InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ don't speak ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It was as if a lighting had struck him, he was sure that not even a thunder storm would be as painful as the aching feeling she had produced inside him. The question bounced up and down his head as he thought of the best way to answer it, the simple thought of answering it send shivers up and down his spine. How could he possibly explain her everything that happened? Inuyasha couldn't force himself to look up at her, he was too humiliated and just staring at her eyes would kill him.
Kagome patiently hoped for him to answer, she felt it was wrong to push him into telling her stuff he wasn't ready to share but it was killing her the fact that he couldn't describe with another word than perfect. She realized how she had promised to wait for him to explain, it was unfair for her to have him stressed out for something she had bowed to remain still until Inuyasha felt ready. Kagome sighed heavily.
“Listen, Inuyasha…”
She wasn't able to finish her sentence because Inuyasha had made up on how to answer her question, in a matter of seconds he stormed out of her apartment leaving her alone in the living were she had dared to inquire such a naïve issue. Kagome quietly sat down on her couch, grabbing her cold glass of champagne and swallowing all at once, she sighed heavily once the liquor had reached her stomach and started to clean up everything. She realized they were close to finishing the whole bottle before throwing it to the trash can. She walked back to her couch, she hoped she could read the article again, just to make sure that what she had seeing before made sense but something was wrong.
The magazine was missing.
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Under the bright sunlight coming from his window he ripped it apart in pieces, making sure his anger would surely go away once he was done tearing apart the magazine. His personal life was his own interest and not just another article in someone's publication, unlike or maybe just like other celebrities he enjoyed privacy. Maybe even more since he spent half of his fortune on paying the press to stop them from making any other speculations about him; Inuyasha felt sick thinking how many people thought they knew him, he felt angered when people judged him without even have talked to him and felt even more angry when strangers dared to protect his name. How dare they think that by reading whatever is out there they could pretend to know him?
“They know nothing about me.” He hissed with fury as he threw the last piece on his trash can. “They don't know me.”
“Inuyasha?” Rin called through the intercom, he sighed heavily before pressing the button to answer.
“Yes Rin?” He asked trying to shove away his anger.
“Miroku is here to show you the new sceneries he has planned for the latest photo shoots.” Inuyasha was about to answer when he saw his friend coming inside his office.
“You look like you were hit by a car, is something wrong? I can come back later.” Miroku offered and Inuyasha shook his head as he pointed at a chair.
“Okay, what's your new idea?” Inuyasha asked as his friend handed him his folder, Inuyasha looked at it confused. “You can't be serious.”
“C'mon, how many men have dreamed about their girls in high school cheerleader's outfit? It's perfect… the school scenario I have plan for this session will just blow your mind. ” Miroku said and Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“Do you want me to get another lawsuit? Like the time you decided it would be great to our models in pig tails and short summer dresses because it was every guy `fantasy'?” Miroku thought about it before switching the page and pointing at his new design.
“I knew you would say something like that so I decided to keep high school thing and change the outfits, how about a gothic but very girly theme?” Inuyasha nodded at his concept in agreement. “So, it's a keeper?”
“Sure, tell Sesshomaru to start picking the clothes for this,” Miroku nodded and grabbed his folder.
“I know this might be a bad time but has anyone purchased the last pictorial Kikyo shot?” Inuyasha stiffened at the question and soon walked to get her picture, Miroku looked at the softness of her looks before his friend pulled it away.
“I know I have to sell it and many people have offered me tons of money but… I just can't. I feel like I want to keep this for myself, like her memory.” Miroku nodded comprehensively.
“What does your girlfriend think about this?” Inuyasha arched his brow in confusion; Miroku let a small smile slip his lips before he heard his friend scoff.
“I don't have a girlfriend,” he replied sourly, it was Miroku's turn to look confused.
“What about that girl that you mentioned the other day?” He reminded him, Inuyasha sighed once he considered his last date with her which ended up in a complete disaster.
