InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Computer Chips, Successes, and Failures.... ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, X-Men, or Maya...

Mimic's eyes shot open and he watched as Maya stood up and walked slowly toward the window. Her eyes were shining red and her expression seemed completely vacant. Mimic tried to read her mind as she opened the window, but it was completely clouded as if she was brain dead. He sat and watched as she jumped out into the night and frowned.

'Shit!' He stood up and grabbed his sunglasses and vest as he left the room.

He walked down the hall to Inuyasha's room and knocked on the door. "Yo! Dogboy!"

"Whaddya want, Mimic!" A sleepy growl replied.

"Get up! Maya's in trouble!" He smirked when the door shot open to reveal Inuyasha already wearing his tactical gear. "Do you ever take that stuff off?"

Inuyasha shook his head. "Do you?" Mimic laughed to himself.

'No.' "Alright. Before you say anything, I'm sorry I didn't notice it before-"

"Just spit it the fuck out!" the hanyou growled.

"Fine, dogboy. Your little sister's got a computer chip in her head."

Inuyasha raise and eyebrow. "What? I don't have a- oh."

"We don't have much time so I'll paraphrase. The brain uses electricity to communicate with itself and diferent parts of the body. If those fuckers who had her found out how to decode those elecrical pulses, then they could control them, right." Inuyasha nodded slowly as he tried to catch up with what the younger man was saying. "Well they put a little chip in her cerebellum and it-"

"Cera- what?" Inuyasha looked at him as if he was crazy.

"The fucking movement center of the brain! They're controling her movement dumb shit!" Mimic yelled, his glasses nearly falling off. He took a deep breath as he flicked his glasses back onto his eyes. "Now go wake up Kagome. Three should be enough. We're only going for survailence.

Inuyasha backed away slightly before picking up his gun from behind the painting on the wall next to the door and walking past Mimic to get Kagome.

Mimic turned around and began to transform. His ears moved to the top of his head and turned into small triangles. His nails grew into claws and his fangs grew slightly longer. He then turned and walked to the door where Kagome was now walking out and yawning. "Alright, let's go. Kagome either fly or let Inuyasha carry you." He ordered, pushing his door open.

Kagome looked up at him questioningly as she followed him into his room. "Wait, what're you talking about?"

Mimic dove through the open window and dropped down three stories, landing softly on the ground. "Let's go!"

Kagome let out a small 'eep' as Inuyasha grabbed her and jumped through the open window to follow the younger man as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop.

Inuyasha looked up to Mimic and frowned. "Where did she go?"

Mimic sped up slightly. "I don't know. That's why we're following her scent!" he yelled back.

Inuyasha looked down at Kagome who was looking worriedly up at Mimic. "You okey?"

"Huh?" Kagome looked up as she broke from her trance. "Oh, right. I'm fine."

Inuyasha growled before looking up to see where he was going. "No your not. Just tell me."

Kagome sighed and looked back over at Mimic. "Did you notice that he's been acting different lately?"

"Who? Mimic?" Inuyasha missed a roof and droped to the ground before quickly rebounding back to the next rooftop. "No."

Kagome smiled. "That's because you're just too dense."

Inuyasha smirked. "That was a cheap shot."

"I know," she said, closing her eyes. Suddenly, both her and Inuyasha were lifted into the air and flew after Mimic. "Now you can relax," Kagome said, smiling. "You didn't notice that there hasn't been one sarcastic remark since three days ago?"


"The same day that Maya got here," Kagome said pointedly.

"Keh, whatever."

Kagome laughed slightly to herself. "And he's a bit too protective," she said looking away and pointing at the hanyou.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing." Kagome said, looking up at the sky innocently.

"Drop!" Mimic yelled, stopping in mid-air and dropping into a small alley.

Kagome stopped Inuyasha and herself and lowered them quickly into the same alley. "What's happening?" Kagome asked, jumping out of Inuyasha's arms and landing on the ground.

Mimic moved along the wall and looked around the corner. "She just went into a building," Mimic said, turning back around the corner and removing his glasses.

