InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Sleeping Arrangments... ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men... I am taking basic idea for a scene from one of my other fics because I like the idea of Kagome liking to be close to Inuyasha. It also helps with the whole protective thing... I'm also now magically changing Inuyasha's age to 17...

Inuyasha yawned as he walked lazily toward his room.

"Hey, Yash!" he turned around to see Miroku walking toward him, waving.

"What?" he growled, stifling another yawn.

"Nice class earlier," the younger man said, smiling.

"You stopped me for that?" the hanyou said as he began walking again.

"No...actually I stopped you to say that you should go a little easier on some of your students," the man said, following Inuyasha down the hall.

"You want me to go easier on Sango because she's just a bit shy, right?" Inuyasha asked over his shoulder.

"See, I knew you'd understand," the black haired man said cheerfully.

"But, you see, I can't do that," the hanyou corrected as he turned at his door.

Miroku frowned. "Why not?"

"Because." Inuyasha opened his door and walked into his room. "That would be playing favorites," he said before pointedly slamming the door in the other man's face.

"That's not cool Yash!" the man called through the door. After a few seconds, Inuyasha heard Miroku leave the door, then another, smaller, set of footsteps come toward it.

There was a small hesitant knock at the door and Inuyasha stood up, walking over to it. He opened the large wooden door to reveal Kagome in her light pink pajamas, hugging a small stuffed bear to her chest.

She looked up at him and then back at the ground. "Hi, I was just..." she looked around nervously. "Wondering if..." paused and turned slightly pink.

Inuyasha watched the emotions play across her face and chuckled to himself.

"What's so funny?" she asked, her face turning a slightly deeper shade of red.

"Oh, sorry." The older man tried to straighten out his face. "It's just that your face matches your outfit," he said in a serious tone.

Kagome became even redder.

He smiled. "Now it doesn't...." he looked up and down the hallway. "You were going to ask me something?"

She looked around, fidgeting uneasily. A voice in the back of her mind began yelling at her. 'Just ask him already!'

She took a deep breath before quickly saying it out. "CanIsleepwithyoutonight?"

Inuyasha looked around before focusing both his hearing and his vision down at the girl. "I'm sorry could you say that again. Just this time, a little bit slower," he said, leaning down so that they were only a few inches away.

"Can I, um...sleep with you tonight?" she asked nervously.

"Uh...." Inuyasha scratched the back of his head. "Wow this is awkward...I don't think that's legal..."

She flushed completely at what he was implying. "No...I meant, just sleeping..." she looked down at the ground and her voice grew almost silent. "With you..."

"Oh... right," Inuyasha took one last look around the hallway before nodding and letting her into his room.

Kagome walked into the small room and looked around. All of the walls were covered with guns, knives, and other weapons. She walked over to one of the swords and stared at it for a second. "Where'd you get all of this stuff?"

"Inherited some of it. Some of it I bought myself," he said, before hitting a button on his desk. There was a small buzzing sound and suddenly, all of the walls spun around and the guns were replaced by bare walls with one small painting next to the door. "And that, I did in my spare time," he said, looking down at Kagome's amazed eyes. "So, I was just getting ready to go to sleep. Do what you want," he said camly, walking toward his bed and removing his steel reinforced vest before climbing into the bed and leaning against the wall.

He pulled out a small switch from his sleeve and pressed the button on it. The lights immediately went out. Seconds later, he felt the light weight of Kagome's body as she climbed into his lap and leaned her head against his chest. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her before slowly falling into a dreamless sleep.

A/N: Does anyone else think that paints a cute picture? In case anyone was wondering, the reason I used this scene was One: to advance Kagome and Inuyasha's relationship and Two: because she had gotten used to him being around when she slept. Plus, I just really like it...