InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutual Satisfaction ❯ Mutual Satisfaction ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own Inuyasha. Yadda yadda yadda.

Mutual Satisfaction

Sesshoumaru came home that evening, he had been gone for some time patrolling the western lands. Kagome had long since taken up residency in his own room. They were now what could be considered by some lovers. Not mates, for a Miko and a Youkai could never truly be mates, at least not for bearing children. But Kagome and Sesshoumaru were not interested in having children together, they were only interested in eachother. After the battle with Naraku and Inuyasha leaving Kagome behind to be in hell with Kikyou. Strange occurances had shaped the now fully bloomed relationship of Sesshoumaru and Kagome. They at first had become traveling companions. He only admitting to his fascination of her in small mysterious doses. She only admitting to finding him "half attractive", whatever that meant. Finally one night after a rather heated discussion, the topic being one of relationships and how to survive through them. All cold facades and brick walls were melted away and destroyed. Simple gazes and heated touches became the more interesting development between two people whom always tried to hide such taboo activities, one finding them weak and unnecessary and the other too proud and fearful of the repercussions.

Soon after they had both come to the realization that in life, their was benefit and detriment. And that this affair was definitly a beneift with no real detriment, of course maybe the fact that they had given in to eachother's wanton desires with primal lust might have been the only pyschological setback, and they could live with that. As long as no one openly admitted it to them they would be fine revealing it to eachother. That was really all they had was eachother. Sesshoumaru had given care of Rin over to Sango and Miroku, he knew they would be much better fitted to bringing her up then he could, but he did visit her ever so often. Sango and Miroku had finally settled their diffrences and married. Kagome was very happy for them, and she never discussed the details of her very personal relationship to Sesshoumaru to anyone, not even them. For she felt that some things were just better left unsaid....unheard...unknown. Not that she was ashamed. Quite the contrary. There had been many nights after a long endurance race (as to whom could last the longest in bed) that visions of her screaming to the world how very happy and pleasured she was by him would dance her mind. She'd laugh them off, knowing that Sesshoumaru would not approve of such strange and vile behavior. But she also knew that secretly in his mind he would probably smirk, thinking it quite lovely to see her do such a thing.

The relationship between the two was an interesting one, full of friendship and deep want for the other. Often, after making the sweetest love to eachother they would lay next to one another in bed, laughing and talking for hours on end about anything in the world. Kagome and Sesshoumaru felt free. Often times he need'nt speak a word to her, a simple gesture or a gleam in his amber eyes gave her all the knowledge in the world she needed. Their laughter could be heard down the cold corridors of the castle in the realm of the Western Lands. When Sesshoumaru laughed for the very first time Kagome swore her heart stopped. His laughter was the sweetest sound of release she had ever heard. She felt as if heaven held its breath to hear the mighty Lord of the Western Lands finally release what he always had inside. But instead of truly making a fuss, the rather clever Kagome merely laughed beside him, co-existing in his freedom to express, not wanting to waste such a moment in deep fascination. She just accepted it and went on with what was natural. What was always natural to them. Sesshoumaru had inwardly praised her for being so kind to him that night. He had truly let go of himself and it felt wonderful. Another benefit, he thought. If it feels good and it feels natural then it couldn't possibly be detriment. Sesshoumaru began to shake the incessant feeling of nit-picking everything, he decided that for once in his life he would give in, and that giving in was not a weakness, this Sesshoumaru was not weak, ever. It could actually in all honesty be a very strong and powerful thing, if handled the proper way.

