InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Not Mutant (part 2) ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men... NOT OVER YET!!!

Inuyasha watched as four of his students walked quickly into the mission room and stood in a line, facing him.

"Alright," he smirked. "Panther, Mimic, Tinman, and Shadowcat," he said, walking passed them. "Do you know why you are here?"

"No," Mimic said, answering the question for the group.

Inuyasha nodded and frowned. "Retorical question, Mimic." He stopped walking and turned to face the small group. "We have an info collection mission."

Sango looked up at him questioningly. "A mission?"

Inuyasha looked down at the girl and gave her a wicked grin. "That's right. You've never been on a mission, have you?" The girl shook her head slightly, looking down at the floor. "It's okey. This mission will be completely safe." He saw her eyes light up slighty and smirked. "If you dodge the bullets." She frowned up at him. He turned over to the rest of the group. "I chose you guys because I can use all of you guys on this one," he frowned at Mimic. "Even you."

Mimic smirked. "Whaddya want dogman?"

"We're going back to the bunker." Inuyasha said simply. Everyone turned and stared at him. "It looks like we didn't destroy it completely, so we're going back to get some info."

Mimic didn't need to read Inuyasha's mind to tell that he was hiding something. "There's something else, isn't there?"

Inuyasha walked toward the Hanger door. "We'll see when we get there." He opened the door and walked toward the X- jet. "Let's go!"

The younger mutants walked toward the jet and followed him inside. Inuyasha sat down in the pilot seat and turned to look over his shoulder. "Mimic, get up here!" Mimic did as he was told and walked to the front of the jet.


Inuyasha motioned to the co-pilot seat. "You got shotgun."

........................................................ ........................................................................... ........................

Mimic looked walked slowly into the bunker with his hands stuffed into his pockets and watched as the other mutants split into three groups and walked down different paths.

"Mimic, take the north east wing!" Inuyasha ordered over his shoulder before walking down his own hallway.

Mimic nodded and walked through the door to his left. There was nothing but pipes and wires leading down the narrow path. He teleported to the end and looked around. It was a laboratory. He smirked, looking around at the different schimatics and blueprints on one of the walls. 'Wolverine was born here,' he laughed to himself as he looked around at the opposite side of the room. There were three tables. He walked over to the first one and inspected it. 'This was Logan's....once.' He picked up a long black hair. 'Looks like somebody else was here too.' He looked around suspiciously and pulled out a small throwing knife before sniffing the air. 'And she's still here.'

There was a loud crack as a woman lunged out from behind one of the walls and tried to tackle Mimic. He dodged out of the way before she could get to him. "So, the legendary Mimic has returned," the woman hissed as long metal claws began to come out of her fingers.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mimic growled, crouching low to the ground. "And what do you mean 'legendary'?"

The woman lauched herself at him again, this time slashing his arm. "I'm Lady Death Strike and you have been talked about for over a decade as the 'expeiriment that survived'," she hissed, lunging at him again and stabbing him through the stomach with her claws. He coughed up about half a pint of blood before falling to the ground. "You aren't that strong though," the woman said, smiling down at the young man.

Mimic smiled, slowly removing his sunglasses and throwing them aside. "Well, miss Strike Out," he growled, jumping to his feet. "I don't like it when people don't play fair. He removed his damged vest and threw it to the ground.

"So you can heal as he can?" she hissed, jumping backward a couple of yards.

"Wolverine? Yes. I can do a lot more than that though," he raised his hand. "I think it would be nice if I had a shiny piece of metal like yours to play with. Don't you?" A bright like shined around the man's hand and spread out into a cylinder as it dimmed. When the light disappeared, he held his sword out in front of him and pulled the blade out slightly. "Come at me."

The older woman held out her claws and jumped high into the air before diving down at Mimic with her claws outstreached. Mimic timed the drop and rolled forward, out of the range of her attack. She flipped and landed on her feet, but was stabbed through the heart before she could turn around.

