InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ The Firs Date/ First Day of School ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, X-Men, or Maya...

Mimic and Maya walked into the mission room and got in line just in time for their class to be called.

Mimic turned to the younger girl and motioned for her to follow him. "Let's go."

When they got to the classroom, the students sat around a large table and waited. After a few minutes, the professor came into the room and stopped at the front of the room.

"Hello class," he looked up at Maya and smiled. "I see we have new student. Maya, is it?" Maya nodded quickly. "How much do you know about your powers, Maya?" he asked evenly.

She glanced over at Mimic who nodded to her before looking back at the professor. "I'm not sure."

"Why don't you give us a little demonstration?" the man asked, motioning to the sink.

Maya nodded and walked over to it, turning it on. She stood back and held her hands up. After a few seconds, nothing happened and she bared he fangs, growling. The water immediately flew toward her and stopped at the palms of her hands and began spinning until it became small spheres. The spheres began to spin faster and faster as they began to shrink. Eventually they slowed down and the girl held up two perfect spheres of ice for the professor to see.

Professor X nodded and the spheres floated over to the sink, hovering for a second before quickly melting. She then walked over to sit back down. "So, Maya. You have studied the physics of water," the professor stated, looking at the girl with interest.

Maya's ear flicked and she looked up. "Physics?"

The prof. nodded. "You knew how to slow down the molicules enough to freeze them."

Maya looked held her hand up and water vapor began to collect in her palm. "I guess."

Mimic smirked. "An aquapath that doesn't have a clue what she's doing somehow keeps doing what she's doing."

Maya looked over at him. "What?"


...................................... ........................................................................... ....

Inuyasha walked into the cafeteria and sat down. Kagome quickly sat down on the seat across from him.

"Hi, Inuyasha," she said, smiling.

Inuyasha looked up at her and smirked. "What's got you so happy?"

Kagome looked around for her newest friend, but frowned when she couldn't find her. "New student."

"Maya?" Inuyasha tried not to laugh. "You two are friends already?"

Kagome turned around in her seat to look behind her. "Yeah, but I can't seem to find her."

Inuyasha sighed and tapped her on the shoulder. "Leave the girl alone. She's been locked up all her life. She needs some time to go where she wants," he looked into her eyes in an effort to get his point across subtly. "Trust me. I know," he said pointedly.

"Oh. Right," Kagome sat down and looked down at the table. "So, where do you think she is?"

"Kagome..." Inuyasha warned.

She shrugged. "I'm just worried about her, that's all."

Inuyasha sighed and went back to eating. "Mimic's taking her around the city for an hour."

........................................................... ................................................

"Whoa," the girl said, her ice blue eyes wide as she looked up at the giant "M" that was above the door to McDonalds.

"You wanna eat here?" Mimic asked, looking into the restaurant.

"Sure." the girl said, looking into the small building.

"Have you ever even seen TV?" Mimic asked, following her into the building.

"TV?" she asked, walking up to the counter.

"Nevermind," the young man said, shaking his head.

Maya looked up the menu and her eyes widened. "What should I get?"

Mimic looked around at the mostly empty restaurant and shrugged. "Whatever you want."

"Hm..." she looked around at the menu. While Mimic looked around suspicsiously.

"How about I just get a bunch of stuff and you just take what you want?" Mimic offered evenly.

Maya nodded and watched as Mimic walked up to the counter. A few minutes later, he walked back over to her with a large tray of food and led her to a seat. "You can go ahead and eat whatever you want," Mimic said, setting the tray down and sitting down on the seat across from her.

She looked at the food then up at him. "Aren't you going to eat anything?"

Mimic chuckled and scratched his head. "I already did."

Maya's ear flicked slightly. "You sure your not hungry?"

Mimic nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. You should eat. I'm sure they didn't feed you much in there," the boy said, amused by the look on her face.

"Okey," she said smiling. as she picked up a hamburger. "So, are you and Kagome friends?" she asked, looking down at the sandwich, trying to figure out how to get the wrapper off.

Mimic flicked his finger and a claw appeared. He cut open the wrapper and she nodded in thanks. "Yeah. She just got here a few weeks ago."

Maya looked up at him over her burger. "Oh," she said in a muffled reply.

Mimic smiled slightly under his mask. "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full."

The younger woman swallowed her food before speaking again. "Okey." She looked down at the mask on his face and cocked her head to the side curiously. "Why do you always wear that mask?"

Mimic thought for a second before taking off his glasses and looking the girl in the eye. "Old habits, I guess." He looked out the window. "There was a fire a while back and I went in to see who I could save. I was able to get a few people out, but when I went back, a large peice of wood fell from the cieling. I looked up and it hit me square in the jaw," he explained. He looked up at her and sighed. "I went back to the academy instead of the hospital and was healed partially in the infirmary."


