InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MSTing Toby's "Koga" ❯ Escape by Character Death ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MSTing Toby

The group was sleeping: J'dee and Raine were in the same bed as before, same with Sango, Kagome, Shippo, and Kirara, same with Miroku and S'rac, Belle was by herself again, and Sesshoumaru had the extra bed, Koga and Inu Yasha were on the floor.

"Okay folks, time for the next chapter!" a happy voice cried and there was a slight mumbling as the groups got up…well most did. Miroku and Belle were both still in bed, Miroku clutching his pillow and drooling slightly and Belle seemed to be rolling around in place.

"Wake up! If we have to watch this, then so do you!" Inu Yasha growled as he pulled Miroku's covers away.

"Yea!" Raine cried as she tried to do the same, only to find that Belle had cocooned herself, bringing the ends of the blanket in around her, her pillow also in there with her*. "Ooo, she's good."

"Or maybe I want to sleep…" was the muffled reply as the cocoon twitched.

"J'dee? S'rac?" Raine asked as she looked over at her companions. They got on one side of the bed and lifted up the mattress, the dull thud that followed was accompanied by cursing as the cocoon struggled. Sesshoumaru smirked as he stood on the edge and there was a growl from within.

"That's it!" the cocoon cried before yanking the blankets out from under Sesshoumaru, causing the demon lord to fall on his butt. Belle's head popped out of the blanket. "Eep! It was Sesshoumaru!" Sesshoumaru glared at her, only to find that the blankets were laying flat on the floor with the pillow.

"You know…she's pretty fast when she's scared for her life," Inu Yasha chuckled as he headed to the men's room.

The groups came out of the bathrooms, all had on a pair of jeans, various character's on their shirts. Belle had Koga, Kagome had Shippo, Raine had Sesshoumaru, J'dee had Inu Yasha, and Sango had Miroku again. However, Miroku came out in a Sango shirt, S'rac came out in a Kagura shirt, Sesshoumaru was in a Rin shirt, and Koga was in an Ayame shirt. Inu Yasha was topless, Belle and Kagome began to drool.

"Inu Yasha and Koga got into a fight over the Kagome shirt and ended up ripping it up," S'rac whispered to the girls, snapping Kagome and Belle back to reality.

"Okay guys, time for some nourishment!" Toby said from behind the glass of the concession stand.

Once everyone had something to eat, they sat down same as before and Belle gulped as Sesshoumaru glared at her.

"Popcorn?" she offered and he looked at the offering before grabbing it away.

>DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be writing a fan fiction now would I? Oh by the way, if I screwed up on what Kagome's last name is, please tell me and I'll fix it later. Okay? Okay.

Belle: Actually, I think he has the wrong last name.

Kagome: Does he?

Raine: Yea, it's something like Hitimi or something.

> Chapter 4: Shippo, Training, and Death

S'rac: That's not good.

Belle: Please be me…Please be me….

J'dee: Why are you asking for it?

Belle: He'll probably let whoever dies go.

All: Please be me…Please be me….

> "Do you have any fruits, vegetables, or any other perishables on you, sir?"

> "No."

> "Anything you wish to declare?"

> "Yes, this is taking far too long. My plane landed over two hours ago. I'm tired, hungry, and my family is expecting me. Can I go now?"

Miroku: What is this supposed to be?

Kagome: Sounds like an airport.

Sango, Shippo, Miroku, Inu Yasha, Koga, and Sesshoumaru: What?

Belle, S'rac, Raine, J'dee, and Kagome: Nevermind.

> "Yes, I'm sorry Mr. Hitome. It's procedure with recent events in the past two years." The guard said, handing Shippo back his passport. Shippo tucked it in his pocket and sighed.

Shippo: ME!!!

J'dee: Took long enough huh?

Shippo: [Nodding] Yea!

All the girls: [Smile]

Kagome: And it's Higurashi, not Hitome.

> "Which way to the luggage claim area?" he asked. The guard handed a little map.

> "Just follow this, sir. We have them for foreigner visitors. Have a nice day." The custom's inspector said, moving onto the next person. Shippo shouldered his carry-on and moved to the baggage claim, following the little map. He waited for his suitcase, and picked it up as soon as it came his way. He shouldered it and headed for the pick up, and was surprised not to see Kagome there.

> "Must not of wanted to leave Koga alone." He mumbled to himself. He waved a hand and a taxi slowed down.

Kagome: This part isn't important so if there's something you don't understand don't ask.

Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Inu Yasha, and Koga: [Nod]

Sesshoumaru: [To Belle] Is it important to the story?

Belle: Not really.

Sesshoumaru: It better not be.

Belle: [Eeps and whispers to Raine] Switch seats with me.

Raine: No way, I'm not the one who pissed him off.

> "Where you need to go my friend?" the driver asked, getting out and opening the trunk for Shippo. Shippo quickly gave him the address as they loaded the suitcase in the trunk.

> "Not a problem. About an hour's worth in drive time though. Want to stop some where and get some food first, mac?" the driver asked.

> "Sure. I could do for some pork ramen."

> "Pork what?"


S'rac: He doesn't know what ramen is?

Belle and Inu Yasha: NO WAY!!

Kagome: [Giving Belle a strange look] What's wrong with her?

J'dee and Raine: Ramen junkie.

Kagome: Strange.

Miroku: How Inu Yasha like.

Shippo: Not really, she's nice, Inu Yasha's a jerk.

Inu Yasha: [Thumps Shippo]

Kagome: SIT!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

> "Did you sleep well, Koga?" Chris asked, the next morning. Koga grunted as he swallowed his first bowl of miso soup in one gulp.

> "Okay, I guess. I still would have preferred my hammock at home. How about?" Koga asked, scooping more miso into his bowl.

> "Alright, but sleeping on a mat on a hardwood floor isn't too good for the back." Chris said and Koga snickered.

Miroku: It's not that bad.

Sango: Especially when in the middle of a war.

Koga: Why doesn't he just get a futon?

All others: [Stare at him]

Koga: What?

Kagome: You don't have a futon.

Koga: [Smug grin] Yea I do, I didn't take you to my private chamber when you were at my cave last….don't worry I will though.

Inu Yasha: [Growls]

Kagome: Stop both of you!

> "I would assume so. So what are your plans? Are you going to stay?" Koga asked. Chris glanced at the doorway, but none of the girls had yet to make an appearance.

> "Well, I don't know about the girls, but I think I may stay for a while." Chris said. He grinned and looked down at himself. That morning he had asked Sango to join the ranks of those being trained for combat. Now he was dressed in a demon hunter's uniform and was going to be assigned a weapon best suited to his body type and size, as well as teacher.

Belle: Now I could see S'rac in demon exterminator outfit.

J'dee: Me too.

Sango: Why is that?

Raine: S'rac's a ninja.

S'rac: [Nods as he eats his popcorn]

All others: Ah

> "It looks like it. Mom said my father would be training me today."

> "Speaking of them, have you seen either of them since your father woke up?" Chris asked, as Jaki and Raine came into the room. Both of them were also wearing demon hunter uniforms.

Raine: I would never wear that!

Sango: And why not?

Raine: It's not my style.

J'dee: Like the cheerleading uniform was?

Raine: [Glares]

Miroku: I wouldn't mind that at all!

Sango: [Hits him over the head]

> "No, but I spoke to mom before she went to bed. She said my father wanted to see me today. So I assume, knowing him, he wants to train me." Koga said and glanced at the girls. "Either you want to take those home for your own personal pleasure or you joined the ranks as well."

> "For your information, we did join as well." Raine snapped as Sesshomaru came into the room.

> "Boy, you shall follow me." He said and left. Koga sighed and got up.

Belle: Awww, nephew and uncle bonding!

Sesshoumaru: [Glares]

Belle: I'll be quiet.

Raine: That'd be a first.

Belle: [Glares]

"I suppose he means me. I'll see you all later." He said and got up to follow his Uncle. Jaki shook her head as she stirred the huge cauldron where a vast amount of miso soup was simmering.

"It's breakfast for everyone so help yourselves." Chris said. Jaki sighed and got herself a bowl after giving Raine one.

Raine: Yummy Miso for breakfast.

J'dee: And probably dinner.

S'rac: Miso's great anytime!

Raine, J'dee, and Belle: [Shake heads sadly]

> "This isn't all it's cracked up to be. Goddesses be damned, what the HELL are we doing here?" she cried.

> "My question exactly." Michelle said form the door way. Everyone turned to see her dressed in priestess's clothing.

> "What exactly ARE we doing here!?"


Belle: [Chris] Eating!

Raine: [Jaki] Getting my dominatrix outfit!

J'dee: [Michelle] Getting myself a boyfriend.

S'rac: I need more popcorn.

