InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Danger Room... ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men...I changed Sango's personality because I like it better that way...

Kagome was begining to get used to the feeling of Inuyasha's arms around her as she slept. It was too bad there was always a reason he needed to be there to comfort her. The first time it was because he had almost died. The second it was because she was sick. Now, it's because she believed her friends to be murderers.

He leaned against the wall slightly as she slept, shifting some of his weight off of his back. He smiled slightly, looking around. The entire building was silent except for the low voices of the professor, Storm, and Logan talking about what had happened. Nothing special, just how they would work to fix the damage done to the school.

'Hey, dogboy!' he heard whisper in his head.

'Whadya want?' He looked up at one of the walls toward Mimic's scent.

'Meet me in the cafeteria in twelve minutes and twenty three seconds,' the voice whispered slowly.

Inuyasha looked down at his watch and sighed. It was six thirty-seven....twenty three minutes before Kagome was supposed to get up. He looked down at the sleeping girl and lifted her slowly off of his lap and lowered her to her bed, careful not to wake her. She moved toward him in her sleep and tried to grab his arm. He looked around and grabbed a pillow before replacing it for his arm in her hands. She sighed in her sleep before quickly hugging the pillow to her and rolling over.

Inuyasha smiled to himself as he stood up and walked slowly toward the door. Once out of the room, he looked up and down the hallway before walking silently to his room and walking it. He flipped one of the photos over and grabbed his gun and shoulder holster. After securing his gun, he put his vest on over it and walked to the cafeteria just as the lights turned on. He looked down at his watch again.

"Six fifty one. You're late," he growled, turning around to face the young man who was now sitting on the table behind him.

"Don't start biting people just yet," Mimic said, smirking under his mask. "You don't know how easy it is being you."

"And just what is that supposed to mean," Inuyasha growled.

"I mean you're really simple," Mimic laughed. "Your personality is easy for me to mimic."

Inuyasha flexed his claws. "You didn't-"

"Maybe a few times," Mimic said, looking up at the cieling then back at the angry hanyou. "Oh calm down! I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have to. I've no reason to want to be you." Mimic stared at the hanyou through his sunglasses and smiled. "You remember helping Kitty yesterday?"

Inuyasha nodded. "Yeah, so?"

Mimic chuckled. "You weren't there."

"Whaddya mean I wasn't there?"

"It was just a little thing I added to your memory." Mimic looked down at his watch. "It was a copy of me that helped her out. I give you all of the memories made whenever I mimic you." He looked around. "You will become danger room teacher," he growled.

"Yeah? And why is that?" Inuyasha asked, checking his own watch.

"Because today Kagome's going to start training there," Mimic said, begining to get annoyed.

"What? It's too early! She's only been here for a few weeks!"

"Yeah, well because of recent events, everone's going to start danger room at least once a day."

Inuyasha looked at one of the walls, thinking. "Whatever," he said, waving over his shoulder as he walked away. "I've got to get back to Kagome."

"Seeya teach'."

Kagome looked around at the burning trucks and cars around her then at her classmates as they scattered.

"GET DOWN!" She looked up to see a car flying toward her. She froze and watched it decsend toward her. There was a sudden shock of pain in the side of her waist as a very angry hanyou tackled her away from the car's path. She looked up at the man who had saved her and smiled.

"Thanks," she said weakly.

Inuyasha frowned and straightened his headset before standing up. "Get up. You're a waiting target if you're just sitting there," he growled as he ran and took cover behind a nearby wall and began looking around at his other students. "Tin Man! What're you doin'!" he called over to a large silver man who was now walking toward a tank.

"Jus' doin' my job!" the man called back as he kept walking. Seconds later, the tank fired at point blank range of the man. When the smoke cleared, the man stood next to a completely smashed tank.

Inuyasha chuckled. "Whatever works!" He looked around at the other students. "Mimic stop playin' around and finish it off!" he yelled at the younger man who was now spinning one tank around in the air.

"You just love killing people's fun, don't you Yash?" the young man called back, crushing the tank.

"Yep!" Inuyasha looked around again. He lifted his AS50 to his shoulder and looked through the scope at the tank in front of Kitty. "Kitty! Do your 'hollow girl' thing!" he yelled.

"What?" She turned around and her eyes widened as she faded slightly. Inuyasha pulled the trigger and a bullet traveled out of the gun, through the girl, and into the barrel of the tank. Only a moment later, the tank exploded from the inside out and Kitty turned back to normal. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!!" she screamed.

"Just helpin' you out!" he chuckled, pulling the empty shell casing out of his gun and replacing it with a similar bullet. He turned back to Kagome and sighed. She looked down at her stomach and frowned. Inuyasha pressed a button on his headset. "Simulation over." Suddenly the entire area disappeared and the seven mutants found themselves in a small spherical room.

Inuyasha turned to look at his class. "Alright, Kagome. You need to remember to protect yourself at all times," he said softly. "You've died five times today." He looked around to a snickering male and smirked. He walked over to the man and grabbed him by the shoulder, turning him around to show the large red dot on his back. "You might wanna be a little careful yourself Miroku," he growled, releasing the young man.

Inuyasha turned around again to a small woman who had been silent the entire time. "And where were you?" he asked, looking down at her.

"I was, uh," she looked around nervously. "...hidding behind Miroku..."

Inuyasha frowned. "Sango...what have I told you about hidding during a fight?" he said calmly. She shook her head and he smirked again. "You're no panther. You're a house cat."

She let out a small growl and his smirk turned to a cocky smile.

"That's what I like to hear," he said, patting her on the hand with a gloved hand before turning back to the rest of the class. "Let's try that again!" Suddenly the white walls dissapeared and the small group found themselves back in the battle feild with a group of tanks heading toward them.

A/N: And that's what the Danger Room is...