InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutual Satisfaction ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Possesive Kingdom
Possum Kingdom-by the Toadies

Make up your mind
Decide to walk with me
around the lake tonight
by my side

Kagome walked stealthly across the low field. Wondering just exactly how long this invitation with Sesshoumaru would last. They had been doing this strange dance-like walk in the late evenings together for some time. It first started with Kagome walking alone, along the rivers and lakes. Pondering just how long Inuyasha would be with the clay-animate woman. She would talk aloud to herself. Insisting no one go with her. Wishing to be alone in her thoughts. She was alone until he decided to intrude upon her one semblance of peace. It wasn't really peace she was interested in, more like painful regret in wanting someone she couldn't have, she wanted the time to wallow in her own self pity. But that had all ended when he decided at first, not to speak anything to her. Just walk beside her. At first he did this far away from her. He was only nearly visible to her, watching her with those beautiful firery golden eyes. Soon after rye comments from Kagome and soft gestures he moved in, closer and closer each time. He still said nothing. Words needn't be spoken between Sesshoumaru and a ningen. At least that was what Kagome thought.
Soon that would all change, she would carefully carve her words into the evening air, his only acknowledgment he was listening was a quick nod or glance in her direction. Always her asking unanswered questions, or incessant babble about herself. She learned quickly not to say anything. Just to merely enjoy his company. But he finally came to ask questions and answer a few of her own. When he spoke it was wonderful. The first time he answered her she thought the world had ended, every bird stopped chirping, the water was silent, the wind stilled, the crickets ceased, it seemed that the very earth had completely lost rotation and decided to take a slight rest upon his voice. She some how felt safe around Sesshoumaru, and in the recent months, dare she say it. She had become down right fond of him. It was becoming harder and harder for her to mask her feelings for him. She often contemplated how and when this feeling came into the situation. Maybe it was that long silver hair that seemed to caress her arm and then sway gently and seductively back to his hips as if teasing her to touch him back. She often wondered if he had control over his hair, or it just went with the winds desire. Maybe it was his jawline. Such a strange feature to fall for, but standing next to an over 6ft tall Inuyoukai it simply couldn't be helped. It was a very prominant feature that looked quite edible in her opinion. She had never met a man or demon who held himself so confident in stature. His jawline framed his beautiful face so perfectly, he was more demanding and mysterious then the pyramids of Egypt. And more tangible then the stars in the sky. He seemed plucked from heaven itself. How could a creature referred to as a "Demon" be so God like in features? Features that caused Kagome to feel so inferior in her own. She felt so beneath him. Yet she held her head high and maintained what little confidence she did have in front of him. It seemed to Kagome that Sesshoumaru would except no less of any creature. Maybe it was those burning gold eyes? Each one held the very color of the sun, as if the setting rays had kissed the surrounding pupils in colors of the ending day. She wasn't quite sure what it was, she knew she could represent each thing about him and think it a good case against her will. She was crumbling fast. Her desire was causing heated pools of desire to exhaust her sleeping mind. She became shy and rejected from the walks as of late. But tonight she didn't care. She was tired of trying to hide things, she was tired of walking. She wanted it to end. The torment of once again not having what she truly wanted. Of course what it was she wanted exactly from Sesshoumaru she couldn't quite explain even to herself. She decided to contemplate it during the walk. He seemed very interested in her during this walk, as if he knew it would be their last. That was when he asked her a question that rocked her from her thoughts and jolted her very body into a torrent of emotions. His voice seemed huskier and deeper then she was use to. It shook the nearby leaves of the trees and made the river tremble. "You want me don't you?" His words echoed in her head a few times before she was able to claim reality once more. And when she did he was staring at her, looking straight into her eyes.