> "Kagome?" Shippo called, unlocking the door with the key she gave him before they moved. He walked inside and set down his bags, his tail ruffling under his shirt.

> "Koga? Is everything okay?" he asked. He listened closely and heard nothing. Sniffing the air a bit, he detected Kagome and Koga's scents but they were a few days old.

> "What the hell is going on?" he muttered, walking into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw the note on the table he picked it up and quickly read it.

> "Damn! Now I have to travel to Texas?!"


Kagome: Poor Shippo.

Shippo: I'd rather come with Kagome than stay alone in her modern era.

Inu Yasha: Yea, well tough.

Miroku: I wonder how tall Shippo will get.

Sango: Good question.

Kagome, Inu Yasha, Miroku, and Sango: [Stare at Shippo]

Shippo: Stop that!!

> "Kagome is going to train you as a priestess?" Chris cried, shocked. Raine and Jaki were leaning against each other, laughing, tears rolling down their cheeks.

> "Yeah so I asked Sango what I should wear and she gave me one of Kaede's old kimonos." Michelle said, glaring at Jaki and Raine, who were whipping the tears from their eyes, giggling.

Belle: Wow…this seems familiar.

Kagome: You've been dressed up as a miko before?

Belle: No, but the situation is.

Raine: Belle does some stupid stuff.

Belle: Thanks.

Raine: I'm glad to help.

> "Trip to Texas, a hundred dollars." Raine said, giggling. Jaki smirked, catching one.

> "Japanese silk kimono, five hundred dollars." Jaki snickered.

> "Seeing Michelle dressed up like a fool..." Chris said, smirking.

> "PRICELESS!" the three of them cried together and laughed. Michelle frowned and crossed her arms.

Kagome: Ouch.

Belle: I'm soooooooo going to get revenge.

Raine: That's not us.

J'dee: Yea, although we did something like that.

Belle: I swear my vengeance.

> "You three like your on your way to a porno shoot!" she snapped, but they just laughed louder.

> "What's a porno shoot?" a voice said behind them. They all turned to the doorway to see Miroku standing there, a few streaks of gray in his hair. Behind him were two boys, one who looked remarkably identical to him and another looked like him, but with Sango's long hair. Kagome was also standing there, in jeans and t-shirt with Inu Yasha by her side.

Miroku: My sons! Look Sango, our sons!

Sango: Look it's a story!

Raine: [Whispers to Belle] Good thing he didn't ask about the porno.

Sesshoumaru: What is this porno?

Belle and Raine: [Turn red]

> "Never mind Miroku." Kagome said quickly, looking at Michelle. "Nice but you don't HAVE to wear that you know." The others howled with laughter as Michelle turned beat red.

Belle: It's b-e-e-t not b-e-a-t.

Raine: Unless he means you turn the shade of red you turn when you're beating someone.

S'rac: Not funny.

All others: [Nod]

> "Um, I better go change." She said and hurried out. Kagome looked around and noticed Koga was missing.

> "Where's Koga?" she asked.

> "Which one?" Chris asked and she sighed.

> "My son."

> "He left with Sesshomaru." Chris replied. Kagome looked alarmed but Inu Yasha nodded.

> "Good then I should go then as well." He said. He suddenly grabbed Kagome and kissed her passionately, before leaving. Kagome blushed as the others exchanged looks.

Inu Yasha, Koga, and Kagome: WHAT?!

Inu Yasha and Kagome: [Blush]

Miroku: I didn't know you had it in you, Inu Yasha!

Sango: How sweet!

Koga: [Staring at the screen in shock]

Belle: [Walks over and waves hand in front of his face, does Azusa impersonation] Ooo, he's fainted. [Draws on Koga's face and returns to seat]

Sesshoumaru: [Growls at Belle]

Belle: [Whimpers]

> "Have a nice night's sleep?" Jaki teased and Kagome's blush deepened.

> "You should mind your elders." She snapped, and everyone roared with laughter.


S'rac: Why did you ask that?

J'dee: Don't ask.

Miroku: Allow me to explain…

Sango: [Knocks him unconscious]

> Sesshomaru paced around Koga, looking him up and down. Jaken stood by, watching.

> "You are of my blood boy. Maybe not directly, but still blood. My mate informed me last night of your pathetic fighting abilities." Sesshomaru said and Koga growled.

Sesshoumaru: Pathetic, he'd have to be at least at Inu Yasha's level to be defeated by Rin.

Inu Yasha: [Growls]

Belle: Then how come you don't have Tetsusiaga?

