InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MSTing Toby's "Koga" ❯ More Fuel for the Fire ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MSTing Toby 3

The group was sleeping peacefully in the beds that had appeared not long after they had finished watching the second chapter. Sango and Kagome shared a bed with Shippo and Kirara in between them, Raine and J'dee shared a bed, Miroku and S'rac shared a bed, Belle was lucky enough to win the straw over who got the last bed, seeing as Inu Yasha didn't want to sleep in a 'stupid human bed'. He was currently pacing around, growling at being captured, growling over having a stupid story written about him, oh, and growling over being 'sit'-ed because of the stupid story. Then a panel in the ceiling opened up dropping two people into the theater, one landed on Inu Yasha and the other landed on Belle.

"Where the hell am I?" a voice cried and everyone began to wake.

"On top of me, you whimpy wolf!" Inu Yasha cried as he shoved Koga off of him. "Where did you come from?"

"I was following my woman's scent to where it disappeared and a trapdoor opened beneath me," Koga roared.

"Koga?" Kagome cried out a bit startled.

"Whoa, the wolf dude!" S'rac cried as he sat up, Miroku was sitting there rubbing his eyes.

"I, Sesshoumaru, was following your scent, Inu Yasha, when a human dared to step in front of me and capture me in a net before throwing me into the trapdoor after that wolf," a voice said and everyone saw that Sesshoumaru, in a net, was laying across Belle's bed, as well as Belle. A large sweatdrop was running down her forehead since she was nose to nose with the stoic youkai lord.

"Someone please….help," she whispered and J'dee and Raine, quickly pulled her out from under him. "Okay, thanks, man…that REALLY hurt."

"Yea, but you handled having a full grown inu demon dropped on you very well," J'dee said and Belle glared.

"Well, I suggest we free Sesshoumaru," Miroku said as he reached for the net.

"No way!" Inu Yasha cried. "You want him attacking us?!"

"Kagome!" Koga cried as he grabbed her hands. "You're looking beautiful today."

"Uh, thanks Koga," Kagome sighed as Inu Yasha suddenly appeared between them.

"Don't touch her!" he snarled at Koga.

"This is actually more entertaining than watching the story," Raine said and J'dee nodded.

"Hurry, he's gonna lose interest in fighting Koga soon," Belle said as she, S'rac, and Miroku went to freeing Sesshoumaru.

"You have earned this Sesshoumaru's gratitude," he stated without looking at the group.

"Wow, he talks like Ku-" S'rac couldn't finish because Belle's hands were covering his mouth.

"Nice save," J'dee whispered and Belle nodded.

"I'm going to head to the bathroom to freshen up," Belle sighed as she watched Inu Yasha go from fighting with Koga, to fighting with Sesshoumaru, then switching again.

"I agree with that," Sango sighed and the females all headed into the bathroom to change into new clothes and freshen up.

"Cool shirt, J'dee!" S'rac said from his seat as the girls came out, Belle and Sango not happy.

"Yea, all our clothes disappeared when we were showering and these were in their place," J'dee said as she smiled at her new Inu Yasha shirt. The inu hanyou was holding Tetsusaiga over his shoulder and looking out at whoever was staring at the shirt. Raine had on a Sesshoumaru shirt, Sesshoumaru was in the foreground in humanoid form with his youkai form in the back ground. Kagome had on a Shippo shirt, with the kitsune kit's Fox Fire surrounding him. Belle had on a Koga shirt, it was ripped around the sleeves and the neck, giving it a grudge look, Koga was standing with his arms crossed on it with tornadoes on the shoulders of the shirt. Sango had a Miroku shirt on, the pervert was holding his Wind Tunnel so that whoever was looking at the shirt was threatened.

"Kagome! I love your shirt!" Shippo cried as he jumped into his surrogate mother's arms.

"Well, I thought you'd like it," she said.

"We figured it would be best if Kagome didn't wear the Inu Yasha or Koga shirts," Raine whispered to Shippo and S'rac. Inu Yasha grumbled as they went to take their seats.

"I'm not sitting next to Miroku this time!" Belle cried as she crossed her arms and glared at the monk. He smiled as he continued to tease Sango over her shirt.

"Alright, folks! It's movie time!" Toby's voice called and the lights began to go down. This time it was Sesshoumaru at the far left, then Belle, then Raine, then J'dee, then S'rac, then Koga, then Kagome with Shippo on her lap, then Inu Yasha, then Sango, and finally Miroku.

>Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be writing a fan fiction now would I?

>Chapter 3: The Well

Belle: Let the pain begin.

Sesshoumaru: [Gives her a look]

Belle: [Tiny voice] I'll be quiet now.

> "It's very dry here." Koga commented. Michelle rolled her eyes and spared him a glare.

S'rac: Are they in Texas?

Sango: We haven't been given a location.

S'rac: It's not THAT dry in Texas.

J'dee: Chibi, it's just a story.

Koga: Why am I in here?
Kagome: It's not you Koga-kun…it's…er…suppose to be Inu Yasha and my son…er…who I named after you.

Koga: [Eye twitch]

> "You think?" she asked, sarcastically. Koga snorted, as his mother drove, listening to the conversation. It was the morning of the following Monday. Neither had spoken much to the other during the whole drive.

