InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Sickening Feeling ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I made a mistake while posting this chapter so I'm now here to say 'I'm sorry'...too bad I'm not going to...

A/N: It'll become easier to follow in a few chapters. I promise. I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men.

Inuyasha hugged a sleeping Kagome close to his chest as he walked slowly into her room and sat down on her bed. His grip tightened around her momentarily to wake her up before releasing her and letting her lean against him in his lap.

"Hey," he whispered quietly into her ear.

"Inuyasha," she replied, nuzzling into his chest.

"I'm sorry," he said simply, looking out the window.

"For what?" She looked up at him, slightly confused.

"For, abandoning you...for scaring you...for making you worry about you," the hanyou replied, hiding his eyes with his bangs.

Kagome reached her hand up to his cheek and gently pulled his face up so that they were face to face, only a centimeter between them. "It's not your fault, Inuyasha," she whispered, her eyes glazed over as she began slowly moving closer to him.

"Kagome-," Inuyasha was about to protest her comment when their lips touched. A second later, the young woman pulled back slowly and looked through the darkness into Inuyasha's surprised eyes.

"Thank you, Inuyasha," Kagome whispered, snuggling into his chest once again and falling asleep.

Inuyasha absently wrapped his arms around the sleeping woman protectively and shifted so that he was leaning against the wall.

'Hurt her, you're dead,' a deep voice said in the back of Inuyasha's mind.

'Whoever you are, get out of my head,' Inuyasha thought calmly.

'Remember what I said,' the voice said before Inuyasha saw the image of himself, dead, flashed before his eyes. Then, everything went back to normal and the hanyou took a deep calming breath.

Kagome woke up slowly and instinctively snuggled closer to the now alert hanyou.

"'Morning," she yawned. A faint pink was begining to show on her cheeks.

"Hey," Inuyasha responded, standing up again with her in his arms. "You should go get washed up," he said softly, setting her down on her feet. "I'll meet you downstairs." Kagome was about to speak as he walked out of the room, but she couldn't find the words.

"Yash," a voice said from behind the hanyou. He turned around to see Logan behind him. "You okey?"

"Fine," was his simple answer as he began walking again.

"Be careful." Inuyasha just kept walking.

An hour later, Inuyasha found Kagome sitting at his usual table alone, picking at a small muffin. He walked over to her and sat down in the seat across from hers. She didn't seem to notice him.

"How ya feelin'?" Inuyasha asked. She looked up as if just realizing his existance.

"Oh, Inuyasha...sorry I was, uh, thinking," Kagome said shakily. She silently thanked the gods for the fact that he wasn't like Mimic. Inuyasha smirked, as if he had. "What?" Kagome looked at him suspisciously. He never really did tell her exactly what his powers were.

"Sorry, just thinking."

"About what?"

Suddenly, Inuyasha's form began to slowly change until he looked exactly like Mimic. "One second," Inuyasha said casually, turning around to face where Mimic had been sitting. "Turn me back now," he growled at the young mutant.

Mimic waved his hand toward Inuyasha without turning around.

"You know you could make some real money in show business," Inuyasha joked.

"Bite me," Mimic replied, still not turning around.

"Ugh, you read my mind!" the hanyou said, his voice sarcastic as he held his hands over his forehead. Mimic just shook his head as the hanyou turned back to face Kagome. "So, where were we?"

"I have no idea," Kagome said, as if in a trance.

"Kagome? You sure you're okey?" She shook her head and blinked, slowly coming back to normal.

"Yeah, fine. Just a little tired." She rubbed her eyes with her palms.

"Maybe you should take the day off," the hanyou said, his voice filled with concern. Kagome giggled weakly. "What?"

"You've changed," she said softly.

"Have I?" He chuckled. Suddenly, the lights went out and red lights began flashing. "Time for class," he said, following her out to the mission room.

As usual, Storm began dividing the different students to their classes.

"So," Kagome whispered. "Which class are you in?"

"I don't have one." Kagome looked up at the hanyou curiouly just as her class was called and she had to leave. She then reluctantly walked away toward her teacher.

Later, during lunch break, Kagome found Inuyasha hanging out in the lobby of the large building, leaning against one of the walls. He seemed as if he had been waiting for her. She watched his eyes as they immediately filled with concern when he saw her.

"Kagome? Are you okey?" he asked, surveying her apperance carfully.

"Yeah, fine," Kagome lied. "Why?"

"You're flushed," he said pointing to her cheeks.


Inuyasha began walking around her slowly. "Well, for one, it's niether hot nor cold in her. You're not wearing make up. You're definately not aroused. So..."

"I'm fine!" Kagome snapped, her face becoming a darker shade of pink.

"Kagome you're not fine," Inuyasha said, purposefully taking three long steps back. 'She's just about...' "Come here," he ordered. She walked toward him quickly, her face showing her dizyness. She was only a foot away when everything began to blur and she lost her balance. She was only a few inches off the ground when she felt two strong arms wrap around her and lift her up. "I'm taking you to the nurses office."

"No...classes..." the young woman protested weakly.

"They can wait," he walked down the hallway toward a small room where a young woman wearing a long white lab coat was sitting, reading a book. "Can you help me, please?" Inuyasha growled. The woman looked up from her book at Inuyasha, then the young woman in his arms.

"Yeah, set her down over here," the older woman instructed, standing up and motioning to a bed in the corner. The woman looked at Kagome, a bored look permanantly marking her face.

"Well, do something!" Inuyasha growled. The woman looked up at him for a second before picking a clipboared up from her desk and writing a few things down.

"Your friend here has pneumonia," she said with a somewhat monotonous voice.

"You got that from just looking at her?"

"It's fun being a mutant isn't it?" The woman walked over to a shelf and pulled out a bottle of pills. "Antibiotics," she explained before handing the bottle to Inuyasha.

"Why're you giving them to me?"

"They don't pay me that much," the woman sat back down and began reading her book again, ignoring the man's growl.

"Feh, bitch!" The hanyou turned back to the sick young girl as he sunk down into one of the chairs beside her bed. He looked down at her face as she began sweating uncontrolably. "Kagome?"

"In-u..." Kagome replied weakly.

"Yeah," he petted her hair gently, trying to calm her. "Kagome I need you to take these," he said, handing her the pills. She struggled to get the pills to her mouth and swallowed them.

"Need any water?" He watched as Kagome shook her head slightly. "Anything else you need?"

"..n-no...Inu...stay..." she said between small coughs. She reached over slowly and softly tugged on his arm. He took the hint and stood up, moving closer and lifting her up, bridal style.

"Where are you going?" the nurse asked, not looking up from her book.

"I'm taking Kagome back to her room. She needs to rest. Plus, I don't trust you," the hanyou growled, taking the nearly unconscious Kagome out of the room and up to her room. Once there, he sat down on her bed and craddled her body agaist his as he had done the night before. Kagome fell asleep seconds later, leaving Inuyasha to his thoughts.

A/N: If I got the symptoms of pneumonia wrong, it doesn't really matter. I'm writing this as a little thing to bring these two closer, not as an idea for the next episode of House, which, by the way, I don't own.