“I was dating her; I wouldn't call her my girlfriend.” Inuyasha said, having some trouble in pronouncing the last word, Miroku chuckled.
Was?” Miroku asked concerned, Inuyasha didn't answer. “Don't tell me you dumped her because if you did…”
“No! I didn't dump her!” Inuyasha nearly yelled, he sighed heavily as Miroku stared at him curiously.
“Well, what happened? You seemed to really like her so… did she break up with you?” Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“Technically, we can't break up because we are not a couple but the point is… I think I screw it up, she found this magazine issue in which it mentioned the incident with Naraku.” Miroku's eyes widened and immediately walked next to him, he grabbed Inuyasha by the shoulders tightly.
“What exactly did she ask?” He uttered every word calmly as Inuyasha turned his gaze away from his friend.
“Nothing really important, she was just wondering if I…”
“And that's when you decided you will never see her again, right?” Miroku interrupted, Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders and harshly pushed him away.
“I don't know, alright?” Inuyasha yelled, Miroku sighed heavily before returning to his seat. “I haven't given it much thought I was too busy destroying that damn paper; I think I should leave her. I don't want other questions like this to rise.”
“You should really think about this Inuyasha, I don't even know this girl but I'm sure she's very special… I mean, look at the way she has made you change and just by dating her a couple of times. Try to get the best solution out of all this,” Miroku said before walking out the door.
Inuyasha sighed heavily knowing how right his friend was, she had managed to make push him into being a normal person again; trying to breathe, to eat, to smile, to anger, to feel every kind of emotions and more just because he was doing it for himself and not for Kikyo like he was used to do it. Inuyasha looked down at the trash can, noticing the word `murder' had gone without any damage, he clenched his fists in anger before grabbing the piece of paper and harshly ripping it into smaller pieces.
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“This is all your fault!” Kagome hissed exalted, Ayame sighed before rolling her eyes.
“Oh, please Kags don't try to blame it on me… as if I told you to ask him if he murdered someone.” Kagome scoffed.
“You did!” Ayame shook her head.
“No, well… yeah but… I suggested for you to do it by the phone, it would have been a lot easier.” Kagome growled in anger and walked towards the bathroom, Ayame followed her. “Okay, okay… I'm sorry; I should have never suggested it.”
“It's a bit late for apologies, don't you think?” Kagome snapped, Ayame rolled her eyes again before stretching out her arms.
“Hug? Please?” Ayame asked and Kagome half smiled before walking towards her friend and hugging her tightly, her friend grinned at the gesture before Kagome pulled apart.
“But don't you think I have forgiven you… at least not yet.” Ayame nodded smiling before walking out of the bathroom followed by Kagome. “You owe me one for that horrible advice.”
“Fine,” Ayame replied as she sat on her place. “So, what he just like… left you?”
“Yes, he took the magazine with him… great way to end this, I ask him for an answer but he leaves and takes one of my magazines with him; perfect!” Kagome said with some sarcasm.
“You always have to look at the bright side,” Ayame suggested, Kagome looked at her surprised. “You will still be my bridesmaid at my wedding.”
“Oh, thanks Ame… that made my day,” Kagome said with some dry giggles. “Kagura is gonna kick my ass once she finds out that I have nothing to write for this month's issue.”
“But I thought you already gave her your article for this month.” Ayame asked confused, Kagome nodded with a smile.
“I meant next month, I don't count this one anymore… the issue is coming out in less than three days.” Ayame's eyes widened and punched Kagome softly on her shoulder.
“Why didn't you say so? I have to hand this to Kagura today!” She panicked as she started writing. “Damn, I'll have to miss lunch to finish this up!”
“I'll bring you lunch, I'm eating with Sango…” Ayame looked at her for a second before turning her eyes back to the computer and continuing with her work.
“You're an angel,” She said as she typed on her computer, Kagome smiled checking her wrist watch to notice it was lunch time.