Sesshoumaru: Why is this, Sesshoumaru, being subjected to this?

Belle: It's a fanfiction, apparently you're in it too. We're all in it. Kagome is the woman driving, I'…Michelle, J'dee is Jaki, S'rac is Chris, and Raine is…Raine.

Sesshoumaru: I do not care for such wastes of time.

Inu Yasha: You could always try to leave.

Sesshoumaru: I shall then.

>Everyone had taken turns, spelling one another at the wheel. It was Kagome's turn, and she hoped the two in the back wouldn't notice.

Belle: I would soooo notice Kagome driving.

Kagome: Hey! What's that suppose to mean?

J'dee: I think she means we're all asleep so you'd better be driving and not asleep.

Belle: Yea…

[Loud zapping noise and Sesshoumaru lands on the ground near the screen]

Inu Yasha: [Laughing hysterically]

> After all, Jaki was also sleeping in the passenger seat, so she hoped they would think she was driving.

Raine: We totally wouldn't notice the black hair instead of this. [Pulls on J'dee's red hair]

J'dee: Ow! No touchy!

S'rac: Ooo Emperor's New Groove!

Belle: Um, am I the only one afraid for my life due to the bug-zapped Sesshoumaru.

Everyone else: [Nods]

> "I was just saying. It's actually very moist in Japan. We don't have any deserts." Koga said. Kagome caught of glimpse of him and Michelle sitting in the back. The others were sprawled around them, sleeping.

Belle: Wait…I thought I wasn't talking to him.

Miroku: It appears you are.

Koga: Thanks, I needed to know that. [Rolls eyes]

Inu Yasha: You probably need to be told to get dressed in the morning.

Kagome: Not now! Either of you start up and I'll s-word you [Pokes Inu Yasha in the chest] till I lose my voice and I'll blast you with one of my arrows [Pokes Koga in the chest].

Inu Yasha and Koga: [Gulp]

> "I must be since it's an island." Michelle said and sighed. "I wish I could see it some day."

Shippo: Why can't you?

Belle: Cause of a big thing called the Pacific Ocean.

Kagome: I'll explain later.

> "You may. If I'm right, we're going back through this well to feudal Japan. If it works at all."

> "It may take us back to America around that time. We might have to travel to Japan back then."

Raine: I was wondering about that.

Belle: Yea, but it wouldn't be a good fanfic without the plot hole of getting from the U.S. to Feudal Japan.

Koga: Am I missing something?

Inu Yasha: Not really.

> "Maybe, but I wonder..."

> "Wonder what?"

Belle: [Koga] Wonder bread!

Raine: [Koga] Wonder Ball

S'rac: I wonder what's up with them.

J'dee: Sorry…not funny.

> "My mother is a priestess. She may have some ability to control where the well takes her back. Maybe even when."

> "You think she may try to change things from the way they happened?"

> "You should never put it past my mother."


Inu Yasha: I'd never put anything past Kagome.

Kagome: Sit!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Sesshoumaru: [Regaining consciousness] Inu Yasha. I, Sesshoumaru, will have my revenge on you….as soon as I can feel my arm again. Someone get me off this disgusting floor.

Belle and Raine: [Help Sesshoumaru into chair]

> "Here turn, right here."Chris said, pointing. Koga nodded and turned, following the dirt road. Chris leaned over the back of the seat.

S'rac: [Pouts] I can drive.

J'dee: [Pats his head] We know Chibi.

Sango: Would it not be better for the one who knows where they're going to 'drive'?

Kagome: Yea.

Miroku: I'm beginning to wonder why all of us are here again. So far it has only mentioned me twice, Inu Yasha a few times, Sango, Sesshoumaru, and Koga once.

Raine: I'm sure there are more mentions of you coming.

> "My Aunt is a little eccentric so you have to watch it, okay? She's letting me finish out high school before I have to move near her so try and make it like I'm having the time of my life, okay?" he asked.

J'dee: Where did that come from?

Belle: Plot hole? Or maybe Toby just forgot to mention that part?

Raine: I'm betting he forgot.

Others: [Nod]

> "Feh. We'll only be there long enough to see if this well can be used." Koga replied.

Sesshoumaru: Now I, Sesshoumaru, know this is a story about the half-breed.

Inu Yasha: What did you say?

Sesshoumaru: I said…

Belle: [Puts popcorn in his mouth and he begins to munch happily…she hands him the rest of the bag]

All others besides Inu Yasha: [Let out a breath of relief]

> "Now, Koga, I know I taught you better than that! If it isn't the kind of well we need, we'll stay long enough to be polite, then leave." Kagome replied. Koga snorted as they pulled up to the gate. They all got out as the gate slowly swung open. Chris was suddenly slammed into the van as a small woman came running at him and enveloping him in a huge hug. The woman couldn't have been taller than four foot, with gray hair that was almost white, and wrinkles that seemed to blend into each other.

Kagome: [Half-lidded eyes] Definitely Inu Yasha's son.

Miroku: As if we weren't sure by the demon transformation. [Attempting to grope Sango]

Sango: [Hits him over the head with Hiraikotsu]

> "Hi-Aunt-Masaki." Chris wheezed.

