InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ kiss me ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Looking through his eyes made me realize that he was telling the truth, that no other thing that I have heard or seeing would
“No.” She mumbled before erasing it and starting again.
If only Mr. Perfect hadn't run away from me after my ridiculous question
“This is all wrong!” Kagome yelled frustrated, she deleted it and sighed heavily before closing the lid of her laptop.
Kagome found it even more difficult to write about him now that he has decided to be more honest with her. Inuyasha had finally come true with his relationships, letting her know that the only person he had ever loved was his wife but what happened to her was a mystery to Kagome. Inuyasha had let her know about her but he didn't say her name or how they ended their relationship, he decided that those answers were enough for her to stop making questions. She had told him that had only 3 serious relationships with men who ended up betraying her trust. Kagura was fascinated by her last article; their magazine had tripled its sales with her new editorial and all thanks to Kagome who had brought back some spice to the life of their magazine. Everything seemed to go perfect… except for the fact that he hadn't kissed her yet.
“Of course not,” Kagome mumbled annoyed as she remembered why she couldn't concentrate on her writing.
After giving her such a warm hug, the most natural thing was for him to allow his lips settle on top of hers but he was just such a gentleman that it was frustrating Kagome. He had limited his mouth to touch only her cheek and to hold his lips against her skin for less than a second. She couldn't dyne that she loved the way he waited for her to take the first step, like when she had hugged him during another of their trips to the park and he had kept his arm around her until he left her at her apartment. Kagome closed her eyes and puckered her lips a bit waiting for him to make his next move but when she heard his footsteps from a far she knew that it was as far as it would get.
“I just wonder why…” She said out loud as she rested her head on her palms.
“What `why' Kags?” Sango asked as she entered to her room, she was about to ask how her friend go inside her apartment but she remembered Sango had her spare key.
“Nothing, personal stuff…” Kagome said, even though she really trusted her friends after Ayame's advice and Sango's help she was sure she wasn't going to share anything about her article unless she wanted an opinion.
“Right… how are things with Inuyasha?” She asked randomly as she sat next to her friend.
“Pretty good I guess, he's talking to me and we're going out more often…” Sango arched her brow and Kagome smiled innocently. “What?”
“He hasn't kissed you yet,” Kagome noted that it was more as a statement than a question so she just sighed. “That's not bad, it means he respects you… unlike his pervert friend who stalks me every day and once grabbed my ass, can you believe that?”
“Pervert friend?” Kagome replied with a laugh, Sango shot her a look.
“It's not funny; who the hell does he think he is? I mean, he goes around flirting with every model he looks at and then he suddenly just feels the urge to ask me out for a date… the nerve of that guy!” Sango grunted annoyed before hearing Kagome laugh again. “And why are you laughing?”
“It's obvious you like him, you wouldn't be talking so much about him if you didn't.” Kagome pointed out, Sango rolled her eyes.
“Right, whatever… where's Ayame with the food? I'm starving.” Kagome bit her bottom lip guiltily.
“Yeah… about that, I called her and told her I had a date with Inuyasha and she agreed to let you know so…” Sango grunted again, this time even more annoyed. “I'm sorry; I should have called you myself.”
“Don't worry, when are you leaving?” Kagome looked at her wrist watch, noticing that it was past 1 in the afternoon.
“As soon as he shows up, I guess.” She sighed and Sango shrieked, Kagome reacted scared looking around. “What's wrong?”
“You're going out with him in that outfit?”
Kagome turned her eyes down at her body, when she dressed herself early that morning she thought she looked good enough to go out. Her long dazzling legs were covered in stretched jeans and a white sweatshirt that covered her torso enough for her not to show her belly button. By Sango's stare, she even felt obligated to check her shoes which were merely casual flats of a light shade of brown. Kagome arched her brow and then walked towards the mirror in her bedroom to check out her hair, it was down and perfectly curved as it naturally looked once she had dried it. Sango stood next to her and Kagome eyed at her friend's reflection in the mirror.
“I don't find anything wrong in it.” Kagome blurted out, Sango grasped her shoulders and turned her around to face her.