"So?" Inuyasha growled.

Mimic's eyes turned purple and he looked back at the building again. "It's crawling with guards and all types of toys that I haven't seen since my days in SWAT."

Kagome watched as the young man's eyes went back to normal and he replaced his glasses. "So, what do we do?"

An all too familiar wicked smile appeared under his mask. "Whatever's necessary," he laughed, nodding to Inuyasha. "You and Kagome clear out what you can. I'll take out everybody else."

"Who made him boss?" Inuyasha growled as he and Kagome followed the younger man toward the building.

Mimic undid the clasps on his vest a he walked and it fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"What the fuck's in that thing?" Inuyasha asked, walking past the vest.

Mimic began pulling throwing stars out and throwing them into the air where they froze and began to spin as they orbited his body. "It's weighted. Eighty pounds," he said hurriedly as he ripped off his glasses and threw them to the ground. Soon they were at the front of the building and the two guards pulled out their guns and aimed them at Mimic.

"Stop right there!" one of the men yelled. Mimic raised his hand and two of the shuriken flew forward and through the man's head.

He turned to the second man and growled. "Lower your weapon or die!" the second man dropped his gun and raised his hands above his head. Mimic walked past him and into the building. The first room was completely empty. Mimic used his infrared vision to look through the walls. He then pointed to the first door to his left and Kagome and Inuyasha went to it.

Inuyasha kicked the door down and walked in. Three men froze and turned to look at him before quickly ducking to the side and grabbing various assault rifles. Bullets flew towards Inuyasha from various direcitions and slowed to a stop in front of him. Inuyasha looked to the young woman beside him and growled slightly. "Thanks Kagome, but I don't need your help."

Kagome smiled and dropped the bullets to the floor. "Doesn't matter. Your getting it."

Inuyasha dissapeared and the three men appeared in the middle of the room in a pool of their own blood. "Not much it would seem," he said, smirking.

"You need to stop making a show everytime you hurt somebody," Kagome said, rolling her eyes as she walked toward the door to her left. "People will start thinking you enjoy it."

Inuyasha gave her a fanged grin. "Ah, but I do."

Kagome walked into the next room and raised her hands. The six men in body armor flew back into the walls behind them and dropped to the ground. She turned to Inuyasha and crossed her arms. "See? That's how you do it."

Inuyasha chuckled. "Well I'm not like you and Mimic. I can't just raise my hand and knock everybody out."

"It's more complicated than that!" the younger girl huffed.

Inuyasha just smiled and shook his head as he walked to the door.

............................................................ ........................................................................... ......

Mimic punched the brick wall in front of him and it shattered. He walked through the large hole and frowned. There she was. In the small room. Maya lay unconcsious on a small metal table. Mimic looked around for a trap, but found none. When he was satisfied that it was safe, he walked slowly into the room and toward the table.

There was a loud crack and the sound of sliding metal. He spun around in time to see metalic walls dropping around the room. 'Shit!' He looked down at the young hanyou on the table as her eyes shot open. They were still bright red as they turned to look at him. Mimic growled and got ready to defend himself.

"Mimic. You've come home," a voice said through an invisible speaker.

Mimic looked up at the cieling. "I'm just here for the girl! Let her go before I make you!"

"Don't forget, brother, I know your weaknesses." the voice laughed. Maya sat up and got off of the table. Her red eyes focused on Mimic as she walked slowly forward.

Mimic jumped back a few yards and crouched low to the ground. "Then why don't you come down here and try to kill me yourself?"

The voice laughed again. "And miss the look on your face when your killed by a girl? Never."

Mimic waited until Maya was exactly three feet away before lunging forward and flipping over her. She looked up slowly and was caught off guard when he grabbed her in a headlock. "Not gonna happen." Mimic kicked the back of her knees, knocking her to the ground. He then pinned her down as he searched her head for a bald spot.

"You've gotten smarter," the voice commented.

Mimic found what he was looking for and positioned two claws at the spot. "Maya. If you can hear me, this is going to hurt." He drilled his claws past the skin on her head and her carefully moved his claw through the small hole in her skull to flick a small piece of plastic out. Maya's eyes turned back to an icy blue before rolling back into her head and closing.

