InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ The Mission (Part 3): Comming Back ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Sorry this took so long... I already wrote this chapter but it was accidentally deleted when my comp. ran out of power.... I wanna know why, after three days, no one reviewed.... I feel so unloved... I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men...'

Kagome looked out the window, watching the people and cars go about their business. It had been three days since Inuyasha and Mimic went MIA. The only thing that had changed was the fact that some of the mutants at the academy had left to go and get cured of their powers.

She looked up and sighed. She had basically locked herself in her room and she was prepared to stay that way until they went after Inuyasha and Mimic. Her friends were in trouble and the 'X-Men' weren't doing anything about it. She stood up and walked over to her closet. She opened the door and moved all of the cloths out of the way. On the floor was a small shoe box which she lifted up and carried over to her desk.

She opened the box to reveal the X-gear she had been given at the begining of the year. 'If they're not going to do anything, I'll just have to do it myself.'

Inuyasha opened his eyes slowly and looked around. He was in a small coffin-like room that was only big enough for him to stand in. He tried to move only to find that he had been all but welded to the wall. He looked up at the only source of light in the room which was a small window at eye level. On the other sid he could see three guards all standing at the doors of similar cells. It felt as if he was in a moving truck. He looked around once more before closing his eyes and concentrating.

'Mimic!' he yelled in his mind, hoping the younger man would hear. 'MIMIC!!!'

'Someone go get a muzzle!' yelled the man in Inuyasha's mined.

'Oh, shut up!'

'Weren't you just yelling for me?' Mimic smirked.

'Just get us outta here!'

'Not until you say you're sorry.'


'Say it!'

'Fuck no!'

'I could just leave you here.'

'You wouldn't dare!' the hanyou growled menacingly at the window.

"Quiet down in there!" one of the guards yelled, banging on Inuyasha's cell.

'Yeah, I would. Unless you say you're sorry.'

'Oh yeah? How do I know you can actually get outta here at all?' the hanyou growled in his mind.

Suddenly, all of the visible guards disappeared in a large puff of smoke and were replaced by Mimic standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

He smirked again. 'See. I was never in in the first place.'

Inuyasha frowned. 'So, the guards were-.'

'All me.' Mimic began pacing back and forth. 'Now, say it.'

'Fine...I-i'm sorry.'

'See how easy that was?' Mimic stopped and turned to face the hanyou's cell. Seconds later, there was a loud crack and the large round door to the cell was ripped off. Inuyasha squinted at the sudden light that hit his eyes as he was released from the large shackles that held his arms and legs to the wall.

"I'll get you later," he growled at his student before walking through the truck, looking for an exit.

"I can take care of that too." Inuyasha felt a hand on his back and was instantly transported to the entrance of the school.

Inuyasha brushed some dust off of his sleeve. "Couldn't you have at least taken us closer to the mission room?"

Mimic shrugged and walked toward the door. "Sorry, my power only goes so far."

Both men walked quickly to the mission room where they found the rest of the X-Men standing around a large map.

"So, what's goin' on?" Mimic said, scratching his head and looking down at the map. Everyone looked up except for Prof. X.

"Yeah, we're back. Don't make a big deal about it. Just tell us what's going on," Inuyasha growled, looking down at the table.

The prof. was the first to speak. "Magneto is planning to attack the Alcatraz."

Inuyasha nodded. "He's after the cure...but, why?"

"Appearently to destroy it," a blue furry man said, walking from the back of the group.

"Beast. Welcome back," the hanyou growled in greeting. "What's the plan?"

The prof. pointed to a small island on the map. "We protect here."

"Nice," Mimic said, smiling under his mask. "Very specific."

"He's going to strike tonight," Storm said, walking around the table. "Have all of your best students ready by then."

Inuyasha nodded. "Anyone who's ready." He walked to the door and opened it.

"You might want to check on Kagome." Inuyasha turned to face the prof. "She's really very worried about you."

Inuyasha nodded again before walking through the door and slamming into a smaller person. There was a small eep as the person hit the ground. Inuyasha smirked slightly, looking down at the girl.

"Funny," he smiled slightly. "This is how we first met."

The girl looked up at him and her cheeks turned slightly pink. "Inuyasha?"

"In the fur."

"B-but they said you disappeared."

Inuyasha smirked and held out his hand to help the girl up. "Well, I reappeared."

Kagome accepted his hand and was pulled quickly to her feet. "I'm glad you're back," she said, hugging him.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms loosely around her and smirked as he watched Mimic walk by. 'Glad I'm back,' he thought in his usual cocky tone.

Mimic frowned and kept walking. 'Bite me, dog-boy.'

There was a small growling noise and Kagome turned a darker shade of pink.

Inuyasha frowned and pulled back, leaning down so that they were at eye level. "When was the last time you ate?" Kagome looked away causing the hanyou to frown. "You're not doing anything 'till you eat," he growled, looking at the X-gear she was wearing.


"Nope," he lifted her up by the waist and carried her to the elevator.

"I can walk on my own y'know," he girl huffed.

Inuyasha smirked. "You obviously can't eat on your own."


"You walked right into that one."

Kagome smiled slightly, leaning against his chest. "I guess I did."

A/N: Who thinks the next mission will be the last? your going to just have to guess for now...