InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ The Sword ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, X-Men or Maya... As a matter of fact I don't know yet who owns Maya so I can't make a real disclaimer....

The young woman opened her eyes slowly and watched as two dark yellow eyes faded into focus. She blinked a few times before jumping off of the table and ducking into a corner with her claws flexed and her fangs bared.

"Who are you?" she hissed, getting ready to pounce.

Mimic walked around the table and sat down, watching the girl as she got ready to attack him. "I'm the one who got you out of that laboratory." He watched her defense falter slightly. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said softly, trying not to spook the girl.

She looked around small lab and growled. "What're you going to do?" she growled, backing further into the wall behind her.

Mimic frowned and raised his hands so that she could see them as he walked slowly toward her. "Look, I'm unarmed. I just want to help."

She growled and backed away until she was against the wall. "Get away!"

Mimic looked deep into her eyes, reading her. After a few seconds, he began changing. The girls eyes widened as she watched the young man turn into an older hanyou. She stood up straight and took hesitant step forward.

"I-Inuyasha?" she looked up at his face. "How'd you get here?" she took another step forward and her gaze softned.

"Maya. You need to listen to me," 'Inuyasha' said softly. Maya immediately began to back away.

"You're not Inuyasha!" she growled. "He doesn't talk like that!"

Mimic changed back to his normal form and sighed. "So, I was right. You do know Inuyasha."

Maya nodded. "He was with me in the lab..." she frowned and looked away. "but, he got out."

Mimic looked at her and moved closer. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm one of the people who helped him when he got here."

She looked up. "Inuyasha's here?"

Mimic nodded. "Yeah. He's upstairs."

She relaxed her claws and her growl faded away. "Can I see him?" she asked, looking toward the door.

Mimic walked to the door and opened it. "You can do what you want, you're not a prisoner here."

She smiled slightly and followed him out of the room. "What's your name?"

"Mimic." He walked to the elevator and turned around. "You're bunking with me until we're sure you don't try something like dogboy did," he said, walking into it.

"What do you mean?" she asked, following him into the elevator. "What'd who try?"

He raised an eyebrow as he put his sunglasses on. "Let's just say that suicide's not the answer," he said, watching the doors open.

Her eyes widened. "Somebody tried to comit suicide?"

Mimic walked into the mission room. "Don't worry about it right now," he looked around at the people and whistled to get their attention.

One of the men growled an ripped off his cap to cover his ears with his hands. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!"

Mimic chuckled. "Hey, dogboy. You've got a vistitor," he motioned to Maya before walking out of the room.

Maya looked up at the hanyou and smiled. "Inuyasha."

Inuyasha cocked his head to the side before a lightbulb went off in his head. "Maya?"

.......................................................... ........................................................................... ..............................

The door opened slightly and Mimic turned his head to see Maya walking slowly into the room.

She looked around. "Why's it so dark?"

Mimic turned back to his computer and began typing again. "I can't see in the light." He motioned to the bed in the corner. "That's your bed."

"That's a bit backward isn't it?" she asked curiously, sitting down on the bed.

He pressed a button and the computer turned off. "What? I didn't know a bed could be backward," he said, walking over to his own bed and laying down.

Maya giggled before flicking a small hair out of her eye. "I meant not being able to see in the light."

He sat down on his bed and cracked his neck. "My eyes are oversensitive to light," he looked over at her confused face before laying down and staring at the cieling. "Everything looks brighter than it should. Too much light intake."

She nodded slowly. "Oh."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before she spoke again.

"You said 'dogboy' was the one who commited suicide."

Mimic looked at her through the corner of his eye. "Yeah, so?"

She looked down. "Inuyasha's 'dogboy' isn't he?"

Mimic sat up and looked over at her. "How do you know him anyway?"

She frowned. "We were kept in the same laboratory for a long time until you guys helped him," she said softly. "You didn't answer my question."


She looked away. "Why would he do something like that? I would've killed to have friends like he has."

Mimic smirked. "You met Kagome," he said, reading her mind. "and Sango, Kitty, Logan, and Storm." He looked back up at the cieling. "Good for your first day."

"You read minds don't you?"

Mimic raised his hand and pointed it at the light switch. "Yep." The light turned off. "Now, get some sleep. You've got classes tomorrow."

"Classes?" She looked at him, confused.

"You know. school?" He watched her tilt her head to the side and rolled his eyes. "You've never heard of a school?"

She shook her head. "No."

Mimic scratched the back of his head. "Oh, that's right. You've never been out of a fucking cage... A school is a place where kids learn stuff."

"I am not a kid!" she huffed.

Mimic rolled his eyes again. "Fine. You're fourteen, right?" She nodded. "Okey, then, it's a place where teenagers go to learn."

She smiled. "That's better."

He sat back against the wall and closed his eyes. "Kid..." he growled under his breath.

"I heard that!" she growled playfully.

He smiled to himself as he fell asleep.

.......................................................... ........................................................................... ...................................

Maya looked up at the young man standing above her. "Mimic? What're you doing?" She rubbed her eyes and watched him pull out a small drill. "Hey!" She watched him as he moved the drill closer and closer to her arm. "What the- AAAAGH!!!" she watched the drill as it dug deep into her arm, drawing blood and small bits of bone. Suddenly, everything went black and she felt her body being shaken violently.

She opened her eyes to see Mimic looking down at her. He slowly lowered her back to her bed. "You had a bad dream," he said, walking back to his bed. "I would never do that."

She used the back of her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "I know," she looked up at the cieling as she tried to even out her breaths.

Mimic raised his hand, turning the lights back on. He then walked over to the wall and pulled out a small square of it. He reached into the hole and pulled out a sword.

"What's this?" she looked down at the sword and looked at the bladed cross quard. "It's cool."

"It's my sword. It will protect you," he said, sitting down on his bed and leaned back against the wall.

"But, why are you giving it to me?" she looked from the sword to the young man.

He smirked. "It should also help with your sleeping troubles." He closed his eyes. "Go to sleep now," he said softly.

She looked down at the sword one last time before placing it down on the table beside her bed and laying back down to go to sleep.

A/N: I think that went well. You'll see why I gave her the sword later....