InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Vacation's Over ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: At this point, ladies and gentlemen, I'm running on caffine and pain. They're the only two things keeping me awake. (yawns) my leg just cramped up so I can't move it. I can't do anything now but homework and writing fics...guess which one I chose. I'll even give you a hint...I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men... Again, I'm going to be changing Sango's personality because of the fact that I think it would be cool to have a shy Sango...

Inuyasha watched Kagome closely as she slumped down into one of the seats of the jet. "Kagome? What's wrong?"

Kagome rubbed her forehead and watched Mimic as he buckled the power taking kid into an empty seat. "Mimic...he..."

"What'd I do?" Mimic asked, finishing off the kid's buckle.

"Your powers..." Kagome looked up at him then back down at the ground. "They're gone."

Mimic smirked. "Great. I have a vacation."

Kagome was about to say something when Logan walked hurriedly into the jet followed by Storm, Iceman, Tinman, and Beast. They all quickly got into their seats and the jet took off.

"We're leaving kind'v quick aren't we teach'?" Mimic asked, yawning.

"Yeah, well, we have what we want and now it's time to get the hell outta here," Logan growled, trying to concentrate on the sky.

............................................................. ........................................................................... ..............

Kagome yawned and took a small sip of coffee as she walked slowly down the street. Mimic had left the school and gone back home because he no longer had his powers. Kagome found it somewhat unfair. He had been trying to do the right thing and he got burned for it. She looked up and down the dark streets. But what had he meant by vacation?

She yawned again before dismissing the thought. 'He must've meant he get's to relax from now on.'

"Hey, Kagome," a small voice said from behind her. She turned around to see Sango standing behind her, looking down at the ground.

"High, Sango. What's up?" Kagome greeted cheerfully.

Sango nodded in response.

Kagome looked down at her watch. "What're you doing out this late? It's almost midnight," Kagome said, concerned for her friend.

Sango smiled shyly, holding up a small grocery bag. "Panthers hunt at night."

Kagome giggled softly. "So, where're ya headed?" she asked, looking around at the dimly lit street. Most of the stores were already closed.

"I was just, uh, going back to the school," the woman said softly, as they both began walking toward the school.

"Cool, so am I," Kagome said, smiling.

The two young women walked slowly through the night toward the school. They were only a block away when a small envelope floated over to Kagome and hit her lightly on the forehead.

"Huh?" Kagome caught the envelope and looked at it. Sango stopped and turned to look at her friend. Kagome stared at it for a second before flipping it over to look at the front and her eyes widened.

"Kagome, it's addressed to you," the woman beside her breathed. "How creepy is that?"

Kagome nodded as she carefully opened it and looked inside. Inside was a small piece of paper. She pulled it out and unfolded it.

Vacation's over.

She stared at it for a second. "Vacation's over?" she thought out loud.

"Can I see that for a second?" Sango asked quietly.

Kagome looked up and handed the older girl the paper. She watched as Sango's eyes began to change color into a dark pink then purple. "What do you see?"

Sango looked up and her eyes went back to normal. "I thought there was something wrong with this." She handed the paper back to Kagome.

"Was there?"

Sango looked around nervously. "It was written in hot ink."

"Hot ink?" Kagome tilted her head to the side.

"Yeah. Ink that's been heated up."

"Oh," Kagome looked at the ground, feeling stupid.

Sango looked around before quickly dropping to all fours and turning into a panther. "Get on!"

"What's wrong?" Kagome looked down at her friend who was obviously spooked.

"Who ever wrote this knew about our powers and who we are," the panther said nervously, looking around. "We should go tell a teacher."

Kagome nodded and got onto the large panther's back. She was surprised when the cat took off at a run and was faster than most cars. The were in the safety of the school building only seconds later.

Kagome watched her friend turn back into a human then followed her to the mission room.

When they got there, the prof., Storm, and Miroku were already standing there. They didn't look pleased.

"Where have you been?" the prof. asked.

"We were, um-." Sango looked from the prof. to Miroku, then down at the floor. Kagome watched as the older girl grabbed her sleeves and began pulling them over her hands behind her back.

"Wait a second," Miroku said, his tone accusing as he raised his hand. The girl stopped, frozen in time.

Kagome watched in amazement as the man walked over and around Sango to look at her hands. He pulled her hands out of their sleeves and looked at them closely.

"She transformed. Why?" he said looking up at Kagome. Kagome pulled the small piece of paper out and handed it to him.

"How'd you do that?" she asked, looking at her frozen friend.

Miroku smiled as he looked down at the piece of paper. "I told you. They call me Freezeframe." He stared at it for a second before letting out a small chuckle. "It's just a puzzle. Don't worry about it," he said, handing her back the paper. "As for you," he turned to the frozen girl and smiled as he put a hand up to grab the back of her neck.

"What're you doing?"

"Knocking her out," Miroku explained before 'pressing play' on the time around Sango. The girl dropped backward into his arms and he lifted her up. "She shouldn't be awake after transforming completely."

Kagome followed him out of the room and down the hallway. "Why not?"

Miroku frowned. "When she transforms, her whole anatomy changes. That puts a lot of strain on her body when she changes back," he explained. "My question is, 'Why hasn't she thrown up yet?'" he looked down at the sleeping Sango and shrugged. "She must be getting stronger." He turned a corner before kicking open one of the doors and walking in.

Kagome watched through the open door as he set Sango down on her bed and tucked her in before walking out of the room again. She looked up at the older man curiously. "So what's your relationship to her?"

Miroku let out and exadurated sigh before turning to Kagome. "I'm her father."

Kagome gasped. "B-but how?"

Miroku laughed and began walking away. "I'm just joking."

Kagome ran for a second to catch up to him. "That wasn't funny." She paused for a second to look up at him. "Seriously."

"I'm her boyfriend," he said simply.

Kagome turned slightly pink. "Oh."

"Oi! Kagome!" Suddenly, Miroku disappeared as Inuyasha came running down the hall.

Kagome glared at where Miroku had been standing. 'When will they stop doing that?' She looked up at Inuyasha in time to see him stop before quickly hugging her to him. "Inuyasha?"

His hug nearly lifted her off of the ground. "What happened?"

Kagome pulled away and looked up at him. "Nothing. I just went to get some coffee," she said shakily as she began walking toward her room.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, watching her pull out her keys.

Kagome opened her door and walked in before turning around. "No," she said softly before slowly closing the door.

Inuyasha stared at the door for several minutes before sitting down next to it and waiting. A few minutes later, he knocked softly on the door and watched as it opened to reveal Kagome in her normal pink pajama's holding a small stuffed bear.

"Hey," He looked down into her eyes. "You siad you couldn't sleep and, uh, I thought that, maybe, I could help you sleep."

She stared at him for a second before realizing his secret meaning. She nodded and let him into her room. As soon as she turned the light off, he scooped her up and carried her to her bed. He sat down and kissed her on the forehead as she leaned into his chest. Minutes later, both fell into a dreamless sleep.

........................................................... ........................................................................... .......

"Good evening class," Inuyasha said, walking quickly into the Danger Room. "As you may or may not know, Mimic has left the academy because of various reasons." Inuyasha sniffed the air. "Wow this is akward."

"You can say that again, Dog-boy..."