She took the elevator that had the best view in the building, it was the only one that could reflect the real beauty of her city and Kagome would wait for it even for an hour. She got inside it cheerfully, staring marveled at the sight of such a beautiful town. The silent wind blew against her skin, bringing her slight shivers and forcing her to close her coat. Kagome didn't want to grab a taxi since the restaurant they agreed to meet at was just a block away but just as she was about to give her first step her phone ringed. Kagome lazily introduced her hand into her small pocket before looking at the caller.
“If you cancel, I'll kill you.” She warned and heard her best friend laugh.
“No, silly… I'm sorry but I have this photo shoot later on and I would like if you can come to this restaurant near my office.” Kagome sighed, taking a look around at the busy people walking next to her.
“Fine, where should we meet?” She asked.
“Um… how about this gourmet restaurant? You know the one next to the bar where you met Mr. Perfect?” Sango laughed at the nickname, Kagome only let a heavy sigh before she hang up.
She made a small effort into trying to get herself a taxi, not wanting to get there soon. It was at that same restaurant in which Kagome had her first date with Inuyasha and the very thought of crashing with him was making her tremble. When she reached the place, Kagome first stood in front of the door deciding whether she should go in and pray for him to never appear or she should leave and call Sango telling her a lame excuse. She was not ready to face Inuyasha, not when she saw how much sorrow she had brought him with such a question. Kagome shook her head, remembering the look on his face was making her feel regretful. She turned around to walk away and call Sango but Kagome saw her friend with a happy grin on her face.
“I'm glad you found the restaurant, let's go eat.” Sango said as she grabbed Kagome by her arm and pulled her inside the restaurant.
Once they got to their table, Kagome quietly scanned her eyes through her menu while Sango had quickly picked out something to eat and was looking at her friend worriedly. A few minutes later, the waiter came to take their orders and left after a while. Kagome played with her napkin, desperately trying not to think about Inuyasha showing up as Sango tapped her fingers against the table; she finally got tired and slapped her hands against the hard wood.
“Okay, what's going on?” Sango asked annoyed, Kagome turned her eyes to meet hers and forced to make a fake smile.
“Nothing, why would you think…?” Kagome stopped when she saw the skeptical look on her friend's face. “Fine, I think I'm fired.”
“What? Did Kagura say something?” She shook her head and Sango sighed in relief. “Then why would you think such a terrible thing?”
“It's because I followed one of Ayame's stupid advice and I think Inuyasha hates me… me and my big mouth!” Kagome said as she buried her face between her hands, Sango half smiled.
“Maybe you should find out,” Sango suggested, Kagome was about to argue when the waiter came with their meals. “So, how's everything at Shikon Topic?”
“Good, I guess… I already gave Kagura my article and Ayame is still writing hers, which reminds me that I should order something for her.” Kagome said before taking a bite of her steak.
After finishing their meals, Kagome and Sango paid and walked out the restaurant. Kagome ordered something and asked for them to deliver it at her work place for Ayame. Kagome was about to go back home, since she had nothing else to do at her office but Sango grabbed her arm.
“What's wrong?” She asked and her friend smiled.
“I got a surprise for you,” Kagome smiled.
“Really? Okay…” Sango giggled.
“But you have to close your eyes.” Kagome rolled her eyes.
She quickly closed them tightly, feeling her friend dragging her somewhere but she didn't want to spoil the fun so she kept her eyes shut. It was not until she felt the cold breeze of the wind stopping when she decided to open her eyes. Kagome noticed she was inside an elevator and looked back at Sango.
“Where are you taking me?” Kagome asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible.
“I told you, it's a surprise.” Sango replied, she felt Kagome pull her arm away and push Sango softly.
“You liar! You're taking me to your office, aren't you?” She nearly yelled, Sango half smiled.
“Maybe,” Sango said and heard her friend grunt.