Sesshoumaru: [Glares at her before his hand glows green]

Belle: Eep [In Raine's lap]

> "Hey, like you have room to talk. Mom said my father could always beat you." He snapped, and Sesshomaru smirked.

> "Mates do tend to favor the other. But you have no grasp of you demon abilities, do you?" he asked. He suddenly made a lung at Koga, who tried to get away but stumbled and fell on his ass. "See what I mean?"

> "I just became like this a WEKK ago!" Koga snarled. In stead of looking shocked, Sesshomaru nodded.

Raine: Wekk?

Kagome: I think he meant week.

S'rac: What does he mean 'mates do tend to favor the other'?

Miroku: I believe he means that mates will favor their partner.

Inu Yasha: [Growling] Meaning I'm supposed to be weak.

Sesshoumaru: Well naturally.

> "I assumed as much. It often happens in cases of half demons and more so quarter demons. Your blood is not awakened until you feel threatened. I assume something like that happened recently?" Sesshomaru asked and Koga nodded. Koga was surprised when he was helped to his feet.

> "The we must teach you how to defend yourself." Inu Yasha said, picking Koga up. He nodded and gestured to Sesshomaru who nodded.

Miroku: Inu Yasha and Sesshoumaru getting along?

J'dee: Isn't that a sign of the apocalypse?

Raine: Sadly.

Sango: We should be thankful.

Raine: Yea, we'll be free of this torture.

All: YEA!

> "I spoke with him. He should be here soon to pick it up." Inu Yasha said. Koga frowned but said nothing.

> "First of all you must learn your attacks. Since we are both here, you will learn from us both. I expect you to have mastered all of them before you leave this clearing." Sesshomaru said. Koga glanced to see if Inu Yasha would protest but he just watched. "I shall demonstrate first."


Belle: Sucks to be Koga.

Koga: That one at least.

S'rac: Sounds like my sensei.

Sango: I feel sorry for Koga, Inu Yasha is a terrible teacher.

All other but Inu Yasha: [Laugh]

> "Now, gather the very soul of the earth and focus it into the arrow." Kagome said. Michelle breathed deeply and drew the arrow back, trying to do as Kagome said.

> "Okay." She whispered. Kagome nodded and pointed to a target set up on a tree. They had relocated to a small forest in the valley by the castle to practice.

J'dee: Run for cover, Belle's got a bow and arrow!

Raine: Just stand in front of her, she'll never hit you there.

Belle: Actually, I tried archery at the Renaissance Fair, I'm not that bad for a beginner. Kagome, could I borrow you bow and arrows to demonstrate.

Raine and J'dee: [Pale]

> "Okay, now when you release the arrow, nothing or very little will happen. That's okay because-" Kagome was cut off as Michelle let the arrow go, which exploded with as much energy or maybe even more that the arrow that Kagome fired at Rin yesterday. The tree exploded on impact, and they stared at it. Kagome turned to stare at Michelle.

Kagome: Wow, instant miko.

S'rac: Behold the power of Miso.

Koga: That would be very powerful indeed, but no one is more powerful or beautiful than my Kagome.

Kagome: [Blush]


Shippo: Not again.

> "Um, was that okay?" Michelle said, stupidly. Kagome burst out laughing.

> "I guess you have better control than I ever did at your age!"


Belle: [Michelle] I just blew up a tree, did I do good?

Raine: That is a stupid question.

Kagome: I have good control.

Belle: [Covering her face] I'm such a dummy in this.

Sesshoumaru: It's not just in the story.

Belle: [In shock]

All others: [Laugh]

> "Left, right, right, left, halt!" Sango snapped. Chris, Raine, and Jaki panted as they practiced with all the other trainees. They were in the middle of reaction drills. It required everyone to turn as quickly as possible in the direction that was called, kick their feet out, slam chest first into the ground and jump back to their feet.

Sango: Wow, my second time appearing in the story.

Miroku: Just a beautiful as ever. [Gropes]

Sango: [Slaps him]

Raine: Ew, too much activity.

S'rac: Like practice.

J'dee: [Jaki] I have an excuse from my mother.

> "This-sucks." Jaki gasped.

> "If-I-wanted-to-join-the-army-I-would-have!" Raine panted. Chris was about to say something when an arrow struck the bell in the north tower. This was followed by three more arrows striking the bell as everyone ran to gather their weapons. Raine, Jaki, and Chris had yet to get weapons so they hurried up to Rin and Sango.