“Nothing wrong? You look like you're going out for a run in the park!” She panicked and walked to her closet, she opened a few drawers searching for something for her friend to wear. “And you still wonder why he hasn't kissed you!”
“Why does my sense of fashion have anything to do with him?” Kagome asked confused as Sango tossed her clothing out of her closet as she kept on with her clothing hunt.
“Look, if you come up to him appearing to just have woken up I doubt he'll dare to make a move on you but if you just show up like… like…”
“A model?” Kagome offered and Sango stopped to look at her and nod.
“Exactly,” Kagome rolled her eyes as Sango pulled out two pieces of clothing she wasn't able to recognize, she gave them to her and pushed her to the bathroom.
“But he doesn't even find models attractive!” She said in her defense and Sango locked her inside.
“That's what he says… he doesn't want to pressure you, trust me on this one.” Sango said behind the closed door.
Kagome finally saw what Sango had picked out for her; it was a plaid shirt of multi colors and a dark leather pant. She cursed her friend under her breath as she pulled her legs out of her jeans, immediately she heard the doorbell and gasped. Quickly, Kagome got inside the leather pants and took off her shirt. She walked out of the bathroom and went to greet Inuyasha; he was casually standing in his typical dark suit and a yellow tie to fulfill his look. He turned to look at her with his usual smile when he turned a few shades of red and fixated his eyes somewhere else. Sango, who was standing right next to him, covered her mouth to avoid any sound from coming out; she walked next to Kagome and embraced her as she moved her face towards Kagome's ear.
“Kags… you're not wearing any shirt.” Sango whispered and Kagome quickly pulled out of her embrace before walking back to the bathroom.
“Stupid Sango and her stupid ideas.” Kagome mumbled as she changed into the shirt Sango had picked and quickly came out again.
“You look great,” Sango complimented and her friend shot her a deadly stare, she turned her eyes to Inuyasha. “Well, I should go… stuff I have to do, you know? Bye.”
They both stared at Sango as she walked out of the door, when the door was shut they met each other's gaze. Inuyasha faintly blushed as he remembered the sight of Kagome in her bra; she looked down at her feet and bit her bottom lip.
“I'll go get my shoes,” She let out and walked to her room, Inuyasha nodded.
“Take your time.” He replied casually and focused his thoughts on something different; Kagome came out and smiled at him before walking out the door as Inuyasha followed her closely.
He opened the door for her and Kagome entered as she mumbled a low `thanks'. It was hard enough for Kagome to manage the embarrassment she had suffered a few minutes ago; it was even harder for Inuyasha to pretend as if nothing had happened. The only woman he had seen naked before was his late wife; the memory of her creamy silk skin contrasted with his cinnamon body was enough to remind him why he refused to move on. Seeing Kagome today, had brought up strange reactions inside his body; reactions he had experienced only when he had touched Kikyo and managed to make her his.
He didn't have a good glimpse of Kagome's body, being the gentleman was never easy so he forced himself to cover his eyes although he wished to stare at her. A deep shade of red covered his cheeks as her naked torso kept on appearing in his mind, he cleared his throat and shook his head a few times as he drove. Kagome turned to look at him, something weird was going on.
“Are you okay?” She asked somehow concerned, he nodded and pushed down in a gulp the hard bump on his throat. “You seem a little… off focus.”
“I'm fine, Kikyo.” He replied instantly, Kagome arched her brow.
“Kikyo?” She asked and he stomped on the brake. “Why did you call me by that name?”
“I'm sorry Kagome, you're right. I'm off focus… we should probably go out another day, today isn't the best moment for me.” Inuyasha mumbled as they heard various cars honking behind them.
“If that's what you want, I can walk back home.” She suggested as she reached for the car's lock, Inuyasha immediately stopped her.
“No, that's not what I want… I really want to go out with you, I'm just…” he took a deep breath, how could he explain it to her without revealing too much? “Stressed, work… you know?”
“Right.” She mumbled and then forced a smile upon her lips, she gently touched his hand. “I really…”
“Move jackass!” Someone yelled as he drove away, the loud honking sounds weren't stopping. Inuyasha realized he hadn't moved yet.