“Damn it Sango, I can't look at him right now!” Kagome yelled, looking up to the numbers in the screen. “I have to get out of here,”
“Oh, c'mon Kags… you'll just look at him and that's it, I won't force you to talk to him.” Sango heard a bell ring, which announced their arrival to her floor. “Let's go,”
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Inuyasha ate his meal at his office, like every other day next to Sesshomaru who was busy checking some papers as he chewed his food. Inuyasha finished his and threw away the trash; Sesshomaru tossed him the papers as he got his feet on top of his brother's desk. Inuyasha arched his brow before walking next to his brother and pushing it off his table; his brother looked at him offended but let it go. Inuyasha grabbed the papers and started looking at them; he arched his brow and sighed heavily.
“Seriously Sesshomaru, I expected something like this from Miroku but you?” Inuyasha said as he tossed him a picture of a Bikini bottom and a white small tank top along with long brown bots and a long necklace.
“What? It's very fashionable.” His brother replied and Inuyasha shook his head.
“Of course, I don't want to get another lawsuit so I suggest you to think for another design.” Inuyasha suggested before giving him back the paper, Sesshomaru sighed annoyed.
“Fine, but I would like to remind you that…”
“Please stop!” They heard someone yell, Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“Must be that pervert Miroku harassing another model, hold that thought… I'll be right back.” Inuyasha announced as he walked out of his office, he was surprised to find Kagome there.
“Sango please, let me go!” Kagome yelled as Sango playfully tried to pull her out of the elevator.
“Trust me Kags, nothing wrong will happen.” She said as she giggled a bit, Inuyasha cleared his throat and Sango gasped. Kagome stared at him for a second before running back to the elevator.
“Sorry Inuyasha.” Sango said before walking away as Kagome pressed the button desperately, hoping the doors will close.
Inuyasha was about to introduce his hand between the doors to avoid it from closing but it was too late; he cursed his luck and walked towards the emergency stairs. He was on the 20th floor but that didn't matter at the moment. By the time he reached the second floor, his was breathless but he kept on going until he got out. Inuyasha took a few seconds to catch his breath before walking out to the reception to notice that she was running out the building, he sighed and followed her.
“Kagome!” he called as he saw her entering a taxi. “Fu… damn,”
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“I hate myself,” Kagome mumbled as the taxi driver stopped at her home.
She paid him and stared at him driving away to notice that someone was sitting on the sidewalk. His hair was silky silver white and his clothes were dark, Kagome wasn't that dumb like to think there were many people with that bizarre yet extraordinary color. She sighed heavily before sitting next to him, he sighed heavily.
“I didn't do it.” Inuyasha blurted out after a few seconds. “I saw him that afternoon because he was my friend but I would never dare to kill someone, I don't know why people think I did it but I want you to know the truth…”
“I have to apologize; I swore I would wait for you to answer but… I saw that and I was scared, I'm sorry for asking such a stupid question.” Inuyasha half smiled and sighed.
“I don't blame you; I know I would feel the same.” He replied and Kagome smiled at him, he erased his smile. “Kagome, if you want to ask me something like that again… will you please understand if I react that way?”
“I'm not sure if I can understand it,” She answered truthfully, Inuyasha sighed but felt her soft skin against his hand. Kagome squeezed his hand tightly. “But I will wait for you to explain it to me.”
Inuyasha smiled at her brightly before enveloping his arms around her, Kagome sighed relieved at the gesture as she melted between his arms knowing that it meant some big progress in their relationship.
A/N: Sorry, I wanted to update this along with my other story but I just had some… um, things to think about. I'm giving some serious thoughts about my fanfics and I've decided to erase some and post them up later after I make some major plot work. Anyways, I'm also having my doubts with this story and I think I should just probably cut half of the plot and finish it in about 20 or 15 chapters… it's going to be a very, VERY long story otherwise. Review please!!! =)