The evening was warm and the humidity stuck in the air like low lying clouds causing mist to fade the trees. Sesshoumaru's senses picked up on Kagome. She was in his room, on his bed. She was alone but he could smell her heightened arousal and he could hear the soft moans exiting her delicous mouth. He moved toward the door. He slid the screen only slightly, so quietly as to not disturb her. He looked in on his beautiful Kagome, she was lying on his bed, naked, a sheer blanket of sweat covered her entire body, she was bathed in the light of the glowing full moon shining through the window. She was stunning. He watched her body writhe and squirm, she was pleasureing herself right before him, at first he felt ashamed to watch her, but when he heard the whisper of his name upon her soft lips he caved. He moved the screen further to enter. The scent of the room was both heavy and intoxicating all at once. He found it hard to breathe. He stood over the futon watching her as he remained quiet and almost non-existent. He was overwhelmed in watching this beautiful woman give into her desires so instinctively. She moved one hand in a circular motion over her bundle of nerves, her hips bucked in an upward motion. Her eyes remained closed, sometimes tightly sometimes relaxed. Her face contorted in swirls of pleasure and frustration from lack of releaving the pressure soon enough. He watched her breasts swell and move upwards with every breathe her body took in, her nipples were taut and erect, she playfully tugged each one with gentle shared appreciation. Her full thighs and calves moved in fluid motion back and forth, often gliding against eachother as she squeezed her hand tightly inside her self. She moaned and mewed in a soft tender voice that echoed throughout the room, sending chills all over Sesshoumaru's body. He was mesmerized, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was a remarkable scene to witness. He almost lost all ability to stand when he heard her heartbeat race to an incredible speed, her blood pumped violently into her veins, her breathing became ragged. Her hips girated quickly, she was coming close to her orgasm. He could feel it as much as he could feel himself growing, straining through his haori, he was hard as steel, his member demanded to be released from it confines and ravage the woman before him. She moved faster and faster with her agile fingers. Words mumbled incoherently from her soft supple lips, her tongue darted in and out of her mouth occasionally to moisten her ever drying flesh. Sesshoumaru desired nothing more then to take over and be the one to create the whirlwind of pleasure he was so excellent at inducing. But he held fast. His interest was sparked and he wasn't about to let her down, he wanted to see her pleasure herself. He wanted to see her do it, he wanted to know what she looked like while thinking of him. His muscles in his groin moved in simple motions, girating in a useless effect to cure himself of his own frustrations. He couldn't help it, she brought out the carnal lust in him. He watched her mouth open slowly, her breathing holding, her silent moans and mewing caught within the confines of pure concentration as the wave washed over her body, she jerked up off the bed and whispered in a hush tone Sesshoumaru's name that sounded beautifully deafening to his ears. He gasped without realizing it. Slowly he watched her eyes open, ever so slowly. He was sure she had heard him gasp. But she did nothing, she merely opened her lids to reveal those beautiful brown eyes, looking straight at him, full of lust and gratification. Her body was lax and her breathing was leveling to a normal rythym. Her finger removed itself from it's confines within her folds, she moved it up her stomach and trailed it over her breasts leaving a wet sticky trail in the process, she moved her finger to the edge of her lips, all the while staring deeply into Sesshoumaru's eyes. He was transfixed, he was on the edge, his anticipation of just what her next move might be held his fascination. But before he could restrain a groan from the possibilities she slid her finger into her mouth and wrapped her lips greedily around it. Suckling the sweet taste of her own essence. He moaned aloud. How could this woman conjure such deep want and need from such a gesture. He reveled in the moment. He was quickly jolted from it when she giggled and laughed playfully at him.

"I missed you Sess, I wondered when you'd be coming back."

"You knew I was here the entire time."

"Not at first, but I smelled your delicous scent the moment you slid the door open, and I was already so close, and you didn't seem like you minded from how quiet your intrusion was, so I decided to finish what I had started."

Sessahoumaru nodded and smirked.

"Did you enjoy watching me Sesshoumaru?" She asked flirtaciously, her eyes dancing wickedly with the gleam of the moon.

"Yes...I did, do it again."

"Pleasure myself?" The innocent look in her face gave way to a new found delight in wanting her.

He smirked as he lightly chuckled, "No...come for me."

She smiled as he growled possessively crawling over her body.

*The End~

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