“Okay, maybe we should keep this conversation at the restaurant.” Inuyasha suggested as he tried to start the car, the engine roared but it didn't start. “Fu… damn.”
“What's wrong?” Kagome asked a bit loudly as the honking didn't seem to stop; Inuyasha harshly slapped his hands against the steering wheel.
“I think might car might just have died.”
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“This is your total Mister Takashi,” the mechanic handed him a paper, Inuyasha shrugged at the sight of the number printed in it; Kagome nearly fainted.
For three hours, they had been waiting for his mechanic to work on his car. Inuyasha had asked Kagome if she would like to have lunch while they left his automobile at the auto shop but Kagome rejected the offer thinking they might finish with it soon. It was almost 4 in the afternoon and her stomach was grumbling as if it was eating itself. She didn't mean to look at his personal stuff but when he handed her the paper while he wrote his mechanic a check, she thought it was a lame joke. Who would pay 5000 dollars just to repair a Mercedes? If he had as much money as to think that an amount like that was nothing, why not buy a new car?
“Are you ready to eat?” Inuyasha asked, softly pulling away his bill. Kagome didn't have a chance to answer, her stomach complained loud enough for him to hear. He laughed. “I'll take that as a yes.”
“I'm sorry; I didn't want to say anything.” Inuyasha shook his head apprehensively.
“Of course not, your stomach is saying more than enough for you.” He laughed again as he noticed the flush in her cheeks. “Let's go.”
“I didn't mean to snoop but… I noticed the amount of money you used to fix your car, why did you agree to pay that much?” Kagome asked once they were inside, Inuyasha shrugged just like when the mechanic handed him his bill.
“I think money isn't much of a deal when you have many other things to live for.” He answered as he drove out of the place, Kagome nodded.
“Well, I guess that is true… any other person would have bought a new car, I know I would if I had enough money for it.” Kagome said and Inuyasha sighed.
“This car… it brings me nice memories,” He whispered and parked in front of a restaurant. “That's all, are you still hungry?”
“I think that if I let my stomach let out another sound I'll die of embarrassment,” She commented as he held the door of the restaurant for her, Inuyasha chuckled.
Kagome ordered the first thing she saw on the menu, she was hungry enough to eat anything even if she didn't like it. Inuyasha ordered for something different and after a few minutes their meals were at the table. He watched her devour her lunch in less than fifteen minutes as he took some time to taste his Steak delicious flavor. Kagome anxiously drank her bottle of lemonade and Inuyasha smiled, she arched her brow as she smiled as well.
“What?” She asked confused, he shook his head.
“I'm not very good at expressing myself…”
“I would say it's quite the contrary.” Kagome interrupted and he chuckled.
“Would you let me finish? As I was saying, I'm not very good at expressing myself when it comes to you but I just want to say that you look beautiful, I'm sorry I haven't mentioned it before.” Kagome smiled warmly at him and grabbed his hand.
“Thanks, it's more than enough that you have said it to me today.” He smirked and kept on eating.
“How about dessert?” Inuyasha asked once he was done with his food, Kagome nodded. “What would you like?”
“A sundae? It's the most delicious ice cream ever… please?” He smiled and asked the waiter for her petition. “Do you like it?”
“Does it matter? As long as you want to eat it, I'd like to try some… I don't like desserts, mostly cake.” Kagome laughed and the waiter came with her ice cream and only one spoon. “I'll ask for another spoon.”
“Don't be silly, I don't have any weird disease… in case you're wondering.” She said as she ate a full spoon and handed it to him, Inuyasha smiled before scooping some of the sundae and eating it. “You're still alive; do you still need another spoon?”
“Funny,” He said before eating some more and handing the spoon back to Kagome.
They kept on passing the spoon until they finished the sundae, Inuyasha offered her a ride home and Kagome eagerly accepted. She had decided while they were eating that if he wasn't going to kiss her tonight, she would break things with him and start over with someone else. It was hard for Kagome to think that her Mr. Perfect would vanish in less than a day but it was a price she would pay in order to make her boss happy. Inuyasha parked in front of her apartment, he helped her out and offered to join her to the door.