"Yeah, they were only able to get rid of the bacteria and infections and stuff like that so I didn't get sick, but I still had some nasty scares." He took a deep breath. "But, a year later, I met Logan and used his power to fully heal my face. Now I wear the mask because it's comfortable."

"Oh," she said, staring at the mask.

"Do you always wear your tail like that?" he asked, pointing to her tail which was now wrapped around her waist. "I've never seen a furry belt before."

She looked down at her tail and then back up to him. "Well, I was told that I had to blend in and Kagome suggested the belt and cap," she explained, frowning at the fact that her tail couldn't move as it wanted to.

"Right," Mimic said slowly, raising an eyebrow.

"You're lucky," she said, looking down at her food.

"Sure," the older man laughed.

"What's so funny?" she huffed.

Mimic raise his hand and a black cap appeared in his hand. He then used his other hand to point at his head where two black furry ears appeared. "Feel better now?" he asked, securing the cap over the ears.

"Yep." She smiled up at him.

Mimic pulled his jacket sleeve up and looked down at his watch. "You should eat quick. We need to get back. Inuyasha's class is next."

"Inuyasha's a teacher?" Maya asked, her eyes widening slightly.

........................................................ ........................................................................

Mimic and Maya walked into the building and removed their caps. Mimic's disappeared as he watched Maya unwrap her tail from her waist.

"So, what does he teach?" Maya asked as they walked down the hallway.

"Danger room."

She looked up at him her expression slightly scared. "Danger Room?"

Mimic laughed slightly. "It's just holograms. Don't worry about it. It's not actually dangerous."

She let out a sigh of relief. "Oh."

Mimic opened the door and both walked into the Danger room where Inuyasha was already standing with the other students.

He looked at them and raised his hand to his headset. "Simulation start." The white room disappeared and was replaced by a large fighting ring. Inuyasha turned to the group and smirked. "In the past week, I've been teaching you about different weapons. All together, I've only been teaching you about firearms. Now, I'm going to teach you about something a bit more fun," Inuyasha pulled his sword from his belt. "Quiz time. What is this?"

Mimic raised his hand and smiled wickedly under his mask. Inuyasha pointed to him and he spoke. "It is a katana. The blade is aproximately 39 inchs and it's name is Tessaiga. Am I correct?"

Inuyasha chuckled slightly at Mimic's ability to read minds before shaking his head. "No, actually Mimic, the blade is 42 inches."

"Damn, I knew I should have added those extra three inches," he growled to himself sarcastically.

"Well today, we're learning about how to use a sword," Inuyasha said, ignoring Mimic's comment. He turned around and began walking into the middle of the ring. "Maya." Maya looked up. "Do you still know how to use a sword?" he asked without turning around. The girl nodded. "Grab one from the box to the side and get up here. Today, our lesson will be sparing." He turned around and watched the girl walk toward the large box.

"Wait!" Mimic called, standing up.

"What?" Inuyasha watched a sword appear in Mimic's hand. Mimic walked over to Maya and handed it to her.

"Here's your sword," he said, walking away.

Maya looked down at it before smiling at him appreciatively. "Thanks." She walked up to the middle of the ring and stood opposite Inuyasha. "I'm ready."

Inuyasha drew his sword and it transformed instantly in his hand into a giant fang. "Just like old times, huh?" he said, looking down at the girl as she pulled her own sword from it's sheath.

She looked from the swords blade to Mimic and frowned. "This swords got no edge. It's dull." she yelled over to him.

Mimic smirked. "Just try fighting with it!"

Maya nodded and held the sword up in front of her. Suddenly, water began forming around the blade and formed and edge on the blade. "Whoa."

"It taps into your powers!" Mimic explained.

Maya nodded and got ready to fight. Inuyasha did the same and they charged at the same time. Inuyasha missed the first strike when Maya flipped over him. She turned around and hit him in the spine with the end of the hilt. "Still too slow Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha growled as he stumbled forward before falling. He rolled immediately to his feet and held Tessaiga up in front of him. He lunged forward and slashed through a thin layer of ice. "What the fuck?"

"Hey, Inuyasha!" He turned around to see Maya standing behind him. "Still falling for the reflection trick?"

Inuyasha growled and attacked again. Maya caught the attack with her own sword and knocked his back. She then moved in a blur as Inuyasha stumbled backward. Suddenly, Inuyasha looked down at the blade at his throat and gulped. "Fine, you win." He watched as the sword was lowered.

"I always do," Maya winked.

A/N: I fear girls who can fight....