> "Hello Christopher! I see you finally came to visit! And you even brought some of your friends too!" Aunt Masaki said, dropping Chris and enveloping Koga and Michelle in a bone crushing hug.

J'dee: Awww, more of Belle and her crush bonding.

Belle: [Growls] Be quiet!

Raine: Look! She's blushing.

Koga: It looks more like she's getting ready to kill you.

> "This-woman-is-insane!" Koga gasped. Aunt Masaki dropped Michelle as her grip turned murderous and Koga let out a cry as the grip popped some of his bones.

Everyone: [Blinks]

Kagome: Very bipolar.

J'dee, Raine, S'rac, and Belle: [Nod]

Belle: Glad she dropped me.

> "What did you say?!" she snarled. Koga whimpered and his ears dropped. Chris quickly wrote on some paper and held it up for Koga to read and then say.

> "Nothing-pretty-lady." He gasped. Aunt Masaki dropped him, smiling broadly again, clapping her hands.

J'dee: That was weird.

Sango: I don't think I'd like to meet that woman.

Miroku: I was just thinking how you two would get along.

Sango: [Hits him over the head with Hiraikotsu]

> "You're just too adorable! And you two! I love your hair!" Aunt Masaki said, enveloping Jaki and Kagome in a hug as well.

> "Ummmm, Aunty, these people came to see the well. I told them all about it." He said, hoping to save Jaki.

Belle: [Sing song voice] Cause she's his girl friend.

J'dee and S'rac: [Blush] We don't like each other like that!

S'rac: She's like a sister!

J'dee: He's like a brother!

Belle: Guess you two don't like being on the receiving end.

> "Oh!" Aunt Masaki said, dropping, Kagome and Jaki, who both gasped for breath. She was still beaming. "I just finished cleaning the hut! Follow me please." She turned and began to lead the way inside. Kagome gasped as she saw it looked exactly as her family's shrine had. Even the tree looked the same.

Belle: [Coughs] Plot-hole[Coughs]

Sesshoumaru: What did you do that for?

Belle: Um…I was mocking the writer.

Sesshoumaru: [Gives her a look]

Belle: [Whimpers] I miss sitting next to Miroku.

> "Koga! I think this may work." She cried. She whipped her tears from her eyes but Koga just snorted.

> "We'll see."


Koga: This is really boring me.

Inu Yasha and Kagome: Not the only one.

Miroku: Isn't it sweet how couples act like one another as they get older?

Sango: [With a smirk] So that means the woman you marry will become a pervert?

Miroku: [Grabs Sango's hands] I don't know…feeling any dirty thoughts?

Sango: [Eye twitch and hits him over the head with Hiraikotsu]

> "What do you think?" Aunt Masaki asked. Kagome ran her hands over the charms and wood sealing the well. Identical. Down to the last detail. Nodding to herself, she began weaving her hands before her, clapped them into a prayer, and began to chant.

Sesshoumaru: What is the importance of the well?

Kagome, Inu Yasha, Sango, and Miroku: Um….

Shippo: Oh, it's how…

Kagome: [Puts sticky caramel into his mouth]

Raine: It's said that this well is identical to one in Japan during your time.

Belle: Yeah, basically a plot hole for allowing these characters to go to your time.

Everyone besides Koga and Sesshoumaru: [Breath of relief]

> "Christopher! You never told me that woman was a priestess! How nice to finally have one here! I think I'll go make some tea while she finishes her chant. Come children you can help me." She said. Chris shot them a look and waved at them to stay. A few minutes after they left, Kagome finished chanting and all the charms fell off.

Sango: Can you do that Kagome?

Miroku: I doubt it, priestesses are more into putting charms ON then taking them off.

> "Okay Koga, do just like I told you in the car." She said. He shot his mother a look and looked at his new claws.

> "This seems kind of stupid to me Mom." He said, looking dubious.

> "Your father did it just before he struck at something. It always worked. Go on!" she said. Koga sighed and reared his hand back.

Koga: Whatever Inu Yasha does before an attack is stupid.

Inu Yasha: [Growls]

Kagome: Stop now!

Koga and Inu Yasha: [Grumble but leave each other alone]

Sesshoumaru: I, Sesshoumaru, think that Inu Yasha is just stupid.

Inu Yasha: [Looking at Kagome before getting up]

Kagome: Sit!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Sesshoumaru: [Smirks]

Raine and Belle: [Drool over smirking Sesshoumaru]

> "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!" Koga cried and slashed at the wood sealing the well. It exploded and everyone cried out, shielding their eyes. Koga stood there, shocked, staring at the now open well. Kagome smiled and whipped the tears form her eyes.

Belle: [Singing] When a problem comes along, you must whip it. Whip it good!

J'dee: Good song.

Kagome: 80's, not bad.

Raine: Nothing good came out of the 80's.

Belle: What are you talking about you came out of….no…you're right almost nothing good came out of the 80's.

Raine: [Thumps Belle]

Belle: Owww!

> "Now all we need is to say goodbye to Chris and his Aunt. Then we're going to leave. Thank you all for taking us here." Kagome said. Raine's jaw dropped.

> "After telling us all this, your not taking us?" she cried. Kagome shook her head.

Raine: That would mean she IS taking us.

Kagome: I think he meant nodded.