“Thanks for everything,” Kagome said politely, just like she had said a few tiems before; Inuyasha nodded and smiled.
“You're welcome, so… how about tomorrow dinner? I can bring something to eat so we can have a quiet evening in your place. What do you think?” Kagome nodded. “Great, till tomorrow then.”
He quickly enveloped his arm around her shoulders and before she could return the gesture, Inuyasha pulled it away and walked back to his car. Kagome sighed heavily as she saw him pull out his car keys from his pocket, she had to think of something; anything that could stop him from going away.
“Inuyasha, wait.” She called softly; he closed the car's door and looked at her.
“Is something wrong?” He asked worried, Kagome bit her bottom lip as she waited for her brain to react. Inuyasha immediately got next to her. “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, I was just wondering…”
“What?” He asked concerned, she took a deep breath.
“Well… I know this is dumb but… how do you see me?” Inuyasha arched his brow, not quite understanding her questiong. She let out a frustrated grunt. “I mean, are we like… friends or…?”
“Are you asking if we are in a relationship?” He interrupted, Kagome nodded slowly. “I've never liked labels but… I guess we are.”
“Really?” She asked surprised, he nodded unsure. “I just thought… that maybe you didn't thought of me that way,”
“What made you think that?” Inuyasha asked dazed, she bit her bottom lip and let out a nervous giggle.
“I hate to say this…” Kagome mumbled. “Well, it's probably the fact that we haven't gone further than a peck.”
“How is that a problem?” He said with some amusement, she frowned. “I didn't mean to sound like that, it's just that…”
“You know what? This is embarrasing enough… I'll call you later.” Kagome ran inside her lobby.
“Breathe.” He whispered to himself.
Inuyasha quickly followed her and before the elevator doors closed, he was able to squeeze himself inside. Kagome had her face burried between her hands, she took a quick glance at him before turning around and closing her eyes.
“I said I would call you.” She reminded him, Inuyasha half smiled as he gently touched her shoulder and forced her to face him.
“Why won't you listen before you jump to conclusions?” Kagome sighed and he smiled, she stared into his deep honey eyes.
“I'm waiting.” She said sweetly and he nodded.
“I respect you Kagome; I want to know when the right time for you is. My… previous relationship was a bit rushed and I would like to have sometime to think things over, don't you get the feeling that we are going too fast?” He inquired; Kagome shook her head and slowly pulled away from his grasp.
“No… going to fast would be asking to marry you, I can't believe how dense you are!” She nearly yelled as the elevator opened its doors, Kagome hurriedly walked out and went to her apartment; Inuyasha followed her closely.
“Can't you just please accept my reasons and move on?” He mumbled, Kagome stopped and turned to look at him.
“Oh, so now I'm unreasonable… well, let me tell you something…”
Kagome kept on rambling as Inuyasha heard her words get lost between his ears, he couldn't believe what he was doing. It was as if someone else had taken control of his body, Inuyasha quickly grabbed her by one arm and pulled her next to him. She immediately stopped speaking, the intense look his eyes were shooting at her made her speechless. It was only in a matter of seconds when Kagome realized what his intentions were. Inuyasha fiercely placed his lips on hers and ravished her mouth hungrily, as if his whole life depended on it. Kagome wanted to stop him because her actions were too violent considering it was their first kiss but before she knew it, she was responding with the same ferocity. Just when they felt their lungs were giving up, they pulled apart.
“I'm sorry.” Inuyasha apologized as he gathered some air, Kagome giggled as she panted heavily. “I guess I couldn't control myself anymore.”
“That's okay,” She said and gently enveloped her arms around his neck. “Maybe with practice, we can make it perfect.”
“I think I can give it another try.” Inuyasha half smiled before kissing her again.
A/N: Sorry for the late update, I was supposed to finish this chapter before I started school again but it was nearly impossible. My next update might take a while as well, senior year is taking a lot of time from me and I still haven't finished `I love the cook, I mean to cook' but I will take care of that during this week. I just need some time… sorry guys but I guess that I can only update like once every 2 or 3 weeks. Review please!!! =)