Mimic smirked. "Just breaks your heart doesn't it?" The sword disappeared and Mimic cracked his neck as the woman dropped to the ground. "Bitch trashed my vest," the young man growled to himself, picking up the vest and looking through the four large holes in it.

.............................................................. ........................................................................... ............

Inuyasha walked slowly through the long hallway and into a small room. He sniffed the air. Nobody inside. There was a small table in the center of the room. An image flashed into his mind of his mother.

"What the hell?" He concentrated on the image and tried to see if he could remember anything else.


A young hanyou looked around the large room and tried to move. He looked down at his arms and legs. They were bolted to the table by iron strips of metal. He looked up to see two doctors staring down at him. One raised his/her hands over his head and he fell asleep.

End flashback...

Inuyasha looked down at the table at the small holes where, no doubtably, there had been bolts used to restrain something. He shook his head, trying to dispel the memory before exploring further around the room. It was full of papers that were too burnt to read, but there was one that caught his eye. He lifted up the chared peice of paper carefully and looked down at it.

"Last of the..." he narrowed his eyes at the next word, but it was unreadible so he went to the next. "..demons." The rest of the page was burned or smudged and therefore iledgible. He through it to the side and continued to explore the room.

The only other thing interesting thing he found was a small crumbled ribbon from what was an envelope that was addressed to the name Dr. Anderson. He looked back around the room one last time before walking back in the direction from which he came.

............................................................ ........................................................................... ....

Sango looked around as she walked in her panther form down the long hallway.

"Cheer up, Sango. It's not going to be that dangerous," Kitty said to the large cat.

Sango nodded as she padded slowly behind the young woman and Tinman. "But, I've never been shot at before," she said nervously.

"Being shot at actually isn't that scary," Tinman laughed, looking over his shoulder at the scared panther.

Sango frowned. "That's because you're made of metal." She turned to Kitty. "And bullets can just pass right through you," she whined.

Kitty turned her head to look at the large cat. "So?"

Sango growled softly at the denseness of her friends. "People hunt panthers using bullets!" she turned her head to check that nobody was following her. "I'm an open target."

Kitty stopped when they reached the end of the hall. "It's a dead end," she said, looking around.

.......................................................... ...........................................................................

Inuyasha walked slowly back onto the jet and looked around. Tinman, Shadow Cat, and Mimic were back. He looked around again.

"Where's Sango?"

"Up here," a small voice said behind him. Inuyasha turned around and looked up into one of the shelves.

"Hiding?" Inuyasha asked with a wicked grin.

Sango growled. "No. There aren't any seats for large cats on the jet so I'm going to stay up here," the panther said, lowering her head into her paws.

Inuyasha shook his head and walked to the pilot seat. "So, what'd you guys find?"

Mimic frowned, still staring at his torn vest. "Some bitch killed my vest," Mimic grumbled.

Inuyasha growled and started up the jet. "I'll be sure to join you at the funeral. Now what did you find?"

MImic frowned, looking up. "I found out that I've been there before."

"No shit! Tinman, Shadow Cat. What'd you find?"

Kitty looked out the window and frowned. "Nothing."

"I found something!" a small voice in the back of the jet squeeked.

Inuyasha turned the jet on a sharp left before responding. "What?"

"I'm not sure, but from the pictures that I've seen, I think it was Magneto," Sango said shyly.

"When? I didn't see anything," Kitty said, looking at the thin wall that seperated her from Sango.

"I looked through the wall. He was there with two others."

"But, why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"I didn't want to go in," Sango said, her voice growing smaller as she buried her face in her paws again.

........................................................... ........................................................................... ...........

Inuyasha walked slowly up the stairs, followed by a large panther as they walked to their rooms. Sango turned at her room and looked at the large 'doggie door' that hadn't been there before. She looked at the note on it and sighed.

'Miroku and his stupid ideas,' she thought to herself as she squeezed through it.

Inuyasha kept walking until he got to his door. He opened it and walked inside.

"Hello, Inuyasha," a very femanine voice said from across the room.

Inuyasha growled. "Waddya want Kikyou?"