InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Kikyou: Good or Bad? ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men....

Inuyasha growled. "Whaddya want Kikyou?"

The woman let out a hollow laugh. "Oh, Inuyasha. Is that any way to treat an old friend?"

Inuyasha growled and watched the woman as she walked into the light of the lamp. "You were never my friend!"

The woman frowned and walked slowly toward the hanyou. "But, Inu. All those months we spent together?" She moved closer to him until she was only a foot away.

Inuyasha bared his fangs as he spoke. "You betrayed me!"

She took a deep breath before looking him in the eyes. "Oh, Inuyasha. I didn't mean to hurt you. You know that."

"You told them where I was and helped them capture me!" he growled, grabbing the woman by the throat and slamming her into the wall.

Kikyou laughed and looked down at him from where she was being pinned to the wall. "They told me you were better off going back to the lab," she tried momentarily to struggle from his grip before going limp and staring down at him. "You should never have escaped in the first place," she whispered coldly.

Inuyasha tightened his clawed hand around her neck and growled. "Why are you here?" he repeated.

She frowned and tried to reach the ground with her feet. "I need a place to stay and you need answers."

Inuyasha's growl grew louder as he droped her to the ground. "You can't stay here so get out!"

Kikyou pushed herself to her feet and faked a pleading look. "Please, Inu. I don't have anywhere to go."

Inuyasha cracked his neck and flexed his claws. "I said, get out bitch!"

Kikyou moved forward and quickly wrapped her arms around him. "Please, Inu. I'll do anything! I'm sorry for what happened before. I really am!" she sobbed into his chest.

Inuyasha looked down at the woman and tried to figure whether or not she was lying. Finally, he caved. Grabbing the girls arms and prying them from around his waist, he looked down at her and frowned. "Fine. You can sleep on the floor," he growled, hating himself.

Kikyou forced a smile and nodded. "Thanks, Inu. I knew you'd help."


........................................... ........................................................................... ...........................

Kikyou looked down at the sleeping hanyou and smiled wickedly. 'Stupid little doggy,' she thought to herself as she pulled a small syringe from her sleeve. She lowered it slowly to his neck and inserted it into his jugular vain. Just as she was about to inject the hanyou, a small knife flew out of nowhere and through her arm, knocking it away from the sleeping hanyou.

Kikyou looked up to see Inuyasha standing, tossing another knife up and down. "Stupid little girl," he laughed.

She looked from the Inuyasha on the bed to the Inuyasha standing in front of her. "B-but, how did you-?" She was cut off by a second knife hitting her other arm in the same place as the first. She cried out in pain before looked up at the hanyou with pleading eyes. "Are you going to kill me, Inu?" She saw amusement in his eyes and frowned.

Inuyasha looked down at her and almost laughed. "I won't, but Inuyasha might," the hanyou laughed.

"And just what's that supposed to-?" She watched in awe as the man was surrounded by light and transformed quickly into a young man in all black. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out as she looked from Mimic to the copy of him that was still sleeping on the bed. "Who are you?" she asked, pulling the knives out of her arms.

"That's for me to know," he pulled his glasses off and looked down at the woman. "You weren't lying were you?"

"How did you get in here?" Kikyou asked, jumping to her feet and holding one of the blood covered knives to Mimic's neck.

"When you fell asleep, I teleported Inuyasha out of here and explained your plan to him. You'd best answer my question," he warned, watching the knife crush in Kikyou's hand.

Kikyou looked away. "No. I really don't have anywhere to go," she admitted, dropping the bent piece of metal that was a knife to the ground.

"You're after Inuyasha for that bounty on his head," he stated, reading her mind.

Kikyou nodded and looked at the ground. "Yes."

"What can you do?" he looked down at the syringe on the bed. "Beside betrayal and manipulation."

Kikyou frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"You're a mutant," Mimic observed.

Kikyou nodded. "I can take anything and negate it," she said, looking at her hands.

"Show me." Mimic smiled under his mask. Kikyou stared at him for a second before placing her hand on his vest. He looked down and watched as it turned from black to white. He then moved his hand up and turned it back. "Thanks."

"How'd you-." She looked at him, confused.

"They call me Mimic," he said, taking off his glove and holding out his hand.

Kikyou looked at his hand for a second before hesitantly shaking it. Mimic smirked and closed his eyes. Kikyou gasped as electricity was sent through her spine and into her brain. She shook uncontrolably as it spread through her body before dying down. As the energy left her body, she swayed for a few seconds before falling forward into Mimics arm, unconscious...

A/N: I'm not a definate fan of Kikyou, but you'll see what I did later... IF YOU REVIEW!!!!!!!!