I'm not gonna lie
I'll not be a gentleman
behind the boathouse
I'll show you my dark secret

Kagome sucked in her breath, she was frozen in her stance, her mouth open and eyes wide. He knew. She watched as a smile claimed his lips, a devious smile. It shook her small frame and sent shivers through her spine. He looked so damn good when he smiled. And he knew exactly what he was doing to her. At first her eyes decieved her, she looked afraid, fear ran deep, but the fire rose after realizing that he knew exactly what he was doing. Was he teasing me? She thought. She moved closer to him, breathing a little heavier. She balled her firsts and stood tall. A blush ran across her face when he smirked and raised one sexy eyebrow in complete arrogance at her. She gasped. He lightly laughed at her. He laughed, he actually laughed! She was awestruck by the laugh, she never saw it coming. He pulled her close, more of a yank then a gentle tug. She flowed full force against his chest. She could feel every inch of his firm and broad chest, she felt his breathing hitch and grow slightly at the close proximity of her body. She watched as he looked down into her eyes, full of desire, some would say a wanton lust matched by no other man she had ever seen. She placed her hand on his chest as if to push away from him. He smirked at this gesture and gracefully pulled her delicate hand into his own and placed her fingertips just below his ear along his jawline. Kagome bit her lip. Sesshoumaru smirked and grunted. His grunt was the sexiest thing she had ever heard. She couldn't help but gasp again. Her eyes betrayed what she was desperately trying to hide. His hand moved hers down his jawline, savoring the long and torturous touch, his head tilted slightly as her hand grazed the curve of his jaw. His eyes stayed locked on hers the entire time. He slowly pulled her hand towards his chin and up to his lips. His mouth slowly and murderously opened. His lower lip glistened in the darkening sky, puckered for dangerous liasons Kagome could only fathom within seconds. She watched as he moved her finger into his mouth. She couldn't control the small moan that escaped her lips as he gently wrapped his lips around her finger, so gently yet firmly, then she felt it, his tongue swirled playfully around the tip of her finger, it felt like electricity had jolted through her entire body in waves. His tongue was a brandishing iron that committed indecent acts upon her pysche. Her knees became weak, she sunk into his chest as he continued his torture upon her slack fingers. He summoned each delicate digit into his mouth, savoring each one with a slight nip of his deadly fangs.

I'm not gonna lie
I want you for mine
My blushing bride
My lover, be my lover, yeah...

He began to breathe heavier as his mouth and soft lips brushed gentle rushed kisses along her hand. She began to tremble, small earthquakes were erupting from within. Her mind was swirling with desire, her belly was doing a funny little dance within itself, her hand had never had such an enjoyable massage, nor had her being ever had something so erotic done to it. She felt his mouth and his hot breath run across the underside of her wrist. He stopped suddenly. Mouth open, eyes bore into hers, he chuckled and smiled open-mouthed, his fangs glistened in the dark sky and a glint of mishief shown in his eyes. Kagome froze in his stare. She had no control over herself or the situation. It was frightening and exciting all at the same time. When she sighed he pulled her wrist to his mouth and gently sucked the soft agile skin their. She felt the sting of arousal mixed with pain as he sliced through her wrist with his fang and sucked ever so seductively on her fresh blood that poured freely from the wound. She moaned. In pain or pleasure she could not comprehend.

Don't be afraid
I didn't mean to scare you
So help me, Jesus

"Yes you want me." He whispered as he lifted his ruby lips into her view. His lips were stained with Kagomes blood. It was animalistic what he had done and it had only made Kagome more vulnerable to his desires. She looked weak in his arms, and she felt weak. Whatever he was doing to her it wasn't going to take much more until she was ready to give in to every lustful thought that invaded her mind. He smiled again, more genuinly this time. Kagome cocked her head at him. She was confused with his mannerisms. Every smile he comitted, every laugh made the world hesitate for her. Hell she was confused by everything but the last thing she wanted was for him to stop his slow ministrations upon her being.

