InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Pushed Away (part two) ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men... To answer one of my reviewer's questions... Inuyasha's technically 20, Kagome's 15, and Mimic's 16.

Inuyasha, Mimic, and Kagome walked slowly into the White House. Their assignment was clear. They needed to clear a path for everyone else.

Mimic raised his hand and all of the guards in front of the large building flew into the building and were knocked out immediately. "Area 1 clear," the man said into his headset. He then looked to Kagome and nodded. She nodded back and floated slowly into the air and led the way as they walked through the large pair of double doors.

Kagome looked around at the large group of guards as they ran toward them. "Inuyasha! Left!" She watched as Inuyasha grabbed the guard she had been reffering to and kicked the man's chest in before dropping him to the ground. "Mimic! Back!" Without pulling his hands from his pockets, Mimic manimpulated the air around the guard's skull and crushed it.

"This is beginning to bore me!" Mimic called up to her. "Let me take care of the rest!" The man turned back to the large group of guards walking toward him. All of them suddenly dropped to the ground.

"Whoa. What'd you do to them?" Kagome asked, landing softly on the ground beside him.

"You don't wanna know," Mimic snickered as he walked slowly toward the next door, his hands still in his pockets. Inuyasha followed slowly.

"You guys shouldn't get all the fun!" he growled, cracking his knuckles.

"Fine, Inuyasha. We'll give you the next room with this warning. They've got guns," Mimic said, smiling.

"Oh, goodie," Inuyasha smirked.

Kagome looked between the two men, frowning. "Are you two crazy?"

'Just watch.' Kagome heard in her head as Inuyasha kicked the door open. Immediately everyone in the room turned and pulled a gun out. Nineteen small red dots were trained on different points on Inuyasha's body until suddenly, he dissapeared. Not like Mimic, there was no smoke. He just faded away.

The lights went out for a split second and there were a few strangled cries. When the lights turned back on, the remaining guards looked around for their attacker. Inuyasha was nowhere to be seen. Mimic laughed at the guards' confusion.

"Where'd he go?" Kagome whispered.

"He's right there," Mimic said. He used his finger to point at various locations in order, over and over.

"I don't see anything," she whispered.

"You don't need to," Mimic said lifting his hand and pointing it at the light. "Lights out!" he yelled. The guards turned their eyes to him just as the lights faded and went out. There was a scream and a few choking sound before the lights went back on. There in the center of the room, was Inuyasha. All of the men as well as their bodies were gone.

"I told you, I didn't need your help!" he growled.

Mimic chuckled. "All I did was turn out the lights," he said blowing open the next door.

Kagome looked around. "Where'd they go?"

"Again, you don't want to know," Inuyasha sighed as he closed the door behind him. "Area 2, clear," he said happily into the microphone attached to his ear.

"The last room's up for grabs. Who wants it?" Mimic said, looking around at the large amount of armed men staring back at him. Suddenly, they all picked up their weapons and fired at the three mutants. Kagome and Inuyasha watched the bullets slow down more and more the closer they got until they just stopped in mid air. Mimic grinned and let out a small evil laugh that scared Kagome. "Looks like this one's mine!" He pulled on hand from it's pocket and raised it. The bullets turned around and showered on the guards in the room. Seconds later, the men around the room dropped to the ground in large pools of their on blood. "Last area, cleared!" he grumbled into his headset.

Inuyasha watched as the young man walked over to him and Kagome, grabbing them by the shoulders. They found themselves back inside the X-jet only seconds later.

"I'm sorry," he said softly before sitting down.

"For what?" Inuyasha said, dropping into an empty seat.

"I'm sorry I scared you Kagome."

That's when it hit Inuyasha. 'She's crying.' Inuyasha turned a glare toward Mimic. The younger man frowned and returned the glare.

Kagome stood where she was, shaking slightly before looking up at them. "How could you do that?" She asked weakly.

"Do-?" Mimic cut him off before he had a chance to speak.

"I'm sorry Kagome. We just can," Mimic said softly.

"Whaddya mean 'you just can?'" she hissed. "How can you just sit there and laugh while killing people?"

"Well..." Mimic looked from Inuyasha then to Kagome. "I'm pro-choice and Inuyasha....well he was born that way." Kagome gave him an annoyed look but said nothing. "I'm not mocking you. I give all of my prey a metal choice before I kill them. Surrender or die," Mimic said, frowning. "Most of the guards in the last room weren't killed. Only injured. That's why I laughed. It was because they gave up so easily."

Kagome took a small step back and tripped over one of the chairs to land in Inuyasha's arms. She struggled for a moment before hesitantly giving up and being hugged close to his chest as Mimic finished what he was saying.

It's also true with Inuyasha..." Kagome looked up from where she was sitting in her hanyou's lap to listen. "He didn't kill those men. He just stuffed them all in a large cabinet somewhere in the building." Mimic laughed at the thought.

Kagome squirmed a little in discomfort and felt Inuyasha hug her to him so that she was sitting sideways on his lap and leaning against his chest. She cuddled into him and closed her eyes.

Mimic sighed and sat back more into his seat. 'She believes me....good.'

A/N: Yes...I'm that good...