Sango: I assume Kagome has her reasons.

Miroku: They're jumping to conclusions, they don't know if the well will work on them, or if it will even bring them to us.

Inu Yasha: Of course it will.

All: [Look at him]

Inu Yasha: It's a plot-hole…I'm catching on. [Looks proud]

All others: [Fall to ground in shock]

Inu Yasha: What's that supposed to mean?!

> "First, only me and Inu Yasha could travel in the well. Second, I couldn't endanger all of you. Besides, when Shippo gets to our house and sees my note of where we left, and how to get here, some one needs to tell him how to go through. I hoped you four would do that." She said. As she and Raine began to argue about if it was fair to leave them behind. Chris and his Aunt came back in, surprised to see the well open. At least Aunt Masaki was.

J'dee: [Chris] Oh yea, and Aunt Masaki can we break down your shrine?

Raine: [Chris] Thanks for lunch but I'm still hungry.

Belle: [Aunt Masaki] NOOO! I just insured…wait…YESSSS I just insured the shine against demon damages.

> Meanwhile, Koga leaned forward over the well, staring at the dirt bottom. Michelle saw the bead necklace lean out of his shirt and she smirked. She leaned over the side, till their eyes were an inch apart. Koga looked at her, surprised. He felt his stomach flip-flop at the look in her eyes.

Raine and J'dee: [Exchange evil look]

Raine: [Koga] I just realized I'm in love with you.

J'dee: [Michelle] And I love you.

Raine and J'dee: [Making kissy noises]

Belle: [Growls] Not funny.

Miroku: [Koga] Michelle, with you bear my demonic children.

Kagome: Hey! That's my son!

Belle: [Grumbling death threats]

> "Sit boy!" she said, in a sing-song voice. Koga let out a cry as he pitched forward. What Michelle didn't count on was that Koga grabbed her arm as he fell forward. Michelle's scream as she fell in with Koga caught everyone's attention. They all turned just to see their feet slide in. Kagome rushed to the edge, to see them hit the bottom.

Inu Yasha: Maybe I should try that move.

Kagome: You wouldn't dare.

Koga: Yea, Dog turd, you better not!

Inu Yasha: [Evil grin]

> "Koga!" she called out. His reply was something that made her blush.

> "I think he's okay." She said. Then her draw dropped as the floor glowed purple and they both began to sink down.

> "I'm coming Koga!" Kagome cried, jumping in. Raine and Jaki followed on her heals.

> "Not with out me!" they said in unison, leaping after them. Chris watched them go in and shot his Aunt a look. She sighed and waved her hands at him, with a smile.

Belle: Dog pile on the dog demon!

Inu Yasha: That doesn't sound fun.

Kagome: It's not.

Raine: We should do it.

Inu Yasha: Technically I'm only half dog demon. If you want to dog pile on the dog demon go for Sesshoumaru.

All: [Look at Sesshoumaru]

Sesshoumaru: [Holds up hand and it glows green with poison]

All: [Pull back and get very quiet]

Belle: [Jumps into Raine's lap]

> "Bring me back a souvenir!" she said. Chris sighed and grabbed everyone's bags, tossing them in as he jumped in as well. Aunt Masaki shook her head and chuckled, turning to the house.

> "Youngsters." She said, clucking her tongue.


Sango: Why isn't she worried about him?

Kagome: Maybe because she's crazy.

Koga: Maybe because it's a trial of manhood?

J'dee: Maybe because it's a story.

> Koga tried gallantly to grab onto something (hopefully the wench's throat so he could strangle her) but got nothing.

Belle: WENCH!! He called me a Wench!

Kagome: Get used to it.

J'dee: In the classic Inu Yasha manner it means he loves you.

Inu Yasha: It does not!

Belle: [Growling]

>He was thrown violently out of the well, slamming into the ground. He tried to get to his feet, until not one, two, or three, but FIVE people landed on top of him.

Inu Yasha: Sounds familiar.

Miroku: It was your own fault for leading us that way.

Sango: We told you it was dangerous.

Shippo: His head was soft and nice to land on.

Everyone but Inu Yasha: [Laughing]

> "Well, that sucked."

> "Wow! Can we do that again?"

> "I'm back."

> "Oh, my hair dye ran out! Weird!"

> "I'm hungry can we eat?"

> "Will you get OFF me?!" Koga cried, to the people talking on top of him. They all scrambled to move and got out of the way just in time for their luggage to land on him.


Koga: Luggage?

Kagome: Their traveling packs.

Koga: Ah.

Sesshoumaru: Why did they just not say that?

Belle: Because…Toby's writing this.

> After much cursing, promises of death and one huge sit, they were ALL on their feet.

> "So, now what?" Raine asked. Kagome looked around and nodded.

> "That's the tree Inu Yasha was shot to. So the well brought us back to Japan. The only question is when." She said looking at the well. "The well looks new. They either rebuilt it or we came here when it was first made."

> "Fifty bucks says when it was first made." Chris muttered to Jaki.

> "You're on." She replied. They slowly began walking, Kagome leading the way. After a few minutes they came upon a village and Kagome sighed.

Sesshoumaru: What is this obsession with the well?

Koga: Yea, this is bugging me.

Kagome: It's nothing, just a plot hole. You're both coming in late on this.

