InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Destroying the Cure: The End of Following the Movies ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men...

"This is becoming too much of a habit for you, Inuyasha," Kagome said, smiling as she was carried slowly toward the large jet. Both she and Inuyasha were wearing their X-gear and were followed by Mimic, Storm, Beast, Wolverine, Shadowcat (Kitty), Tin Man, and Ice Man.

Inuyasha smiled down at her. "What's wrong? Would you rather walk?"

Kagome shook her head and leaned further into him. "No, that's okey."

Inuyasha smirked as he walked up the steps into the large jet. "Didn't think so," he said before lightly setting her down on one of the seats and sitting down in the one next to it. Kagome let out a small sigh of loss before buckling her seatbelt and sitting back to enjoy the ride.

Once everyone was buckled in, the jet took off and only minutes later, reached the Alcatraz island where the golden gate bridge had been relocated and Magneto's followers were charging toward the former prison. The jet went into stealth mode just as it reached the island and hovered at a low altitude for the various mutants inside to make their exit.

As soon as they hit the ground Inuyasha, Mimic, Storm, Beast, Wolverine, Kagome, Tin Man, and Ice Man made a line to protect the front of the prison while Shadow Cat jumped through the roof of the building.

Kagome looked around at the large battle field. It was almost identical to the one used in the Danger Room. Storm was the first one to charge forward, electricuting a dozen mutants, then the rest of the X-Men charged forward. She looked around for someone to fight or at least hold back, but found noone. All of the enemies were either human or being fought of by someone else and she didn't want to get in their way. This was exactly what happened during training.

She looked around and saw Magneto standing with Jean at the top of the bridge. She had to do something to help the others. She set her target and flew high into the air toward the older man and woman.

Only seconds later, she felt something hit her and knock her off course as Inuyasha grabbed her. He carried the young girl out of range of the two mutants before placing her down on the ground.

"Don't go anywhere near them ever again!" he barked before quickly running back to the large fight.

She looked down at the ground and hugged her knees to her chest. She felt completely hopeless. Every time she tried to help fight, she either almost kills herself or gets someone hurt. She closed her eyes, wishing everthing would just end. There was a small crashing sound and Kagome turned around in time to be crashed into by the almost lifeless body of Shadow Cat as she was thrown through the wall by an enormous man wearing a rock helmet.

Kagome looked around quickly for help, but everyone was preoccupied. The man looked down at her and smirked. "That's what you get, bitch, for gettin' in my way," he said in a slightly british accent. He then turned and began slowly walking away, into the building.

Kagome frowned and glared at the man's back. "Hey! Get back here!" she yelled without thinking.

The man stopped and looked over his shoulder. "And what is it you want, littl girl?"

Kagome turned red with anger. "You hurt one of my friends!" She raised a hand up and glared at him.

"So what? You think you can beat the JUGGERNAUT?!" he yelled, charging at her like an angry rhino.

Kagome's pupils began to dihilate as she glared unblinking at the charging monster. He was only a foot away from her when he was suddenly blown backward through the air, slamming through a dozen walls and out the other side of the building and into the water on the other side of the small island.

There was a puff of smoke and Mimic appeared beside her. "Whoa."

"I didn't need your help!" she growled, clenching her fists.

Mimic just chuckled and walked into the building in the same direction Juggernaut had been going.

"What's so funny?" she yelled after him as she quickly followed.

Mimc turned around and waited for her to reach where he was standing turning around. "It wasn't me."

Kagome looked at him disbelievingly. "Then who was it?"

Mimic looked down at her pointedly before walking away again. "We need to get the kid and get out of here," he said calmly as he walked toward a large hole in the cieling. He then started levitating slowly up to the next floor and began walking again.

Kagome did the same and followed him to a large metal door. "What kid?"

"He's the key to the cure. Without him it doesn't work," he explained before pulling one hand out of his pocket and raising it to the door. The door was slowly ripped from the wall and thrown across the room, landing with a large crash. There was a small puff of air and Mimic swore as he hit the ground, shaking.

Kagome turned to see a man in a lab coat holding what looked like a plastic gun. She looked back down at Mimic and decided that it was best she not get shot too. "What'd you do to him?" Kagome said, leaning down to check Mimic's pulse. It was a little fast, but otherwise normal.

The man smiled. "I cured him."

Kagome's eyes widened. "You mean you took away his abilities?"

The man shook his head. "No, I took away his suffering."

Kagome stood up and walked toward the man, her anger building with every step. "I don't know why you humans hate us so much," she growled. "We try to play nice, but you always have to ruin it by making weapons like these," she said angrily, pointing at the gun in the man's hand. "I'm going to give you to the count of three to put it"

"Stop right there!" the man said, his voice filled with fear.


The man pulled the trigger and a small dart flew toward Kagome. It began slowing down until it was only an inch away from Kagome's chest and it stopped, dropping to the floor harmlessly.

"You hurt one of my friends!" she walked slowly toward him, her pupils dihilating. Air began building around her, but stopped when a heavy hand touched her shoulder. Her pupils shot back to normal and the air disbersed.

"Don't worry about him, Kagome. We have a mission to complete!" Mimic said hurriedly.


"Let's go!" he grabbed her arm and practically dragged her into the small room where a confused child was sitting, just staring at them. Mimic walked over and grabbed the child before reaching up to his headset. "Yash! I got a special delivery south east wing!"

"I'm ready to sign!" a voice chuckled on the other side.

Without hesitation, Mimic tossed Kagome and the child through an open window before jumping out himself to land safely on his feet. He looked over to see that Inuyasha had caught Kagome and the kid and was now bounding off toward the jet. He stuffed his hands in his pockets before walking calmy in the sam direction.

A/N: NOOOOO!!!! NOT MIMIC!!!!!! and what's going on with Kagome...she's like freaking out...