> "Get all the children in the downstairs area. Make sure they have ample wolves guarding them. Hopefully Koga and his pack. Have the archers take down as many Innies as possible before they reach the gate. Prepare for the onslaught." Sango ordered and Rin hurried off, screaming the orders. Sango looked sadly at the three of them.

Koga: My pack will protect all of them!

Inu Yasha: This is just a story, wolf.

Kagome: Could you two please not fight?

Inu Yasha: No!

Kagome: Sit!

Inu Yasha: [Face plants]

> "It's a sad day indeed. You three just join us and Kikyo and her armies have found us at last." She said and sighed.

> "What do you mean?" Chris said, his voice quavering.

> "Kikyo has us out numbered ten to one. She intends to kill us all, right here, right now."


Miroku: Oh please, we've fought numbers worse than that before.

Sango: But you don't have the wind tunnel anymore.

Miroku: Hmmm, that may prove to be problematic.

Belle: Indeed.

S'rac: Hey! That's my line.

J'dee and Raine: Indeed.

> "Hurry, Koga!" Inu Yasha cried, running as fast as he could, Sesshomaru and Koga just behind him. They ran at full speed, their bare feet smashing through the branches under their feet.

> "It appears to be a full out assault. She finally has made enough of you Inu Yasha." Sesshomaru said.

Raine: Kikyo needs a hobby…badly.

Sesshoumaru: Why waste such effort on making copies of Inu Yasha?

Belle: Cause he's funnier and cuter than you? [Covers mouth]

Sesshoumaru: [Glares at Belle]

Belle: Igottagotothebathroomnowthanksbye! [Tries to run away only to have Sesshoumaru grab the back of her shirt] EEP!

> "What's going on?" Koga demanded. They came to halt at the sight before them. Thousands of Innies were marching towards the valley, their archers lay dead near them. Suddenly, an explosion of energy went off nearby.

> "Kagome/Rin/Michelle!" the three cried, and sped towards the explosion.


Belle: I'msorrypleasedon'tkillme! [Attempting to escape Sesshoumaru]

J'dee: Here. [Pops Reese's Peanut Butter Cup into his mouth]

Sesshoumaru: [Sits licking his mouth like a normal dog with peanut butter]

Belle: [Clinging to J'dee] Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you!

> "Michelle, don't aim for one, aim for in between them! Get as many as you can!" Kagome cried, firing another arrow, knocking dozens of Innies to the ground. More Innies instantly took their place. Michelle reached into her quiver and felt only two arrows left.

> "Kagome, my arrows!" Michelle cried, firing another at a group of Innies, who were instantly replaced by more.

Kagome: I don't think that if it was just ten-on-one we'd have that problem.

Miroku: Too true and if Michelle were as strong as that there would be no Innies left at all.

Belle: I hope I die.

S'rac: Why?

Koga: Freedom…remember?

J'dee: Ooo, that's bad S'rac, Koga just reminded you of something.

S'rac: What?

Raine: Nevermind.

> "I know, I know, I KNOW!" Kagome screamed, drawing her last. She fired it, and backed up to Michelle who fired her last. The Innies began moving in, growling, and drooling, fresh meat before them. Michelle saw they DID look a lot like Inu Yasha from a distance but close up, their faces were emotionless, and their eyes were red. Their tongues rolled out of their mouths, and they spoke with barks, yips, grunts, and growls. One tried to bite Michelle, and she screamed, smashing it in the head with her bow. It snarled and wrenched it from her hands, grunting at her. Kagome screamed as she was tackled by a group and Michelle screamed as the sun was blotted out by one leaping above her.

Belle: I'm not the one who dies.

Koga: How do you know?

J'dee: She's the one in danger at the end.

Sesshoumaru: [Still snacking on the peanut butter]

Inu Yasha: What?

Kagome: Whenever a story, show, or anything like that ends with someone in mortal danger, they usually survive.

Belle: [Sighs] No freedom for me.

* A/N: This is an actual move my sister and I have used for many years in our house to resist the wake up call: just wrapping the covers around your body will result in you head being exposed and with my mother, that could lead to torture, especially if you don't leave enough room to move WITHIN the cocoon. The perfected 'cocoon' will give you the four ends of the covers under your body, secured down by your weight, and then to top it off, pull the pillow in with you before closing the cocoon, this gives you all you need. And if you happen to be bigger than your parent who is waking you up, they can't pull the blankets off or take your pillow away.