Sesshoumaru: [Looks at Belle] Is it a 'plot hole', don't lie, I'll smell it.

Belle: [Turns bright pink] Um…I have to pee. [Runs to the ladies' room]

> "Look!" she said and pointed. Next to one hut was a rusty bike.

> "Damn." Chris said, handing the fifty dollars over to Jaki. Koga stooped as they made their way down the street. His ears twitched and he growled.

J'dee: Cool! You owe me fifty bucks!

S'rac: I paid you! [Points at screen]

J'dee: Damn, thought I could get an easy fifty.

> "What is it Koga?" Kagome asked.

> "Mom, some one's watching us. I can hear chains rattling from the surrounding fields, but no noises from any of the huts." He said. Kagome frowned and headed for Kaede's hut, where her bike was.

> "Hello? Kaede, I'm back!" she called and opened the flap. She sighed and closed it.

> "I don't think Kaede lives her any more. All her things are gone." She said.

Kagome: Well if I've been gone long enough to have a son in his mid to late teens, Kaede will probably be dead.

Sango: I'm actually surprised she's alive now.

Inu Yasha: I'm not…she lives to torment me.

Raine: Funny how none of us care that we're being watched.

Belle:[Returns] Yea, in fact…I feel like we're being watched now.

All: [Stare at the reader]

> Raine sighed.

> "Well this is just great. We're here in feudal Japan and now, we don't know how to find Koga's father and his friends. This so sucks." She said. Jaki shook her head.

Inu Yasha: Like I'd still be at the stupid village.

Miroku: You'd have never left the well.

Sesshoumaru: [Looks at Belle] The well, is it a plot hole?

Belle: [Sprays herself with perfume] Yep.

Sesshoumaru: [Unconscious due to perfume overdose]

Raine: Good idea.

Koga, Inu Yasha, and Shippo: [Pass out as well]

> "Well, I guess we can camp here for the ni-" Jaki began.

> "LOOK OUT!" Koga screamed and shoved Jaki into Raine. They slammed into a hut as a hooked blade attached to a chain, slammed down where Jaki had been standing. The chain was yanked and the blade zipped back into the high grass. Koga growled, his ears lowered against his head. He crouched low, watching the fields. Kagome hurried into what had been Kaede's hut and came back out with some arrows and a bow.

Sango: Is it Kohaku?

Miroku: I don't think so.

S'rac: Good thing the arrows and bow were there.

J'dee: Really loophole-ish.

> "I hope these people, don't mind." She said. She cocked an arrow and watched the fields as the others watched. The blade and chain suddenly shot back out, this time at Kagome. Kagome let a soul arrow fly, and it exploded with energy, deflecting the blade into a tree, and landing in the field. The arrow's energy moved the rice away from it, revealing, a young woman in a demon hunter's outfit. Infact she looked like a smaller version of Sango..

Belle: In fact, two words, not one.

Sango: My daughter perhaps?

Miroku: [Grabs Sango] OUR daughter perhaps?

Sango: [Slaps him silly]

> She leaped out of the fields, and tugged at her chain, pulling her blade back. She landed before Koga, twirling the blade on it's chain.

> "Demon!" she screamed and lunged at him. Koga leaped aside, and snarled as she cut him. He landed in a heap and tried to get up, only to find the blade at his throat. The girl was about to yank the blade, when an arrow tip pressed against her temple.

Inu Yasha: Some demon, he's only been one for what…ten days?

Sesshoumaru: If he is your son then he is barely a demon then.

Koga: Takes after you in fighting technique.

Kagome: Koga!

Inu Yasha: [Grumbling]

> "Step away from my son." Kagome said. The girl looked at Koga, then and Kagome. With a huff, she stepped back. Kagome motioned with her arrow to the others.

> "Give them your weapon." She said. The girl huffed again, and tossed her weapon behind her. The blade tip impaled into the ground between Chris's legs. Chris gulped.

S'rac: Hey! What'd I do?

J'dee: You were the only guy there so she wanted to impress you.

Belle: I would be impressed by actually wearing the outfit. It takes guts and lot of self confidence to dress in skintight clothing.

Sango: Thanks.

> "Who are you?" Kagome, demanded, lowering her bow and arrow. The girl ripped off her face mask with a snort, and Kagome gasped.

> "Rin?"


Sesshoumaru: Rin would never do that!

Belle: Someone sounds overprotective.

Sesshoumaru: [Glares and hand glows green]

Belle: [Pulls out perfume bottle]

> "Rin? As in AUNT Rin?" Koga said and looked at Rin. He sighed. "Hell of a welcome."

> "Who the hell are you if you know me?" she demanded.

> "Rin, it's me, Kagome!" Kagome said. Rin peered at her closely and then her eyes widened.

> "Kagome! Whoa, you got old!"

Kagome: Sounds somewhat like something an older Rin would say.

Inu Yasha: Right.

Sesshoumaru and Belle: [Still in stare down]

> "Nice welcome." Raine muttered. The two women hugged and began talking excitedly.

> "What are you doing here? How did you get back?" Rin asked, and Kagome laughed.

> "It's a long story. Why did you attack us anyway?" Kagome asked, and Rin looked worried, casting a glare at Koga.