The young man then stood up and lifted the girl up bridal style. He looked up to the ceiling agian and growled. "And your still a dumbass!"

"This is what happens when I try to be nice. It always comes back to bite me in the ass," the voice said. Small vents appeared in the metal walls and green gas began to flow into the room. Mimic smirked and walked toward the wall. With a quick kick, he made a small hole. A second kick widened the hole enough for him to walk through. He walked through and began walking out of the building, demolishing any doors in his way.

When he got out of the building, Mimic turned around with Maya still in his arms and sighed. 'They're not out yet.' He disappeared and reappeared in the small room where Inuyasha and Kagome were fighting off bullets and held Maya with one arm while he grabbed them with the other. They all disappeared and were teleported out of the building.

Inuyasha turned to look at him. "Couldn't you have done that before?"

Mimic shook his head and steadied the unconcsious young woman in his arms. "I didn't know what I was moving through. Once I do, I can go wherever I want." He shrugged. "Short distances though." He handed Maya to Inuyasha. "Hold her for a second. She needs to get back and fast. She's got a brain injury." Inuyasha looked at the girls head which was still bleeding.

Mimic grabbed both Inuyasha's and Kagome's shoulders and closed his eyes. They all disappeared and reappeared ten blocks away. He did this four times until they appeared in the infirmary. Mimic walked over to the nearest bed and set Maya down on it before teleporting Inuyasha and Kagome back to their rooms and sitting down on a chair beside the girls bed.

He laughed softly to himself. "So, my brother's alive. He should've died with the other failures."

"Failures?" an older man asked, wheeling toward the young man.

"Xaviar," Mimic looked up slowly. He smirked. "Hiding again I see."

"I wasn't hiding. I was checking to see that the girl you fried was okey."

"Heh. You know about that?"

"There are few things that go on around here that I don't know about," the professor moved to look at the unconcsious girls head. "One of those exeptions is what's going on in your mind."

Mimic chuckled slightly. "Yeah. That is the best thing about being me."

"Hm?" The professor looked up.

"Only I know what's going on in this sick twisted little world," Mimic said, pointing to his head.

The professor dismissed the joke and leaned back in his chair. "You said something about failures?"

"Experiments," Mimic looked down at the girls motionless body and sighed. "Similar to Maya. Accept they died in the process."

The professor raised an eyebrow. "What sort of experiments?"

"Mutant DNA. That's how they found a cure," he motioned to the girl. "That's why she's a mutant."

"So you noticed it too."

Mimic nodded. "I'm sure you found out about the chip."


Maya began to stir and her eyes opened slightly. "W-why me?" She asked, trying to move.

Mimic looked up and frowned. "Don't move." Maya stopped moving immediately. "You were naturally stronger than the others. That's why they picked you for their little games," Mimic explained. He smiled slightly and his voice grew low. "So, my brother isn't an idiot after all." He stood up and began walking toward the door.

There was a small thud behind him and a small 'oof'. He turned around and disappeared, reappearing next to Maya. He looked down at her and growled. "I told you not to move."

She began trembling. Her body wouldn't move when she told it to. "I can't get up," she cried softly.

The professor wheeled around the table and looked down at her. "You have minor brain trauma from that emergency surgery that Mimic did on you. You need rest and in a few weeks you should be fine."

Maya felt herself being rolled over onto her back and lifted up. She looked up to see Mimic's emotionless eyes looking forward as he carried her back to his room. "There's something you're not telling me isn't there?" she asked, trying to see through his eyes.

He forced a smile and looked down at her. "Nope. Ask away. I'll tell you everything."

"What's your brother got to do with all of this?" she asked weakly.

Mimic kicked his door open and walked in. "Everything. He was the original success."

"The original success?"

A/N: to be continued....I just noticed… NOBODIES FUCKING REVIEWING WHAT’S WITH THAT!? It’s boring when nobody reviews. That’s bad. Do you know why. When things bore me, I don’t finish them…