I can promise you
You'll stay as beautiful
with dark hair
And soft skin....forever

Kagome continued staring at him in wonderment. She was dumnfounded with his dramatic shift in personality. It was down right scary yet arousing. She wanted to fear him. It felt sexy and good. He smirked more intently at her, as if he could read her very thoughts. He gently pulled her closer and drew towards her ear, his tongue caressed the shell of her ear slowly, his warm breath teased the inside of her ear, his breath revealed in sound the want he had inside for her. Kagomes breath hitched in her throat. He stopped again and moved his mouth towards her inner ear. "I want you also Kagome." As soon as he revealed his desire Kagome swooned. She would have fainted if it weren't for the adrenalin that had vigoursly pumped itself into her young veins. Her hands moved over his body in a lust filled rush. Her mouth slowly moved up his jawline, mimicking his previous movements with her own apendage. He growled low in his throat and moved his head to capture her lips in a famished kiss that took her very soul away. She seemed to melt like the posion that was contained in his very claws.

Make up your mind
Make up your mind
And I'll promise you
I will treat you well
My sweet angel
So help me, Jesus

His mouth roamed hers in a fury and desire that matched her own. She had never had something bore from a simple want. This felt like more then a want, this felt like a necessity! She needed Sesshoumaru and it seemed that he needed her too. Maybe not in the fairytale romance way. But in the animalistic and sensual kind of way that made for the most dramatic of love affairs. So Kagome had conjured as she exited in and out of conciousness. His tongue caused moans and heavy breathing to escape into his mouth as he enveloped her inside him. If this was the kiss, could sex be so much more with him? She pondered only for seconds as she felt him undressing her right there on the edge of sanity. Kagome had no time to question her position on the situation, nor was she even thinking of trying to protest, this was a demon, and not just any demon, this was Sesshoumaru.

Give it up to me
Give it up to me
Do you wanna be
My angel?
So help me!

He lifted her unto the knotty worn dead tree that blocked the way so many times before, she remembered the nights previous to this as they would climb over it, or sit on it's ledge for a break from walking. She would never look at this tree the same way again. He hoisted her up and lifted her blouse from her self. She sat against him, skin against his soft kimono, she suddenly needed to feel him, and she clawed feverishly at his haori. His hands pulled hers away as he opened and revealed his thick muscular chest from his silk kimono confines, she watched as his armor fell swiftly to the ground with a soft thud in the slightly damp sand at the rivers edge. Her hands reached for his chest, as if she was a child delighted in a new toy. He was a toy, a delightful new toy that she wanted to play with for hours. A toy that she would never dull of. He moaned as her lips grazed his pecks and brushed lightly across his nipples. A low snarl silenced all of nature. He was becoming more and more consumed by the fire that burned within them both. She pulled her bra off and kissed him roughly on the mouth. Reveling in his sultry taste, nothing tasted as good as his lips and tongue, she could spend hours enjoying his savory skin in her mouth, she thought. Her breasts rose and fell in deep breaths as he moved his hands across her body and up into her hair, he pulled at the base of her skull causing her neck to bare and his moans to grow louder. He was getting rough with her and she loved it. She wanted his demonic aura to control every inch of her. She wanted this demon. She figured she could handle it. She couldn't fathom not handling it. She wanted it so bad, the rush came in waves, and every crash caused violent wants to flood her emotions and desires. Her body acted of its own accord. Her instinctual motives took over and controled all movements.

Be my angel
Be my angel
Do you wanna die?
I promise you
I will treat you well
My sweet angel
So help me. Jesus