> "Well I saw you with an Inu Yasha copy so, I assumed you were Kikyo." She said. Koga looked annoyed.

Raine: I thought his hair was just white?

Kagome: We assumed it stayed the same length, we might have missed it in previous reading.

Inu Yasha: A copy? With Kikyo? Me?!

Koga: He's having a hard time.

Miroku: Doesn't he always?

> "A copy? Humph!" Koga said and crossed his arms.

> "Rin, that isn't a copy. That's my son, Koga. His father is Inu Yasha." Kagome said, blushing, and Rin's jaw dropped.

> "Wow! Wait till I tell Sessie!" Rin cried and Kagome looked confused.

Sesshoumaru: [Breaks the stare down to stare at screen] Sessie?

Belle:[Trying not to snicker]

Inu Yasha: Sessie…Sissy…sounds close.

Sesshoumaru: [Glares] This, Sesshoumaru, will never be called something as demeaning as 'Sessie'!

Belle:[Grabs Raine's arms and begins to laugh]

> It was Rin's turn to blush as she pulled off her left gloved hand. "Me and Lord Sesshomaru got married." She said, and Kagome's draw dropped.


Sesshoumaru: MARRIED! TO RIN!

S'rac: Man, what a pedophile.

J'dee: Um…I think we better not joke about this.

Belle: [Trying not to laugh]

Sesshoumaru: Me, Sesshoumaru, married to a human child! Let alone THAT human child! She is barely a pup!

> "A lot has changed in the past twenty or so years." Rin said, tending to the fire. They had moved into Kaede's old hut, making a fire to wait out the night. "A year after you left Kaede passed away."

Kagome: Wait. Twenty years? Koga is only suppose to be a teenager, how could it have been twenty years.

Miroku: Perhaps the well didn't keep the same time as the old one.

Sesshoumaru: The well again. [Glares at Belle]

Belle: Yep, and you married Rin.

Sesshoumaru: [Begins ranting about humans]

> "Oh my." Kagome said, her hands clasping her face. Rin sighed and shook her head. Chris was pulling out some food as the others laid out some things to sleep.

> "It got worse after that. Kikyo re-appeared and declared war on...everyone. She also had all these Inu Yasha...THINGS. They were like copies of him, but feral, and obeyed only her. Her soul collectors roam freely at night. Only demons and part demons can move about safely." Rin said. Kagome frowned.

J'dee: Oooo, somebody got bored.

Raine: Yea, too much free time on that dead girl's hands.

Belle: [In announcer voice] Now, for a limited time, you can buy your very own, Inu Yasha Kit. It comes with all the things necessary for you to create your very own Inu Yasha.

> "Why only people with demon blood?" Michelle asked, Kagome looking thoughtful.

> "Oh humans can too, but the soul collectors could take you soul. Demons can actually fight against them so they have the best chances of surviving," Rin said and then beamed. "The good news is the demons are all talking! Kikyo is trying to kill everyone, so we all have to fight together! "Cept some demons sided with Kikyo, so they have Innies too."

Belle: Innies?

J'dee: Isn't that a bellybutton?

S'rac: Yea.

> "Innies?" Jaki said, puzzled.

> "It's what we call the Inu Yasha copies. Kikyo is making them in HUNDREDS, using clay pots.

Belle: [Lifts up her shirt to expose her bellybutton] AAAAAAA it's an Inny!

Inu Yasha: Not funny.

J'dee: I thought it was.

S'rac: I did too.

Raine: I didn't.

> We think she got a lot of Inu Yasha's blood to make them. Their like mindless, drones, doing things on command to their owners. They have Inu Yasha's strength but their really stupid." Rin said.

Sesshoumaru: Sounds like Inu Yasha.

Koga: A lot like Inu Yasha.

Inu Yasha: [Growls]

Belle: Um…anyone else curious on how she got that much of Inu Yasha's blood.

Miroku: Knowing how he is when he's wounded, she probably just followed him around after a few fights.

> "Sounds like Inu Yasha." Kagome muttered. She glanced at Rin who smiled.

> "He's okay. Him, Sango, Sessie, and Koga at the base. Oh, Kagome I can't wait to show you my little Kia and Souta!" she said. Kagome looked confused.

All but Inu Yasha: [Snicker]

Inu Yasha: Even the story Kagome is in on this!

Kagome: Souta?

> "Our children!" Rin explained. "Me and Sessie had these nice twin boy and girl! Oh they are so adorable! Even Miroku and Sango's kids don't look as cute as mine! They have seventeen! Miroku took Miroku Jr. and Shippo on a training trip but they'll be back soon."

> Kagome fainted.


Sango: [Horrified] I MARRIED HIM!!

Miroku: [Overjoyed] SHE MARRIED ME!!

Kagome and Inu Yasha: Seven…teen….

Sesshoumaru: Sessie? Twins! I WOULD NEVER TOUCH RIN THAT WAY!

S'rac: [Whispering to J'dee] He's not doing that 'I, Sesshoumaru' thing.

J'dee: I think he's in shock.

Belle: [Waving a hand in front of Sesshoumaru's face] Oooo [Doing Azusa impression] Oh, he's fainted! [Pulls out marker and draws a smile on Sesshoumaru's face]

All others: [Look very nervous] What are you thinking?!

