InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ A Challenge Issued ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru placed his open palms against the tiled shower wall and leaned into the water. Tipping his head further forward, he let the hot water rush through his hair and down his back. Closing his eyes, he let his thoughts wander.

“She is attractive” his demon murmured.

“She is human” his rational mind responded.

“But she is powerful.”

“She is damaged.”

“She can be salvaged and restored.”

“She is not mine to take!”

Sesshomaru's demon went strangely mute and he felt victorious.

“She could be....” His demon whispered.

He let out a long sigh. Yes, she could be. He was all too aware of that fact. That she desired him, he had little doubt, and he certainly returned her feelings. But there was nothing to be done about the situation. The implications of his continuing his amorous activities with her were all too clear. A rut was one thing, but this.... whatever it was, was something else entirely. He already shared an attachment with her, and if they were to continue, he understood that simple sex would no longer suffice. They would become more bonded then they already were, and that was wholly unacceptable. He had spent centuries cultivating his lifestyle, one that he led alone, with no need for ties and attachments. He had been raised a solitary warrior, and he was incredibly successful. Too change things now would be ludicrous.

She was also Inuyasha's. On that issue, there was nothing more to be said. Although he had been dreading the hanyou's return with something akin to trepidation, he now determined that it could not come soon enough. The more rapidly he could pass the miko off to her rightful mate, the sooner things would get back to normal. To continue thoughts of bedding her again, or anything more than safe-keeping her until Inuyasha arrived, was preposterous. The miko didn't just come with a few strings attached; she came with a thickly woven rope.

He had convinced himself and was confident in his abilities to abstain from any sort of inappropriate behavior with the woman until he heard the bathroom door open.

Gritting his teeth and setting his jaw, he knew that it was some act of fate. A coincidence, surely, for even she would not be so daft and bold as to encroach upon his privacy in such a manner. Even as he heard the rustle of clothing, he continued to be optimistic. Perhaps she had only left something in the bathroom and now needed it? Or maybe she was worried that someone other than himself had come into the home?

When the shower door opened, he could no longer attempt to delude himself.

“She has great courage.” He could hear the implied laughter of his beast.

“She is obviously daft.” He kept his eyes closed and prayed to every God he knew that this was not really happening. This could not possibly be his life.

And then he felt delicate fingers fluttering over his hips.

“I never knew you had markings in other places.” Kagome's voice was soft as she traced the maroon slashes that crossed his pelvis and dipped down to point suggestively to his groin.

“I did not feel that it was pertinent information for you to have miko. Why have you dared to interrupt this Sesshomaru during his shower? I had no plans to share my bathing experience.” He was trying very hard not to let his voice deceive him. He did not want her to know the power that her simple touch was having on him.

“So we're back to `this Sesshomaru?'” He heard her sigh. “But I think you know why I'm here.”

“Truly woman, as powerful as this Sesshomaru is, mind reading is not his forte.” Sesshomaru, eyes still closed, palms still pressed firmly to the wall, refused to look at her. He felt her fingers slip away from his flesh and inwardly sighed in relief.

“I'm here because you want me” she stated simply.

She certainly wasn't one to mince words. “You are incorrect woman. Do not deceive yourself; this Sesshomaru has no interest in your body or it's questionable charms.” If he had to be malicious to keep them safe from themselves so be it.

“You lie” she hissed. Kagome took a step backwards and away from the youkai as though his callous remark had physically injured her.

“I am many things, miko, but I am not a liar.” Sesshomaru pushed away from the wall but remained facing in the opposite direction of the woman. He adamantly refused to look at her. He wished for nothing more than for her to leave him in peace, but he did not desire to watch his words pierce her.

“Then look at me. Tell me that you don't want me. Tell me that you have no desire to touch my body, to taste me, to make me scream your name. Look me in the eyes and tell me that this morning was a mistake.” Kagome was tired of this game. She desired him, and knew that he wanted her as well. So, knowing that the tayoukai would be loathe to lose face by shirking a challenge, she did the only thing she could think of: she threw down the proverbial gauntlet.

“You dare to challenge me woman?” Sesshomaru ground out as his eyes snapped open and his back went rigid.

“Indeed” she responded haughtily, obviously mocking him. “Unless you're scared....” Kagome couldn't even finish her statement before she was cut off by a low snarl.

Sesshomaru deftly pivoted to face the miko. Eyes bleeding crimson, he launched himself forward with the well-honed skill of a warrior in battle and, slamming his hands into the wall behind the miko so hard that the force shattered the tiles, he growled out, “This Sesshomaru will NEVER fear a weak little mortal woman like yourself miko!”

Kagome had seen something like this coming, and so expecting his powerful response, she barely flinched as the tiles beside her head cracked. Glancing out of the corner of her eyes at the large hands and strong arms that were effectually pinning her in place she told Sesshomaru flatly, “Then say it.” She stood up to her full height and looked up into the narrowed eyes of the taiyoukai. “Say it.” She repeated.

She dared to attempt to make herself seem imposing? As he focused on her deep blue eyes, Sesshomaru saw the warrior in the woman. He had thought that the fighter in her had died sometime long before, but he saw that the mighty priestess that she had been was now resurrected. Bringing his face down to hers, so close that they almost touched noses, he growled low in the back of his throat. She was a fighter, she wanted him to submit, and though he could respect the former, he would not acquiesce to the latter. “This Sesshomaru will never desire you” he told her while narrowing his eyes to the tiniest of slits.

Kagome looked at him, watched as he battled with himself and saw exactly what she had thought she had; though narrowed to the extreme, his honeyed eyes belayed a burning passion.

“Liar” she accused him again.

And then she slammed her lips into his own, knowing full well that it could be the last thing she ever did.


Author: Damnit plot! Why can't you just cooperate! This writer wishes for lemons! *shakes fist in fashion reminiscent of angry old person*

Plot: *lifts up head in a lofty fashion* You shall not lead me down the path of wickedness and debauchery woman!

Author: Just you wait! I'm gonna make the next lemon so hot you'll spontaneously combust!

Plot: *runs in terror while squealing something about about perverts....*