InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ A Little History ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“No fucking way! I was seriously beginning to think that bastard was gay!”

Kouga had anticipated the volume of the response and was currently holding his cell phone at arm's length. He was glad, since the hanyou on the other side of the world was literally screaming at him. “Hey puppy! Chill out! I've got something else to tell you about.” He said into the phone while tentatively holding it closer to his ear.

“Well it sure as shit can't be anywhere near as exciting as Sesshomaru actually getting laid.”

“I don't know mutt, I think it is.”

“Yeah? So spill it already. I mean it's not like this call's costing me a fortune or anything” was the sarcastic reply.

“You know this is covered by the company, so quit whining already.” Kouga was starting to think that telling the mutt about Kagome was a bad idea. The guy had still been pinning after her the last time Kouga had laid eyes on him, and now that they were business associates, it seemed as though renewing the fight over the miko was a bad move. The hanyou was pretty thick, so if he kept trying to change the subject, maybe the mutt would forget about the whole thing.

“So you gonna tell me what the big secret is or what flea-bag?”

Apparently he wasn't thick enough. With a sigh, Kouga began his story.

*********************************************************** ********

Sesshomaru sat at his desk and reflected on his morning escape. It was very unlike the taiyoukai to run from any situation, but rutting with the miko had seemed a worthy enough cause. After her shocked admission, he had simply stood, and walked out of the room. His final words had come as he crossed the bedroom's threshold; “That will never happen again miko.” And then he had run.

In actuality, he hadn't run, but he might as well have. Never before had he dressed and been out the door so quickly. And the worst part? Only as he had exited his home did he realize that he had left his car at the office the night before. Taisho Sesshomaru had been forced to either call a cab from a payphone, or return to a house that now held nothing but reverberating feelings of shame, regret, and embarrassment. He had not even had the option of using his cell phone, as he had shattered it prior to his encounter with the woman.

Voicing a loud sigh, Sesshomaru dropped his head and placed his fingers on his temples. Trying to rub away the tension, he attempted to convince himself that his actions that morning really did cause him only remorse. Yet he could not lie to himself; although he did hold regrets, he also felt desire. That miko had made him feel alive again. The fact that she had been a fantastic bed partner was secondary to the fact that she made him feel the blood coursing through his veins. It had been a very long time since he had felt like himself- perhaps he hadn't felt this way since the Feudal Era. Whether it was her link to that time, or some other mysterious force at play, he did not know. The only thing that he was certain of was that she was dangerous. Despite his growing need for her, she was not his to take. If she had belonged to anyone other than Inuyasha, he may have absconded with her despite the other's claims. However, the fact remained that she was Inuyasha's, and he would not lower himself to stealing from his brother. It had taken a great many years for the two to form the precarious bond that they had now, and to steal her away from the hanyou that still pinned for her would irreparably damage that fragile connection. Though he had no great love for the always insolent whelp, Sesshomaru did possess the knowledge that he owed the boy for helping him with Rin.

When his little human ward had grown into a lovely woman and she had started a painfully obvious campaign to win her way into the taiyoukai's bed, it had been Inuyasha who had taken her to a village. He had also been the one to introduce her to the taijiya that he had traveled with, who in turn introduced her to a powerful family with a single son. They had hated each other, and then, one day, discovered that they had grown to love each other. They had married and for many centuries, Sesshomaru had watched from a distance as her decedents became more powerful and respected. Thus he knew that he had a great debt to Inuyasha to fulfill.

He had tried to repay the hanyou already- making him a partner in an incredibly affluent and powerful business, letting him head up the North American side of the business, granting the boy's every wish and smallest desire. But nothing he had done had seemed sufficient. No matter what Sesshomaru did, Inuyasha had never really been the same since the little miko had disappeared all those centuries before. He was still rude, uncouth, and insolent, but the vibrant spark of life that she had brought to his eyes was now gone. He seemed almost to plod along through life, never really satisfied or jovial. Gone was the boy with the sunlit eyes and once again in his place was the hanyou with the flat amber gaze. If he had changed merely from grief at the loss of the miko, perhaps Sesshomaru would have been able to write it off, but the taiyoukai could sense the rage and frustration that was boiling just below the surface. This feeling of foreboding regarding his brother of late had grown to such an extreme that Sesshomaru had finally decided to call the by home to Japan.

And then, not a day after telling Inuyasha to return, he had met her. It was as though fate had finally shown him a clear path to repaying and restoring his brother. Yes, she was a pitiful creature now, drunk and despondent, but he was Sesshomaru, and he would save her. He would reshape and polish her, bring forth her former glory and shine. And then he would reunite her with Inuyasha.

That had been the plan anyway. Sesshomaru sighed again and tried to recall the phrase concerning the best laid plans of men. With a snort he realized that he wasn't a man, so the whole thing was moot. Raising his head to glance at his computer screen, he saw that the current time was 2:45. Rolling his eyes, he knew that he would not accomplish anything productive on this day. Therefore, it was better to leave now and avoid the imminent and tedious questions from the ookami. Standing gracefully, he gathered his coat and walked out the door.