Belle: He'll never notice.

> "We're almost there. I'm sure Inu Yasha will love the help. We need more troops. You better put this on though, Koga." She said, handing Koga a black robe. He looked confused till Rin reminded him.

> "You look identical to your father so they'll think you're another Innie. At least until Kagome tells Inu Yasha." Rin said and turned to Kagome. "He's gotten real mean ever since you and Shippo were sucked into the well, but at least he rebuilt it."

Kagome: Yea, at least he did that.

Shippo: Inu Yasha's always mean.

Inu Yasha: What's that supposed to mean?

S'rac: I'm getting confused.

Raine: Only just getting?

> Chris sighed and looked at the others as they climbed the hill.

> "Feel like we shouldn't have come?" he asked them. They all nodded but Rin turned around to speak to them.

> "You're all welcome to come! I'm sure you'll all be helpful!" she called, turning back. The crested the top pf the hill and Michelle gasped.

Raine: [Michelle] It's a mini mall!

J'dee: [Michelle] It's a discount clothes outlet!

Belle: HEY! Sitting right here! And I do not get my clothes from discount outlets!

> "Wow." She whispered. It was beautiful valley, and in the center lay a huge fortress, with four large towers, one on each corner. Rin blew a whistle and an arrow shot at her feet.

> "Only people with these whistles can get past our archers. It's how we keep the valley safe from armies of Innies and soul collectors." Rin said as they walked down. The gates opened and Koga, the wolf demon, walked out.

Miroku: This, Koga, is why you are here now.

Koga: Wonderful, a whole sentence dedicated to me.

Sango: Okay, at least you've appeared. I've yet to.

Shippo: Neither have I.

Kagome: But you've been mentioned several times.

> Koga hadn't changed that much. Not at all, in fact, if you ignored the huge scar running across, his now blind left eye.

> "Welcome back Rin. Inu Yasha has been less then pleasant. You said you would be back before dusk yesterday and now it's dawn of the following day." He snapped.

> "I know, but he or Sessie won't be mad. Look who I found." She said and Koga snorted. He turned and then drew rigid at the sight of Kagome.

> "Gods be praised." He whispered. Kagome smiled and hugged him tightly.

Koga: [Sweatdrops] I don't sound like that. And if I saw Kagome after twenty years I would do much more than just go rigid and hug her! I would quote poetry, kiss her…[Inu Yasha hits him over the head]

Kagome: [Blushes] Sit!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

Belle: She liked that.

> "Good to see you again, Koga." She said. Koga, shocked, could barely hug her back.'

> "Who are they?" he asked, pointing to the others.

> "They are friends of mine, I brought with me. The man in the black is here because of Inu Yasha though." Kagome added and Koga, the quarter demon, snorted under the hood.

> "Well, I must go hunt." Koga, the wolf demon, said. He motioned to the other wolf demons behind him, who hurried out of the gate. "Be careful Rin, Inu Yasha is in another of his moods.

Kagome: When isn't he?
Miroku, Sango, and Shippo: [Nod]

Inu Yasha: Hey!

> "When isn't he?" Rin shot back. Koga shook his head as he left.

> "Yes, but he just sent two humans to the infirmary and it's not even breakfast yet." He said and the gate closed behind them.


All but Inu Yasha: [Snicker]

Inu Yasha: HEY!

> "When I say duck, I mean duck you moron!" a mans' voice screamed and a man went flying, slamming into the gate. The man, who laid on the ground, moaning, was wearing a demon hunter's uniform. The group hung back, observing. Sango was sitting on a stage, bouncing a baby girl on her knees, watching.

Miroku: Our baby girl!

Sango: Perhaps when the seven hells freeze over.*

Kagome: Someone is in a bad mood. [Looks at Inu Yasha]

Belle: It is man's not mans' and it is lay not laid.

S'rac: Do you have to say that?

Belle: Yes, and unless you rip out my vocal chords I won't stop.

Sesshoumaru: [Unaware of the smile drawn on his face] That can be arranged.

Belle and Raine: [Struggling not to laugh]

> Sesshomaru was standing near the screaming man, a very old Jaken by his side. His normally passive face was graced with a small smile at the sight of Rin but the vanished as the screaming man hit another human warrior, sending her into a tree for not being fast enough. Sesshomaru's left arm was back, probably due to some sort of magic. Kagome made note to ask later. Then her attention went straight to the screaming man.

Sesshoumaru: It probably finished growing back.

Inu Yasha: Yea at the rate it's regenerating it might just take twenty years.

Sango: How sweet, he smiled at Rin.

Sesshoumaru: I would not!

> He hadn't changed much, perhaps getting a bit taller and bigger. Tetsuiga was slung over one shoulder, and occasionally smacked some one who was not, in his opinion, working hard enough. The occasionally person who was unlucky enough to do something wrong in sight of him was hit with his free fist, and sent into some one, or, if REALLY unlucky, an object or building.

> "Inu Yasha." Kagome breathed. She caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were angry, cold.

Belle: I wouldn't follow a jackass like that.

Inu Yasha: HEY!

Belle: Hay is for horses.

S'rac: He meant h-e-y not h-a-y.

Belle: I know….you don't have to ruin the joke that way.

