opening the door and dragging Kagome inside. Her friend immediately brought her a huge scrapbook and opened it in a picture of orchids and daisies, Ayame pointed at the picture.
“What do you think of that for my bridal bouquet?” She asked intrigued, Kagome looked at her friend and smiled.
“It's very pretty,” Kagome admitted. “But I thought your favorite flowers were lilies.”
“We both know that but I want something extraordinary, I don't want plain lilies… I want something different and magical! Something that screams `my wedding is today'… you know, stuff like that.” Kagome laughed a bit and Ayame gazed at her seriously. “It's not funny; this is one of the most important decisions of my life. What if I pick the wrong flowers? I would regret it the rest of my life.”
“Okay, I think orchids are extraordinary. They are beautiful but I hate to remind you that you are allergic to them.” Ayame looked away embarrassed as Kagome suppressed her mischievous smile.
“Then lilies and daisies,” She took out a small notebook and wrote down the name of her choices. “Back to our very important topic, what did you do yesterday with Inuyasha?”
“Ah, Ayame… am I not enough for you?” Her fiancé asked.
“Hey Kouga.” Kagome greeted him with a smile; he returned the gesture before kissing her cheek softly.
Ayame had met him when she was looking for someone to date, just like Kagome. He had first tried to flirt with Kagome but after noticing that she had no interest in him he moved on and talked to the ginger beauty. The first thing Ayame saw of him were his piercing and hypnotic deep blue eyes, then his smooth dark hair and his striking handsome features with his body covered in a caramel skin tone. She dated him for a long time and her love life had been written down by herself in that magazine, she knew it was wrong to feel so attached to him but it was too late since she had already fallen in love with him. After Kouga had proposed, Ayame took a deep thought about it before answering him. She had to decide what was more important, her job or her love. Ayame made the right decision when she found out that she enjoyed a lot the life of a couple, marrying was just to make it official.
“Yes darling but I'm also curious about my previous job, I'm dying to know Kagome… what happened?” Kouga sat next to his soon to be bride as they waited for Kagome to speak.
“Okay so we went out with had dinner, I got to know him better and he gave me a carnation… that's about it, I'm having another date with him tomorrow if that helps.” Ayame squealed in delight, Kouga covered his ears at the high pitch of her voice.
“How many times have I told you not to scream when I'm around?” Kouga asked and Ayame shrugged her shoulders.
“Countless times, what are you doing with him tomorrow? He's so romantic; I wish someone could be like him.” Kouga rolled his eyes.
“I'm going to marry you, isn't my life enough for you?” Kagome giggled as Ayame thought for a second, she shook her head.
“No, not really.” Kouga kissed her lips before standing up.
“I'll let you two have your sick gossip of men; I'll call for something to eat.” Ayame nodded and kept her eyes on him until he was out of sight.
“Now that we are alone, have you slept with him yet?” Kagome's face went red out of anger and embarrassment.
“Of course not! I'm not going to just screw him and then suddenly ask him, `hey can you tell me more secrets about your life in order to make my readers more interested in my story?' You're crazy.” Ayame rolled her eyes and smiled sheepishly.
“I… um, kinda did that and… it worked for me.” Kagome looked at her friend shocked; Ayame nodded and bit her bottom lip. “But of course now that I'm sure that Kouga is the love of my life, I'm very pleased that I did it… it's just a suggestion Kagome; don't look at me like that.”
“I was just amazed, I'm not judging you.” She explained. “I'm glad that things turn out great between you and Kouga but what if it's not the same way with me? I've only had… done that twice and it was a very long time ago so if I decide it's time for me to give it another try I would like it to be because I feel like it, not because I want my story to blossom.”
“I understand, I'm sorry I even thought of that…” Ayame let out a few giggles and heard the doorbell. “It must be dinner, let's go… time to eat.”
A/N: Hm… yeah, it took me more time than usual… I was taking a rest. Well, not exactly a rest but more like a break… my aunt and my cousins are getting scared that I don't socialize anymore lol they think the computer absorbed me… it kinda did since with the whole twilight movie and breaking dawn I've been searching all around to get some chapters on line… those freaking books made me addicted and I still haven't read the last one!!! Okay, enough about me… review please!!! =)