Sesshoumaru suckled her breasts and lavished deep and intense affection upon each nipple, causing spasms to omit within Kagomes belly. Her wetness pooled like molten lava at her core. She moved her hand towards his lower regions, he was rock solid. She moved the haori out of her way and pulled the soft steel-like skin to the open air. She gasped as she heard him growl and yank her close, he teased and rubbed against her, causing whimpers and moans to escape Kagomes wet swollen lips, she yearned for the release, she wanted him to fill her, presently. Slowly and skillfully Sesshoumaru slid into her. Silent cries erupted from within Kagome. Tears sprung from her eyes. Tears of pleasure and anticipation, it felt like he had teased at her entrance for all eternity. He smirked and chuckled as she moaned soft mews of want. He enjoyed the feeling of her tiny hands pulling and clawing at his strong muscular arms in desperation for him to enter her entirely. He loved teasing her. She reacted to him inspiringly. He knew she wanted him and it only heightened his arousal for her. It was set on a whim, this beautiful Miko before him, shining in an eeiry glow of blue that she obviously could not see but could feel within every part of her body. The fantasic stimulation of fire that blended so well with his youkai caused lust and animalistic instinctiveness to reign supreme over him. He couldn't control what she was doing to him. Her moans and cries sent him reeling and he slowly slid into her warm, wet, and tight cavern. She tightened and he drew in deeper. Her walls were already eager for his promise. At first he moved in and out slowly enjoying the feeling of her deep and inviting secret. Then he slowly withdrew, painfully, he stopped, the tip of his head just pulsing on the outside of her opening. Her eyes shot open into his. She looked shocked and moaned in protest over his abrubt stop, her hips slowly bucked against his hard cock. With his able arm he roughly pulled her chin up more to his level. "Do you want me Kagome?" He whispered huskily. Her eyes widened then slacked in defeat, she knew she did, she would be a fool to deny it now. He roughly pulled her eyes up to his again. "Tell me you want me Kagome." He said firmly yet in a hush. She breathed in and sighed. "I...I want you." "Want what Kagome?" He asked in a heavy growl. "I want you." "Say my name Kagome, tell me you want me." Kagome was becoming weak, she yearned to be whole with him again, as if her very existence depended on him being inside her. "I want you Sesshoumaru." She said aloud. He smiled at her. "Good Girl." With that Sesshoumaru pounded deep inside her. She screamed aloud. The hushed whispers and soft spoken words all forgotten. She screamed in pleasure, she had no cares or inhibitions regarding who heard. She was reveling in the very nature and art of mating at the moment and no one would stop her from finishing this deep and sinful creation between her and Sesshomaru. She cried and clawed at his arms as he drove into her hard and roughly. She wanted it, she held on tightly as he slammed madly against her. His breathing causing the hairs on the back of her neck to rise. She had never thought breathing and moans could reveal so much. His did, it revealed his deep need for her, in those moments. She suddenly felt her belly twist and her core heated to burning, her walls were tightening and she screamed his name as if she were chanting. His name slid off her tongue with a lustfullness no demoness he had ever been with had been able to captivate. She matched his movements grinding her hips into his quickly and brashly. She knew she'd have bruises but the pleasure mixed with pain was everything she wanted at the moment. She cried out his name as she tightened in around Sesshoumaru. He loved hearing her release with his name on her lips, he wanted to hear it again and again. It was like the most melodic sound he had ever heard, it drew him closer to his own and when he did, he moaned her name in an over sexy whisper. He slowly moved in and out of her, releasing his seed within her, her cavern squeezing every drop from him in slow spasms that rippled through her walls. She lay slumped against his chest, her lips slightly parted as she panted in unison with him. His body rose and fell until it became steady. A thin sheen of sweat covered both of them. It caused a shimmering light to gleam upon their skin in the fresh moonlight.

Kagome looked up at a weary and very relaxed Sesshoumaru. He looked down at her and smiled. She smiled back at him and held him close. He pulled her closer and drew his face into her tousled hair. "I knew you wanted me." He smirked into her ear. She laughed and sighed. "And I knew you wanted me." Sesshoumaru looked down at her and cocked an eyebrow in a cute questioning look. She could still feel him inside her, still solid yet softened slightly. "Is that so?" Kagome smirked and raised an eyebrow at him in a mocking attempt. "Yes." She smiled and closed her eyes as she held him close to her relaxed body. Sesshoumaru moved his head and pulled her chin up, "Shall we do that again?" He asked. Amusement flared in his eyes shadowed with desire.

Hah! Just a fun little lemon I thought of while listening to this song tee hee. Hope you enjoyed.

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