S'rac: Sorry.

Belle: It's okay.

> "He hasn't been the same since you were taken from him. I always thought it was because you were close but not that close." Rin said, jerking her head at Koga, who still remained covered. Inu Yasha caught sight of Rin and began making his way over tot hem. Rin groaned.

> "Here it comes." She muttered. Inu Yasha pushed the others out of the way, not noticing Kagome, who had cast her eyes down as he approached.

Inu Yasha: I would notice Kagome right away! All I'd have to do is smell her and I'd know!

Kagome: So you'd stop being a jerk and greet me?

Inu Yasha: [Turns as red as his robes and begins to mumble]

Sesshoumaru: [Smirks] I heard that, little brother.

> "Where the fuck have you been? My brother had to play nurse maid to the those two brats of yours! Now I have to teach this worthless human rabble on my day to go into the field!" Inu Yasha snarled. Rin was about o speak when he saw Koga, still covered. He glared at him and then Rin.

Sesshoumaru: You would not live long saying such things to Rin.

Belle: So you admit you care for her.

Sesshoumaru: [Shuts up]

J'dee: Belle, why must you taunt him?

Belle: I have a death wish.

Raine: You must have one. [Staring at the smile drawn on Sesshoumaru's face]

> "Wasting your time recruiting new blood or fucking a new boy?" Inu Yasha snarled and Kagome gasped. Sesshomaru growled as Rin put her hands on her hips. Forgetting who was there she shouted back, "Oh and I suppose being a prick since Kagome left gives you the right to be an ass?"

Miroku: How is it different from any other time Kagome leaves?

Sango: He usually gets depressed and moody, then he's an ass on top of that.

Inu Yasha: HEY!

Koga: You need to work on your comebacks.

> "Very well! I shall test this new boy!" Inu Yasha snarled and swung the Tetsuiga at Koga. Kagome screamed, drawing the attention of Sango and Sesshomaru. They saw her for the first time and began to hurry over. Inu Yasha, however, was focused on Koga who reach a hand up and caught the Tetsuiga, which shrank. Inu Yasha snarled and sheathed his sword.

> "Well, well. A new challenge." He snapped and pushed back Koga's hood. Everyone gasped as they took in his appearance. Inu Yasha snarled and glared at Rin.

> "You're getting soft Rin. Letting an Innie get here." He said but smirked. "An interesting one at that too. To be able to with stand Tetsuiga."

Kagome: Jumping to conclusions.

Sesshoumaru: Making a fool of himself.

Miroku: Never asking questions.

Sango: Being over aggressive.

J'dee: That's the Inu Yasha we know and love!

Kagome, Sesshoumaru, Koga, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango: [Give J'dee look]

Belle: You all know you do…well, except for Sesshoumaru and Koga.

> "I'm no damn Innie you fucking fool." Koga snarled, and everyone gasped again. Inu Yasha looked surprised.

> "No wonder you brought him here Rin. If Kikyo can make intelligent Innies, then we may have a problem." Inu Yasha said. He smirked and flexed his claws, which cracked. "But we'll just see how intelligent this one is! Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!" he cried and leaped at Koga. Koga blocked his father's claws with his own and counter with his own Iron Reaver. Snarling, they leapt at each other.


Belle: I see this not ending well.

J'dee: [Nods]

Raine: Can we say major ouchies?

> "Kagome! You're back!" Sango said, hugging Kagome. Kagome didn't even notice as she watched her past lover and son fight.

> "Inu Yasha, stop!" Kagome cried, Inu Yasha paused, just before leaping at Koga, who also paused at the sounds of his mother's voice. Inu Yasha stared at her.

> "Ka-ka-Kagome?!"

Raine: Time for some sappy romantic music.

J'dee: [Chanting] Slow motion running. Slow motion running.

S'rac: How about a nice fat sit?

Belle: I see blushing, stammering, then fighting.

Miroku: I agree with Belle.

Sango: I think S'rac's right.

> "You idiot! That isn't some Innie! That's your son, Koga!" Kagome snapped at him. Inu Yasha's head whipped around to look at the boy who was now crossing his arms.

Belle: Who's the girl with the brain power?

J'dee: Not you.

Belle: Fine be that way.

Raine: Don't worry, she's just upset she and Koga didn't have any romantic foreshadowing.

Belle: [Growling] Do you want to die?!

> "My son?" he muttered.

> "Yes! You got me pregnant just before I left!" Kagome snapped.

> Inu Yasha fainted.

Miroku: I see Inu Yasha reacting that way.

Sango: Funny I see you reacting that way when some woman finally falls for that stupid line of yours.

Raine: Children, play nice.

Kagome: Is it over.

Belle: For now.

J'dee: So what are we going to do?

S'rac: [Pulls out a pack of cards] Who wants to deal?

J'dee: Strip-poker?

Miroku: Strip-poker!!

Shippo: Go fish!

Sesshoumaru: Excuse me. [Heads to men's room]

Belle: [Gulps]

Sesshoumaru: [From inside the bathroom] HUMAN WENCH!

Belle: EEP [Hides under a bed behind Inu Yasha]

*I apologize but I do not know the appropriate number of Hells, but I've heard seven and nine a few times….seven is my favorite number so I chose it.